Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Emily Black: Hello Emily. Quote:
I could have sworn I commented on this chapter, but I don't see it, so I guess I hit preview instead of post comment...
That has happened to me several times! I thought I was getting too forgetful to run the computer correctly, but then Sophie said this: Quote:
Emily you did cause I also commented and your comment was there. I don't know whats happened
So, maybe we did post, and technical problems in the SS system had a glitch. So, we won't worry about it. Thank you for commenting on both chapters. Quote:
Awe, that's awesome! I'm glad they got married
Great chappie, Connie! And I did pick up on Moondrop and Crookshanks' reunion too
Thank you for all the things you said you loved, and the 'Reunion' I was wondering if anyone would pick up on was of Ron and Harry getting back in good graces with each other. A bit unfair maybe? But, I didn't say it had to be a romantic reunion. Quote:
I really liked this whole part. I've always seen Dumbledore as one of the many father figures in Harry's life.
Yes I agree. And it irks me that he didn't ever give Harry the opportunity to know this. But, I fixed his wagon. It's now in the book of Harry's Memory. Quote:
Ahh, yes, I figured he'd modify Harry's memory. I think it's better this way because I don't think he was truly ready for it until sixth year...
I know right? I hate to think what would happen if he went off to kill Voldemort without knowing about the Horcrux's! Quote:
That's pretty cool, I must admit. I'm glad she gave this to him.
Great post, Connie! Fantastic writing as always. Please PAMS!
Thanks Emily.
Morag: Hello Sophie. Thanks for telling about the posts disappearing. It gave me a big sigh of relief. Quote:
Aww...Harry is such a gentleman!
You know, I really think that Harry decided to make himself be the way he is
in every asspect to be opposite of what Duddley was. Quote:
This was beautifully written. The descriptions were excellent. You could picture everything down to the last detail.
Thanks Sophie. I wanted it to be wonderful, but not take away from the story line. Quote:
Something usually always happens to Harry. I can understand why that is her immedient response
Yes. Can you imagine if she was the Head Mistress of Hogwarts? "There will be no dangerous sports played!" Quote:
Great Post Connie. I know it's only a short review but I've been told to get off the internet now. Personally I think it's up to you how many times you post but I'm just frightened it ends to quickly.
I think now we'll see Lizzy and Harry get closer. Looking forward to your next chapter.
The review was wonderful. Don't worry about the length. I'm justthrilled you said it was a great post. And honestly, I was worried when only Katie posted the last time. It's childish of me, but I was afraid everyone was tired of my story. I've been watching the view count and sense I'm still getting views up until the day I post, then I won't start posting twice a week. And as for it ending to quickly; It's like a roller coaster ride. The last giant climb at the end of the ride is the climax of the story. It unfolds at the top, and the plunge to the bottom is the ubrupt ending, but the Epilogue brings it to a gentle stop. I do hope you enjoy it.
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Quote:
I really enjoyed this chapter! I think the best part was when Harry's memory, about his mother, was jogged after Madame Pomfrey called him, "Honey" ...
I love this memory so much more than the memory of his Mum's murder. Truly inspirational, Connie.
Thank you sweetie! I loved giving Madame Pomfrey glory here. She has always been an unsung hero to me. And I thought it was high time he was able to remember something other than his Mum being murdered. Quote:
Finally, I never really thought much about Madame Pomfrey before, but I do believe I actually like her. You were truly creative when you had her give Harry the mini pensieve at the end of the chapter... it has all of the memories from that night in it right? So if he wanted too, Harry now has all of the answers to all of his questions? I wonder what Dumbledore would say if he knew about it? Frankly, I don't think Dumbledore had the right to obliviate Harry's memories not once but twice. Go Madame Promfrey!!! You're my newest hero!
Great work, as always, Connie. I can't wait until Thursday's new post. I will be sad to see your story end... Yes, it is all the memories of Dumbledore's vist. Madame Pomfrey was never a believer of mind control. She believed it inhibbited the brain from healing the body properly. I tend to agree with her. But, I think Dumbledore believed his reasons were enough to over ride any medical reasoning. And I also agree with him, so we'll just have to see whhat developes from this.
Thanks for everything saweetie.
