Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:49 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Unhappy And another x

Chapter Nineteen

"Harry, where the hell have you been?” Ron grabbed his arm and pulled him up the stairs, before Molly, Arthur and all the brothers could say anything,
“She’s gone, you haven’t seen her?”
“What, but she was ok, she was asleep”
“Hermione went up there, left to get her a drink and she was gone, we’ve been looking for her since, we couldn’t find you because you disappeared off the face of the earth for an hour and a half”
“What – can’t you track her wand?”
“She keeps moving, they can’t keep a hold on her”
“Why didn’t you send me a patronus?” Harry said stopping to look at him “It would have found me, I could have been looking”
“We did, it obviously didn’t work because you were surrounded by muggles, they don’t work then – where did you go that was so important?”
“To see someone”
“You don’t know anyone that’s muggle apart from you uncle, aunt and cousin so why would you be back there?”
“I wasn’t, I went to see a friend”
“Guy or girl – if your cheating on my sister I’m going to kill you”
“Don’t be stupid!”
“You knocked her up; you could at least stick around for a bit not just run away when she pretends to fall asleep”

Harry punched him and then grabbed him by his collar holding him against the wall
“I went to talk to the only person I could about why my girlfriend would try to kill our child, because I can’t talk to you, I can’t talk to Hermione and I sure as hell can’t talk to her about it-” Ron made to talk but Harry glared into his eyes
“- I left to get my head round the fact I’m going to be a father but the mother of my child, who I love so much I could forgive her anything, couldn’t face me to tell me because she thought I was going to abandon her, I left her for an hour and a half in her own families protection and care and you couldn’t stop her from going, you didn’t stay with her like I asked”
“We did – we looked after her, she woke up and we were there”
“You left her alone” he said viciously his hand holding on tighter,
“Harry let him go, don’t blame him, blame me” Hermione said walking over a hand on his shoulder,
He held fast,
“Let him go” Arthur said, walking up the stairs “Let him go now!”
Harry did so and stepped back “Where was the last place you tracked her too?”
“Bill’s been, there is no point going there”
“Where” he said defiantly,
“There is nothing-”
“I didn’t ask what you think about it, I asked where so tell me” he replied taking out his wand,
“Don’t talk to my father like that” Ron put in angrily,
Arthur stared at him until Harry turned to looking into his angry eyes, “Where did she go?!”
“Godric’s Hollow”
Harry stared “Where in Godric’s Hollow?
“Just to an alley way, it looks out to a café”
Harry swore and apparated to the spot he knew well, it’s where he disappeared to when Sophia came after him.
“Ginny” he muttered to himself “What did you see, where did you go?”
He pointed his wand around, trying to get a trace on where she’d been there was nothing, she hadn’t moved on unless it was on foot, unless - Sophia.
He apparated to her cottage and banged on the door,
Her mother opened it but slapped him round the face “You told her!”
“I told her to go to you!” he replied “Where’s Ginny?”
“I don’t know who you’re talking about, I just know you interfered, you’ve ruined everything I tried to protect her from”
“She needed to know” he pushed her out of the way “Sophia!” he shouted,
A man who he assumed was her husband came out to see them “What’s going on? Who are you?”
“He’s the reason she’s up there crying her eyes out on her birthday”
“What did you break up with her or something?”
“No, let me talk to her – Sophia?” he called out again “It’s Harry come and talk to me”
She appeared at the top of the stairs “She’s gone” she replied,
“Where?” he asked,
“I don’t know, she didn’t say”
“Who are you talking about?” Her parents asked together,
“His fiancée” she said exasperated “She just appeared in my room, she said she knew about us and that she was leaving you and the baby wasn’t going to have anything to do with you, you wouldn’t have anything to do with them anymore”
“Did you tell her that I only just met you?”
“Yes, she didn’t believe me, she saw the hug she watched us talk, I tried to tell her about – about why and that you know my dad”
Harry put his head in his hands, muttering “No – no – no, this can’t be happening”
“I’m sorry, I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen”
“You know who her father is?” Mr Davis said looking at him “How, who are you?”
“He was my godfather”
“He died, two years ago, his cousin murdered him in cold blood in front of me, there is no body, there is no grave, there is nothing left of him”
“What – he died and you never told me!” she shouted at her mother,
“I didn’t know myself until he told me, his world – his world is full of pain and death and misery, and I didn’t want to be a part of that, I didn’t want you to be a part of it, and look where he ended up by not leaving it”
“It doesn’t make up for the fact you never told me who he was”
“I’m sorry”
“Sorry that this stranger knows more about my father then I do?”
“Yes – now you, you need to get ready for your party”
“Yes because it’s your birthday and we’re going to celebrate it, I love you and I’m sorry I never told you about him, but he would have hurt you”
“Harry doesn’t seem to think so”
“I knew him better” Harry said angrily, “I know that he would have wanted to know her, I know if you had stood by him he would never have let you down, if he had had you, you could have stopped him from avenging my parents murder and ending up in prison for twelve years of his life – if you hadn’t have ran away from him he would have loved you”
“He wasn’t the same man back then as he was, when you knew him evidently prison changed him for the better”
“How can you think my father would have been friends with anyone completely devoid of any attachment to a child, he was a good man, you didn’t see it, you just saw that he wanted to fight, he was fighting for our kind Gwendolyn Whyte”
“He was fighting for us, for Sophia, for my parents, and for every single witch and wizard in our world, he was a member of the order of the phoenix and he was fighting against Voldemort to save everything we hold dear, he fought and he won, yes he lost his life but it wasn’t in vain, he only made it easier for me to kill Voldemort”
“You – you killed him”
“You missed out on a lot Gwendolyn, shutting yourself out like you have, this-” he lifted up his hair to show the scar “- This is what’s left when your nearly murdered by a killing curse as a baby but your mother dies to save you” he lifted up his shirt to show the scars “This is all that comes from fighting evil for seven years, Sirius was the only link left to my parents and then he was murdered by his own cousin, now, by accident I’ve found the one thing he left behind only to find he didn’t even know and that makes me angry, I knew him, he was my family and he would have wanted to have been hers”
“I- I – I don’t know what to say”
“Just apologise to her, I’m going to find Ginny”
She smiled ruefully at the top of the stairs “Good luck Harry”
“Celebrate your birthday Sophia; Sirius would have wanted you to be happy no matter what happened” She nodded and he made to leave
“Thankyou” she smiled,
“World - what world - what are you two going on about?” Mr Davis said confused,
“Can I tell her first, please Michael; this isn’t how I wanted this all to turn out”
He left and drew his wand trying to think of where she would have gone, the leaky cauldron was his first choice, he ran to the bar “Tom”
“Mr Potter”
“Have you seen Ginny Weasley?”
“No, I’m sorry; she hasn’t been here at all”
“Are you sure?”
“Sure as can be Harry, I’m sorry”
“Thanks” he left and focused all his energy on sending a patronus to her watching it charge down the crowded diagon alley and disappearing into the crowd. He apparated to Grimmald place, locked all the doors, sealed the fireplace and banished Kreacher to Hogwarts. He closed the curtains, sat on the couch and put his wand with his watch on the table beside him. He called Dobby and waited for him to appear.

