Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Hello everyone! Well, here we are at the time everybody has been waiting for. The Reunion. Please don't be too disappointed. There really isn't that much to do with Sirius and Lissydove. But, I challenge everyone to see if there might be another reason for the title of tonight's chapter.
Miss Weasley: Hey there Katie girl! Quote:
I especially enjoyed your explanation for Sirius' destruction of the Fat Lady's picture... it fit perfectly
. Quote:
I especially enjoyed your explanation for Sirius' destruction of the Fat Lady's picture... it fit perfectly
Thanks sweetie Quote:
I really enjoyed Sirius' idea of turning into his animagi form to try and produce Dumbledore's tricky spell... I guess he could've put the wand in his mouth and done some fancy foot-work and arobics?
I'm glad you enjoy Serius's sarcasm, I do too. Quote:
“You have some explaining to do!”
Don't ask me why... but Lucy and Desi seem to come to mind... what say you?
Actually, that was a bit I added with you in mind. I'm thrilled you picked up on it.
Emily Black: Hello Emily. Quote:
Sirius is so cute when he's mad
I begg to differ with you if it's ok. I think he's cute all the time. But, his anger does bring out more personality doesn't it. Quote:
Awe, his fatherly side taking over
And he didn't even have any practice at it. Quote:
Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
Thanks Emily.
Morag: Hello Sophie. Quote:
WHAT!!!! Why does it have to end? Your such a good writer too! Oooo... will you have a sequal??? Please say yes!
I'm wondering if it's been drug out too long as it is. And we haven't gotten to the climax yet. Which the climb starts next week. And, no I don't think there will be any sequals. I put up my notebook and pen when I finished writing this months ago. But thank you. You're very sweet. Quote:
Sirius-Seriously Calm the jam! Take a chill pill!
He needs instruction dealing with patience doesn't he.[QUOTE][And I'm worried that the next five weeks will fly by. Please don't let this end . It was a great post. Sirius must keep calm and carry on.
It was excelent!
/QUOTE]Sophie, this story ending isn't going to be a bad thing. It's been great all of you letting me entertain you for a little while. I've loved every minute of it. But, all things need to come to an end to preserve any quality of sustenance it had. Thank you sweetie.
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hello K'Lari. Quote:
This is funny because I've forgotten what I figured out XD
You're such a goof! Quote:
khehehe, I grinned at the mention of Luna as Crookshanks love interest
Ohhhhhhhhhh! I hope Sirius doesn't get caught meeting Lissydove!
: Well, you never know, it is risky what with Hagrid not being under the influence. We'll see.
Thank you everyone. Next weeks chapter 41, "Harry's Secret" will be posted next Thursday or Friday. I do hope everyone enjoys the chapter tonight.
The Reunion
Crookshanks appeared at the Ravenclaws’ door and spoke to the bronze Eagle, and it granted him passage in. Moondrop, my love, are you able to come to me? I am here by your fireplace. In a matter of a minute, Moondrop came to him. They touched noses as cats do when they greet one another. “Are you well? Do you need anything?” he asked her in their minds.
“I am fine, and I am well cared for by my master. I’ve been down to visit with Dobby a few times, and he has given me check-ups, keeping me fit. He has made me very at ease with not being able to keep our son. He is a very good friend. My master is very sensitive to my needs also. She took me to the school nurse, the young one, to make sure I was okay. She, the Lissydove human, told her to take me to the kitchen and ask for Dobby, and that he would be the best one to help her with me.”
“The poor elf was taken aback at first, but as soon as he saw me and Luna told I was pregnant, he was fine. He realized who I was. He checked me over and instructed my Luna in ways to care for me properly.”
“So, I’m thinking about three more weeks, and our precious little ones will arrive. I’m so excited, and I know you must be also.”
They had curled up, entwined with one another on the hearth with the fire embers glowing just enough to cast a mellow light on the couple. Moondrop started purring loudly, and with Crookshanks staying quiet, she drifted asleep. He laid there with his love’s head lying over his neck and his front paws around her rib cage. He could feel his little ones moving around and was thankful for his blessings.
When the sunrays began to stream into the hospital wing across Harry’s bed, he received four visitors. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Crookshanks came in quietly though, as they saw that Harry was still sleeping. It was Sunday morning, and it was hard to believe all the tragedy that had occurred happened only yesterday. It had been only very early this morning when Harry had awakened and was fine for the most part.
