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Old 08-31-2010, 03:37 AM   #67 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Oh, gosh... I'm so sorry for making you guys wait on me. I really really really wanted to update sooner, but Ally was stubborn and there was RPG school stuff. Forgive me?

SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Goooooooo Allie! There's a little Slytherin in her!

And... there's some hufflepuff too...
I'm not sure how she would sort herself. I'll have to ask her.

... hmmm not sure I like where this is going. He's too grabby... *smacks his hand* She's a lady!

Love it, can't wait for more.
I wouldn't assume that he's GRABBY. You'll have to wait and see what he's like. Glad you liked it!

Originally Posted by IluvvDracoMalfoy View Post
It's totally Harry Potter! And he held her hand! I'm so jealous of Ally. Post more when you can!
Thanks! You think it's Harry? Hmmm... guess we'll have to see.

I'm sorta jealous too, actually. How would YOU spend your days with Harry?

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
It's Al and Lily, I know it - it has to be them!!!


Is Allie in Hogsmeade?
Ally is a Muggle all the way, so she's probably NOT in Hogsmeade.

Or... is she? Hehe.

Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
That is so true! We really do think things that are barely old are really old.
Right? It's crazy that a 20 year old building is "old" to us sometimes. Wow.

Baha, the fictions gods and literary powers that be. Hilarious. I wish I had your talent.
Hehe, thanks. She makes me giggle sometimes for sure.

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
I have SO many scenarios running through my head about who Al could be and what other things (years, role of the books as history or fiction) need to be certain ways for it to be that person.

It's quite distracting.

Anyway. The fudgesicle bit was so hilarious, I giggled out loud and James looked at me all funny. And then I had to explain. And then he looked at me all funny again.

The whole thing was just so well written. I like the interaction between Harry!Al and "the Ginger" and I admit, the end caught me by surprise. Ally may randomly hug strangers, but now Al is a hand-grabber.

The Ginger glare almost makes me think she has similar feelings about Al talking to girls as Ally has about Arm Pit. Ah, siblings.
The fudgesicle bit was actually something I tried out verbally to see if it was as angry sounding as she intended. It was not. It was just giggle-inducing.

I like surprising you... this is my goal.

(Sibling dynamics are fun, no?)

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Brillient chapter
Ohhh Ginger is his sister? Cool! LOL!
Can't wait for more. PAMS!
Glad you're enjoying it! Hope you like this chapter as well.

Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post
ahh this is's def al and lily...wh oelsee?
Hmmm. Who else indeed?


Day 1, Part 6

If my life was a movie, this moment would have a fast-paced musical interlude as Al and I run off together, laughing at how everyone in the world just doesn’t get how amazing our true love really is.

And it would probably end in snogging. That’s British for kissing.

Let me tell you, though, that in reality, there isn’t much romantic about running down the street to escape the postcard-spillage-induced wrath of a shopkeeper guy. For one, my flip-flops are still wet and keep snagging on the cobblestones. For another, our hands get all sweaty in the heat. That is NOT sexy.

So when I trip and stumble out of my flip-flop, my slippery hand slides from Al’s.

He leaves me behind. I watch him turn the corner into the ruined castle while I’m still slogging up the street.

“You… left me,” I gasp once I reach him. Al perches on one of the walls, looking sort of Narnia-regal in the ruins. Not the first Narnia movie… the second one. It’s funny. In the US, there’d be signs everywhere telling you to “DO NOT TOUCH,” and here Al sits on an ancient wall.

“I thought you were right behind me.”

“I… wasn’t.” My wrath would be more effective if I could breathe.

“Not a runner, I see,” he gives me a mildly concerned look. There is nothing romantic about this moment. I’m sweaty and out of breath, and Al is commenting on my physical fitness.

Plus, I lost my flip-flop.

“Really… hard to run… in flip-flops.” I inform him with as much indignation as I could muster. Not much, in case you’re wondering.

He points at my bare foot. “You lost one.”

“I KNOW.” As if I couldn’t tell I was only wearing one shoe. I mean… before I stopped running for my life. What’s this thing with him stating the obvious?

Al doesn’t even offer to go back to look for my shoe. So much for British-y chivalry.

“Why don’t you come and sit up here?” He pats the stone ledge beside him. THERE. That’s sort of romantic. He wants me to sit by him.

I lunge at the wall, pulling myself up by jamming fingers and toes into mossy crevices. Clearly, I am not physically suited for this lifestyle, which is weird because I have no trouble climbing trees or running track back home. I hang pathetically from the wall and give Al a sad puppy face.

Al hooks my elbow and hauls me unceremoniously up beside him. For the first minute (or five), I just cling to the before even attempting to sit up. That… also NOT sexy.

“Your toes are dirty,” Al points out helpfully.

“Thank you, Captain Obvious,” I mutter, sticking out my bare foot to admire the mossy toenails.

“You are most welcome.” Al twists around to face the lake, his interest in my toes waning. “You’re not one of those fussy types who cannot get dirty, are you?” His tone almost wavers between admiring and skeptical.

“Nope. Not me. Super low drama right here,” I agree. He doesn’t need to know that those same toes were dipped in canoe sludge earlier, or that I broke one of them three years ago on our theme park vacation by tripping over the bed the first day.

You’d be surprised how easy toes are to break.

Carefully, I twist around to view the lake as well. From here, I can see the cottages crouching like animals among the trees, hiding their lurid interiors. The place looks quiet from here, a far cry from reality.

“What’s Al short for?”

The tips of his ears turn pink, and Al ducks his head. It’s possible I was looking at something other than the lake. Maybe.

“You ask a lot of questions.”

“I’m a very curious person.”

He nods. “Curious.” It’s clear he isn’t going to answer my question. Or not on his own, but I’m a very persuasive person. Arm Pit calls it annoying, pestering, nagging, whining so intense it causes his ears to bleed… whatever. I know how to get answers.

“Albert?” Duh. Of course not.

“What? Look… Ally-Allison-Ally Cope. Why do you want to know?”

He was stubborn, which is normally NOT an attractive quality. In fact, it still isn’t an attractive quality, but he was Harry Potter… or something like it… and was granted a certain amount of leeway. Boy-who-lived hall pass. “We have this weird American custom called ‘getting to know each other’ where we ask and answer questions. To get to know each other. To be FRIENDS.”

Al doesn’t speak, opting instead to study my dangling bare foot and then the bloody scratch on my knee. Oh, hello. Where did that come from?

“Maybe I don’t feel like talking,” he finally responds, and he is suddenly in my personal space. Inscrutable green eyes hover just above me, and I can only stare back in wide-eyed fascination. My stomach whirls and flutters in that out-of-control, dangerous way, like maybe he’ll kiss me and I’m not ready for it. Or maybe he’ll push me off the wall onto the rock below. I’m not ready for that either.

“You are in BIG trouble,” a voice says from the ground below us. Red stands at the bottom of the wall, arms crossed and toe tip-tapping away.

Behind her stands another dark-haired boy and my own dear Arm Pit. He holds up my flip-flop, dangling a strap from one finger.

“You know… you really are.”
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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