EDIT! First things first. Im really really really really really sorry for the late post of my chapter. But because i love you guys so much im posting two chapters 
The reason i've not been posting is because i've just started college...kinda getting used to it all and such. Good News; Great Friends and Lushh funny moments
Bad News; Early morning's, boring bus joruney's etc etc 
Anyway I'd like to dedicate this chapter to all our reader's, And without further ado here we go 
The corridors were deserted and I didn't see anyone anywhere. Not that I was surprised; the Professors had called everyone to the Great Hall for something. I had slipped out to try and find him. I had noticed Harry hadn't been in the hall and that meant he must be with her! Before I could go any farther in my
thoughts, I saw him. He was strolling towards me - and he was alone! Smiling, I ran the few steps between us and threw myself into his arms. I felt him stumble as he tried to balance me.
"C-Cho!" He managed to gasp as I hugged him. Finally, I let go to look at him, smiling, but without letting go of his hands.
Before I could do or say anything else, I saw her walk around the corner with a smile on her face. Ginny Weasley. Girlfriend to Harry Potter. Well I would put a stop to that. after all, he loved me, didn't he, and not her! Without a second thought I grabbed hold of Harry's face and kissed him. On the mouth. Right in front of Ginny.
I could feel Harry struggling under the kiss, trying to break free. I held on but when I finally let go he jumped a mile from me. I didn't care. He'd soon realize he loved me and not her. Peeking over at Ginny I saw she had her wand raised, at me! I stepped back a little, her face bore pure anger - directed
at me Uh oh... I looked at Harry, who had surprise and horror playing on his face, looking at Ginny also.
I knew i was going to be hexed. People had warned me not to mess with Ginny Weasley. I had ignored them, and now i was going to pay the price. I closed my eyes and waited. But the impact never came. Opening my eyes i saw Harry take hold of Ginny and turned her so her back was to me. I watched him stare into her eyes. There was such love there in his eyes, and it stung. What had I done? They were sure to fight about me.
There was no way to deny Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley were in love.
I wish i could take back the kiss, the thoughts. I wish i had never fallen for Harry but he had seemed such the gentleman after Cedric had died. Always willing to help others before himself, and I had slowly fallen for him. I didn't want to turn into some girl - like Lavender Brown, who constantly tried to
steal other people's boyfriends. I stepped back wishing the ground would swallow me up.
"The-the Professor's want everyone in the Great Hall" I stammered, continuously backing away. They didn't respond to me or each other. I didn't care. I turned and fled, I didn't want to be there when their voices raised. I blame myself.
The Beginning. "B4"
I watched as my chess piece moved forward to knock Seamus's off the board. I laughed triumphantly. I was winning. People, mostly spectators, cheered all around us. The atmosphere around the school had lifted the past few weeks, now supporting happiness like in the old days.
Everyone were lingering all around the Great Hall. Some cheering our game, some talking, some kissing etc. We were all waiting for something, the reason we were all called into the Great Hall instead of enjoying the beautiful weather and the freedom of not having to fear the darkest wizard in the world. Well,
the darkest wizard in England, anyway.
Looking over across the hall I saw the clustered Professor's huddled together, talking in low voices. They seemed to be arguing about something. Maybe what they were going to tell us. I shrugged and directed my eyes around the hall again. My eyes fell on a girl as she ran through the hall door's. I recognized her as Cho Chang. She looked like she had been running, and looked a bit upset. Before I could act upon my thoughts of seeing what was wrong, I was interrupted by cheering all around me. I whipped my head round to see one of my knights being dragged off the board in piece's. Damn!
"Not as good at this as you thought, are you?" Seamus taunted me as I scanned the board for my next move. I finally moved my king after a few minutes. Now it was war between us.
I looked back over to where i had seen Cho, she had disappeared and in her place stood the newly reunited couple, Ginny and Harry. They were wrapped up in each other's arms, I noticed. I looked away in...sadness? anger? I really didn't know what to think about my ex girlfriend now dating the famous Harry Potter.
Happy? I sighed.
Peeking down at the nearly finished chess game for like the tenth time in a minute I noticed a mistake Seamus had made in a move of his. Didn't he notice? Smiling i barked my command and watched my piece take out his. My smile widened at his groan.
"Ladies and Gentleman--!" A voice suddenly boomed stopping mine and Seamus's chess game, and everything else anyone had been doing a second before. I faced the now speaking Professor McGonagall. I saw the Professors line up behind her.
"Firstly, I'd like to announce we will be opening the school again next year, for all those who would have finished their seventh year this year and would like to come back again to retake it please see me later." She paused as she scanned the room. She didn't have the same affect on the students that Professor Dumbledore had possessed, but she still held people's attention.
"But what I have called you all here today to talk about is.." She continued still scanning the hall for any wrong doers.
"...That after much of a discussion from all of your Professor's here, we have decided to hold a Wizard Game's here this summer. All those who reach the age limit may enter. If you
would like to enter your name for any other the games then please see me after." She stopped again, waiting for the raised chatter to die down a little,
"The list of the games which will be held will shortly be posted in the common rooms," She added last before stepping down.
Instantly the noise in the hall raised to a high climax. My chess game was abandoned as i excitedly started to talk to Seamus about which game i would possibly enter. It was going to be so exciting. I peeked around the hall again, noticing Draco talking and laughing with some girl, whom I knew as Astoria. I stared for a few second's before moving on. Not to far away from them stood Harry Potter and his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ginny Weasley also stood holding Harry's hand.
Jumping up from my seat I pushed my way through the mass of student's until I was standing next to them.
"Can you believe this?" I asked excitedly.
"This is going to be so fun!" I declared smiling at them all. I heard Ginny giggle at me as i ranted on, and I smiled at her.
"You guys should enter. I bet you'd win hands down!" I carried on much to their amusement. Pausing for breath I looked around at them all, still smiling. I watched as they turned to look at each other, silently talking. Finally Ron shrugged and answered for them.
"Sure why not?" he said, much to my delight.
So what did you think?
Eviee <33