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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Thank you to everybody who read this week. It means so much to have readers. Thank you. We are winding down to the end of the roller coaster ride, just be careful of the quick turn at the bottom. Next week chapter 44, "Crookshanks Tells His Past"
Emily Black: Hello Emily. Thanks for commenting. I always look forward to the comments. Quote:
This is so precious! One, because Moondrop and Crookshanks are just too cute and because I love how he's a Daddy now.
I loved writing these two characters, as much as I loved writing Harry and Ginny. Quote:
That part just made me laugh. And I can totally see Dobby saying something like this.
I like Dobby having more of an emotional range to his character than a sad sack trembling elf. I hated that they left him that way in the movies, when in the books he became confident and personable I think. Quote:
Eeeep! Yay! I'm kind of glad he gets to remember!
Yeah, I felt sorry for always modifying his memory. And it came to the time in the story when he gets to find out. So, who do you think was right Dumbledore, or Madame Pomfrey? Quote:
I still don't think he's quite ready for the whole truth yet though...
So you think Dumbledore was right. We'll see. Quote:
Awe, this part was cute.
I thought maybe Harry might have played with Tom this way when he was a baby. And so I made like it was natural to put him in this position to talk to him. Maybe Harry wanting Tom to change into Jim or something, cause he did sometimes when Lily wasn't around. Quote:
Awe, why'd they have to interrupt his thinking process??
Great post, Connie! So sorry it took me forever to get back to you. Please PAMS!
I know it right?! Thanks Emily
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Quote: Hey Connie!!!
Great chapter as usual. It seems like I've been waiting for this chapter forever! First things first... can I have a kitty please!!!! A fluffy white one... with a long, bushy, curly-Q tail...? I'm going to name her Princess... I'll even buy her a tiara... Thanks sweetie. You can for sure have one! The name is fitting, but do you think she will wear it?
I really enjoyed the birth of the kittens; it was done rather tastefully. Crookshanks was so cute; he was a really proud Poppa! I could just imagine his chest puffed out!Glad you liked it. I always strive for tasteful. Yes, he was a proud Poppa wasn't he.
Little Tom is the greatest! Only an hour or two old and already he is talking back to his Daddy. Shhh don't encourage him Katie. Remember who will be teaching him his lessons. Daddy doesn't allow backtalk!
My favourite part was the interplay between Dobby and little Tom. I can remember, as a child, trying to scare my older cousins, and I think I must've look almost identical to Dobby, except for the greenish tinge of his skin... I think! You did an excellent job in describing his appearance. I thought for sure that little Tom was going to attack Dobby though... I'm so glad that he had the forsight not to... That Dobby can be a pretty tricky fella!This was fun to write. And Dobby is really easy to write because he is so lovable. You just have to imagine things that would make him respond in his way. And yes, it is good young Tom didn't persue his thoughts, because his first lesson might have come from Dobby. He was put in his care afterall.
I'm so glad Harry finally looked inside the book that Madam Pomfrey slipped him. If I were Harry, I think I'd go in search of Dumbledore and give him a wee bit of his own medicine! Katie you and Harry seem to be on the same wave length. You reckon thats what Harry meant when he said he was going to get to the bottom of this later?
Yay Harry!!!! Big Daddy!!! I always wondered what Crookshanks was doing during his long excursions into the Forbidden Forest. I mean, Sirius wasn't that interesting... But then, Moondrop... well, she must've been his incentive... right? Ahhh the power of love!
Excellent chapter, Connie! I'm so sad that your story is slowly coming to an end. So... are you writing a new one? *hint, hint* I'd read it if you did...
Looking forward to your next post, Thanks sweetie. It's time though. No, I don't think so. But, thanks for your loyalty and dedication.
