Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Vienna [GMT+1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Siobhán O'Shea Graduated x3 x2
| The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn ...
Having tried to got the pillow before it hit her face, she moved her head out of the way and went to grab it. Only, it did hit her face, the side to be exact, yet...she still caught it! OH....that professor was going doooowwwwnn!!
Scowling, she stared at him for a moment, before looking down to the pillow. Eh, she supposed it was alright. It could do with a different color change though. Was it wrong that he felt the urge to smirk smugly? Probably yes, right? Which was why Jeremy managed to refrain from doing so. It wouldn't be appriopriate. He was a professor now, and not supposed to be smug about something like that. And he had sent the pillow the girl's face's way accidently. He hadn't been AIMING for her face.
So not. Text Cut: Nice, explaining peeps Quote:
Originally Posted by springbaby Daisy rasied her hand even higher,"Quidditch is played on brooms." Obviously. "There are seven players for each team. Three chasers, two beaters, a keeper, and a seeker." She noddded. "It's the beaters job to keep the bludgers away from their team with wooden bats. The keepers job to block the three hoops so that the other team doesnt scare. The chasers are spposed to try and score for their own team with the Quaffle. The seeker has the most important job of all. They are suppose to catch the Golden Snitch. That's how the winner is usally determined. It's a really fun game," she said nodding,"but can be rough at times, like all the time." If that wasn't a good explanation then what was? Maybe she should've went into more details on the color and description of the balls? Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Wha...?? Someone didn't know what Quidditch was? Seriously? Louisa glanced at the not-educated-enough girl with disbelief. That girl wasn't a Ravenclaw! No way.. And she answered right away not missing a chance for herself to stand out, "Quidditch is sport. It has rules and special equipments." Heh where Louisa would start and where would she finish talking of this brilliant sport? That girl needed to read more. Quote:
Originally Posted by B~Lee "well its sort of like a wizard soccer i guess." Brittany said shrugging. Except youR flying on brooms in the air and instead of one goal there ARE three. ANNNNNDDD you hAve 2 people trying to hit you with a bludger. Hmm maybe its not so much like soccer.' she said grinning sheepishly Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 Ooooooooooooooooooh
So now it suddenly dawned on her why the Professor was talking about Quidditch. Goodness she could be so SLOW sometimes. Yeah because it totally wasn't like he played for the Fitchburg Finches or anything [/Sarcasm] But still it didn't exactly have a lot to do with Muggle Studies did it?
Trix raised her hand to answer his question. HIS, was how he should be known for the moment so she didn't completely confuse herself. "It's a Wizarding Sport. Probably the biggest. In which one team verses the other... You get Professional and school teams. Even nationwide ones" Did he want full blown rules or was a simple explanation enough? And wasn't this question better suited for a flying lesson? "Basically you fly around on brooms and have you four positions. 3 chasers, 2 beaters, a keeper and a seeker on each team. Then you have your 3 balls, the Quaffle For the Chasers, Bludger for the beaters and then your Golden Snitch.." she continued. "The Chasers have to score goals through the hoops on either side of the pitch, your keeper defends the hoops stopping any goals being scored. Every goal is worth 10 points. Your beaters hit bludgers using a beaters bat away or towards the players depending on which team they are on and then your seeker, well they will chase after the Golden Snitch, a very fast small golden ball with wings. Once this is caught, your team gains 150 points and usually wins the game." And breath. "Lets just say however, Quidditch is not a game for the faint hearted." That was for sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tiro MacMhuirich Nibbling her lip, Trent listened to the others explain what Quidditch was. "But sometimes the catching of the Snitch doesn't mean your team wins. Each goal scored with the Quaffle by your Chaser's is ten points. Catching the snitch gives your team a hundred and fifty points." Trent took a deep breath. "That means that it is possible for the opposite team to win if they score more goals than the team who catches the snitch." She paused and looked at the Professor. "For instance if Team A has scored ten times and caught the snitch, then they would have 250 points. However, if Team B has scored twenty-six times, they would have 260 points and would win the game over Team A." Jeremy smiled at each of the students who answered to explain the concept of Quidditch. Now, hadn't been that difficult now had it? Only why they hadn't JUST answered it when Alice had asked was still a little hard to understand. "Thank you for the various explanations." Yes, various. Now Alice probably knew EVERYTHING about how Quidditch worked.
