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Old 10-01-2010, 12:07 AM   #255 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Hello to all my readers. Tonight I’m going to make the comments as brief as I can because the chapter is so very long. You’ll need some cookies and milk for this one. This is the last chapter of the story, and if you need to ask questions, I will answer them as soon as I see that you have asked them, IF they aren’t answered in the Epilogue which will be posted next Thursday. Thank you each and everyone for reading, and thank you to my readers who comment.

Morag: Hello Sophie.
Is it by any chance James, Albus and Lily?
The window with the children are answered in the Epilogue.
Ah, how exciting!!! Though poor Tom seems to have had a hard life at times. He needs big glomps !
Yes, a very hard life, and he’s thankful for the big glomps. Thank you Sophie, for commenting.

Emily Black: Hello Emily. Again, the window- Epilogue. I wanted to make Ginny real when she recognized Sirius, even though she was with Dumbledore she was still startled when she saw him. And I couldn’t resist throwing in a cute reaction to his charm and good looks.
Learning about Jim was quite fascinating, if I may say so. I love the whole Merlin part
Thanks Emily. It was fun coming up with that whole scenario. Thank you Emily, for commenting.

Miss Weasley: Hello Katie girl! The window-Epilogue.
I have now figured it out, but have decided to leave it to you to reveal the secret! (A, A, and A, perhaps?) You are very ingenious! I love it!
Whatever are you talking about?!? Thank you sweetie for saying I’m brilliant. Quite a stretch, but it sure made me feel good.
The sneaky man was totally unfair allowing Ginny to see that there was a definite wedding established for the future, but not allow her to see the date! So unfair!
Ah, but you see, the thing is, the future is never known for sure. All things seen in the future is just something that could happen, because something could be altered between now and then? The future is what we make of the present. Thank you, Katie for commenting.

A/N: I wonder if anyone caught Dumbledore saying, “Jonathon?” And has anyone figured who Jonathon is? Watch for a clue towards the end of the chapter, although the name is not mentioned again. Next Thursday, Epilogue “Of Heads or Tails Twenty Three Years Later.”


The Tesseract to Save the World

“I’m sure this is very mind boggling and all, but what does Merlin have to do with Harry, and why we’re all here in this place?” asked Sirius.

“Yes, of course. We must get back to the reality of this world.” At this moment, Ginny saw Dobby carrying a box of kittens, and following them was Moondrop, and young Tom, in the window of Dumbledore’s office. Then Dobby snapped his fingers and he was in the same space as everyone else. He set down the box, and then pulled out from the box, some photo albums, along with Sirius, and Lissydove’s wands.

“Thank you Dobby. Is there anything you need to preserve from the time change Dobby?”

“Oh no Sir, Master Dumbledore. We is bending time long before this time our own selves. Ever sense the great student of magic, Merlin, was taught by Dobby’s father of four generations ago.”

“Your great, great, great Grandfather taught magic to Merlin, the greatest … wizard of … all… time!” Sirius said looking from Dobby to Dumbledore. “This story just keeps getting better and better!” Sirius said looking hard at Dumbledore.

“This will be a little difficult,” Dumbledore said as he tweaked a little on a knob. “Please bear with me a moment. Here we are.” Now, as you see, our Miss Lissydove is here, so what we are about to watch is the past. And as I said, it will be difficult to watch.”

Lissydove came into view. She was running across a street with rain pouring down, thunder cracking, and lightening flashing brightly. It was a very bad thunderstorm. She was leaving the hospital where she worked. She had a newspaper held over her head to try to keep the rain off her face. A speeding car came barreling down the street she was crossing.

“No!” Ginny screamed. What happened was to unnerving for her to watch. Dumbledore put his arms around Ginny, and held her trembling shoulders against him.

“That was awful hard to watch. We had to let that happen, or else she would have found her way here and the things that we are fixing would have come undone.”

“But, how do you know she would have come here? Why couldn’t you just let her live and tell her you didn’t have a place for her?”

