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Old 09-09-2010, 01:50 AM   #73 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
"Well couldn't they be used like any other group of symbols as a code for hiding secret messages," Simon offered hesitantly. He used to play around with things like that with his brother when they were younger, keeping them from the girls that followed them around as friends.
Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
"Codes!" Patroclus answered his hand shooting into the air. The Runic Alphabet, could be use as a code system!" The Hudson family were great at codes.
Originally Posted by ers04d View Post
Cora thought hard about the next question. She wasn't very good at using her imagination. She decided to say the first thing that came to mind, "They could be used to write cryptic messages."
"Indeed," Davina said. "Of course, things can get tough if the other side has a good knowledge of the runic alphabet too, but that is a risk that is taken every time cryptography is brought into play."

Ah. This reminded her of her time as a curse-breaker.

Originally Posted by XxWitchy_GothicaXx View Post
Vilhelmiina raised her hand. "If you know the meanings, you might be able to create number messages and codes that you don't want other people to read besides the reciever. It was probably very useful when they were first came up with. They could of also been used in ancient spells. Also, the creatures and symbols on them could mean something."
Di nodded. "All good answers," she said. "Especially the statement about ancient spells. Runes have been part of certain rituals." She did not, however, go into details.

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Was she taking all answers on this one? Because Riley had a great idea. "Professor, can you use the Runes as pieces of the muggle board game Scrabble? They are letters right?" he grinned cheekily.
Di's smile widened. Forget that this child had mistaken her office for a loo - he had an imagination! "That's quite an excellent answer, Mr. Sinclair. I do believe that is possible."

Originally Posted by WeasleyObsession7 View Post
"They could be used to decode ancient spells and messages." Sophia said. "It helps us learn about eariler wizards, in order to become better wizards ourselves." she said, satisfied with her answer. This room was so soft!
Di smiled. "Indeed, Miss Lombardi."

Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru View Post
After quickly jotting down the definition of runes, Vashti thought about the question for a moment before an answer occurred to her. "Couldn't they be used as a code, Professor?" she asked, raising her hand. "And don't some runes, like a set that a person made themselves, kind of 'enhance' the magic of a user if used on that person's wand or...something like that?" She was pretty sure she'd learned something along those lines in a previous lesson, but the exact wording wouldn't come to her.
Di beamed. "Perfectly correct, Miss..." She paused. She did not know the girl's last name. Ah, well. "The creation of a rune-set means the channelization of energies and intent. You infuse your creation with it, so to speak. Good answer."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"To harness elemental magic." Jimmy murmured, hand half raised, and then it shot down again and he pretended like he hadn't spoke at all. Lalala.
Yes, that was it. This kid was bright.

"Excellent answer, Mr. -?"

Originally Posted by Freds_caribbeangirl View Post
Rhea was actually listening and taking notes in Ancient Runes class. It was a huge step up from sitting at the back and watching the clock for when the hour would be up. She raised her hand.
"Errm professor, Runes are used in Divination to interpret stuff I mean certain symbols and so on?..." yeah so she didnt sound very brilliant right now but she was trying.
"They were also used in writing curses in times of cold because it was harder to decipher by intruders."
"Runes and Divination are inter-connected at certain fronts, yes," Davina confirmed, pleasantly. "Divination-via-runes is a big aspect of the study of runes, in general."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander furrowed his brow as he considered the next question "To send secret messages? You know like what the muggles used during World War II, they used the Navajo language to evade enemy code breakers because Navajo wasnt used anywhere outside the Navajo tribe. The same can be used for Runes, not everybody can read it-- or even if they can, interpret it correctly. "
Yes, a few people had said this. Codes. But Davina took special note of the boy, because of the little addition to his answer. "Interpretation matters," she agreed. "Good answer."

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
"What about like...can they used for protective jewelry or something? Like, have a certain rune as a necklace to keep you protected? Can it even work like that?" It could be possible right? She hadn't seen such a thing before, or even heard of it before, but then again, she didn't do her own shopping until a few months ago.
Yes, one of Davina's favourite uses. "It can work like that," Davina confirmed. "There are shops that specialize in such jewellery and artifacts, in fact. I suppose you could say people have made a business out of it."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Bindrunes." Jimmy supplied, the crooked smile back in place. He sat on his hands to stop himself from answering any more. No. He hated runes. And was bad at it. Obviously. Hat had made a mistake.

He was no Ravenclaw.
Davina's eyebrow shot up. Not in a bad way, either. Bind runes. Impressive. "Ligatures," Di said, softly. "Used for ornamental purposes, among others. I see you have a good knowledge of Runes."

Originally Posted by Zellanna View Post
Lina raised a hand, though this time it was a little unsure, and there was something not quite there about her. "I believe... they can be used to boost spells, create wards, and do other things in a magical sense. People have used runic circles, totems, spells, wards, and other such for everything from protection to fertility to... darker magics. It's speculated that runic magic has been attempted not just by wizards, but by some mundanes... muggles... in an attempt to use and control magic."
Di nodded. Dark magic, and muggles. Two new points that she had hoped someone would bring up. "Quite correct," she said. "Good answer, Miss..." Yes. Name, please.

She looked at the rest of the class. "The three most common uses of runes are divination, correspondence, and channeling magical energy. I will admit, however, that the thing I used runes most often for when a student, was to chew on them when nervous." Rune-biting. Kind of an unintentional spin on nail-biting, you know?


"So. Can someone tell me the name of a rune - one rune only, please - and what it means, or represents?"

Aaaand then they could get on to the good part.

Last edited by Maxilocks; 09-09-2010 at 01:59 AM.
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