Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Vienna [GMT+1]
Posts: 35,575
Hogwarts RPG Name: Siobhán O'Shea Graduated x3 x2
| Couldn't resist. *whistles* The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by Some Mystical Girl Taylor sauntered into the classroom- "So sorry i'm slightly late." she exclaimed, smiling her pearly teeth smile at the teacher. She took a seat near Fee and put her LV on the floor, she straightened out her skirt and ruffled up her blonde curls. Before he had the chance to react to anybody who had raised their hand to answer his question, the classroom door opened to reveal a young girl. A young girl who was MAJORLY late. Without a word at first, Jeremy's gaze followed the girl as she took a seat next to another girl. "5 points from-" His eyes flickered towards the girl's robes for a moment to make out her house. "-Slytherin for tardiness." As much as he disliked taking points, he would absolutely not tolerate arriving late for class and interrupting his lesson. Now, back to the lesson... Text Cut: Answers and Replies OOC: You ALL get participation points, don't worry. These are just some extra-points for especially creative answers. ;] Quote:
Originally Posted by springbaby Daisy was about to say baseball, why else would a muggle use a beater bat? But then as she watched the professor throw t up and catch it she found a chill run down her spine, "Is todays lesson centered around clowns Professor?" She was terrified of clowns. Her dad had made them live in the muggle world for three years so she was versatile in the ways of the universe. "Or the things a clown does for their profession such as juggling?" Jeremy couldn't help but just stare at the girl for a moment. Clowns? Why would he do a lesson about clowns? Well, he supposed it could be fun but he would probably have to leave the classroom for the time being. And by the look on Daisy's face she would have to join him. "No, sorry, this lesson is neither about clowns, nor about juggling." He even managed a small smile when he said that. No, this lesson was so not about clowns.
Luckily. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Huh? Not about Quidditch... Aww that's sad. Louisa was raising her hopes here. A bat and a Muggle holding it.. of course she knew! She lived among muggles all of her life. She raised her hand excitedly, "Playing Baseball, Sir?" Smiling widely as she stared at the Professor. He couldn't refrain from grinning at the girl's excitement about answering the question. And she was right of course. "Exactly. Well done, Louisa." He was slowly getting the hang of remembering their names. Quote:
Originally Posted by noodles He raised his hand. “Could be used for Baseball, sir.. or Rounders?” Rounders, hmm? He HAD heard about Rounders but had never actually played it. Or maybe he had, just not called it Rounders. Either way, it was presumably a rather British sport. And as far as he knew it was close to Baseball. Like a simplified version of it or something. "Yes, it could be used for both of those sports, though, today we'll rather focus on Baseball." Clever Head Boy.
Which reminded him, where was the Head Girl? Quote:
Originally Posted by Emishlon
Errr, deciding that she'd look like a fool if she said that, she thought of something else and raised her hand reluctantly. "Do they play sports with it too? Just not Quidditch, obviously." But she knew that Bat's were used for hitting balls. So, maybe a Muggle ball game? Eh. Her answer was just common sense really. The Wizarding folk used it for a sport, so maaaybe the Muggles would too? Another Slytherin girl. Yes, he had finally figured out what the four houses were at Hogwarts. Slytherin=green, Gryffindor=red, Hufflepuff=yellow and Ravenclaw=blue. The fact that he was already half-way through reading Hogwarts, A History might have helped too.
But back to the lesson. "Correct, Miss...?" Somebody had failed to introduce themselves there. "It can be used to play certain kinds of sports with it, mainly, as your classmates have suggested, sports which involve hitting balls." Like Baseball...or that Rounders game. Quote:
Originally Posted by Eli Jarod "Eli Jarod, second year 'claw, sir." Eli piped up. "I adore quidditch. I will probably be quite good one day; my father was legendary, and I already have a broom of a famous quidditch player." he beamed with pride. "A signed broom. I want to play all positions, haven't figured out which is best but will probably do as my father did."
Eli's hand shot up again. "That's a cricket bat, I do believe. They use it in muggle sports and also for beatings during muggle riots. Muggles have riot seasons where every year or so they get up a ruckus and beat on each other and loot, which is a muggle word that means breaking a window and stealing something." His stepfather had told him all about that. Eli was going to ace this class! O_____________o
Somebody was on a high horse there, hmm? He had a signed broom of a famous Quidditch player? "Legendary." Was all he replied with an eyebrow slightly raised. Even though, there was still a slight spark of curiosity left in him, Jeremy decided not to ask who the broom had belonged to. Probably his legendary father.
