Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Vienna [GMT+1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Siobhán O'Shea Graduated x3 x2
| The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Text Cut: Daisy, Trixie, Evelyn, Louisa, Sophia, Katie, Amber, Brant, Sidney, Treyen and Jacqueline Quote:
Originally Posted by springbaby The positions. Well that was basic ABC's to Daisy. One of the quirks of being aan only child and daddy's little girl. "Well in the battery there is the pitcher and the catcher. In the outfield there is Firt base, second base, third base, and the short stop. And in the outfield there is the left field, center field, and right field," Daisy said her hand still raised. she doubted it'd ever be put down. Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 Positions? Huh? Hang on where they talking of fielding positions? And did he want one each or all of them? "The pitcher and the....." Oh goodness, bad memory was not good. "The catcher...I think, are battery positions?" She hoped. Pfft. "First, second, third and...." why was there always one more? "...shortstop are Infield?" Maybe. "And then left, center and right field are all outfield positions?" That would do. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn They had to say all nine positions!? EH! She could only remember 4! "Well...there are the first, second, and third base men people..." Yea, those people. "And they are the infield." Right? "And then there is the pitcher who is in that battery thing group..."
Trailing off, she lowered her hand and thought over it. "And that catcher guy is also in that battery group..." And that was all she knew. She could not for the life of her, remember what the outfield positions were called along with that other person near the infield. "Um, yea...and those other ones too."
No matter how easy they were. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul She raised her hand once again and now she was on the edge of her seat, "There are nine players for each one of the teams, sir." She glanced around the classroom and followed the students' answers and was really impressed by how many knew about muggle sports. That wasn't something she expected.
"There are the pitcher, the catcher, first baseman, second basemand, third baseman, left fielder, center fielder, right fielder and an umpire." Louisa answered slowly trying to remember all the players she met with her stepfather when they used to spend weekends at games. She didn't like this sports but being benefit from those wasted weekends was totally awesome. She should tell Jason that it was worth it after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by WeasleyObsession7 Sophia had realised she hadn't mentioned her name. "Sophia Lomardi, sir." she said, smiling."Pitcher and Catcher are in the battery field." she said. "1st Base, 2nd Base, Shortstop, and 3rd base are all infield postitions."she said. "While Left Field, Center Field, and Right field are all outfield positions." she said, smiling. "Sometimes there are Right Center Field players or Left Center Field players." she said. "Sometimes, but it is very rare." she said, smiling. "And then, there is the batting team." she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by PureBlood64 "Hi My name is Katie Star" Katie said before she answered the question "There is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd base, Pitcher, Batter, Fielder, and theres others but I can't remember the names" Katie said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Gryffindorgurl Amber's ears perked up as she heard the word baseball. She might be a pureblood and she might know absolutely NOTHING about muggles and their silly little world, but she knew everything about baseball. It was a secret hobby of hers. She raised her hand and said, "Battery has the catcher and the pitcher, infield has first base, second base, third base and short stop, and lastly outfield has lest field, center field and right field." She smiled. She was a total baseball nerd, even though her parents hated it. Quote:
Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ Brant raised his hand again "Professor, sir..... I know theres a catcher and a pitcher, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd basemen. But thats all I know." he said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley Sidney still doesn't understand all this stuff about baseball, but she can read a textbook. She raises her hand. "Professor, the nine positions are
First Base
Second Base
Third Base
Short Stop
Left Field
Center Field
Right Field
The Catcher and Pitcher belong in the Battery. The First Base, Second Base, Third Base, and Short Stop belong in the Infielder, and the Left Field, Center Field, and Right Field belong in the Outfielder." Now that wasn't so hard. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian Aha. Let's see. How much he knew about baseball? Besides the fact that there was no one resembling a seeker in that game?
Treyen raised his hand. "So, basically, the infield positions are held by a man in first base, a man in second base, a man in third base, and a shortstop...whilst the outfield positions held by a left fielder, a right fielder and a center fielder...AND..." the boy made a dramatic pause, "...the ones in the battery are the catcher and the pitcher...playing their own little game".
