Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 08-27-2010, 05:42 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xx

Chapter Fifteen

She groaned miserably and pulled herself out of bed. She reached out for the bedside table leaning on it heavily; her hand crept down to lift up her t-shirt to the nice shade of purple on her lower abdomen and up her side reaching to some of her ribs. The door opened to Harry carrying a tray and she straightened up with a smile.

“Your supposed to be asleep not wandering when I bring you breakfast in bed that’s the whole point” he grinned, she looked at the tray, at his smiling face and as he sat on the bed,
“I woke up; it’s not a crime is it?”
“Nope, just you know – I was trying to surprise you”
“Hmm” she smiled and leaned over carefully to take a slice of toast and the glass of orange juice “And you did, don’t stop” she sat beside him, as he helped himself to some toast,
“I’m gonna keep trying”
“Good” she munched happily and stood up “I’m getting a shower, and then I’m going to see Hermione before we find you some clothes” She wandered in changing,
“Alright, well I’m going to see Snape – we’re sorting out his defence”
“Are you sure?” she called out to him,
“As much as I hate his guts I’ve gotta help him” He shrugged,
“Ok” she smiled poking her head round the bathroom door, hiding her stained skin from sight and blew him a kiss before closing the door.

He watched the door, she couldn't hide from him, and he saw the bruises while she was sleeping. She was getting clumsy; she was never clumsy so he was worried. He knew she was too.
He finished his own glass of juice and waited for her to come out wrapped in her towel, “Ginny”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” she rifled through the draws for underwear,
“Gin tell me the truth please”
“There’s something going on Ginny, something you’re not telling me, you have to tell me what’s happening, I’m your fiancé”
“Harry trust me, I’m fine if you’re worried about the fall yesterday it was just an accident”
“Your breaking your arm was?”
“An accident”
“Right” he muttered looking at her back as she took clothes from the wardrobe, “Because you hurting yourself doesn’t mean anything when you’ve never clumsy and uncoordinated”
“There’s nothing wrong with me Harry” she didn’t turn around, he couldn’t believe her. He stood up and turned her around,
“Let me go” she tried to shrug him off,
“Ginny you have to be honest”
“Stop it”
“Tell me please, I’m scared, more then I ever was looking into that psychopaths eyes, I’m scared I’m losing you”
“I’m sorry, I’m just sorry ok” she pulled away from him and the towel fell to the floor,
“We’re going to the hospital get ready” he replied, his eyes seeing the purple as she walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.
He pulled on clothes and knocked on the door, “Ginny are you ready?”
“I’m going to see Hermione” she replied,
“We’re going to the hospital, I think you’ve broken some ribs” he said talking through the door,
“I’ll go with her, stay away from me today”
“Ginny” he sighed,
“No Harry, you want this to work you do this for me please, I’m going with Hermione”
“I’ll see you later, I love you Ginny” he replied and disappeared with a louder pop then usual.
“Love you” she whispered sitting on the bathroom floor. She didn’t want to tell him, it was just this was her scared of something she couldn’t control anymore. She pulled herself up and grabbed a bag throwing stuff in it, some clothes, a photo and her wand. She went to the fireplace picking up a piece of paper and writing a note to him, ‘I’m sorry, I love you, I just need some time’

He stood there holding the piece of paper, staring at the ink, Ron and Hermione behind him.

“She’s gone” he whispered hoarsely, “She’s just gone” he dropped it and ran up the stairs. Her backpack was gone; some of the hangers were bare. She’d just moved in and now she’d left him. He ended up on his knees staring into the wardrobe,
He didn’t reply,
“It’s my fault” he mumbled as Ron tried to lift him up “I’ve scared her away”
“She can’t have gone far” Hermione said taking out her wand “Where would she go?”
“I – I don’t know” Harry replied
“We’ll check the burrow?”
“She comes to me when there’s something wrong, she’s not talking to Molly still - this morning – last night she fell and hurt herself, her ribs she needed to go to hospital and wouldn’t, I tried to get her to talk but she wouldn’t, there’s something not right with her and she won’t tell me – she won’t tell me then who will she tell…” he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, “She’s gonna be fine” he pulled out his wand and apparated to Mungo’s.

“Has Ginny Weasley been in?”
“There’s such a thing as patient confidentiality”
“I need to know if she’s been here, she’s gone missing with broken ribs so I have to check”
“I can’t tell you that Mr Potter”
He banged his fist on the desk “She’s my fiancée and there’s something wrong with her, you have to tell me if she’s been here!”
“I can’t tell you”
Harry pulled out his wand,
“Mr Potter now there’s no need to-”
“- Shut up and find out!”
“Harry” called out a voice “Calm down”
He turned around “She’s gone”
“Come with me”
“Come on” she hissed grabbing his arm,
“You can help me?”
“Yeah, just walk before they throw you out”
She yanked his arm and he stepped, “Come on” she dragged him along and he stood with his hand in hers in the lift,
“I’m sure she’s ok Harry”
“You don’t know that”
“I do, she wouldn’t hurt you silly” she smiled and squeezed his hand in hers “How could she knowingly do something to make you miserable?”
“She’s scared” he replied simply,
They stepped out, “Stay right there, I’ll be back in a minute, don’t speak to anyone or I’m going to get fired”

