*snugs ALL your posts* <3 YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Josephina paced around the room, listening to the comments of each student about the numbers two and seven. They were so smart these students - each of them offering different ideas about what they knew of each number. Jotting down a few ideas that she heard mentioned, she smiled in passing at some who seemed to have got into the discussion. "Yes... The number seven is supposedly one of the most powerful magical numbers out there." Fina began by way of interjecting the discussions going around. "I do believe some of this could be contributed to the analytical and mystical properties in that number. It tends to equate to terms such as solitude and wisdom and spiritual focus, which are terms that add magical strength to person. The more you analyze and research, the more you know. Knowledge goes in hand with research and studying." Duh.
The number two. "The number two; you all must have heard at some point that good things come in threes. But there is nothing more magical and special than the unity of two. Two has meaning of harmony and unity, which creates that magical bond of which nothing can stop.
The combination of a two plus a seven will equal nine, which in other words, completion. Wholeness. Which is one reason I love these two numbers. Because if they weren't special enough by themselves - which they are - then together, they signify complete and total universal oneness."
Now for the fun part of the lesson. "Before we begin the next part of the lesson, I'm going to pass around some peppermint chocolates, because I do believe the sugar can get the blood flowing..." With that, she passed some of the candies to each of the students. "In just a moment, you'll find yourselves surrounded by walls. You'll need to make your way out of the maze . . . BUT the catch is when you encounter a seven or a two blocking your path. When you come across one of these numbers, you will need to use your knowledge of the numbers to do something or wave something at the number to allow it to let you through."
With a flick of her wand, a moment later the lights flickered and then in another instant, the Arithmancy classroom was transformed into a giant maze (like this). OOC Notes:
* You could start from anywhere in the maze.
* RP yourselves making your way through the maze. Minimum of 5 posts for maximum credit
* Be creative with how you get by a two or seven; use the textbook for something related to these numbers to get by
* You have until 7pm EST on September 15th to complete this
* There will be a surprise waiting at the end of the maze (where the red dot is)
* Questions, then ask me.
* You need help? Use your wand to shoot red sparks to get the Professor's attention.
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯
Last edited by PhoenixRising; 09-14-2010 at 10:05 PM.
Reason: updating link