Dumbledore Puts a Hard Freeze on Harry’s Plans
Harry stewed and fretted on his memory so much through the evening and even more so after he went to bed. He wasn’t able to sleep at all, and when the blackness of the night began to lift, and things were just visible in his room without the use of his wand’s light, he realized that sleep was lost to him, and he wouldn’t be sleeping, so it was with frustration he forced himself out of bed. He dressed in a haphazard way and went down to the common room. He sat in front of the fire and watched the flames until he became emotionally intoxicated with hate for the one person in his life he loved and respected the most.
“Why did Dumbledore spoil everything? Who does he think he is, deciding what I can, and can’t remember? Why does he think it’s up to me who has to kill Voldemort? Of course I am going to be the one to kill the evil wizard, but not because Dumbledore says! If he knows I’m s’pose to do the killing, why won’t he tell me what this so called power is that I have that Voldemort doesn’t have? …”
He was rattled out of his stupor and focused on his surroundings. The fire was embers, and Ron, alongside Hermione, was standing over him, shaking him with a most concerned look on their faces.
“You all right, mate? You look like Dr. Jekyll after he’s just turned into Mr. Hyde! What’s up with that?”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to go have it out with someone who mistakenly thinks he can run my life!” Harry jumped up quickly, causing Crookshanks to fall unceremoniously onto the floor. Harry looked surprised at him and said off handily, “Sorry, Shanks, I didn’t know you were there.”
He turned from his friends with their mouths open and stomped out, fuming. He turned back around quickly and said, “And don’t you two follow me, trying to talk me out of it either!”
“Who is trying to run your life?” Ron called after him as he and Hermione ran after him, out of the portrait and down the staircase.
“Dumbledore!” was the reply, with much animosity in his voice. He took off running and ran full force into Professor Dumbledore, who happened to have just come around the corner. Harry bounced off of him and hit the floor hard. Dumbledore reached down and pulled Harry up, but didn’t release his wrist. He looked quickly at Ron and Hermione, who were staring at one another, told them to go back to bed, and that he would take care of Mr. Potter, and then he disappeared around the corner.
Ron and Hermione turned back at Harry and Dumbledore, only to see that they were gone. They ran up to and around the corner and saw an empty long corridor.
Once again, they looked at each other with frightened looks on their faces.
“Hermione? I think Madame Pomfrey let Harry out of the Hospital Wing too soon. Do you think we should go tell her?”
“No, I think maybe that’s where Dumbledore took him. If he hasn’t, then I’m sure he’ll see to Harry’s needs.”
They returned to the common room and started to each of their own dormitories. Ron’s thoughts drifted back just a short bit ago. He had gotten up when he found Harry was gone from his bed. He was concerned about Harry, for he had seen that Harry was awake each time he woke from Harry fidgeting in his bed all night.
“What’s up, mate? What’s got you so anxious?” he had asked Harry. There wasn’t any answer, just Harry staring into the fire. He grew worried and called Hermione until she hurriedly came down the stairs, tying her robe together. They both had tried and finally succeeded in getting Harry to come around. He was awake, just so deep in thought, staring into the fire embers.
That was the strangest thing yet in being Harry’s best friend.
He sometimes had the worst luck trying to figure out what was going on inside Harry’s mind. “See ya in a bit,” Ron yawned and said to Hermione. She yawned as well and nodded as she traipsed up to her waiting bed.
Ten minutes later, Ginny received a note from Fawkes, Dumbledore’s pet Phoenix. She quietly gathered certain items: Harry’s shirt she had cleaned and kept, the petrified lemon, and a small vial. She looked at the note a second more, then touched Fawkes and disappeared, reappearing in a place just off of Dumbledore’s chambers.
An immobile Harry was standing on his feet in the midst of a room of broken articles of this and that. Harry’s fists were clenched and at his sides. Harry’s eyes were trained on Dumbledore. It scared her to see the look he had on his face—nothing but contempt, loathing, seething anger, and terrible hurt. His face was wet with tears, and his mouth was open as if he were shouting.
“I’m sorry for waking you from, no doubt, a very good night’s sleep. The thing is I’ve had quite a disturbing awakening myself.” |