Turning to the girl in question he raised one eyebrow at her questioningly. "Did that answer your question?" He wanted to know with a friendly grin. Though, that question probably didn't need an answer. After Trixie's explanation Alice definitely knew every little detail about the game. Text Cut: Beater-peeps Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 Trix grinned and nodded, didn't want to distract the class now did we? So she stopped talking to her Bestie and listened to the Professor talking. She'd call him Jeremy. It made her sound strange but still, it was epic.
Blah Blah. Yes she knew his name, but still she listened intently and then raised her hand at his question. "Erm...I'm guessing I don't have to say my name and..." she looked at Oliver, he was her captain last year. What should she say? She was bloomin violent in Quidditch that's what she was. "Well I prefer Chaser. But I've played Beater too..." she replied. Should she continue with saying how rough she was with a bat or let Oliver insert whatever he liked? He knew the best at how good she was at venting frustration with a bat....and a fist apparently... Oh and occasionally a cricket ball. *Whistle* Quote:
Originally Posted by noodles Oliver opened his mouth about to reply to Trixie when the lesson started. He gave her a look and turned his head to look at Jeremy.. *cough* Professor Zookara - Cool name though.
The Head Boy smiled and raised his hand. “Sir I was Slytherin Captain last year. I'm an awesome Chaser... but I've played all positions.” But he was no Keeper.. as the lossage of the cup to Hufflepuff indicated last year. Blehhhhh.
Moving on..
"Oh, and I'm Greenwood. Oliver Greenwood." James Bond stylie.
Why were they talking about Quidditch in Muggle Studies? Hmm... Quote:
Originally Posted by springbaby Daisy raised her hand, "My name is Daisy elizabeth Rohdes and yes I like to play Quidditch. My two favorite positions are chaser and beater." Yep, but the Tri-Wizard tourament put a stop to all her chances of playing this term. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lexers She liked Muggle Studies. A lot. Probably because it wasn't a load of jibberish to her like .. Arithmancy or Potions. Not to mention the fact that she genuinely liked the Professor.
Ooooooh! Quidditch. That was fuuuuun! 'Cept obviously for the fact that they didn't have it this year *pout*
She didn't say her name like the Gryffjndor before her just, "Beater. Always Beater." Shame she'd never struck up the courage to play. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn It was too late to do that though. Class had begun.
Sighing, she plopped the pillow on her desk and set her bag down next to her chair before sitting down herself, slouching in the seat slightly. Pfft. Without Lawson here, this was just another boring class that she didn't really need to take. What the heck kind of job was she going to do in the future that involved muggles?
NOTHING! That's what.
However, she had to admit...he started off the class with a rather nice subject. Quidditch! Anything BUT muggle related. "Evelyn Flores-Shepard." she said, raising her hand. If it was quidditch related, then she'd answer the question. "I prefer the position of chaser, though I don't mind any of the other positions." Mmhmm, her father taught her well. It was a shame she hadn't really played the game in over eight years though. She'd need to practice over the summer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru Oh thank Merlin. Vashti might've cried or something if she turned out to be late and lost house points. The very thought of it depressed her. Quickly taking the nearest seat up front, her hand shot up almost the second the professor had asked about Quidditch.
"I do!" she answered with a bright grin, all thoughts of tardiness and house point loss out of her mind. "I play Chaser mostly, but I've been a Beater before too." But Chaser was definitely her favorite of the two.
Oh wait, he'd asked for their name too. "Oh, and my name's Vashti." Should she add her last name? Probably. "Greenwell." Quote:
Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ Brant Raised his hand. "Brant DeVaice, I have been the Quidditch Captain for the past two years for the gryffindor house, I've played Beater and Seeker." he told the professor. Oh, wow, so many people who had played Beater before. That was good. Very good. It would come in handy later. Jotting down each of the names of the people who had mentioned playing the position of Beater, Jeremy turned to face the class again after putting Brant on the list. "Thank you. Believe me, it will come in handy later." Was he making it obvious what the class would be about?
Well, if they hadn't guessed until then they certainly would now. Jeremy reached down to grab something which had been placed under the table...a Beater's Bat. Holding it up for the class to see, he turned it around a couple of times before asking, "Now, I assume most of you have by now identified this as a Beater's Bat." Apart from Alice probably. "Obviously,-" Sadly. "-this lesson will not be about Quidditch and Beater's Bats, though. So, any idea what a Muggle could be doing with this?" As if to emphasize his point Jeremy tossed the bat in the air and caught it again as if he were juggling. |