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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Miss Weasley: Hello Katie girl! Quote:
I loved it... I loved it.... I loved it!!!! So simple; yet so complete... so gentle and serene. So much love... yet no smuttiness. Excellent!!!
Thanks Katie. I really wanted to have love be the shining factor here. I didn’t want their reunion to be pretentious. I didn’t want lust to interfere with the pure emotion they were feeling. And so I wanted to show just enough of the physical display to communicate their pure and unyielding and fathomless love they have for each other. Quote:
The way you set-up the scene surrounding the reunion of Sirius and Lissy was pure magic... I just wish it were me! And the kiss... sigh... so romantic and all encompassing. Pure heaven.
Thank you! They both have given up so much of their lives to an unjust set of circumstances that I wanted to put them in a place where their very lives could well be in jeopardy, but they would have nothing to lose by trusting Crookshanks and Dobby, because they used every bit of their being just being able to get to this point. Quote:
I also really enjoyed the reunion between Moondrop and Crookshanks. He is a man, I mean cat, of true love and character. Someone/thing to be proud of. They were blessed to have found each other!
I am glad you enjoy this, because Crookshanks is very dear to me. I wanted him to be a character of love and honor from the beginning to end. I loved giving him a love in his life that made his existence meaningful. And I loved writing them so very much in love and yet have the same overtone of a tragedy love story, as Sirius, and Lissydove; in love all these years and never having the chance to even touch each other’s lips, hair or even fingertips. And also, the love of Ginny for Harry. Another tragedy love story, of her finally getting to live a day knowing what it would be like for Harry to love her, and then to have it taken from her. The tragedy with Moondrop and Crookshanks is to be so much in love with each other, and only being able to have this love to live with daily as long as their masters are at Hogwarts. Quote:
And what about Dobby? He was so discreet... a true gentleman.
All I can say, Connie, is that this was one of your best chapters! It was very well written and full of so much love. Now what I want to now is... will the marriage actually happen? I mean, can anything in Sirius' tragic life ever be this simple?
I really look forward to the next chapter. I must know if they actually get married!
Yes, the wedding really did happen right there in the, Forbidden Forrest. And, I don’t think it was simple at all. The place they were at is very dangerous, all the things going on all around them. It might appear to the rest of the Forrest that there are four defenseless humans, a cat, and an elf to overcome. But, we know the power of House Elves, and Werecats don’t we. Thank you Katie girl for commenting. You don’t know what this means to me! 
Thank you to everybody for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I hope you did. Next week Chapter 42, “Fatherhood Becomes Crookshanks” will be posted next Thursday or Friday. Only I was wondering if you all would like me to post twice a week now. After this week, there will be 4 chapters and then the Epilogue. It’s up to you. Let me know please. Thank you everyone for reading. Please enjoy tonight’s chapter.
Chapter Forty One
Harry’s Secret
Two weeks passed since Harry was released from the hospital wing, and he was completely healed. Although he begged continually to be able to fly, Madame Pomfrey was reluctant to allow it. Finally one day he went to the Hospital Wing and went to the bed where the LED Monitor was and laid down on it.
“Madame Pomfrey?” he called out. He didn’t have to be quiet because there wasn’t anyone occupying any of the beds. Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove ran over to him when they heard Harry calling and saw him lying on the bed.
“What is it child? What’s happened to you now?” Madame Pomfrey asked anxiously.
“Nothing, I want to fly, I need to practice for Quidditch. We have a game and I can’t convince you that I’m okay, so I had an idea. See the LED Monitor?” They both looked at it. It just showed Harry lying on the bed. “Now, LED Monitor, show me if I’m okay and able to fly.” The mirror showed Harry standing, nodding his head yes with his thumb up and smiling gleefully. Harry looked to Madam Pomfrey and pleaded, “You’ve checked me and you said everything is back to normal, so please let me fly.”
Harry burst into the common room with the news he was allowed to fly and could practice. He left out the part that Madame Pomfrey had threatened to take away his broom if he came in injured again from flying.
There wasn’t much practice time for Harry, but it was obvious to Oliver Wood that Harry was on top form. He felt they had the game cinched. But it was not to be. It was a very cold and blustery day with curtains of torrential rain falling from the black ominous looking clouds. The match would be played in horrid conditions.