“I actually thought of that, and instead of her getting hit by that car, she was struck by lightning, and the new mother of an unborn baby was hit by the speeding car. Another time I changed that, and something just as devastating happened. Finally I accepted her application and apparated her into Hogsmeade. I checked the news and saw not only did the speeding car kill the new mother, but also instead of Miss Lissydove, lightening struck a little girl that was behind her. She was the little niece of the new mother to be. Because Lissydove lived, three other people died. So I thought, well I can’t have this, so I was there to slow the speeding car down, and put a protective shield around the mother and niece. Lissydove and I came on back here, and all is well. Would you make that assumption in this case? Miss Weasley?”

“Yes” she answered quietly, almost whispering.

“But, what has happened because I displaced too much magic over and over is …” Ginny gasped and put her hand over her mouth.

“Merlin’s rock experiment?”

“Yes indeed Miss Weasley. The only difference is, it is occurring at a slow rate. Are you aware of what Muggle Scientists are calling a hole in the O Zone layer? This hole is actually the beginning of a tear in the Universe. If it keeps growing, it will implode. Our beautiful world will suck itself in and the moon, stars and every grain of cosmic dust will be sucked in with it.”

“A Black Hole” Ginny whispered barely audible. “But, the Scientists say it’s from spray cans and automobile gas fumes, and freezing air stuff.”

“What you probably mean is; aerosol from a can, exhaust emissions from automobiles, and refrigerant for air conditioners. Yes, very good, those are harmful to the O Zone, and of course, they would say that, because it is the only logical thing for them to think, sense most Muggles don’t believe magic exists. Moreover, those things certainly do not help the tear at all. Nevertheless, all is not lost. Our Miss Lissydove is alive and well at this moment.”

“That was rather un-nerving to watch,” said Lissydove. “Yes, Ginny, if I hadn’t gotten the post here, I would have gotten in somehow, even if I had to transform myself into a house elf.”

Dumbledore smiled, but said nothing, except, “Time travel can be mind boggling. Sirius, you and your beautiful bride need to step through the window from the present. The first thing we have to do is a disenchantment spell on you. You will be a couple living in Albania with Ottery St. Catchpole and Kelly. He twirled his wand and apiece of parchment folded itself and went in Sirius’s hand. Please give this to Ottery. There you will stay under secret protection until Voldemort is no more. It could be years, but it is imperative you stay in hiding till you get the word that Voldemort is dead.”

“But Albus, won’t they be suspicious?”

“We don’t need to concern ourselves about that. Ottery is no stranger to time, or even parallel universe travel. I’m not even sure if he is from this universe, but for the last one hundred fifty odd years he has been here and promises to stay till Voldemort is gone. Please give them my regards, and tell them to keep up with their work as normal.”

Jim stepped forward, took Sirius’s hand in his, and said, “It truly has been a blessing knowing you and being friends with you. It was kind of like being with James again. Thank you again for your friendship and for taking such good care to get James and Lily back here to Albus. I will miss you, and the both of you have a wonderful life.”

Dumbledore clasped Sirius’s hand and shook it. “You really did do magnificently that night. I know it was terrible what you went through. I’m sorry you’ve been robbed all these years your relationship with Harry you could have had. He still would have had to stay with the Dursley’s though. You can come back and start all over when Voldemort is dead.” Then with a flip of the wrist, Sirius and Lissydove, wands in hand, disappeared through the window where Dumbledore pointed.

“So, that was Sirius Black, and he really was innocent, and Miss Lissydove knows him?” Ginny said quickly, for things seemed to be moving along rather quickly.

“I’m sorry Miss Weasley; there wasn’t much time for introductions and the sort. Yes, he and Miss Lissydove were married a short time back.” He was turning knobs again and waited a moment then he pointed to a green light that just came on over one of the windows. “They have arrived at the home of Ottery St. Catchpole and Kelly. They saw Sirius and Lissydove in the window that came into view under the green light. Now, we can proceed to the next thing we need to do.”
He started turning dials and flipping switches. “We will go back to the beginning of school term of this year.” He looked at the window where Lissydove had been hit by the car and that scene evaporated into a different one.

