Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-03-2010, 06:02 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart Thanks for reading guys x

Chapter Twenty

“Mr Potter”
“She will not come”
“Did she say why?”
“She said she doesn’t want to see you, Dobby is sorry”
“It’s not your fault Dobby, where was she?” he reached for his wand and conjured a glass,
“Mungo’s Hospital, she was with a woman”
“Thankyou Dobby, you can go now”
“Are you certain Mr Potter?”
“Dobby, go back Hogwarts please and, look after Kreacher will you”
Dobby nodded and disappeared, he pointed his wand at the cupboard and a bottle of fire whiskey floated out to rest beside the glass. He poured it by hand and reached for the glass, taking a sip. She wasn’t going to come back, he wasn’t going to go after her, and he would just wait. He gulped the glass and poured another downing it in a single mouthful.
He sat back into the couch, twisting round so he was lying down and looked up at the ceiling, taking the bottle instead of the glass.

He had just woken up when there was banging on the door and threats from Ron’s mouth.
“Harry let us in here or I’m gonna blow the door off the hinges”
He ignored it, Ron could try, Harry was a better wizard and he knew it.
“Harry please” It was Hermione this time “Open the door, we’re worried about you”
He ignored it again and there was a loud bang as they tried to force there way in. Harry raised his wand, muttered something and instantly doubled the protection around the house.
“Harry please, it’s been days”
He hadn’t moved but to go to the toilet, the bottle and several others lay on the floor as he sat up.
“GO AWAY!” He yelled,
“Harry let us in now!” Ron said “Ginny’s still missing!”
“She doesn’t want to be found”
“What happened?” Ron asked “Harry let us in and tell us what has happened”
Harry swore at them and got up. He walked to the door and pointed his wand “You don’t leave and I’ll curse the living day lights out of you both, I don’t care anymore, I give up with her, I can’t do this because she won’t let me”
“Harry, don’t give up” Hermione sighed
“Go home, now”
Harry twitched the wand in his hand and the door glowed red “You come near this house again and I swear I will kill you both” he heard there apparition and lowered his wand, it dropped to the floor and so did he. He put his head in his hands and sighed rubbing his temples. He got up and walked to the kitchen pouring out water and then boiling the kettle with a flick of his wand, he made a mug of coffee and set himself up on the couch again sipping it slowly, so when she freaked out over Sophia she didn’t go home.

She went to Mungo’s, she was with a woman she knew but that had been days. He glanced at his watch; three days apparently, hmm he only remembered missing one not three. He yawned and drank his coffee rubbing his eyes and considering a shower. Was there much point, she wasn’t coming back since she ran away from him over something she didn’t even wait to see the truth from. She wouldn’t believe him; she wouldn’t give him a chance to explain anything. He sent out another patronus to her and waited.

Ginny poked the bowl of porridge and yawned,
“Ginny, how are you feeling?”
“Fine, he’s obviously not bothered for my whereabouts or he got the message to stay away”
“You don’t look fine, are you ready to see your family yet?”
“Not yet, I don’t think he will have told them what he’s done and it’s his responsibility”
“Ginny it might be better for you at home”
“I’m sorry for annoying you with this; I’m just going to go”
“Ginny if you’re not ready it’s fine for you to stay here”
“No, no look I’ll just go”
“Ginny stay, it’s fine”
“I still don’t know what to do; I thought things would be clearer by now”
“Give yourself a chance to get over it” She smiled, but then the stag charged to the kitchen,
Ginny looked up at it and put her head in her hands as it spoke “You didn’t give me a chance to explain, stop hiding because it’s not what you think, let me know you’re ok, that our baby’s ok because I love you and I miss you”
“He sounds – well he sounds miserable Ginny, maybe he’s telling the truth, what did you see?”
“I saw them talk, I watched them hug and she kissed him”
“You don’t think because she kissed him it wasn’t what you now believe?”
“I don’t think so”
“Maybe you should give him a chance, just one, let him tell you what he has to say”
“Nothing could change my mind, he’ll just say he loves me that he’ll do anything and I’ll fall for his rubbish just like I always have”
“What if he’s not – I mean what if he’s not lying, what if what you saw wasn’t what actually happened?”
“I can’t let him – he talks to me and I’ll forget what he’s done, he’s said it before we don’t argue, he just gives in, I’ll just give in to him, I’ll look at him and, and I’ll just end up kissing him or something”
“Your scared of forgiving him for something your not even sure he’s done” Penny said with a sigh “Why not talk to him but I’ll be there and you tell him to bring someone and we’ll sort this out”
“What do I say to him?”
“Tell him what you saw, let him explain and then decide what to do”
“You think – I mean you really could believe he is telling the truth?”
“If what you’ve said about him the three days you’ve been here and not stopped talking about him, I can believe anything” she smiled “I think you should give him a chance”
“Can – can he come here, if I go back there I think I might end up staying”
“Sure, and tell your brother to come, let him know your ok”
“Not him, I’ll ask Hermione, he’ll just get angry”
“Who ever you want lets just get this sorted out hey?” she smiled,
“Yes” she sighed “Erm… shall I send him an owl?”
“How about I send him a patronus, quicker and you get in less trouble”
“Please” she smiled, Penny raised her wand and a small silvery sparrow flew out sitting on the table, she sent it with a message and smiled as it flew out the window.
“Yours is beautiful, mine changed when I – when I realised I loved Harry, it’s a doe or I think it is unless I hate him so much its changed back”
“I didn’t know they could change”
“Yeah, we found that with our friend, hers changed to the same as the guy she was pining for, it took him a while to get over himself and his worries and finally start seeing her, he thought he was too old and too – too much of a werewolf for her, she didn’t care, still doesn’t, they’ve got a little boy now”
“You should be able to work this out”
“I don’t know”
“Just wait and see”