It was such a thrill for Sirius to watch Harry fly, he considered the risks and felt it safe to climb to the top of the stands as Padfoot. The thunder was rolling and crashing. A lightning bolt lit up the stands as Harry happened to be straining to see the Snitch just over the very stands where Padfoot was watching Harry. The bolt of lightning silhouetted the huge dog, and Harry stopped mid flight, staring right at it. How many times now had Harry seen the Grim? Oliver yelled at him. The new Hufflepuff Seeker had spotted the Snitch. Harry saw it and his heart leapt to his throat.
Harry put on a burst of speed and was just about to pull even with Cedric. “Yes, I can get around him!” All at once, the rain that was falling turned to ice. It was becoming unbearably cold. Harry had played in freezing rain before, but this was different. He started hearing that woman screaming again. Harry was alarmed as he started feeling light headed. He was going to faint! Frantically, he jerked around. No less than ten feet behind him was a cluster of Dementors and hundreds swarming behind them to come after him. He couldnt go down, he had to climb up. He was about to lose control but made a maneuver that straightened him, and he thought maybe he was getting away. He turned back around to find him flying right into one. Its putrid mouth was open, and its rotten hand grabbed his broom. Harry heard the screaming very loud now. He must be with her, but he can‘t see her. She was begging for Harry’s life. Suddenly, he knew who she was.
“Mum! Can’t someone help my Mum? Please!” Frozen rain was cutting into his skin, but he knew nothing of this or the fact that he was falling without his broom from a height that would kill him when he hit the ground.
Dumbledore saw the scenario unfold before him as the Dementors went after Harry. Rage filled his whole being and he ran onto the field. He cast his Patronus, and, just then, other Patronuses joined the silver phoenix. They began rounding up the Dementors, and Dumbledore then concentrated on Harry, who was falling rabidly to his death.
Everyone was screaming in the stands and Cedric Diggory, boasting the captured snitch, turned gleefully and triumphantly to respond to the crowd, only to find they, (with the exception of the Slytherin spectators) weren’t screaming because he had just caught the snitch. He looked at where they were pointing and saw in horror the Dementors leaving and Harry falling to the ground. He could see Harry was unconscious and raced his broom to where Harry was falling. Would it be possible for him to reach Harry in time to save him? He was sure trying for all he was worth to make it happen.
Dumbledore’s spell greatly slowed Harry’s rapid decent, and the enchanted ground gave way and bounced Harry like a trampoline when he hit. Dumbledore was upon him instantly. “Accio LED Monitor three!” The small handheld mirror Lissydove made appeared in his hand. He held it in front of Harry so his image came in view.
He sighed with relief. “No broken bones, only shaken innards.” The mirror disappeared and the powerful wizard snapped his wand and a stretcher appeared. He carefully put Harry on it and walked along side of it as it floated up to the castle.
“Nice attempt, trying to catch Harry, Cedric. Outstanding.” His smile was gratifying, but fire was in his eyes as he looked towards the entrance gate. He was going to be going down there to have it out with the Dementors after he delivered Harry to the Hospital Wing.
Harry started to come to, with the team, Ron, and Hermione all dripping wet, whispering. Some were saying they thought he was dead, others saying they hoped they would never make Dumbledore as mad as what he was at the Dementors. “He was so scary! Madame Pomfrey was scary! ”another said. Harry’s eyes opened wide. Harry’s first thoughts were of Madame Pomfrey’s last words to him.
“What happened?” Everyone looked at him and started talking at once, telling him everything. He looked over at Madame Pomfrey, who was not the least bit happy. “Did somebody get my Nimbus?” Harry asked worriedly, still watching Madam Pomfrey.
“Umm… Harry?” Ron dumped a bag of broken broom pieces onto the bed. He picked up a piece that had the word, “Nimbus” on it. “Professor Flitwick said it can’t be repaired. I’m sorry, mate.”
Harry looked at it, saying to himself more than anyone else, “I can’t believe she would do this.” He looked at Madame Pomfrey with sorrowful eyes.
Ron was still talking. “After you fell off, it got caught in the wind and blew into The Whomping Willow, and it just kept thrashing and breaking and …”
“I got the picture, Ron,” Harry said dejectedly.