A scene came into view of the morning Harry Potter, the Weasley children and Hermione were about to board the train. He turned the dial and the hands on the clock stopped speeding backwards and then sped forward. Everything moved at an alarming speed. They watched as the Hogwarts students were traveling the train to Hogwarts and the Dementors were about to enter the compartment and trying to get Harry. Dumbledore froze time and turned to Ginny.

“You must go in and get Crookshanks and step back here, while this Crookshanks gets on a seat, so he doesn’t bolt up Ron’s leg, injuring him. Miss Lissydove won’t be there to help him and I don’t want to think what will happen if it is discovered that, there is a Werecat at Hogwarts. I will go in and set Harry down, and put away his wand.”

“But, what will happen if when we’re correcting things, we don’t reset everything exactly the same as before we stopped time?” Ginny asked clearly nervous about what was happening and the role she was playing.

“If things aren’t exactly set the same then a sense of what Muggles call, ‘déjà vu’ will occur.” Dumbledore answered her with a twinkle in his eyes.

Ginny’s eyes blinked with her mouth slightly ajar, for she had experienced this a few times herself.

“Time adjustments aren’t uncommon at all, Miss Weasley” Watching Ginny’s expressions were as good as watching a child unwrap a present at Christmas, for him.

Ginny shook her head and focused on what was at hand.

“Professor, why not keep the Dementors from getting Harry. It was the most terrible thing I’ve ever seen before.”

“If it was safe to do that, I would do it in a heartbeat. Alas, that would set off a chain of events causing a bigger tear in the universe. We will change only things that have happened because of magic or indirectly by magic. We must allow things to happen naturally. Harry is a strong lad, and hard as it is to believe, these things make him stronger. “

So they stepped through the window, and after the Dementors left the train Dumbledore stopped time and Ginny and Crookshanks returned the other Crookshanks to the train. Then Dumbledore suddenly stepped through and came back with a rather large pickle jar full of swarming insects.

Ginny looked at him and pointed to them. “Aren’t those the ummm, “Yes, indeed they are. When Harry cast his spell at the Dementor, there happened to be a student running in the isle away from the Dementor, and he was stunned by Harry’s spell. The Imps also were stunned, but when they came to they found themselves free of the broken jar and the train empty. They made their way to Hogwarts and must have taken refuge in the small standing of pines down at the Quidditch Pitch. I shall take these Imps to The Ministry of Magic, and tell them what they are, and of course I trust they will be given a proper name.”

“And so, we don’t have to worry about Harry getting bit by them, and that whole mess won’t happen. And … we won’t have to use magic to keep that from happening.” Ginny said laughing with glee.

Ginny and Dumbledore continued watching until it was time for Crookshanks to find Sirius at the Whomping Willow. Dumbledore and Crookshanks spoke to the Crookshanks of that time era, and explained quickly what was going on, and that he must help Sirius without the use of magic or communicating with him. He was convinced that everything was good in the future, and they would catch Peter. So, after Crookshanks and Dumbledore left, he didn’t talk to Sirius, but let him in and out of the Whomping Willow. Crookshanks didn’t take him food and drink or take him to get his wand and the photo albums. The day Ginny and Harry went flying; Dumbledore stopped time, and caused Harry to go talk to Remus Lupin instead of flying.

The past again started flying through time, and each time something happened because of or indirectly because of the direct use of magic, to change something, then Dumbledore would stop time and one or all of them would step in and fix it.

They came to the present time and Dumbledore looked at the Common rooms. A house elf came in and started stoking the fire, and other house elves went into the other dormitories and stoked the fires. In seconds, all the Common rooms were full of the elves cleaning.

Ginny drew in her breath. “Sir! The Tesseract seems to be malfunctioning.” She turned back around and found the rooms completely cleaned and all elves gone from the rooms. She looked up at the clock and noted in surprise that the hands were not turning. They were still at the same time as when they stepped out. “But, I don’t understand Sir. The time didn’t change, and yet they were all in there and cleaned everything and rebuilt the fires in no time at all. Literally!”

