Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 09-28-2010, 08:09 PM   #331 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Default New Post...
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

Hi Girls! So here's my new post..and yes Katie and Kerri, it's the one with the hot chocolate .....

Post 34

Harry and I were in the kitchen making hot chocolate. In the living room we could hear Ron and Hermione bickering about Halloween Decorations. "Honestly Ronald, try and put in a little effort. Some input would be nice."

"Bloody hell Hermione! I don't care what colour of table cloth you pick. But, honestly woman, just pick one!"

"Fine then, Ron. I will! I might just get Ginny to help me instead!" I walked into the room and put the tray with four hot chocolates on the coffee table.
"Yeah, Hermione I don't mind helping you with a few things." I put a lot of emphasis on the 'few'. "Oh Neville and Luna were looking forward to seeing you. So I thought I could invite them over tomorrow night for dinner. They were really good to me when you lot left me here."

"Which won't happen again," Hermione said smiling, "because I'm staying behind next time."

"Harry!" I huffed. "You said that I was coming with you." I elbowed him in the ribs.

"Oh don't be silly Ginny. You need to stay here and get good grades. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you! And I didn't say that, all I said was that it won't happen again." He said, talking to me like I was a baby. He pulled my across the sofa to him and captured me in a bone crushing bare hug. I pulled at his arms to get myself free but he was too strong. "Eh, first what's the magic word Ginny?"

"Let me go Harry!" I kissed his nose and put on me pet face, pretending to look upset. "Please"

"Now come on Gin. Tell me the magic word."

"I love you Harry."

"I love you too Ginny. You’re free to go if you want to."