The three looked at him resting there, his color pretty much back to normal with a hue of red on his cheeks. He was on his left side with the covers pulled up around his neck and his left foot hanging out over the side of the bed. Ron smiled and pointed this out. He motioned them to step away from Harry’s bed so they could talk softly without disturbing him.
“Didn’t I tell you that’s how he sleeps?” he said, being all proud of himself. “At least we know he’s resting well.” They talked amongst themselves and very soon, Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore came in.
“How delightful to see each of you,” said Dumbledore. “You are, I assume, awaiting our young friend to awaken?” Merriment was written all over his face and sang from his voice. “I’m afraid he won’t waken on his own. We enjoyed a very nice meal very early this morning, and then we talked of the incident that occurred. He was most persistent in asking very precise questions.
“For instance, was Ron mad at him? What did he do to make Ron hit him? Why didn’t Ron try to find out what was going on before he hit him? What was going on, and how did he end up getting to fly with Ginny? Was she just bored because everyone else was at Hogsmeade, and decided she would rather fly with him instead of being bored? Does she still hate him for the whole Chamber of Secrets ordeal? The questions went on for quite some time. Madam Pomfrey was quite put out with us, I must say. I finally had to put a sleeping drought in his hot chocolate to cause him to be unable to stay awake. I gave him his medicine, and he climbed in his bed and went right off to slumber.”
“Will he be mad at me when he wakes up then?” Ron swallowed hard as he asked with great trepidation in his voice.
“I think it would be fair of him to be upset, but he is quite an enchanting young man. His disposition is quite unique. We’ll just have to wake him up and see. Shall we then?”
They all nodded their heads and moved over to Harry. They were surprised as the Headmaster tickled Harry’s foot that was dangling over the side of the bed. Quickly, Harry pulled his foot in and told Dudley to quit being mean, and that he was tired and wanted to sleep. Dumbledore smiled sadly and sat softly on the edge of the bed. “Harry? Wake up, son,” he said in a very soft and kind manner.
Harry opened his eyes and tried to open them wide, blinking out the sleep in them. Professor McGonagall handed him his glasses. “Thank you,” he said to her. He looked at each one slowly, and then he broke the silence.
Looking at Ron, he smiled and said, “Alright there, Ron?” Ron was overcome with relief and took the two strides over next to him. He doubled his fist and didn’t punch Harry, but put his knuckles on Harry’s shoulder with a small push, and said he was just fine now that Harry was okay. It was a testament of Harry’s loyalty in Ron that he didn’t flinch when he saw Ron come at him with his fist doubled. He just grinned at him. This then made Ron know that he was still Harry’s best mate.
Harry looked at everyone again and his eyes rested on Hermione. “I s’pose I’ve got all kinds of homework to catch up on that I was s’pose to do yesterday.” He giggled as the expression on her face changed to a serious look.
“Well, yes, you do have that Potions’ essay on werewolves and how to kill them for Professor Snape. And the Charms’ practice, and then there’s the Transfiguration essay, but that’s not due until next Tuesday, but really you can’t be putting it off, and …”
“Hermione,” Ron rolled his eyes. “Give the man a break! He’s been mostly dead for eight or nine hours! I’m sure you can help him catch up.” Then remembering McGonagall was there, he turned red in the face and said, looking sheepishly at her, “A little help is okay, isn’t it?”
The smile on Harry’s face was still fixed on his face when Crookshanks jumped up on his bed. “’Lo Shanks, been keeping late hours have you?” Crookshanks curled himself up in a comfortable ball where Harry could easily pet him and closed his eyes, being thankful Harry was okay.
Ginny laughed just loud enough that Harry heard her. He looked at her with a question on his face, but didn’t ask her anything. “Ginny,” he said quietly, “I don’t know what went on yesterday, but I hope I didn’t hurt you or scare you. Professor Dumbledore said we were flying together.”
“Yeah, it’s all good. I saw you going to the Quidditch Pitch to do some flying and decided to go watch, and, er, well, tell you I was thinking of trying out for Quidditch next year. I was wondering if you could help me with my balance on the broom.”
His face lit up. “That’s awesome, Ginny! Was I helpful to you?”
“Oh, yes! Er, more than you know! You taught me loads of your moves, and it was really a lot of fun. Thank you, by the way.”
Harry was beaming. “I wish I could remember. It sounds like a lot of fun. Flying is fun, even when you’re learning. I really wish I could remember,” he said wistfully.
“So do I … wish you could remember,” she said softly.