“Yes, you are correct. You’re forgetting that house elves are magical creatures. You heard Dobby here say that they use space-time magic all the time. It’s how they are able to do all their duties and take care of our needs, and still have their time to rest, have their family time, and sleep. We would have to house thousands to do everything they do in the course of a day, if they didn’t bend time.”

“Ok, Miss Weasley, is there anything you need to know before we wrap up this little escapade of ours?”

The glint in his eyes was endearing as he looked at Ginny. “Well yes Sir. If, I mean … When the House Elves use magic, where is the displaced magic at? I mean to say, why doesn’t the rip keep getting bigger, and even if we fix it, it will just tear again, with all the displaced magic.”

Dumbledore laughed merrily and the twinkle in his eye’s danced. He looked at Dobby and said, “Miss Weasley asked a question that I do not have the answer to, and I must say I would rather like to have the answer myself.”

“Oh yes, Master Professor Dumbledore Sir. Dobby can reply with the answer. The magic used is causing dispersed energy, and we is harnessing the energy in the field of a matter stream, and we is using the energy to make our stoves and ovens more efficient to our needs.”

Ginny gawked at Dobby and blinked several times with her mouth open, then looked at Professor Dumbledore and spoke half dazed.

“Um well, I was wondering if I’ll be able to remember … things when I get returned or, will I return, because there is already a Ginny there? What is to become of that me or me … me? Also, does this mean the hole in the O Zone will be closed, when the rip in the Universe is fixed?”

“These are all very important questions. Firstly, the hole in the O Zone will still be there. We must let the Muggle scientists do something for their people. It would be too costly a feet to try and erase the memories of everybody knowing about the O Zone. Yes, you will retain all your memories, since I have pulled you out of the period. You’re little vial of “help” is still intact as is the, lemon, Harry’s shirt; (at this she blushed) everything in fact is intact, as long as it is in this space with us at this moment.

He reached into a pocket and pulled out Harry’s book Madam Pomfrey gave him. This was most ingenious what she did for Harry, and right under my nose at that.” He smiled delighted with her cleverness. “I must be more careful around her from now on. For all her innocence of wanting to help Harry, this is the very thing that caused us to have to undo all these things. If Harry had been able to contain his rage as he frequently has to do, and think clearly instead of full of anger and hate, then he would have figured out a way to leave Hogwarts and start looking for the Cru …,” he stopped and looked at Ginny. “Forgive me, but I can’t finish what I was about to say. Anyway, time is repaired, and we may now return to the present time. Let us look at the good that has come of this. You still have all your memories, and the things in your special pocket and this.” He handed her the book of Harry’s memories. I’ll entrust this to you to give to Harry after Voldemort has been defeated. I pray that he doesn’t see me in a bad way for the things I’ve had to do to him. And I still have this,” he held the miniature LED Monitor and Lissydove’s books that were stacked neatly in a corner. I must have Lissydove and Sirius come back after Voldemort is gone. She was a tremendous help to Madam Pomfrey. Now, this brings us to your other question. How will we be incorporated into the present while already there is one of each of us there already?” He looked at Crookshanks.

“Crookshanks, you understand why I brought you here and your family also?”

“Yes, Albus, because we are creatures we cannot be depended upon to do what is expected by the humans.”

“Well, actually, I brought you and your family here in case something hadn’t gone right with the shop keeper not taking you in, I was afraid you would just apparate into Hogwarts and work under stealth. You wouldn’t have a family if that was the turn of events. I just wanted to make sure you were able to have your family is all.”

“Thank you Albus. That was very thoughtful of you.”

And I had Dobby stay here in case something happened while we were in the past, so he could pull us out. He is in charge of your little family, and yes I could not take the chance of any of them getting away from him, while he was occupied with the errands I had him on.” He looked down at young Tom who was at that moment, trying to jump through one of the windows.

“Yes, thank you” Jim said, for he transformed back into the human to talk to Dumbledore.