He rested his case. Quote:
Originally Posted by alohomora♥ Jacqueline raised her hand. She knows this. ''Battery
1. Pitcher
2. Catcher
3. First Base
4. Second Base
5. Third Base
6. Shortstop
7. Left Field
8. Center Field
9. Right Field''
Then she sat down and took a deep breath. Oh, what a clever class he had. With a grin tugging at the corner of his lips Jeremy nodded slowly as more and more people began to list the different positions in baseball. "Yes, very good. Well done." He smiled at them while making a list of the positions on the board for future reference. Battery
- Pitcher (P)
- Catcher (C) Infield
- First Base (1B)
- Second Base (2B)
- Third Base (3B)
- Shortstop (SS) Outfield
- Left Field (LF)
- Center Field (CF)
- Right Field (RF) He was just about to move on when he heard a few interesting replies.The first one being a debate between two of the boys who seemed to know quite a lot about Baseball. Text Cut: Rex and Michael Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley Rex raised his hand. "Sir, their is two teams in baesball. One is the visiting team and then the other is the home team. " For instance, if my muggle team , the Texas Rangers are playing in Arlington, Texas and say the muggle team from Oakland, the Oakland A's( Athletics) are playing the Rangers, the A's are the visiting team. The home team always bats last." "Also, my Texas Rangers have to play in the Oakland Coliseum, the A's home park sometime during the season, so the A's would be home team at this time.". "The reason for this schedule is to be fair to each team.
" Pitchers and catchers are called Batterymates. Then their is infielders and outfielders. The infield consists of a first baseman, second baseman, third baseman and a shortstop. The batterymates are the pitcher and catcher. They can be considered part of the infield when you are a scorekeep for yoru team. the outfield consists of a Left Fielder, a Center Fielder and a RightFielder. Now when you score, there are numbers associated with their repective postions. Pithcrer-1, Catcher-2, First Base-3, Second Base-4, Third Base-5, Shortstop-6, Left Fielder-7, Center Fielder- 8 and last but not least- RightFielder-9. Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael White Grinning and raising his hand "Sir ... what is your position on the DH if your a fan of it there are 10 players on each side " Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley Well, there is a Dh I forget. " The DH is ony a batter and not a fielder" rex said to the professor. Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael White But he can replace any player and take their place in the line up.... looking to the professor "Sir do you really want us to get in to the debate I am from the school of no DH" Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley " you are right, the Dh can replace any player in the field, but then the pitcher must bat" Rex sort of agreed with the boy. "Sctually, I watch the National league teams like my favoirite like the Houston Astros and say the St. Louis Cardinals. I believe the Dh is thee worst thing to happen to baseball since " The Black Sox"Sandal " In the National League, you really have to know how to manage because baesball is a game of strategy." DH's are just
old men who are around too long or young men who really can't play a
position" big deal, a Dh comed up all the time and the Amercan League manager keeps his pitcher in the whole time and uses hardly any players." DH. This position was exactly something to discuss with newbies to baseball. Not. Which was why he was teaching and not Michael and Rex, right? When Michael asked whether he wanted them to continue their discussion, Jeremy shook his head a little irritated. "No, I don't. And I only asked for the names of the 9 different positions. Let's not confuse the others with too many details." They weren't the only ones in this class and he was pretty sure that some of the others hadn't even quite grasped why he was holding a Beater's Bat when they were talking about Baseball.
Or rather Destiny was holding the bat at the moment. Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. The boy raised his hand, "Professor, there is also the Umpire, he is kinda of like another player. He gets to yell out, YOU'RE OUT!" Patroclus bellowed, that was as much as he knew on the subject, and that had come from watching Muggle TV. Oh, the Patroclus boy managed to come up with a different yet correct answer too. A small grin flashed across his face when he heard the boy's description of the Umpire. "Thanks for mentioning the Umpire, Patroclus. They are actually refereeing the game so you normally wouldn't say they are 'players'." Like the Quidditch Official during a Quidditch Match. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi looked around to see that the boys were still debating and put the finishing touches on her drawing on her parchment of notes.
She looked up and hoped that class would continue soon. She was eager to do something active - apparently, the potion from last night was still leaving some of its affects on her. On his way back to the front of the classroom Jeremy passed by a few desks...and stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted something. Something interesting. Walking backwards for a few steps until he was standing next to the desk which had caught his attention, Jeremy grinned down at Kurumi. "Did you just draw that?" In case you were wondering, yes, that question was meant rhetorically.
