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Old 08-26-2010, 08:26 PM   #122 (permalink)
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Chapter 33
The Exams

Dread became my companion throughout the exams. Each exam that was finished brought me one step closer to graduation. I was trying to figure out what I could tell Harry before Ginny said anything. On top of that, I still didn’t know what to do, think, and feel about Draco. The more I thought about it all, the worse I felt.

Lately I had been trying to rise over this thing of wallowing in self-pity that was causing me to avoid company, but it was harder than I thought, especially with the thoughts about what was to come with Harry and me. It took reminders of how much limited time I had with him before the end of the year and the inevitable truth I’d have to admit to him. And just remembering everyone else – they stuck by me even when they realized I hadn’t told them whole truths. As much as it felt as though it was wrong to say, I didn’t need to be alone anymore.

It was June 18th. Our last exam was the DADA test. When I finished, I hurried out and grabbed my things and left the room. I hurried down to the Slytherin common room and up to my dormitory.

“Finally finished?”

“Yeah, that last question was the hardest.”

I slammed the door behind me and threw my things onto the chair. I looked at Aurelia, who looked back at me. Our smiles grew until we screamed and jumped happily. When we made it to the centre of the room, we hugged and jumped around in a circle.

“Ok, moment’s over.” I let go of Aurelia and brushed down the wrinkles of my robes.

“It’s hard to believe we don’t have school ever again,” she babbled excitedly.

“Yeah, no more dormitories, courses, studying... it’ll be nice.” I smiled and turned around, emptying out the books from my bag and sorting them out, putting them into my trunks. Aurelia started to do the same. It didn’t take too long.

“Ok, I’ll be back later,” I said, getting up and taking off my Slytherin robes, showing my daily clothes beneath.

“Ok.” Aurelia didn’t turn around from her packing job.

I left the dormitory and went down the hall and into the common room. Draco had just entered, Crabbe and Goyle following close behind. I ignored his piercing eyes as they followed me through the common room and past him. I left the common room and made my way down and through the corridors, all the way up to the library. I found a book and my usual table and sat down, reading and waiting. I finished three chapters until I got what I was waiting for.


I put my book down and turned around. Harry bent down and kissed me. When he pulled away, he sat down opposite to me.

“How do you think you did?” I asked, smiling slightly.

“Hopefully well,” he drawled in response. “That last question was nearly impossible.”

“I agree; that one took the longest. I already repressed the memory of taking that test.”
Harry laughed. “You have an amazing memory, then.”

I smirked. “I sure do.”

He took my hand beneath the table. “I can’t believe it’s the last day. No more school.”

I nodded in agreement. “Weird to think we won’t come back here.”

“Getting jobs... getting out there... scary thought.”

I squeezed his hand reassuringly. “It won’t be that bad.” I wasn’t even sure if I was going to get a job or not. My mum sure liked to point out in her letters I wouldn’t need one; that I wouldn’t need to do anything. It’s not something I’m looking forward too – I’ll need a life after all. If I do nothing for the next 50 some-odd years... I’d be dead before then. Dying of boredom would be all too literal.

“We’ll see.” He looked at the book I’d left marked by being opened cover-up on the table. He turned his head so he could read it. “A History of Magic... oh, Rosa, come on...”

I blushed sheepishly. It was the first book I grabbed from the shelf and I was too lazy to put it back when I realized what I grabbed.

“Just like Hermione,” he joked.

I chuckled, hiding my irritation at being compared to Granger.

“Oh, speaking of my friends, I spoke to Ginny after the exam...”

My stomach began to drop, the butterflies growing in intensity quickly.

“She said you had something to tell me?”

My mind raced, trying to think up a quick response that would buy me time.

“So you two are friends too, or...?”

“No, not really,” I cut in quickly. “She likes to think so, though.”

His eyebrow rose, contemplating my words. “So is she right – do you have something to tell me?”

I shrugged. “It can wait.”

He was about to reply, but I claimed his mouth before he could speak. I didn’t want to deal with this now; I still needed more time. I’d lost so much throughout the year; if he didn’t react well to the truth, I would like a few last memories before that happened.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:28 PM. Reason: deleting un-story-related comment
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