...then suddenly, student after student after student spoke up, each suggesting something at least slightly different than the people before them. Lexi opened her mouth to attempt to reply to each person individually, but the students were just too quick for that. So before it was too late and she missed out on something important, she quickly aimed her wand toward the board, levitated a piece of chalk, and started listing the responses.
"Make sure you aren't getting the Hover Charm mixed up with the Mobili- or Locomotor spells. The Hover Charm raises an object, while Mobili- and Locomotor move them," she said. However, she was glad those topics had been brought up, since they
did relate to what was being taught today in class.
"The Hover Charm will move an object when you end the spell and that item drops, though."
As she jotted down the responses, she turned to
eye a few of the students who mentioned the spell being a cure for laziness. Oh, and then there was that one girl who mentioned using it for a food fight. She'd have to especially keep her eye on
that one. *eye eye*
Originally Posted by
Salander was still looking down at his parchment and kept mumbling, hoping that his voice will be drowned out by the rest of the class. ".... helped got out of Arithmancy maze "
"Hmm? What was that?" she asked, her eyes settling in on a Slytherin boy who'd just practically mumbled a response. He looked...slightly familiar...even though Lexi was sure she'd never seem him here at the castle before. Hmm...maybe she'd encountered him at the opening feast and just didn't immediately remember.
Text Cut: Canoir Greengrass, Reincarnation Jones, mellamaet
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
Freya raised her hand before saying "You could used it to levitate heavy object for example furnitures when you moving in or moving out, Professor." she said. "Or you could used it to levitate a very injured person or unconscious person." she added.
Originally Posted by
Reincarnation Jones
Carr giggled to herself at his accent. He was really getting into the cowboy theme. Carr herself couldn't pull off the American Western accent (not that Fletcher was particularly apt at it), but she was completely decked out in gear that her grandmother had brought back with her when she'd toured the United States as a young woman.
"Actually," Carr piped up at this, "it's poor practice to use the basic Hover Charm or Wingardium Leviosa on a human being. You could wind up accidentally only Levitating someon's leg or head. Levicorpus would be the appropriate charm to use when transporting a body, especially an unconscious one."
Originally Posted by
Cass turned to look at the person who had said that Levicorpus would be a much appropriate spell to use when transferring people to the hospital wing.
"Uh, no. I don't think so." Cass said "You see, Levicorpus is a spell that causes the victim to dangle by their ankle. It was created by former Hogwarts headmaster, Severus Snape during his own Hogwarts days. So if you'd rather transport your friend to the hospital wing upside down, suspended by their ankles, then by all means, use that spell. but if not, then...well you shouldn't."
Originally Posted by
Canoir Greengrass
Freya heard someone said about Levicorpus would be the appropriate charm to use when transporting a body. When she wanted to opened her mouth, Cass already said something.
"Yeah. I agree with Cass here. Levicorpus charm causes a victim to be hoisted into the air and dangle upside-down. You couldn't transporting unconscious person upside down." she said. Freya the turned her gaze to Cass and muttered "Thank you"
Originally Posted by
Reincarnation Jones
Carr slapped herself in the forehead for being so careless.
"Sorry!" she said quickly. "My brain was thinking about 'Mobilicorpus', but I said 'Levicorpus' by mistake. I can't believe I made such a mistake." She laughed a little.
Hearing a sort of mini-debate going on, Lexi dropped her wand back to her side, causing the chalk to drop back into place with a dull thud. She watched, sort of like she was at a ping-pong match, as the students discussed the usage of the Hover Charm on a human being. She'd speak up and throw in her two knuts, but the students were debating so nicely that she really hated to interrupt. Besides, it wasn't often this sort of thing happened with someone getting mad and charming a person a rat tail or something equally as disgusting.
"Thank you, girls, for politely debating that. I'm tickled pink..." (as if she wasn't pink enough already)
"...to see that my students can discuss things like mature people and not...well, utilize charms in bad ways toward one another," she said, sort of mumbling that last part. She didn't want to give anyone any extra ideas.
"You can levitate a human being, but you just have to be careful...just as you would if you were using any movement spell, such as...Mobilicorpus," she added.
"Especially if that person has been injured. You wouldn't won't to hurt them any more than they've already been hurt." Quote:
Originally Posted by
"First year Ravenclaw. Nice to meet you too. Did I see my friend Rex teaching you how to swim? How'd that go?" she asked.
Lexi sort of half-glared at this particular student. She'd let the whole 'here, borrow my cowboy hat' talk slide, since it
was class-related and was a really nice thing to do. Trigwell's swimming lessons, though?
"Unless Trigwell is teaching swimming via levitation, I suggest you two girls save that sort of talk for later," she advised. She gave the Head Girl a extra special smile for her helping hand.
"I'm tickled pink--again--, though, to see you two sharing that hat." "A lot of you were suggesting movement, which wasn't exactly simple hovering or levitation, but it is related to a part of the lesson. The Mobili- spells, such as Mobilicorpus or Mobiliarbus, move objects. Of course -corpus would deal with moving a body, and -arbus would deal with moving a tree," she said. As she talked, a few boxes began levitating off the ground and making their way toward the students and around the room.
"Same with the Locomotor spells, like the Locomotor spoon spell we covered last school year. As the boxes make their way around the room, grab a few items---some light, some medium, and some heavy. We're going to work on levitation and movement," she said.
"Most of you have already mentioned the incantation and wand movement for the Hover Charm," she said. She paused and pulled a jewelry box out of a nearby box. She laid it on the desk, pointed her wand toward it, and with a swish and flick said,
"Wingardium Leviosa!" The box made its way up, up, and...it froze.
"Fixate!" she said.
"Now those of you from last year will remember the way we got the spoon to move last year..."
She pointed her wand toward the jewelry box and said,
"Locomotor jewelry box!" With her wand, she guided the box exactly where she wanted it to go. It slightly grazed Duncan Fletcher's head, zoomed by Carr Jones' head, and finally came to a stop on Lori Bristol's desk.
"This is the spell I want for you to practice on several different objects--remember, one light, one medium, and one heavy. You'll need to have this movement down pat for the activity at the end of class." OOC: Thanks, everyone, for being so patient while I was away and at school! I appreciate all the replies, and remember--you're getting participation points, even if Lexi doesn't specifically tell your character. Also, feel free to make up the items your charrie takes from the box! Normal items...she has no elephants hiding away in there.