Join Date: Nov 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Eliza Bellerose Slytherin Second Year
| Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate Text Cut: Greenhouse Eavesdropper! Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny [spoiler=Back in tiiiiime..oooo]Finally!
Destiny was starting to get impatient waiting for the Professor, and if she did not show up in the next few minutes, she was going to lead a search party around the castle to look for her. What if Lafay had found her and Dodson together? Carlton could be neck deep in a bushel of Devil's Snare by now, and no one would EVER find her!
But, luckily the woman showed up, and trailing behind her was a BUG eyed dog and a really big rat. Pffft. And Evelyn had said having a flobberworm as a pet was weird.
Standing up straight as the Professor walked in, and almost into her, Destiny was just about to hand over the parchment, but stopped when she was told to find a seat. Were the seats missing or something, because she was sure she saw a whole bunch of them. She took a quick look around the room, and sure enough, there were seats everywhere. "But, Professor!" she whined, following behind the woman as she listened to the reason she was late.
What an excuse! Yeah, she probably was in the Gardens, but she was NOT playing hide and seek with that big rat. Nope. Destiny knew better. Carlton was out playing hide and seek with Dodson!
Oh well. Destiny would just wait until after class to give the Professor the parchment. Stuffing it into her pocket, she moped her way over to the empty seat next to Evelyn. But Professor?!?!
Hearing Shepard's protests, Lexi turned around and gave the girl one of her looks. This look was one of confusion rather than annoyance. Did Shepard have some thing with standing in the doorways during class time or something? "If it that important, Miss Shepard, then you can see me during the activity portion of the lesson," she said, hoping this would please the girl. With that said and done, Lexi continued on with the lesson. Text Cut: Macavity Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity When Professor Carlton called the class to order, Simon turned his attention to the front so he could listen fully to what she had to say. Her words made sense especially with what had already been learned in both classes as well as what he had read on his own time. He was hoping to follow his older brother into the aurors after all.
At her questions, he thought for a moment or two before raising his hand to answer. "Well there are defensive charms including the shield charm and the patronus charm," he replied lowering his hand to his desk. "Exactly, Mr. Bennett. Two good examples of charms that can be used to defend ourselves against some form of dark magic," she said, nodding her in agreement. Of course there were other uses for both spells, but since this lesson was themed toward Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lexi decided to just focus on their usage against dark magic. Text Cut: sweetpinkpixie Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi thought for a moment. "Professor, is it true that there is no counter spell to a charm? If so, that could be very beneficial in a tight spot. Charms are a positive energy, so to speak, so they can make the caster stronger and protect you. You could lift something heavy and use it as a shield or a weapon, for example."
Lexi paused when a question was directed toward her. Turning toward Kurumi, she said, "Well, hmm, there are charms to reverse other charms, such as...the Summoning Charm and the Banishing Charm." Lexi narrowed her eyes ever-so-slightly as she listened to the girl's questions and tried to come up with the best possible answer. "Ahh, I see. You're right in that we can use charms to increase our ability to fight a number of different spells being used against. Good thinking, Miss Hollingberry!" Text Cut: city_girl_95 Quote:
Originally Posted by city_girl_95 Amy put her hand up you can use spells like Reducto or Wingardium Leviosa to create umm she stopped I dunno barriers or dead ends to someone chasing you she put her hand down feeling just a little stupid
*mental face palm*
The girl seemed so unsure of herself, yet...she actually had a pretty good reply to the question that had been asked. "That's right. Charms can be used on other objects, objects that in turn can help us fight against any number of things," she agreed. Text Cut: Lexers Quote:
Originally Posted by Lexers Humdumdeedum. "Well..charms can be used offensively like the banishing charm? That could be used for defensive purposes.. "
Lexi nodded in agreement. "Mmhmm, if used effectively, a person could just banish--ohh...a creature, an object...lots of different things!" she said, smiling at her female house prefect. Text Cut: grangerfan8 Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 What was shaking under that cloth? Staaaaaaare.
Arya had been going through her mental list of creatures, weeding out the ones that couldn't be in the box. She wanted to go over and poke said box with her wand, or even better open it, but she didn't want to be attacked by anything either. Not saying that Professor Carlton would put anything dangerous in there, but ya never know.
Maybe it was another professor...
Her eyes flicked over to the door when the professor entered the classroom, and then follow Prince Charming pet all the way up to the front of the classroom. She gave Ivory a small nudge and nodded at them, in case she didn't see them before listening to Carlton start the lesson.
It was a dark creature in the box, she added them back to her list as she raised her hand. "Charms can be used in a duel. A lot of the shields we use are charms." "Right! Charms are, of course, extremely helpful in duels. That is, if you know exactly the right charm to use and just when to use it," she said. Remembering something she'd always been taught in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lexi added, "Know your opponent--person or not--and that'll help you choose the right spell." Text Cut: Yaya Quote:
Originally Posted by Yaya Eeeps. Tough question. Annie wasn't so used in applying one class into another, but this was sure something to talk about, or at least think about it. She raised her hand and took a deep breath. "Well, when we are in DADA, we get to learn about the many creatures, dark creatures around that could harm I guess one example of this could be the Patronus Charm, that can be used as a defense for dark creatures such as Dementors, and also as our signature to be found in case of danger."
Umm, weird answer by Annie.
Patronus Charm, yes! Lexi had thought about teaching a lesson on the Patronus Charm, but she'd ended up changing her mind at the last minute. She'd save that lesson for another day and another time, though. "Very good example! There's lots of different uses for the Patronus Charm, but you're right, it most definitely can be used in defense," she agreed. Text Cut: Destiny Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny Eeeeeeep!