Harita: Hello Harita! I've been missing you! Quote:
heya Connie again posting after a long time sorry...for such a late reply...read all your posts and they are really nice...but i wanted to read more about Sirius and Lissy ...a little romantic buff i am.........
Oh, so sorry about the lack of Sirius and Lissydove. But, afterall, the story isn't about them. And at this point of the story, I didn't want to stray away from the climax. Thanks for taking the time to catch up and commenting. Take care of your studies. 
Thank you to each of my readers. I hope everyone is enjoying the ride. Next Thursday's post is, Cahapter 43, "Dumbledore Puts A Hard Freeze On Harry's Plans"
Fatherhood Becomes Crookshanks
Crookshanks ran ahead of Harry, and as soon as he was out of sight, he popped to the pre designated place for when Moondrop was ready to deliver her kittens. She meowed softly as Crookshanks approached her. Dobby was on hand to assist her when she needed it. Delivering a Werecat is problematic for one reason. They are not born all feeble and fragile, but in a fully transformed Werecat the size of a six week old kitten. This often causes severe tearing and bleeding for the mother cat. Many times, the strain is too harsh and inhibits the delivery of the rest of the litter, causing death to the mother as well.
Soon after Dobby’s help, Moondrop delivered all her precious babies. They were all cleaned and fed and resting comfortably when Dobby excused himself so he could attend to his duties in the kitchen. But before he left, he informed Moondrop he would return in three hours to get Tom so he could feed him and set him up in his own home with Dobby.
All the Hogwarts’ house elves occupied cozy little niches, off of the Hogwarts’ kitchen.
Crookshanks and Moondrop watched their little ones as they all slept. Names weren’t picked out, as this was the Master’s job. Before long, little Tom went to his mommy. He wanted to eat some more. Crookshanks told him he needs to go outside and look for his food. He got up and nuzzled Moondrop and took his small son out into the world to start his education. Crookshanks started by first teaching Tom to respect life and only take what he needs to sustain his own life.
They returned within the hour and found Dobby waiting for him. Tom was skittering around the room, mimicking his moves for Moondrop, the moves his daddy taught him. A small vole was his catch for the day and very proud he was. Crookshanks was a bit proud himself.
“Be careful you don’t get attacked, Dobby. Young Tom is an accomplished hunter and protector.” Crookshanks laughed his warning to Dobby.
Dobby was watching the young Werecat and bowed to Crookshanks, “Oh yes, sir, Friend. Dobby is being very fearful of young Tom, and Dobby will be careful to keep Dobby’s self safe. But young Tom should also be careful of Dobby. Dobby can be very ferocious too.” He put his small hands up and wiggled his fingers. “Growl,” he said. But after all, the word “growl” isn’t menacing at all. Tom looked at him and turned his head sideways in curiosity. Then Dobby whispered loudly, “Boo!” Tom jumped and turned in mid air. When he landed on all fours, his back was arched, his hair bristling, and he learned he could hiss and spit. His little paw came up with sharp little claws extended. Crookshanks roared his pleasure with his young son. Dobby laughed his nervous laugh and told Crookshanks he needed to get young Tom down to his new home to feed him his milk.
“I want to play with Daddy!” Tom said defiantly. Crookshanks put his face close to Tom’s and told him frankly that he is to obey Dobby at all times and without question or any back talk. Then he put his paw on Tom and told him he was proud of his hunting skills and that he would be down to visit him later to play. “Now, go eat, and be a good boy.”
“Dobby, thanks for your help today. You saved my whole family’s life. Thank you. You are a great friend. Oh, and do many human young ones go to the kitchen?”
“The young Wheezy twins is most often visiting the kitchen for snacks and drinks, Friend.”
“Okay, when you get there, would you point them out to him if any show up, and make sure he knows not to harm them or be fearful of them? I’ll refine his teachings on them later tonight when I see him.”
Crookshanks turned and saw his precious daughters suckling nourishment from his beloved Moondrop. Weary from her day of giving birth to her babies, he saw her face imbued with love.
“I knew you were a keeper first time I saw you at the Magical Menagerie.” He winked at her and stroked each of his little ones on their heads. Nuzzling his Moonlight around the face once more, he said goodnight.