Madame Pomfrey saw Harry looking at her, and then when he looked at his broken broom, then back at her, she realized he thought she broke it for getting hurt while flying. Her heart filled with compassion and went to the group and told them Harry needed to rest now. The team left, but with permission, Ron and Hermione stayed behind. They tried to cheer him up, but he just kept looking at his broom. In a few minutes and more unsuccessful attempts at cheering him, they left.
Madame Pomfrey went over and reached for the broken broom. “I want to keep it” was all he said. She looked at him and sat on the side of his bed. He looked up at her, surprised at her sitting beside him.
“Do you hurt anywhere? I’ve pretty much set you right what was wrong.” She put some chocolate in his hand. “You’re still pretty wan from the Dementors. Of course, you know this’ll help tremendously. I’m really sorry about your broom, Honey.” She spoke softly and ran her fingers through the hair over his forehead that always falls foreword, and brushed it back off of his face as mothers’ and older women’s always do for some reason.
Just then he remembered being held close by a woman. She was cuddling him, kissing him, and running her fingers through his hair, pushing it off of his forehead. “I know that owie really hurts. Tom didn’t mean to hurt you. You were hurting him and he was trying to get away from you. Mommy’s going to call Auntie Lissy. She can fix that bad cut all better. Okay, Honey?”
“Honey? Are you hurting somewhere?” Harry refocused to the present to find Madame Pomfrey worriedly feeling for fever on his forehead and both sides of his neck.
“No, I’m fine. Thanks.” His answer was softly spoken. Tears overwhelmed the wells of his eyes, and they fell over his young face. “I just, for the first time in my life, remember my Mum, and she wasn’t being murdered by Voldemort.”
“Do you remember that night then?” she asked sorrowfully.
“I keep remembering things, and then I can’t remember a thing. I don’t understand. But lately, every time I have a run in with a Dementor, it’s the only thing I hear and this last time, I knew it was my Mum. Just now, I … I saw her. She was holding me close to her and comforting me.” He stopped and looked down at Crookshanks, who was curled up on his belly and chest.
“You always seem to be around when I need a friend, don’t ya, Shanks? Madame Pomfrey?”
She smiled, “What is it, Honey?”
“Would you not tell anyone I can remember these things? I don’t know, but, well, it seems like whenever I start putting things together, all of a sudden I don’t remember what I’ve been working out. At first, and for a long time I thought I had some kind of brain disorder, it scared me. But, now, I wonder if somehow my memory is being modified. Do you think that’s possible?”
“First of all, it is with reluctance that I tell you this. I was never in favor of the memory modifying in the first place. I was told that you went through too much of a horrific tragedy to be able to cope with it. I say let the brain do its job, and the life being protected will be better off healing itself naturally. I went to the Dursley’s, excuse me, your Aunt and Uncle Dursley, the day after you were taken there to give you a physical and found you to be perfectly healthy. I knew then that your memory had been modified, but differently than the Longbottom child’s.”
At the look on Harry’s face, she anticipated his question before he could ask it. “Please don’t ask me why his was modified. I have been sworn to secrecy. I’m sure, though, that you will find out the reason later. At your Aunt and Uncle’s house, you would smile and ask about your Mummy and Daddy. I was heartbroken. They, your relatives, didn’t like you being there. They tolerated me being there, hoping I’d keep you myself. I would have loved to; I even asked if I could. Professor Dumbledore told me that although he himself would loved to have kept you, it was safe for you only at the, your Aunt’s house.”
“Er, did you know my parents well? I mean, you knew them from school, but, did you know them otherwise?”
A smile was upon her face, and a look of pride mingled with her gentleness. She reached over and her fingers pushed back the rebellious hair that was once again falling across his forehead. “I did. It was me your Dad called when your Mum went in labor. They wanted to have their baby at home. I delivered you into this world. Miss Lissydove was in Muggle training to be a Nurse, and also her being your Mum’s best friend, came over and observed. I’m so thankful she is here. I’m afraid it wasn’t me or any of my magic that saved you last month, but she and her Muggle training was what did it.”
“Ah, excellent!” Dumbledore stated exuberantly as he strode in the room. Harry looked at Madame Pomfrey with asking eyes. “Promise not to tell.” He tried to will her to read his thought. She winked at him and turned to the Headmaster.