He stood there shaking and his eyes darting around anxiously, then she came back,
“I can’t find her in the system”
“I – I – try looking for someone else – look for Sarah Reynolds”
“It was her cover name when we were on the run – look for it”
“Alright” She went back to the desk, rifled through some parchment, spoke to some people and came back,
“She’s been in, she’s been treated, and she’s fine”
“She’s ok?”
“Yeah – look Harry there’s something else… you know what forget it”
“What is it?”
“No it’s nothing, just forget I said anything, she’s fine, and her ribs were healed”
“Don’t you lie too me as well, please”
“It was nothing”
“Patient healer confidentiality”
“I’m her fiancé, I’m going mad here and I need to know what’s going on”
“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you” she replied “Now you have to go home and wait for her to come back”
“You told me she was here surely you can let me know-”
“-Harry I’ve risked too much already by even telling you she was here, I can’t tell you anything else, its up to her not me” She walked away and he gripped his wand apparating to the burrow.

He made to knock on the door but Ron opened it, “She doesn’t want to see you”
“She’s here?”
“She doesn’t want to see you”
“Harry” he said folding his arms,
“Come on; tell me what I’ve done wrong”
“I don’t know maybe the huge bruise covering half of her body”
“She fell on the stairs – she ran up them with her suitcase”
“Have you seen it?”
“Course I have, but she’s been to the hospital – I checked”
“Just go home”
“Let me see her”
“She doesn’t want you here”
Harry pushed him trying to get past, “Ginny!” he yelled,
Ron pulled out his wand looking fierce “She - doesn’t - want - to - see - you”
Harry yelled “WHY NOT?” raising his own,
“Because – just because”
“Why won’t anyone tell me anything?”
Ron didn’t have an answer, he just held his wand stepping back to close the door. Harry reached out putting his foot in the way and his wand at Ron’s throat “Tell me what is happening”
“I can’t, when she wants to she will”
“I can’t be left in the dark like this, I’m going to go mad, in fact you know what I’m already there – GINNY!” he yelled again, “COME AND TALK TO ME PLEASE!”
“Harry” Molly said appearing at the door, “Ginny’s not up to seeing you at the moment come back tomorrow”
“What the hells going on!”
“Ginny’s just not very well, she’s going to stay here for a little while, calm down and go home”
“Don’t push me away, I need to know what’s happening, I can’t just leave her here”
“Harry go home and come back tomorrow” she reached out to touch his cheek, “Wait for her to sort this out, give her time – a chance to process something’s and then she’ll let you in”
“I love her, I just want to know she’s ok, to see she’s ok” he said as Molly pulled him into a hug, and he cried on her shoulder,
“She’ll be ok; I’m going to look after her for you ok Harry”
“I – I -”
“It’s ok Harry, its ok” She stroked the back of his head reassuringly, “She’ll be ok”

He let go and she stepped back, “Go home”
He nodded and apparated to Godric’s Hollow. He walked to the graveyard and sat in front of the simple white stone,
“Hey Mum, Dad” he smiled running his hand through the strands of grass, “I wish you were here right now cause I just want someone to talk to, I want you back, I want you here with me where you belong” his hand became a fist and slammed on the grass “Why couldn’t he just leave you, why couldn’t he let me have someone that won’t leave me?” he cried “Why won’t you let me have anything?!” he shouted up at the sky.

She walked into the green flames and came out at Mungo’s; she held herself together getting to the desk and asked to see a healer.