"Oh no, I'm much too comfortable. I settled myself across him with my back against his chest. He wound his arms around me tightly."
I pulled my wand out of my pocket and levitated my mug of hot chocolate into my hand. Harry had put marshmallows, whipped cream and grated chocolate on top and stuck a chocolate straw into the side. I sipped it slowly, the hot liquid helping to heat up my cold body. I could tell I had a whipped cream moustache because when I turned around to look at Harry he smiled and leaned in to kiss me. He parted his lips and let his tongue trace along my top lip, licking away the cream. I smiled and kissed him again. I broke away and his face formed a pout. I kissed him again and this time he broke away as he remembered something. "Oh, this Saturday it is the Quidditch try-outs. You will come won't you? And you Ron?" Ron glanced up from Harry's Quidditch Weekly magazine, nodded and then looked back down to the glossy paper. It wasn't a text book but at least he was reading something.
"Harry, you can't be biased when it comes to picking the team, remember? So Ron, don't get your hopes up!" Hermione warned
"Hermione, will you ever have faith in me?" He asked nudging her playfully.
"Well I don't need to try out. Harry already knows how good I am." I winked at him then cuddled into his side.
"Yeah but you still need to come along. You know, keep up appearances." He laughed.
"Well Harry, if I don't get on the team we are so over." I sounded serious, but this time I winked at Hermione.
"You are kidding aren’t you?"
"Now why would I be kidding?"
"Ok but Ginny after the trials, we should go to Hogsmeade to look for ball gowns!" A smile spread across her face.
"Sounds like a plan." I returned the smile and nodded agreeing with her.
""Oh we could even invite Luna."
"I'll speak to her at lunch tomorrow. And it'll be only one more day until the weekend!" I clapped my hands and squealed.
"I know you guys will be busy with Halloween ball stuff so on Sunday, Ginny and I are going to visit my parents graves."
"Oh, ok. Um...well, we'll come with you." Hermione said. "Won't we, Ron?" Ron looked at Hermione then to Harry.
"Eh, it's up to you mate. We're always here you know that."
"I think I'd prefer if I just went with Ginny."
"Are you sure Harry becau..." Hermione started but Ron butted in with a rather loud yawn.
"Oh I'm so tired!" He said as he stretched and rose from his seat. Come on Hermione, time for bed. He took her hand and pulled her up putting his arm around her waist but at the same time bending down to place a kiss on my forehead. "Night Kiddo. See you in the morning." He told me.
"But..." Hermione butted in. Ron quickly shook Harry's hand and pulled Hermione away before she could say anything more.
"Maybe we should hit the sack too." Harry said nuzzling my ear and kissing behind it at the sensitive spot that made me feel like I could melt into him and up my hairline to my forehead, then kissing all the way down my face kissing everywhere, except my lips.
"I think so." I replied getting up pulling Harry with me. We walked to my room in silence. Even though we'd closed the door, we could hear Ron and Hermione arguing... "Harry has always been our friend Ron. Much longer than he's know Ginny. It worry's me that she'll get hurt and he won't know. Or something will scare her and he won't understand because he's so used to it."
"What a load of..."
"Don't use that tone with me Ron. She's your sister; you could at least look out for her!"
"That’s all I do Hermione! It may not seem like it to you but it’s all I do! And Harry is a man. He can look out for himself. We can too but he knows what he's doing. I trust him. I trust him to look after my baby sister when I'm not here." Ron's tone got softer with each word, and quieter with each sentence. "Harry and Ginny need time for each other sometimes. Just like I sometimes I wish I got time with just you."
"We're supposed to be best friend the three of us-no offense to Ginny or anything but...”
"If you can't live with my little sister then how do you expect to ever live with me?" We heard the door slam and footsteps walk out. Harry sat on my bed and waited on me to return from the bathroom. I tried to disguise the fact I was crying by washing my face thoroughly after bushing my teeth. I hate thinking that I’m imposing on their friendship but then to hear it coming from Hermione made it different.
"You know Hermione didn't mean that. She loves you like a sister."Harry said as I lay down beside him and buried my head in his chest. I nodded but thought differently.
" Will you be ok?" He asked after a while.
"Yip." He got off the bed and kissed me gently on the lips before leaving quietly. I listened for his room door to close. It did but I couldn't sleep. I couldn't digest what Hermione said. I always thought of her as a sister, but sisters don't think of each other like that. Not even brothers and sisters! I tumbled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I filled a cup with water and drunk it in big gulps. When I walked back into my room, I flicked my wand at the light switch and in a flash the light went out. I stared out the window at the dark blustery night. The trees in the distance swayed from left to right like they were dancing together in the moonlight. It made me think of them all at the Halloween ball which I would not be attending. Anything to do with Hermione I was boycotting. If that’s they way she wants it- without me- then that’s the way she can have it. There was a soft knock at the door and Ron peeped his head in. He came over and sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled at me- still the same smile he smiled when we were younger. I pulled the covers back as my invitation to let him in. Some may find that creepy sleeping in beside your big brother, but I see it as cuddly and protecting. He didn't need to say anything for me to know he was angry with Hermione. I ducked under his arm and he whispered to me. "I remember when we were little and whenever you had a bad dream, you would always run up the stairs and jump into my bed and tell me about the bad man that was hiding in your cupboard. I would say that everything would be ok, and I would chase him away in the morning. Do you remember?"
I giggled at the memories. "Yeah, I remember. And in the morning I would hide under your covers until you had left the room to chase him away. I'm lucky to have a brother like you Ron. I don't know what I'd do without you." Ron gave me a tight squeeze.
"I know you heard Hermione and me arguing. Harry told me. I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to hear that. She was out of order. You've always been part of our group and you've always treated Hermione like a sister so I was surprised to hear her talk about you like that! I'm very angry with her."
"Please don't let me get in the way of you two, Ron. I know you love her. I can see it when you’re around her, the way you look at her and I know that you'd do anything for her."
"I know, but lately, I don't know what’s been up with her. It's not like she's ever left my side to be upset with anything."
"Maybe she's glad to be back but it's just taking her a while to get used to it."
"Or maybe it's the fact that I haven't left her side. I sometimes worry that she gets fed up of me."
"Oh Ron, don't be so ridiculous."

"Ron, I only heard a little of what was said, so please don't tell me what she said about me or anything else that was said. I'm sorry but I'm upset enough and need some sleep. You may not need to go to class but I do." He laughed.

"Do you mind if I stay here tonight, I usually stay with Hermione and my room isn't exactly tidy or orderly?"

I frowned at him. "One night only. That’s your job for tomorrow-to gut your room. I want my bed back!"

So there you go. I feel bad after that post Tell me what you though...
Soph x
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