Which was why the next moment the drawing was in Jeremy's hand and leaning in slighlty he said, "4 points to Gryffindor for that. And you don't mind me borrowing this, do you?" And if she did then, well, tough luck, because he was taking it with him to the front. Hehe. Quote:
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys A what? "Battery..." Rae repeated, "Is that the one thing that makes the muggle items work?" They had all kinds of weird stuff. It took Jeremy a while but when he finally grasped what the girl was talking about, he couldn't help a small chuckle to escape his lips. "Yes, you're absolutely correct. Muggles use batteries to make some of their items work." Yes, because the girl was absolutely right. Not that it had anything to do with baseball but he had just answered her question. Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 He turned his back to her?!
Yup. He was crazy. Not Lafay crazy either. A few fries short of a Happy Meal crazy. Turning his back to Destiny.
She would miss him. "The pitcher and catcher are in the battery field....." She let her eyes drift from Destiny to Zookara, hand raised. She needed one last look at him before she wacked him. "All the bases and shortstop in the infield....and outfield positions are all left, right, and center." This reminded her that she was missing all of Peter's games.....kinda sad. Nodding approvingly when Arya listed the correct terms, Jeremy was quite surprised by the look on the girl's face. Was something wrong? Cocking an eyebrow at her questioningly, he was just about to ask her just that when... Text Cut: Destiny O.o Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny YES! Snatching Taking the beater's bat out of the Professor Guy's hands, Destiny made her way to stand in front of the walnut. Sure, it was on the floor and all, but she could still clobber the shell out of it. They should definitely have a lesson on walnut cracking, and maybe when the Professor sees how good of a job she does, he will consider it. Hehe.
Leaning the bat against the guy's desk, she quickly rolled up her sleeves, making sure to give a little smirk in the direction of her arch enemy, Arya. The Raccoon Girl should be scared. TERRIFIED even!
Destiny was feeling evil.
Once her sleeves were rolled up, she picked up the bat by the handle, and raised it a little before bringing it down on the walnut, sorta like a jackhammer. Of course she didn't hit the walnut on the first try, so she had to try again.
She raised the bat and brought it down again. BANG!
There would probably be a dent on the floor. BANG!
It'll look like a meteor hit the classroom. CRAAAAACK!
After moving her hair out of her eyes, she raised her arms, while still holding the bat, in triumph. She KNEW those bats would crack walnuts! "LOOK! Perfect for walnut cracking!" she exclaimed, lowering her arms. "You," she pointed the bat at the Professor, "gonna eat that?" she moved the bat to point at the very dead walnut.
If the Professor didn't want it, Destiny was sure a certain little raccoon girl would. CRASH!
Flinching inwardly Jeremy whirled around, away from Arya and the rest of the class, to look, no rather stare at Destiny. Destiny and her attempts to kill crack the walnut. Maybe this- BANG!
...hadn't been such a good idea aft- CRACK!
...er all. This was so going to leave a little dent in the floor. Hopefully nobody had heard that. Yeah, right. Okay, scratch that. They would have to be deaf not to have heard that. It had sounded like a troll trying to bring down the castle after all. So, rather hopefully nobody cared to check what was going on during his class. "Yes, just perfect." Jeremy muttered with a smirk as he moved forward...only stop instantly when he found a bat pointed at his chest. Err. Was he going to eat that? Squinting down at the mess which had once been a walnut he glanced back up at Destiny and said, "Well, there's not much left to eat, is there?" Holding out his hand for Destiny to give him the bat back, he made a mental note to get her a nutcracker for Christmas. Shaking his head slightly to get the image of Destiny smashing up the walnut out of his head, Jeremy turned to face the class again. This was sort of going on for too long. He wasn't going to dwell on too many details but rather give them a simplified version of baseball. "Now, first of all, thank you to Kurumi for this lovely drawing." He magnified the drawing so everybody could see it. This was definitely going to help explaining the general concept. "The positions on this sketch are the positions of the team which is currently fielding. The other team - the batting team - will take turns in batting. The pitcher-" He pointed at the little stick-figure which was labelled 'pitcher'. "-throws the ball into the direction of the batter of the other team, who is standing slightly in front of the catcher." Cue point to the Catcher!Stick-figure. "The batter tries to hit the ball with his bat. Behind the catcher there is one of the Umpires, the referees." He turned away from the drawing and back to face the class. "If the batter fails to hit the ball, the Umpire decides whose fault it was. What are the two words he might say if the batter doesn't hit the ball?" Did that make sense?
Last edited by Lislchen; 09-22-2010 at 09:18 PM.