Yes, he’s awake and filling up on chocolate, once again I might add. Honestly, this child ends up here more often than a ground hog runs from his own shadow!” she said in a stiff professional manor. But as she turned to Harry, she winked again and smiled slightly. And with that, she turned swiftly, bustling her skirt around and leaving the pair to talk.
Harry’s eyes met with the brilliant sparkling blue eyes and felt they were searching him. Harry put his mind on his Nimbus and spoke with a disappointed voice. They say the Whomping Willow did this,” he said, holding up the piece that had the word Nimbus on it that Ron had. He wasn’t going to think about anything he didn’t want to forget. Just in case.
“I regret that happening, Harry. We can be thankful you weren’t still on it though when the wind carried it there,” he said, watching Harry. Though, the cause of it losing its rider in the first place was still possibly just as bad.”
Harry grunted a small huff. “I don’t know, sir. If you don’t get your soul sucked out, then you can recover quite nicely with the help of some chocolate. I mean, after all, who doesn’t like chocolate, Honeydukes’ finest at that. And The Whomping Willow? I was battered, bruised and quite sore for days after Ron and I had our run in with it last year.”
He was relieved to see Dumbledore’s eyes were not drilling through him any longer, but genially, watching him and enjoying the conversation.
“Harry, I’m sorry you have questions you want answers to, and naturally so, but do you understand why I don’t want you to know yet?”
Harry suddenly had a feeling of disquiet. He didn’t want to talk to the Professor about this in fear of him finding out what he was figuring out and things he knew to be true. He took to straightening the blanket he was under, trying to figure out if he could change the subject without causing suspicion. Finally, he decided on the best course of action was to tell him how he felt about the subject.
“Sir, if you don’t mind,” he looked directly into Dumbledore’s eyes, wanting to say this as respectful as possible. “I’d rather just not worry about the things I’m not supposed to know yet, and trust that you’ll tell me when you see fit. I guess you have reason to think I’m not old enough, or maybe I’m not strong enough to handle the truth. Whatever reason you have is good enough for me, and I’ll just wait till you decide to tell me.”
“A very nice try, Harry, but, I know more about you than you think. And I know that you are always searching for the truth.”
Harry felt heat come to his face. Still, he controlled the anger that was building within him.
“Sir, I don’t see why I have to be kept in the dark about something I don’t have. Something I had, but was taken away from me, before I could even …” He stopped what he was saying, got out of bed, and walked to the window beside his bed. He looked out into the world he wasn’t allowed to live a normal life in. He fought the tears that were being called on by the heat in his face and the fury in his heart. It got the better of him and he rounded on the Professor.
The angered young man asked him point blank, “Sir, am I the only person in this school who has had even just one loved one taken away at the hands of Voldemort or any of his people that work for him?”
“No, certainly not.”
“And do they know what happened to them? Why they’re not with them anymore?”
“Yes, but some only to a certain degree.” Dumbledore was quiet with his answers, but he was troubled with the questions asked. Never the less, he allowed Harry his questions. After all, it was himself that came in and brought up the subject to Harry. And Harry did try very politely to dismiss the subject, and so, he thought it only fair to allow Harry to carry on, even if it ended in a rampage of Harry’s rage. He had gone in with the thought that maybe he would offer Harry a chance to talk about or around what was keeping him in such deep thought a lot of the time. He thought that perchance he could satisfy the curiosity that caused Harry’s thirst for answers all the time. But he should have known Harry wouldn’t settle for this morsel of information while he knew he had a wealth of information being kept from him.
“Harry, come back here and sit down.” A piece of the Nimbus fell off as Harry sat down, and Dumbledore pointed his wand to it and caused it to fly up into Harry’s hands. “Ask what you need to know Harry and I will answer you as truthfully as I can.”
Harry licked his lips and took a deep breath. “Why did Voldemort try to kill me?”
Dumbledore hung his head then raised it and looked into Harry’s determined eyes. It was the very question he was afraid to give Harry the answer to.
“Just a short time before you were born, a prophecy was made. It was told to Voldemort that you were the chosen one and that you alone would have powers that he would not have. Voldemort decided that you needed to die.”
“But, powers he doesn’t …? I don’t know any special powers. Snape …”
“Professor Snape.”