A cricket bat? "No, that's a Beater's Bat." Like he had just said a few minutes ago. He hadn't brought actual Baseball Bats when they had enough Beater's Bats here at Hogwarts. Would have been rather stupid. "But yes, it could be used as a Cricket Bat too." With a lot of imagination. "We won't though." Because it didn't actually look like a Cricket Bat.
And there he was, believing that this boy couldn't surprise him any further...until he said that part about Muggle Riots. "I have never heard of anything like a Muggle Riot Season." Was all Jeremy managed to say, for once speechless at the boy's little story. BlinkBlink. Was this boy for real? Quote:
Originally Posted by Shanners
At seeing the bat, she grinned a bit, and clapped her hands just lightly, before putting her hand in the air. "I dunno.. Muggle sports? Like that.. Rounders? Yeah. Rounders. OR.. You know, they might just be hate someone, and go and hit them with it." Which was incredibly mean. The way the girl clapped her hands slighlty before putting one up to catch his attention, made Jeremy grin a little. That had just been downright cute. "Yes, you're right, it could be used for Rounders." Whoa, as if Muggles went around beating each other up whenever they disliked them. Though, of course, some actually did. Sadly so. Wizards and Witches settled with cursing them. What was better, he didn't know. "Yes...or that." Then with a small wink at the girl he added, "Though, obviously we're NOT going to hit each other with those bats today." Would be a rather weird topic to do a lesson on, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 Hang on was she being eyed?
:O "How about for aiming Cricket balls at certain Captains heads?" she smirked, battered her eyelashed innocently and then slowly turned her head to look at Oliver quickly. Oh yes she was gonna bring that up. Even if it was just for a laugh. And it could be a good use. You COULD want to aim a cricket ball at someones head. *Sigh* But she'd have to be serious wouldn't she? "Muggle Sports" she grinned. "Like some have said, baseball" she continued.
Hang on...Wait. They were using bats. *Evil Grin* Bad Trixie, very bad Trixie! Yes, Jeremy HAD caught the look she had given the Head Boy and eyed her suspiciously for a moment. Mental note NOT to give Trixie one of the bats later on. Probably for the best. Especially for Oliver...and the rest of the class. "Yes, correct, Trixie, these bats can be used for Baseball...or rather, we'll be using them for Baseball." Because the actual Baseball bats were of course larger than the one he was holding.
The part about not letting Trixie near the bats? Yes, he mentally underlined that after seeing the grin on the girl's lips. Way too dangerous. Quote:
Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ Brant was really excited. "Professor, are we playing Baseball?." he asked "I love Baseball" he quickly added. "Yes, Brant, we will be. Later." First they had to get some theoretical stuff over with, like the rules and things like that. With a grin for the Gryffindor Prefect he moved on to the next student who was raising their hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru
But what Muggles sports used a bat? Oh yes, she knew this one, though she had never been extremely fond of most Muggle sports. Despite being Muggle-born. "Muggles play baseball with a bat," she answered after raising her hand. "Or cricket." Her hand actually. It was the girl who had been terrified scared to be late for class. Cricket, another one who thought this looked like a Cricket Bat. Maybe it was just him who thought they were two completely different looking bats. "Correct, Vashti. This looks a lot like a smaller version of a Baseball Bat." And not like a Cricket Bat. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermygirl Nia raised her hand. "Rounders?" she answered with a grin. She'd loved that at a youngster, and if this was as close as she was gonna get to Quidditch, she was going to seize the opportunity. "Or a if you varied the wooden bat a bit it could be used for cricket, or croquet, or table tennis..."
She looked thoughtful. Whatever, it'd burn some excess energy she had from not having Quidditch practice. Oh yes, she so wanted to play. Another no-name girl. "Yes, correct, Rounders, though, we'll rather focus on Baseball in this lesson." Jeremy gave her a warm smile before he started chuckling in amusement. "Table Tennis?" He held up the bat in his hand as if to examine it closer looking for a resemblance to a table tennis racket.