“There we go” she finished wrapping the bandage with a wave of her wand,
“Now you wanted the-”
“Yes please”
“Alright” she waved her wand again muttering something indistinctly before turning around to tap a sheet of parchment.
“Congratulations Miss Reynolds”
“Everything looks fine, the fall wouldn’t have had any affect at this stage, it’s the early days, the very early days – with magic of course we can pin point exactly where you’re at, so within a few weeks you should get the morning sickness”
“Uh huh” she replied touching where the bump would soon be,
“Are you ok, is there anyone you can tell – the father, any support?”
“We’ll be fine”
“But is there anyone else?”
“I’ll – I’ll go to – to – to my mums, yeah my mums”
“Alright, now you’ll have an appointment at the three month milestone, would you like me to book it for you now”
“That’s alright sweetheart, this is a big thing to take in, and we can leave it for now and contact you in a few weeks if you like”
“No, no make it now please”
“Ok, I’ll be back in a moment” She smiled and patted her hand reassuringly.
She sat there staring at the wall, how to tell him, how not to, how to tell her mother or not to. She sighed and looked up,
“10a.m on Tuesday, April 15th”
“I’ll be here”
“It might be easier for you to bring someone with you, being alone in this -”
“Please, don’t make assumptions about me”
“You can’t be more then sixteen -”
“- So”
“This is hard when you’re an adult never mind when -”
“- I’m not stupid, this was an accident and now I just have to sort it out” she stood up “Just because I’m sixteen doesn’t make me a child, I can cope with this alone, I’m perfectly capable but I won’t have to, I have my family and my baby will too”
She looked at her pleadingly “The father?”
“He’ll be with us”
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok- that he’ll be willing to- ?”
“He’d do anything for me” she twisted the ring round her finger “This was his mums but he chose me to give it to, he wouldn’t leave me…”
“You’re engaged”
“Yes, he loves me and I love him, he came back for me that’s how this happened, he came back to say goodbye – we never thought, I never thought, It was the first time”
“It happens”
“I guess this is proof of that” she muttered “I’m gonna go now”
“Are you sure, you can stay and talk to someone – talk to me if you like”
“Thanks but no, I’m gonna go and see my mum”
“Ok, look how about I arrange it so you see me on the 15th?”
“Yeah, that would be nice, thankyou”
“Alright, see you then, take care of yourself”
“I will”

She walked in a daze to the reception and stood in front of the fireplace. She threw in the floo powder and was trying to pick where she would go when
“Get in or get out of the way!”
She turned back to the angry face and then stepped in “The Burrow”

“Ginny” Molly said suddenly as she stepped out,
“Mummy” she ran at her in a hug,
“Darling, what’s wrong?”
“I’ve come home”
“But why, where’s Harry, what’s happened?” she squeezed her to her but Ginny flinched,
“Owww!” she pulled away,
“Ginny – what on earth?” she grabbed her wrist to hold her there and lifted up her t-shirt, there was purple both above and below the bandage,
“Let go!”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on”
“I don’t believe you”
“I fell and I broke a couple of ribs”
“Did he do this?” she said firmly looking at her directly,
“Harry – what – no Harry would never hurt me like that, I’m telling you I fell so listen and believe me”
“I can’t”
“Since when has Harry ever hit another person, when has he ever laid a hand on me when it wasn’t in love?!”
“I – I –I’m so worried about you, being so far away from me, I don’t know what goes on in your life anymore”
“I was running up the staircase with my bag and I fell that is all, I’ve been to Mungo’s I’m fine”
“You don’t look fine”
“I’m – I’m just – I’m pregnant” she broke into tears,
Molly let go and stared at her,
“Harry doesn’t know, and he’s not going to for a while, I’m not even a month I just knew that I was, I’m scared mum, I’m just scared”
“But your fall are you ok, is it ok?”
“Yes, I’ve been checked out and everything -” Molly cut her off in a hug,
“You have to tell him”
“Not yet, please don’t say anything”
“Please mum, please I need time to come to terms with it myself not with him fawning over me”
“Stay here for as long as you need to”
“How do I tell him? – How will he take it – will he still want me?”
“Of course he will” Molly held up her ringed hand to show her “I might not like it but he loves you too much for your own good and if anything this will only make him love you more”
“What if he’s more scared then I am, what if he – he panics and can’t take it, what if it’s all to fast for him, for us?”
“All what if’s sweetheart, but I’m sure he won’t do any of that, he’s prepared to marry you as soon as he can he’s going to be here for you, all he’s ever wanted is a family you’ve given him that even though it is a accident”
“I – I don’t want to see him if he comes please, I need to be alone”
“I don’t think that’s the best thing for you”
“He’ll be attached to me at the hip if he thinks I’m ill, I left a note, I just need to be alone”
“Does he know you’re here?”
“I didn’t get that far, he left to see Snape this morning I hadn’t decided what I was doing, my head was to messed up, I’m still too messed up – I – I don’t know what I’m doing” she put her hands to her head pacing, “I can’t think about this!”
“Calm down sweetheart” Molly put her hands out to stop her in her tracks and try to look at her, “You’ve got me; you’ve got dad and your brothers and Harry”
“Dad - What’s dad going to say!”
“He’s going to be fine”
“And Harry, I don’t know if I can tell him, I can’t see him taking this as a good thing!”
“Ginny, you need to calm down”
She shouted, “Calm!”
“Yes, stress is not good for you or the baby”
“It’s not even a baby yet, I wish it never makes it that far, I don’t want this, I can’t do this, what am I going to do?!”
“Don’t say that, you don’t mean it”
“I do I don’t want this baby!”
She burst into tears and threw herself into her mothers arms, “I’m sorry mummy”
“Don’t be sorry; just don’t ever say that again”
“I – I – I”
“Its ok sweetheart now lets go upstairs, you need to rest for a while” She supported her daughters weight and walked her up the stairs to her old room. She folded over the quilt and let her slide into the bed “I’ll get your bag and I’ll be right back ok”
“Uh huh” she cried into the pillow.
RIP JD Salinger
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