Defense against the Dark Arts and Charms? Together!? It was a good thing Noel was in the class with Destiny. If there was something scary under that blanket, the blanket that she had just noticed, she was going to hide behind him. Hehehe. He'd protect her. "In both subjects we need to use our wand."
Or at least she did.
Umm...okay. Hmm...
Not quite the type of answer Lexi had been hoping for, but one couldn't deny that Destiny Shepard was correct. "Yes, Miss Shepard, if we attempt both without a wand, we'd likely not get very far at all," she said. Text Cut: feltbeatslover22 Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 Trixie raised her hand, cautiously yet definitely noticeable. She could never be exactly, certain on her answers, most of them just flew out of her brain and she went with the flow. Now where was everyone she knew? The Sixth year was only a few desks away from Lori, but she couldn't see anyone else. Hmm...Weird. "Well if you find yourself in a duel situation, I'm pretty certain there are a variety of charms that could be used to defend yourself against what ever it is your facing, whether it be a dark creature or a dark witch or wizard..." Trixie started. Did she want like specific examples? Well that was if the Blonde could actually think of any. "I know there is a charm specifically entitled the Defensive Charm but little is known about it." Apart from the fact, some guy ages ago died when it backfired. Someone the Fearful, or at least something "Right, right, there's lots of charms that we can use to defend ourselves against many different aspects of dark magic, like the ones you just named, for example," she said, nodding once in Trixie's direction. "There's lots of different defensive charms, but I believe the one you're referring to was the cause of Fulbert the Fearful's death." Text Cut: potiongirl10 Quote:
Originally Posted by potiongirl10 Amy raised her hand "well um... there are lots of charms you can use to protect yourself such as the Expelliarmus charm or the Shield charm, Protego."she looked to the shaking lump under the sheet again... it was kinda creepy
As Lexi listened to Amy reply, she followed the girl's gaze to the shaking object under the sheet, something the professor was surprised no one had brought up quite yet. "Mmhmm, two more good examples of charms used to defend ourselves," she agreed. Text Cut: Yourenodaisy Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Emmaleigh thought about the question for a second. How can charms be used for defense? She raised her hand, "Well, you c-could, um use the summoning charm, to get a w-weapon or potion or s-something. or, the C-confundus Charm to disorient your attacker." "Good ideas--summoning weapons or confunding an attacker are two really good ways to merge Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts," Lexi said. Growing a bit tired of sitting on the edge of her desk, Lexi gently pushed herself away and began circulating the room. Text Cut: aussiegirl Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Were all Slytherin girls really hard to get a long with?
Mia followed the girl's gaze to the back of the room and finally noticed the sheet at the back of the room.
Oh. Apparently the girl was scared about about the sheet. That would explain why she was not being very talkative. "I'm sure the Professor wouldn't bring anything dangerous into the class." She said giving the girl an encouraging nod of the head.
So naive was our Mia.
Oooh the Professor was here.
Mia had to think about the question for quite a while before she raised her hand in the air. "We use many charms for defense purposes. Such as the Patronus charm used against Detementors. There is the shield charm used for blocking unfriendly spells. We can also use charms in the offensive such as the Confundus charm, the tickling charm and the banishing charm." "Mmhmm, mmhmm, all good answers," Lexi said, nodding toward the Hufflepuff girl. For some reason, her name escaped Lexi's mind. Mia, she thought it was. Yes, Mia. That was it! "Good examples, as well." Text Cut: Cedric Quote:
Originally Posted by Cedric Aiden dropped his quill onto his desk and perched his face on his fist. Really, he just wanted to find out what was under that darn sheet, but it made sense that Carlton would want to keep them guessing for a bit. His eyes averted to the woman when she posed a question.
Hmm. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms.
"I suppose Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts go hand in hand because there are pretty many charms that could be used in a combat situation," he said, once the person before him was finished speaking. Oh, uhmm.... now he needed to name some charms to back up his statement, yeah? "Diffindo, Protego, even Confundus.. they could all be potential charms to use against someone." He cocked his head to the side somewhat and looked at her when he finished. "That's right, so as you can see, Charms is a subject that merges greatly with many other subjects taught here at Hogwarts. There are charms that can work well in many, many different situations," she said, addressing Aiden first, and then addressing the class as a whole. "I'm sure if you really thought about it, you could come up with charms that would help you in each and every subject you take, even...Potions and Flying." Text Cut: HogwartsHokage Quote:
Originally Posted by HogwartsHokage Jenny kept looking over at the sheet. Gosh, that thing is so distracting! But even if she was able to pay attention, Jenny wouldn't be able to answer the question correctly. DADA is not one of her best classes. " can use Shield Charms to block attacks. And then there's Expelliarmus, where you can disarm your opponent." Yeah, that was the most horrible answer she has ever given.
Again, Lexi followed another student's gaze to the sheet. She'd have to uncover the object soon! If not, everyone's attention span would be off the lesson and on the still-shaking sheet! "You're exactly right! Good answer," she remarked. Text Cut: ☆Grrr..Meow☆ Quote:
Brant raised his hand "Professor, You can use Charms to block an attack or help defend yourself from the alleged attacker, lets say you were being chased by a dark wizard or witch. you can use the disillusionment charm, to hide yourself." he said while thinking that was a good idea, they couldn't attack someone they couldn't see right...
Turning toward her male prefect, Lexi said, "Disillusionment Charm--I like that one! Good example," she commented, giving Brant a smile just before moving on.
==================== "Alright, let's move on. Everyone had such good answers and good examples. However, no one actually touched on the topic of today's lesson. Let's get a little more specific," she said, still circulating the room. She paused near the sheet but didn't remove it. "Give me the name of a dark creature in which we can use a charm to defend ourselves against. Some of you listed a few, but does anyone know of any others?"
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