If you varied the wooden bat a bit, you could probably play golf with it too. Or chess. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn "They hit people things with it." Obviously. Right?! Not just little round white balls in that baseball game. It could be used as a self defense thing. Mmhmm, she remembered that defense class in first year. First year was it right? They didn't use bats, but they could totally be used if it was nearby and someone was trying to rob you. Well, duh. Was Jeremy's initial reaction to Evelyn's answer. Of course, he couldn't actually say that out loud. And he wouldn't either. Ever. Not in front of his students. On second thought, okay, maybe he would but he wasn't going to now. "Yes, Evelyn, they do. Could you be a little-" More vague. "-more specific about what things they hit with bats like these?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian But this was a new one....he knew! Treyen raised his hand before answering. "Well, they also hit balls with it, except those balls don't have a mind of their own. They play baseball with that bat" aha, aha, a nod to his precious golden-brown hair. It took Jeremy a moment to actually understand what Treyen was referring to. Baseball balls who had a mind of their own? No, of course they didn't. They were inanimate objects after all...unlike, oh, of course, Bludgers, that's what the boy was talking about. Obviously. "Absolutely correct, Treyen." He smiled at him warmly. Quote:
Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 "What's a cricket....?"Dude, she grew up around muggles and didn't even know what a cricket was. Hehh. She was looking around the room, hoping for an answer.
Aha, Zookara or whatever his name was, was speaking to her again.
The blonde turned towards him, her hair flopping in her face. She quickly flipped it out of her face before smiling at him, she was still playing that innocent act. "Uhmmmm.....yeah..."
Savannah Conrad didn't like this man even if he was a cutie. "I'm not changing into flat shoes, sorry."Was she sorry? No, not really. She just REALLY didn't want to wear flats they made her walk full and she just didn't like them in general. Savvy clutched onto the duck pillow, smirking at him.
Hehhhh. She was going to have fun with this professor. Had Savannah just honestly asked what a cricket was? Even though he was pretty sure she meant Cricket, as in the sport which had been mentioned a few times by some of her classmates, Jeremy answered the question she had asked. As in A cricket. "They look a lot like grasshoppers. If you want to I can show you one after class. I'm sure there are quite a few out on the Grounds." Then with an innocent smile he added, "Or maybe some of your friends want to show you what a cricket looks like." Or rather, what a cricket sounds like. They would probably have to immobilize one first to be able to actually LOOk at it.
And she was still refusing to wear flat shoes? "Oh well, your choice. I'll find something else for you to do which does not involve wearing flat shoes." If you looked closely, then the grin he gave her might have appeared to be a little wicked. Quote:
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 Alice had never felt her cheeks turn so red in her entire life. How could her mother not have explained these things to her? She might have well have been a complete muggle born since her mother was not making any effort to tell her anything about this world. "Yes, that explained it very well thanks," Alice said, shrinking deeper into her chair. "A muggle could use a bat for baseball," Alice offered quietly. Had he embarrassed her?! Well, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. He hadn't known anything about Quidditch either until he had started school. Though, something told him that Alice did NOT want him to go into detail about it right now. She probably preferred to just skip over the subject of Quidditch for now. "Good, and that's absolutely correct, Alice." Jeremy replied with a nod and a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich Trent raised an eyebrow as she looked at the Professor... Who she could look at all day if she was allowed. He was rather dashing. The Slytherin resisted the urgh to giggle. "Muggle's could... hit things... play sports... juggle... beat people up... vandalise property..." Trent knew she was being vague but apart from what she had already learnt in Muggle Studies, there wasn't much she knew about Muggles in general. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoom Leilani raised her hand and gestured to the bat. "Well you could like... hit somebody with it." Pause. Hehe. "Or, y'know, baseball." That thing deffinitely looked like a baseball bat.