Crookshanks pranced into the Common Room and looked for an available lap to curl up on and rest, for he was very weary, but wanted to catch up on all the goings on. Harry’s lap was available, so he swaggered over to him as a new father does when he comes to a group of friends he can boast his fatherhood to. Loneliness came over him for James. It was many a time when they spent long periods of time in conversations together, and he could talk to James about anything. He wanted to tell James of his family. He wanted his praise and congratulations. He went ahead and jumped on Harry’s lap and sat, looking him in the eyes.
“Hello, Crookshanks, you look like you need a friend.” Harry smiled at the cat, rubbed his head fondly, and scratched behind the ears, and then stroked his fur.
Just then Ginny came running in, completely out of breath. Ron saw the excitement on her face and said, “What is it Ginny? Someth’n wrong?”
“No, as a matter of fact, something is right! Hermione, Luna’s been upset all day because her cat has been missing. Remember, she‘s pregnant?”
“Yeah, is everything all right? Did she find her?” Hermione asked, just as excited as Ginny was.
“She didn’t find her, but that House Elf, Dobby, the one Harry freed last year, found her. He said she delivered her kittens, five of them and they’re all snow white like Moondrop and girls! Luna wants us to go see them. Wanna come?”
“Yeah, I do!” Hermione reached down in her excitement and grabbed Ron’s hand and pulled him with her. “Come on, guys, let’s go see them.” Ron was red in the face at being drug along, but was kind of glad in a weird way to be with Hermione. Why did he feel strange each time he was close to her? He managed a quick look back at Harry, and asked if he was coming. Crookshanks got excited, but then to his dismay, Harry said he’d see ’em another time. “You guys go on. I think I’ll stay here and chill out a bit.”
Everyone left, and Harry laid his head back on the back of the overstuffed comfy chair. He was petting Crookshanks methodically. “Crookshanks, have you ever felt like you’ve forgotten something and you can’t figure out what it is? I know it’s just here in my mind, and I can’t bring it to the front so I can see it.” Crookshanks got up, moved over, and prodded Harry’s side as if he was trying to move something.
“Something uncomfortable for you there, Shanks?” Harry opened his robe and pulled out the book Madam Pomfrey gave him. “Curious, this,” he stated. “I wonder what makes her think I’d enjoy reading … hang on—she handed it to me and said something about my memory, and ‘The secret password is Harry’s Secrets.’” And at that, the book opened up onto his lap. “It’s a… er … I don’t know what it is.”
He picked up the vial and followed the instructions. After he poured the silvery stuff into the bowl, he tapped it smartly on the side with his wand. Everything that was talked about this evening in the hospital room with Dumbledore came into view. Harry watched with astonishment at his conversation with Dumbledore. He was outraged at Dumbledore modifying his memory.
“I knew this happened to me. I kept thinking I’d figured things out, and then, it’s like I wasn’t thinking of anything at all. I’ve got to find a way so I don’t forget these things again.”
He read the vial for the rest of the instructions. “I can make copies of this.” So he did, and while he made his copy, he wondered what Horcruxes were. Harry put away his book and looked at Crookshanks. “I’m going to get to the bottom of this later. I need to think on it a bit.”
“Now, I’m thinking YOU might have some explaining to do.” Crookshanks looked at Harry.
“Yes, he was talking to me. What does he mean?” Crookshanks wasn’t sure he should touch Harry’s mind to find out what he was thinking, sense Harry was concentrating so hard on him.
“Let’s see, a cat’s gestation period is about nine weeks, and this Luna girl got her cat the same place and time period as Hermione got you. You disappear and show up all hours of the day and night. I’ve been down here, deep into the night by myself thinking in the quiet stillness of the dark, and I see you either coming or going, more than a couple times I might add. Do you have a girlfriend, Crookshanks? Are you a proud daddy? Yes, I think that’s what that swagger you had when you came in here was all about. Well, congratulations, Big Daddy!” Harry pulled Crookshanks up on his back legs, and had his front paws in his hands. This caused him to be able to look right into the eyes of the new daddy. “Crookshanks, you … seem familiar to me. I keep getting this feeling, but it’s like looking through dirty wavy glass. If I could…”
Hermione, Ron, and Ginny came back with the girls cooing about the cutest little kittens they’d ever seen. Ron said he guessed they were actually cute. Harry looked at Crookshanks and smiled. “The parents must be very proud.”
Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 11:11 PM.