“Dobby” he said quietly, in the unlit room
“Mr Potter?” Dobby’s bulbous eyes squinted in the dark,
“I need you to find someone for me”
“Who Mr Potter, Dobby will look everywhere for Mr Potter”
“Ginny Weasley”
“It will be done, shall I bring her here?”
“Alright Mr Potter, you can trust Dobby”
“Thankyou” he replied as he disappeared. He sat back into the cushions, staring at the wall. He closed his eyes to see her smiling face, he saw her holding their baby, and he saw her playing with the little girl, with the same red hair flowing behind her as she ran round the garden smiling as the spitting image of her mother.

She didn’t care if they tracked her, she didn’t care if they took her wand and expelled her from school from all this magic use, and she had to know where he was and why he’d leave her when he said he wouldn’t. Ginny thought he would have gone to their graves if he wasn’t at home, she apparated to the alley way he’d taken her too before, when they’d went to the graves just when they started dating. She remembered how upset he’d been, that he’d asked her especially to go with him and not Ron or Hermione. She walked out and then saw him in the café across the street. She stopped; she stared and took a step closer.

Her heart thumped fiercely in her chest, he was with another girl. She watched them talking, talking intensely and not looking away from each other. He got up to leave and she stood up to. He looked torn and the whole establishment turned to see them. He stopped and turned back talking to her, she said something that warranted him going back to hug and watched her kiss his cheek as she put a hand to her mouth trying to fight the urge to be sick.