Yes, baseball, Leilani and her Americaness. Huh, so was cricket like the brittish version of baseball? Hmph. Brittish people and their weirdo words. Sheesh. Like, biscuit meant cookie. Jeez, that was confusing. How about everybody just said cookie? There. Problem solved. Jeremy grinned at the two girls who had both mentioned a few different options on what Muggles could do with that bat. However, also both had mentioned the correct answer, or rather the topic of this lesson, because there was no correct and incorrect answer strictly speaking. "Let's stick with the second option, okay?" He replied with an amused wink at both of the girls. Quote:
Originally Posted by WeasleyObsession7 "With a beaters bat one could play baseball, sir." Sophia said, smiling. "Baseball is the best muggle sport ever." she said, kind of softly. "I played when I was younger, and I still play sometimes." she added, smiling. She could go on and on about baseball, but she was pretty sure the professor didn't want a lecture on something he already knows. Oh, he liked that girl. Not that he knew her name. Again, somebody had NOT introduced themselves. "I'm glad you think so. You will like this lesson then, I hope." He gave her a friendly grin, glad that yet another one already KNEW how to play Baseball. Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Em raised her hand. "I'm E-emmaleigh, sir, and It c-could't really be used for any s-sports, because they all have t-their own official bats, but you c-could use it for self defense." Aww, was the girl that nervous that she had started to stutter? Or did she always stutter? This reminded him of the Lawson boy...Jake. Why the name 'Lawson' was so familiar, Jeremy still hadn't figured it out. "Yes, absolutely correct, Emmaleigh. This bat does not look exactly like ANY of the official bats used in Muggle sports but we'll be using it as a Baseball bat for now." He smiled at her soothingly, hoping it would calm down her nerves. If the stuttering was because of her nerves that is. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kris Alex rose her hand slowly, "My name is Alexandrie, it really depends on the type of bat being used, some muggles even use bats as a weapon and others use them to play sports or games with them." Alexandrie explained hesistantly not sure if she covered everything, being pureblood and staying in the magical world she knew only a little things about muggles. Smiling down the young Slytherin, Jeremy nodded in agreement at her answer. "Absolutely correct, Alexandrie." Pretty name she had there, really pretty. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley Rex raised his hand. " Professor I am Rex Trigwell" he introdueced himself. I played Quiddith at SweetWater, Texas " I p;ayed Keeper" Rex told him. " I tried out for my tram but did not make it here and then hurt my shoulder" Rex explained to the professor. " My shoulder is fine now" he told him." batts are used for playing the muggle sport Baseball, sir" Rex explained to him. He played Quidditch in Texas?! Raising an eyebrow at the boy in surprise he chose not to comment on him telling him about his shoulder. Well, what was there to say really? 'Aww'? He HAD said that it was fine again so why tell him in the first place? "Yes, baseball is correct, Rex." Quote:
Originally Posted by Herminny "Oh, well, my names Chloe, and I know muggles also use bats to hit something and it's not always for sport or crime. Some muggles hit something that is broken beyond repair for fun. It's a kind of stress relief for some people. I took part in one once. A fundraiser from my home community center destroying a car beyond repair. Ypo gotta rear proper equipment though. Goggles and longsleeves and and we had to sign a waiver of lialbility. It was crazy but it's an obscur thing that some muggles d with bats.", chlow responded with her hand raised high. Oh, she was a clever one. Listening to the girl's little story Jeremy nodded slowly, genuinely interested. "Oh, really? You even took part in one? I'm sure that was very-" Disturbing? He was really anti-violence. "-interesting to watch. Two points to Gryffindor for sharing this with us." He smiled at Chloe before adding with a grin and a wink, "Though, I would personally suggest going to see a psychotherapist instead of smashing up cars." Obviously. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Salander looked up and furrowed his brows, then raised a quill before replying "Well, it looks like an extremely undersized baseball bat." he offered "Also kind of a roundish Cricket bat. Uhm... some Muggle cops use a skinnier kind of bat like that. And...." he hesitated for a moment, but decided to go ahead with it anyway "..in some old cultures they use bats to wash the laundry."He wasnt making that up this time. It was so true! Almost dismissing the boy's answer as one which was of course correct but had been said a few times already, his eyebrows shot up at the mention of laundry. Now that he got to think of it, it WAS true. "Yes, absolutely correct. Wooden bats are still used in some less economically developed countries to do the laundry. 2 points for out-of-the-box thinking." He smiled at the boy broadly. He wouldn't have thought of that. Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Sports?
They were going to study muggle sports?
Mia groaned and thumped her head on the desk. She hated sports! She sucked at sports? Raising her hand in the air but leaving her head on the desk, she spoke but her voice was kind of muffled. "It looks like a baseball or softball bat. A cricket bat is flat not round." She should know. How many times had she been chased out of the vegetable garden with one? "Oh and my name is Mia Gibbins, fourth year Hufflepuff." Was that a groan he heard? He wasn't FORCING anybody to be here so why were they if they obviously didn't like it? Though, he immediately changed his opinion on the girl as soon as she mentioned the bat NOT looking like a Cricket Bat. "Correct, thanks, Mia. We'll be using it as a Baseball Bat today." Mainly because it doesn't even LOOK a lot like a Cricket Bat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley Sidney smiles at her fellow Hufflepuff. She's not too thrilled to be studying Quidditch and muggle games. Sidney raises her hand. "Sidney Marlowe, sir, Hufflepuff third year." She doesn't remember if the professor asked them to introduce themselves. "The Beater Bat is similar in shape to the American bats used in baseball and softball. Personally, I think the Quidditch bat more closely resembles a Rounder Bat. Rounder is a game similar to baseball and softball. It's played in Great Britain and Ireland." Sidney figures her answer is probably wrong, but it doesn't hurt to give different answers. Yes, for Merlin's sake he KNEW that the Beater's Bat more closely resembled a Rounder Bat because the Baseball Bat was bigger, thank you very much, Ms. Marlowe. "Yes, correct, Sidney. And despite the fact that it's a little too small for an actual Baseball Bat, we will still use it as one for this lesson." Later, after they had got the theory over with. Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. It seemed sports were well and trul covered so Patroclus tried to think of something else! "Patroclus Hudson, Fourth Year Lion Sir," he grinned, "Muggle could use them at Sideshows at Circuses, the one where you have to try and knock the pins........Oh yeah that would be a bowling pin. Welll, "the boy had ruined his own answer, "They look kinda like a policeman's baton, the ones they use in Riot situations!"
