Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Vienna [GMT+1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Siobhán O'Shea Graduated x3 x2
| The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Text Cut: Savvy Quote:
Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 Savannah's green eyes shifted around the room, waiting as more and more people poured into the classroom. There was still no sign of her boyfriend though, the seventh year pouted at the door. Oh? The professor was talking to her. Savannah turned around smiling a pretty smile his face. "Savannah, sir, Savannah Conrad."Savannah said while smiling at him. There was a bit of innocence in her speech as well as her face, one that could make you think she was actually a nice and innocent girl. *snicker* She was far from it and Savannah knew it.
He was looking at her shoes. Hehhh. A smirk broke out on the blonde's face as she looked down at the green suede heels on her feet. They were cute and they matched her robes perfectly. She looked back up at him to see him staring at her shoes. "Is there....like... a problem with my shoes, sir?"
Now she was playing dumb. Did she know what he was going to say? Mhm. She didn't follow the rules. Hehhh. She was such a rebel for you know, wearing high heels to class.
............."do you like....have a pink sparkly princess pillow by any chance?" What a sweet innocent girl. Or at least that's what she was trying to sell herself to be. Which normally meant she wasn't. Not that he had prejudices of course. So not. "Why no, Savannah. I'm sure you don't mind changing them later, of course." Because she wouldn't right? Right. She would SO mind. A smirk played around his lips as he started to turn away from her until...
O_o "A pink sparkly princess pillow?" Right, he slept on one. Pfft. Did he honestly look like somebody who had a pink sparkly princess pillow? "No, sorry, you may bring your own for next time, though." Or he would get her one...and extra sparkly, glittery one. Text Cut: Evelyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn Huh. Hello. Staring at the duck on the seat with a blank expression, she took a moment to take note of its features, silently thinking over if it was deemed worthy or not for her to sit on. Nope. It wasn’t. Besides, she wasn’t about to sit on a duck pillow. That was ridiculous. "I want a regular pillow, Professor...please." she muttered, turning her gaze over to the man as she picked up the duck pillow and threw handed it to him. Oops. Almost a slip of the hand there. Not only was she not going to be sitting on a duck pillow, that color yellow and orange so did not look good on her! It’s like he KNEW about that and decided to use those colors anyways.
Yea, she wasn’t going to go for it. Pfft. Not ending up in her good books as of yet, was he? Wow, he had even got a please from the girl. How nice. Maybe there actually wasn't any hostility in the air between them after all. Yeah, right. Snort. The way she practically threw the pillow at him had hostility written all over it. Only why?!
With a sigh, he chose not to actually SAY anything but simply send a different pillow the girl's way. And no, he didn't quite look where exactly he was sending it (maybe her face?). And yes, he was being ironic by giving her one with a smiling face on it.
Obviously. Text Cut: Trixie Quote:
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22 He was giving her NOTHING here. What was she meant to call him?
But just as Trix had reached into her bag to get her Quill out, she felt something in there, in the shape of a duck. With a broom. OMG It was Quidditch Duck! Flip she had forgotten to give it to him before the lesson.
Err what was she meant to do? She couldn't exactly just walk up and plonk it on him, the other students would probably think her mad. She could strategically try to get his attention before the actual lesson started. Like Psst Jeremy.... But then she would probably look even more stupid. Ah what the heck she was like right at the front anyway. "Prof.... Jeremy... Whichever name I am supposed to call you in class" Trixie lowered her lice and tone a bit so she wasn't heard. "I was...away...over the weekend" she started. "With my parents and we found this" she passed over Quidditch Duck. Not only was it Quidditch but it was a Fitchburg Finches duck as well. Goodness knows how they found it but still....
Now back to the lesson..... At the sound of his name - his FIRST name - Jeremy turned his hazel eyes back to whoever had said it out loud...of course, Trixie. And she wasn't sure what she was supposed to call him? Awkward. "Whichever you prefer." Because he couldn't mind less to be honest.