He sat on the couch and saw the sparrow approaching, it passed through the window and sat on the table a woman’s voice speaking to him,

“Ginny is staying at River Side cottage; she wants to see you in half an hour come here and explain” he jumped up and ran up the stairs to the shower. He washed and changed and combed his hair, brushed his teeth and put on new clean clothes. He checked his watch and stepped into the fireplace. He stepped out into a kitchen to find Hermione and the woman sitting there drinking coffee,
“Tell me the truth Harry; you weren’t cheating on her were you?”
“Don’t be stupid of course not, I love her, Sophia is a girl I just met – I met her by accident, I pulled her out the way of a car and then it turned out she is Sirius’s daughter”
“And you were kissing her because”
“She gave me a peck on the cheek because I told her who her father was, that was it, Ginny overreacted over something she saw, she wasn’t in the room, she didn’t think to ask and she hasn’t given me chance to explain until now, where is she?”
“In the living room” Penny said,
“Who are you?”
“Penny Joplin” Ginny’s healer and friend” she stepped in front of the door to stop him from going in, “We’re coming in to, she wants us there”
“Fine, just let me in there – now”
She stepped out the way and opened the door,
“Ginny” he said relieved, she was sitting in an armchair facing the window and away from him, he knelt down in front of her “You’re ok?” he asked,
“I saw you” she said simply stroking his cheek with her fingertips, “I saw you with her” she was crying again and her hand went to her face to try and hide her tears,
“Ginny I would never ever cheat on you, I couldn’t do that to you, and I wouldn’t” he reached to hold her hand “I won’t ever – it’s an impossible thing to even consider that I would because I love you so much I can’t hurt you like that”
“Who is she?”
“Sirius’s daughter, I literally only just met her and completely by accident it turns out that’s who she is”
“How is that even possible?”
“It’s complicated”
“I’m not going anywhere”
“I went to my parent’s graves, that day you left me the first time, then she was jogging in the middle of the road and stopped in front of a car, I pulled her out of the way and we got talking and I walked her home – she invited us to her party to say thanks and then I went to see her again and ended up speaking to her mother. We got to talking and she revealed that she is in fact magical, she knew my parents and she knew Sirius really, really well, then Sophia came home and we went to the café and I accidently told her who her dad was after promising her mother I wouldn’t, she hugged me and I told her his name – she needed to know and she kissed my cheek saying thankyou”
“Why did you go to see her?”
“Because I wanted to talk to someone, and I figured I could wish her happy birthday while I told her we wouldn’t be going to her party because I didn’t want to leave you for too long, she’s just my friend – she wants to be yours too unless you feel like going round there and shouting at her again”
“Why couldn’t you talk to me?”
“Because I needed someone outside this whole thing so I could get my head round it all, you scared me with – with what you told me Ginny” he didn’t want them to know what she’d tried to do but he knew they did apart from Penny, “That kind of thing isn’t easy to take in, Ron’s not going to understand, Hermione would just tell you what I said-”
Hermione butted in “I would not”
“Yes you would and you know it” Harry looked up at her “You’re her best friend just like your mine, that’s why you would and don’t get me wrong its good your there for her and you guys talk but I don’t have anyone outside our relationship-” he turned back to Ginny “- that I can talk to and that she can talk to me, I can tell her about her father and she can help me help you”
“So there was nothing going on, I mean – I mean”
He nodded his head “Nothing”
The tears flowed more freely now and she threw herself on him in a hug, “I’m sorry I didn’t – didn’t believe you, that I didn’t give you a chance”
“Don’t apologise Gin, just come home” he was crying now “Please, Gin, come back”
She stroked his face and kissed his lips, his cheeks, his eyelids and wrapped her arms round his neck “Take me home”
RIP JD Salinger
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