There that would do! "Lion?" Now Jeremy was confused. Majorly. Why would this call himself a lion? Leaving that question aside for the moment, he listenend to Patroclus' answer...which was changed half-way through. Yes, that last part was often associated with Baseball bats, and in this case of course also Beater's bats. "True, though, nowadays the batons used do not look like this anymore." He held up the bat a little as if the prove his point. "You're right, though, Patroclus, they used to and are still often associated with batons." Then with a small smile he added, "1 points for Gryffindor for the creative answer."
Still, why had he called himself a lion?! Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Were they really going to play baseball?! Kurumi had only played catch with her brothers when she was younger - although they had taught her how to pitch a pretty mean fast ball and a wicked curve ball, but it would be a nice escape from everything wizardy to take part in something from her world. "Professor, are we going to play baseball?" she asked hoping the answer was yes. "If we are, I can be a pitcher or catcher." Oooh, this one knew what she was talking about. Good, at least he could be sure that somebody could answer his next questions. Maybe. "Why yes, you're right, this lesson will be about baseball." Then with a small smile he added, "And we'll leave the assigning positions for later." Though, he certainly noted that the girl might be one to help him demonstrate later. "I didn't catch your name, though." Probably because she hadn't said it...but he was being polite. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cedric Aiden leaned back in his seat, watching as Professor Zookara twirled the beater's bat around a bit and asked them questions about quidditch. He looked out the window and sighed. Too bad they weren't playing quidditch for class. But his attention returned to the teacher when he asked what a muggle would be doing with the bat. Baseball, of course. Or maybe even for defense at times. "Yeah, I'd think they'd just play baseball with it. Usually, at least," he said, in agreement with a few of his peers. And finally, ANOTHER one who thought it irrelevant to introduce himself. "You're quite right, though, I still don't know your name." Was all he replied with one eyebrow slightly raised. Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny Ehhh.
What would muggles use a beaters bat for? Destiny had no idea since she and muggle things rarely got along. Like during the summer, when the muggle box tried to EAT her and Evelyn. Yeah..why was she taking this class again?
She had no idea.
Finally thinking of something that muggles could use the bat for, she raised her hand hiiiiigh, "Destiny Shepard, Professor. And muggles could use that bat," the bat that she secretly hoped clobbered the man in the head, "to crack walnuts!"
Like the muggle hammer thing. Now, this was going to be interesting. Jeremy moved his gaze towards one of the unhappy teenage girls as he noticed one of them raising her hand. He almost said 'Yes?' when she paused for a moment before saying...Muggles could crack walnuts with it? She wasn't serious, was she?!
Though, something made him think she was. "Well, thanks for that creative input, Destiny." He almost turned back towards the class to resume his lesson when he thought of something. Something which made him smirk a little. "Though, on second thought, maybe you're right." And with that he fished a walnut out of his pocket (no, don't ask why he had one in the first place). "Would you like to try that?" He asked the Slytherin girl with an innocent smile as he placed the walnut on the floor at a (hopefully) safe distance of him and the rest of the class. As he waited for Destiny to either agree to try or refuse Jeremy - still on the other side of his desk, as far away from the walnut as possible - turned to face the class again. "Now, in the meantime...I think we've by now all agreed that this lesson will NOT be about hitting somebody or vandalizing but rather about Baseball. Like in most games, there are two opposing teams. Can anybody tell what they are called?" He asked, his eyes flickering over to Destiny to make sure she wasn't sneaking up on him with the bat see how she had decided. |