“OK, if we’re all set then, we will all step through the window. After ten minutes, we need to be where our other selves are at. I will take Harry and put him with his other self. When you get there be as close to the spot where your other self is, and the time dilation field will lower and you will move into your other self. Dobby, will you take care of the little ones to help Moondrop. And we need to find out where you are Crookshanks.”

“I more than likely will be with Hermione.” Dumbledore turned a knob and a green light came on, he flipped a switch, and the girls’ dormitory came into view.

“Yes, there you are, and I see you are most agitated. It is like you said. You feel the Tesseract working.”

“Yes, it is most unsettling.” Jim offered.

Ginny looked at the window and watched as Hermione was sleeping in the view also. “So, Professor?” She looked at him sheepishly. “Um … You’re able to just come into this space and … um … see … whatever is going on?”

Dumbledore saw what Ginny was getting at. “If I were an immoral person, then yes, I suppose I would be able to do that. But, I’m not immoral, and so I wouldn’t do that. You saw the green light over the one window? I said that Sirius and Lissydove were safely at Ottery’s place. We looked through that window and seen them there? That green light goes on here in this space, in my office, and on my Illuminator, whenever there is someone here at Hogwarts that needs help, or when a mission has been completed so I can return to the present. I can go into this space and look to what window the green light is in, and it shows me where that person is at. This is the only way; I look into any private space so I don’t invade any privacy.”

Ginny looked relieved. She trusted Dumbledore so she nodded her head. “And the reason you asked me to come and help you was, well, I don’t now why. But, I came and helped you. Are you going to cause me to forget this Tesseract thing?”

“I should think that you would know the answer to that Miss Weasley. I didn’t have to have you help me. I had you help me so you could keep your memory of your special day with Harry. I wanted Ron and Hermione to know the Secret Keeper, so they could at the right time be able to remember Harry’s memory we saw in the hospital wing that day. You were the logical person for that. You are Harry’s Secret Keeper, and because of that you have some responsibility to the Tesseract being kept secret. So, you see; you don’t have to forget; and you won’t be able to tell. I probably won’t be around when that time comes to pass.

“Thank you Sir. I have learned a lot from that day. And I never want to forget it, or the time I spent with Harry. But, Sir, you could always be around with this Tesseract. You could have been Merlin for all I know. Why not,” But her sentence was not finished. “Ginny,” he looked at her with old eyes. “Excuse me dear, for the interruption. I will say this, and then we will all step through the window. My pet phoenix has a life span of five hundred years. He then dies in a fire he sets upon himself, and raises anew from the ashes. I have seen this happen on more than one occasion. I think it is time for me to move on. I have stayed around ridding this world of evil wizardry trying to close the tear in the universe. I will not be the one to defeat Voldemort. Another great wizard will do that, and he will be the next great and powerful wizard. The Tesseract has allowed me to stay long enough to fix things that has been messed up by magic from ages long past gone, and this last bit I‘ve done, we‘ve done, will close the rip in the universe, and I can go on to my resting place when my time is up.”

Her mouth dropped open and he smiled then gently pushed her through the window. Dobby stepped through then Jim, who then changed into Crookshanks. Dumbledore made his books and miniature LED Monitor disappear into a small bag and put it in a pocket in his robe, then flipped a switch and stepped through the window bringing Harry along by his elbow.

Ginny and Crookshanks hurried off to get to the places they needed to be. Dobby already had Moondrop and the kittens back with Luna, and he was back in his little nook off of the kitchen. Crookshanks stood over the Crookshanks that was cuddled up on the top of Hermione’s pillow.

Dumbledore took Harry and placed him up against the Harry that was lying on his back looking straight ahead and seeing nothing. But the look on his face matched the look exactly as the Harry had on his face that Dumbledore just returned. “What an angry young man. I wonder what thought he could have that would cause such a venomous look on his face. At least he won‘t be confused when he is one with himself. They are both having the same emotions at the moment.”

Then Dumbledore disappeared into the headmasters’ chambers where he was standing frozen in time as everyone else was. A wave of indescribable motion swept over the school and time was restored.

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 11:16 PM.
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