Everyone chatted for awhile, and then Harry was looked over and dismissed and told he could go to his common room to finish recuperating. He first had to promise that he would be still and not get excited over anything. “No running, jumping, skipping, FLYING, or any other physical activity for a week” was the order from the Nurses.
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were on their way to the seventh floor when Draco, and his two henchmen hurried to the other side of the corridor, looking at Ron and said, “I didn’t say anything! We aren’t doing anything!” They hurried on their way throwing looks over their shoulders till they were well away from them.
“What’s got their Fruit of the Looms in a wad?” asked Harry watching after them curiously.
The others laughed as they told of Ron’s threat to Draco.
Harry stopped and looked at Ron with his eyes wide. “Well done there Ron. Really!”
They continued on and Ron said, “I wasn’t being brave or anything. I had those demon Blimpy thingies pestering me and all. I should’ve restrained myself better.”
Harry put his hand on Ron’s face and started talking seriously, but then couldn’t help himself and a wry smile came on his face. “Ron, you exercised control just fine I think. Excellent really.”
Ron looked over at him and cocked his eyebrows wondering what Harry had on his mind. “How so?” he asked cautiously.
“Well, from what I’ve been told, you threatened Draco and allowed him to run off.”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Ron said still waiting for something.
“Well, there you go! You showed great restraint! Just minutes before, you accused me of something and cleaned my clock for me.”
At first Ron looked like he’d been slapped in the face. Then he saw Harry smiling at him and laughed. “You ever going to forget about that?”
Harry broke out laughing. “Ron, I don’t remember a thing of it. You’ve got nothing to worry about. I was just yanking your chain a little. Let’s hurry up and get to the common room fireplace, these corridors are freezing!” And indeed his lips were showing signs of being blue.
They gathered around the fireplace and chatted well into the evening, laughing and Ginny told of some moves Harry taught her, and how she was anxious for the following school term so she could try out for Quidditch. At last the evening was full and nothing was left to do but retire to bed.
12:50 was upon Crookshanks and he popped into the shack as Jim, to find Sirius dressed in splendid dark purple dress robes and hair washed and brushed, his curls and waves a motion of good looks befitting his handsome rugged face. The cologne he was wearing was just strong enough to be tantalizing. Jim winked at him and said Miss Lissydove will swoon at the site of him.
Jim and Sirius appeared at the given location and, at that moment, Dobby showed up alone. Sirius’s eyes widened, and as Dobby looked around, he smiled and disappeared. Only a second later, he reappeared with Lissydove.
Jim and Dobby walked a short distance away and kept lookout while their charges ran swiftly into each other’s arms.
The two humans clung to each other tightly in the magical forest with night birds singing their songs, warning of doom and despair. Small animals scurried away in fright as leaves were moved by something traveling in stealth. A heard of Centaurs galloped nearby and alarmed the birds into flight. Hippogriffs galloped and then flew off, their wings moving massive amounts of air, making a deep swooshing sound. Wolves were baying to each other to let all know of a loved one lost or perhaps an easy kill spotted some place close for the pack to feast upon. In the midst of these ordinary sounds one would hear in this particular forest, were the two humans standing as statues in the same spot they were when they were brought together, oblivious of all noise and movement around them. A solitary beam of moonlight shone brightly through a break in the thick canopy above the forest, falling brilliantly on the couple. Finally, Sirius pulled Lissydove away from him and looked at her through his smile and tears of elation. She was wearing the very dress she wore for Lily’s wedding.
“Lissy, you make me dizzy.” It was corny but those were the very words he used on her those many years ago, the night he asked her to be his wife. He put his hands through her hair and filled both hands with her thick golden curls. He rubbed them on his face and inhaled the fragrant shampoo that enriched her hair. He gently pushed the hair clear of her shoulders and softly put his lips on her neck. His hands went around her waist and upon her bare back, one resting on the small of her back, the other moving up her spine to stop amid her shoulder blades. Sirius softly moved his lips, kissing his way up to her jaw, then across her cheek, and came upon her lips. A more passionate kiss has probably never been received by anyone other than the one Lissydove was receiving.
Jim said something and Dobby disappeared. A few moments later, he reappeared with the minister and his wife of the church where James and Lily were married. They walked over to the couple, still enraptured with one another. They stopped, first surprised, and then happy to see the minister, and stood respectful to him in the moonlight with God giving His blessing through songbirds chirping the splendor of the soon to be consummated union. |