“Yes, Sir, well, he says I’m an idiot and doesn’t know.” Harry was getting worked up and could hardly sit still. He decided to change tactics before he was deemed too excited and childish and not allowed to ask anything else.
“Sir, how could I have these powers if I don’t even know I have them? Do you know what this power is?”
He studied the Headmaster and saw a look in his eyes he didn’t like.
“Er, umm, it’s okay, let’s just forget it, sir. It’s okay. I’ll just wait till I’m ready to know, sir.” He tried a smile and hoped the Headmaster bought into the suggestion.
“An excellent idea, Harry, and I’m sorry, but one day you will find out, but this is not the time for that to happen. You are much too eager, and I can’t have you putting things together before you have all the facts. I have only come into new evidence of the worst kind and need to know more before I inform you. It will be you that has to kill Voldemort or be killed by him. I need to find out about some Horcrux’s before anything else. I do however want to let you know that I have the utmost confidence in you and your abilities. I care for you more than I should. Yes, I’ll even say I love you as a father loves his son. I too would love to have kept you and raised you, adopting you as my son. But that would have been very selfish of me and very bad for you. You’ve been raised by the worst family, without love and compassion, yet you generously give of both. Forgive me, Harry, but as I said already, you are much too important to the fate of the wizarding world to let you know these things which I need to find out more about. I know you would go off on your own if need be to find the Horcrux‘s, and not fully understanding the depth they reach too, makes it too dangerous, not only for you, but for the entire wizarding world. There will be a time when I will tell you everything I know, and the two of us together will be Horcrux hunters. And still, though we’ll have all the information, it will be extremely dangerous.”
“Professor Dumbledore?” For the first time in his life since he knew Professor Dumbledore, he looked as though he was caught off guard. He recovered quickly enough though.
“Yes, Poppy?” he called. Madame Pomfrey came hurriedly into the room, “I have only one more thing to do.” She put a hypodermic syringe, without the customary needle attached to it, to the back of his head. I want to withdraw a small amount of gray matter to examine, just to make sure that previous injury haven’t allowed any swelling to occur. I’ll be able to tell if I detect any blood in here. I’ll be back in a few seconds.” She left and disappeared into her office for only a short time and came back out and announced, “Young man, you are free to leave here when the professor is done visiting you. Would it do any good to tell you to please try and stay safe? And please let me know when you are leaving, you can pick up your personal items.” Once again Madame Pomfrey left the room for her office.
Dumbledore watched her leave, then turned back to Harry and lifted his wand he had hidden under his robe. He had silenced Harry while the Nurse was there. Then, as Harry opened his mouth saying, “No”, Dumbledore swept his wand and said “Obliviate!”
Harry looked at the Professor with a confused look on his face.
“I truly am sorry, Harry. And I agree with you whole heartily.”
“About what …”
“Yes. About what the Dementors do when they catch you, with the exception of sucking out your soul, they could not have done the damage to your broom, as The Whomping Willow did to it. Just as you were saying about the injustices it happened onto you and young Mr. Weasley last year.”
“Oh… right sir.” He laughed a futile laugh at the attempt of humor.
“Well, Harry, we should get down to the Great Hall and eat before we miss out on our meal. Don’t forget to stop and see Madame Pomfrey before you leave.” And Dumbledore walked out, whistling a tune called, “Camp Town Races.”
Harry walked over to Madame Pomfrey and asked her if she wanted to see him.
“Yes, Honey. Here are your personal things you had on you when you came in. And this is a book I’m sure you’d love to read.” She put the thick, handsome leather bound book in his hands. She whispered softly, just barely loud enough for him to hear. “The secret password is, ‘Harry’s Secret’s’.”
At the utterance of the words, the book opened into a very small pensieve with a small vial of gray shimmering stuff. “This is a book that shows you the story instead of you having to read it. Just poor the vial into the bowl and watch it. You can copy it and store it away if you ever think you’ll lose it, and keep this one in your memory.” She was definitely speaking in a code to him, and he was very curious as she said slowly, “Your memory. Don’t read it when you’re around anyone, as they won’t understand it.”
Harry looked at her and smiled politely. Then he nodded his head and said, “Thank you, Madame Pomfrey.” |