She hid behind a bin and watched him apparate. She watched Sophia go back inside and pay after wondering where Harry had gone. He left her to go back to the Burrow and pretend with her. She felt sick, but she felt angry.

She went after her, walking behind her the short distance to the café under a disillusionment charm. She got to her house and stopped looking up to see which room and then apparated into it.

Sophia jumped and screamed stepping back swearing loudly,
“Shut up!” she held her wand furiously at her throat,
“What’s going on up there?” someone shouted,
“Nothing mum” she called down, “Ginny?” she said staring in recognition from the photo,
“How nice, you’re cheating with my now ex fiancée and you know my name, what’s yours?”
“I’m not – I’m not with Harry, you’ve got it wrong”
Ginny pointed to the bookshelf and a pile of them blew up, Sophia cringed and simpered, “Your name?”
“Right and so Sophia you can pass a little message on to Harry when he comes back for you, and trust me he will, you can tell him that I never want to see him again, that me and my baby will be just fine without him and he’s not going to have anything at all to do with either of us ever again”
“Ginny you’ve got this all wrong”
“I know what I saw!” she yelled pointing and clutched her belly with her other hand taking a breath in pain looking away for second before focusing on her again, “You just tell him”
“There is nothing going on between me and Harry, I’ve known him a day at the most, he knows who my father was”
“I don’t believe you!” she said fuming “Harry and me are over!” she apparated to Mungo’s breathlessly and asked to see the woman she had before. She was told to wait, the pain subsided as she changed her face to the features of -
“Sarah Reynolds” the voice said and she got up, suddenly a stag came charging towards her and she stopped in her tracks,
“I’m here, I’m waiting, I love you, and I want you both”
She yelled out in frustration and the stag disappeared in smoke as she walked away from it.
She went inside the cubicle and the woman came out, “Sarah, your back; are you ok?”
“I’m getting stomach pains”
“Alright let me check you out, lie down”
“What could be wrong Penny?”
“We’ll soon see don’t worry” she said waving her wand over her, “Hmm… ok… right, Sarah it looks like your blood pressures elevated and your body changing as it is isn’t liking that, you need to relax, no anger, no stress”
“I found out my boyfriend was cheating, I’ve left him and my family”
“I don’t know what I’m doing; I don’t know where I’m going”
“You should go back”
“I’m not”
“Then – then – come and stay with me until you get yourself sorted”
“I couldn’t”
“You could, just until you get back on your feet”
“I couldn’t put you up like that, I’ll find somewhere”
“You can stay with me, it’s fine, you need to relax and get away from it all, you can stay with me, get your life ready for your baby – are you planning to go back to Hogwarts?”
“I think I’m going to be expelled, I’ve used magic all day”
“We can sort that out, under the circumstances I think the ministry will understand”
“I don’t know if I can, he – he’ll be there and I can’t face him, seeing him there while I get bigger and everyone will know and – and” she burst into tears “I will know that he couldn’t tell me the truth, that he’s been with someone else, that the great Harry Potter couldn’t love Ginny Weasley enough to stay faithful to her even after he found out she was pregnant with his child”
She stared “Ginny Weasley?”
“That’s me” she wiped her eyes, waving her wand to return her face to normal,
“But Harry, he’s – he’s”
“He’s a cheating pig”
“Look come home with me, get your head sorted and contact your family, I’m sure there worried about you, did you tell them?”
“No, I went to find Harry, he left me sleeping and I went to find him only he was with her”
“Have you talked to him?”
“I don’t want to, I don’t want him near me and he’s not going to have anything to do with me and my baby”
“You should let your parents know”
“I will”
“Lets go, I’ll end my shift early” She helped Ginny down, and walked them out, Dobby appeared in front of her, “Miss Weasley, Mr Potter sent me”
“I don’t care”
“He wants me to take you to see him”
“I’m not going, go back to the kitchens Dobby”
“But mistress, Mr Potter does not look right, he’s all dark”
“I don’t care”
“He’s all sad, Dobby wants to make him happy and he wants you to come home, Dobby don’t know what has happened but he knows you can make it right”
“I am not going back there, tell him I don’t want to see him ever again”
“I will” he nodded and disappeared back to the darkened living room Harry was sitting in.
RIP JD Salinger
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