A present?! From Sam? Well, not a present apparently but more something of a left-over they had found. Whatever it was, it had to wait. For after class. "Thanks, Trixie. I'll open it later, okay?" Text Cut: Michael Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael White running to a sliding stop "just made it hiya professor ,has my owl got your duck to you yet " dropping his back pack a plopping down on a pillow and startting to pull his stuff ouit of his bag ,looking around the room ,to see if anyone he knew was here "If he hasent he will be the embarrased looking bird with the rubber duck just give him this and he wont hold a grudge" tossing a can of potten meat to the him Oh, that boy who was from the States too. But who was born in Wales or something. Yes, he knew all about him, he had felt the need to tell him all about it after all. "Hello Michael. No, not yet, unfortunately." He was already curious how that rubber duck was going to look like.
A little surprised Jeremy automatically caught the package which was tossed his way, Chaser-instints for sure. What WAS that?! Blinking down at the package for a moment, he slowly placed it on his desk. "Thank you." I guess. Unless it was a something dangerous or something. Text Cut: Rae and Mr. Head!Boy Quote:
Originally Posted by brelovesweasleys Rae had entered the Muggle Studies classroom, to her it was the most boring subject ever. With a glance over at Marie, Evelyn, and Destiny, Rae knew what was up. She decided not to sit with them, they will be all gloomy and depressing. Fletcher was sitting with Salander and someone that looked kinda like Fletcher. Of course, Rae knew the difference full well. She found the closest empty seat and walked towards it. On her way she said "Hello Professor....." She didn't know his name, but maybe Muggle studies will be better if she started it off with a better attitude this year right? As she neared the seat she saw that she would be sitting next to a seventh year... What was her name? Quote:
Originally Posted by noodles Moooogleee Studies!
Oliver LOVED this class because, it was usually pretty easy when you'd lived in the muggle world for the first decade of your life. He practically bounced into the classroom. “Hello, sir.” He said jovially with a grin to the new professor and then took a seat next to Trixie!Pixie who was busy gawking at a weird looking duck... thing.
He frowned, puzzled and listened to her address the professor. Professor... Jeremy? o_O She KNEW this dude?
Interesting... verrrrrrry interesting.
Oooh.. look! Pillows! And more students came strolling in to the classroom. Wait, that boy had a badge...a badge which said 'HB'. Whatever that meant. It looked offical though. "Hello." He greeted him and the girl who entered along with him, ignoring the girl's frown. Whatever it was, it wasn't his fault. It couldn't be. So ignoring it was probably best. Text Cut: Vashti Quote:
Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru Vashti was laaaaate! She was racing down the hallways, dodging students and praying that she actually wouldn't be late. She just couldn't be late for a class. Never had been and didn't plan on changing that any time soon. But stupid her had lost track of the time and only realized thirty seconds ago that Muggle Studies was supposed to start soon. So she'd run, run, run down six floors to get to the first floor where the classroom was.
And, finally, she'd reached the classroom door. Pleaseeee, don't start class yet...
Pausing at the entrace, Vashti tried to catch her breath and peer in to see if her silent plea had somehow managed to work. It didn't seem like anything was happening, just every sitting around and stuff. Maybe she wasn't late after all.
"I'm not...late...am I, Professor?" she asked between breaths, praying the answer was no. Gah, running was just not for her. Why did flying brooms inside have to be against the rules? He had known there would be late-arrivals. Or you know, not late because class hadn't started yet but still later. "No, you're not late. No worries." Jeremy replied with a grin towards the girl who looked out of breath. Gesturing towards the desks and chairs (and pillows) he added, "Please, take a seat." Because anybody arriving now, would be late. Now, it was class-time. Finally. Despite a few pillow-problems and other problems, this was going to be exciting. Definitely. "Now, welcome to the first Muggle Studies lesson of the term." He raised his voice slightly, hopefully making it obvious that this was the end of his tolerating their chatter. "My name is Jeremy Zookara and obviously, I'll be your new Muggle Studies professor." Duh. "Now, who of you likes to play Quidditch?" Yes, Quidditch was always a good way to start a lesson. Even if - obviously - it wasn't about Quidditch. "Let me know which position play, too. Please raise your hand and say your name when answering." Because his mental list of names was going to be long anyways. OOC: Class has now officially started. No chatting or arriving late or you risk losing house points. |