Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 08-21-2010, 07:39 PM   #309 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

Ok girls, here it is eventually! I'm so sorry I haven't posted. I've been to busy reading all the other fantastic fanfics, I forgot about my own!

Post 31
"So, how did it go then? Is he defeated yet?" I asked as I sat comfortably beside Harry with his arms wound around me.
"You’re kidding?" Ron asked as he yawned. "It’s going to take a lot more than that! That was the most bloody barbaric month of my life."
"Well, I'm so glad your home." I rejoiced. Isqueezed Harry tightly never wanting to let go then pulled his face down to mine and kissed him hungrily. I wouldn't usually kiss like that in front of anyone, but I had missed the feeling of the way his lips lingered on mine- I couldn't contain myself!
"Ginny," I looked up at Hermione. "Have you opened this yet, it’s from your mum?" She handed me two letters as she worked her way through the piles of parchment and newspaper on the coffee table. "Oh yeah Ron, mum said I've to give you a big hug and kiss from her. And there’s been a bit of bad news. Errol died."
"Aww, no way. We've had him for so long too. He was part of the family!" he seemed saddened by the news.
"And Harry, sorry but I used Hedwig instead. It was only once."
"That’s ok Gin, I don't mind." I thought maybe he would mind but I think he was too happy to see me to say anything.
We stayed up half the night catching up. There were many sweet stolen kisses from Harry into the early hours of the morning. Ron would usually complain, but I got plenty of cuddles from him too. He sent and Owl to mum that night saying they were back safe and well.
That night, Harry asked what had happened with Dean and he wanted details. I wasn't sure if I was ready to think about it just yet. I just told him he barged in and he was angry at me for shouting at Lavender and refusing to be his friend. Ron was also quite happy, now knowing that he had not fathered a child though he did know it all along, but they were both angry at Dean and vowed they would see him in the morning. I must have fallen asleep in Harry's arms as the last thing I remembered was being lifted into my bed and having someone plat a kiss on my forehead before bidding me goodnight. I didn't like the feel of lips anywhere near me. It reminded me of Dean’s attack that had only taken place a few hours previous, though I put that to the back of my mind. I had happy dreams that night. I snuggled into Toby bear relieved that they were home safe and sound.
The next morning I found myself up bright and early despite the late night. I felt rather refreshed after a long time in the shower, though I still made it in plenty time for breakfast. I walked into the great hall with Hermione. She isn't stupid and asked what really happened last night before they came back. I managed to hold back tears and she told me that I should speak to a teacher. I nodded my head to keep her happy. She was greeted with "welcome back" and hugs all around when we reached the hall. I noticed there was a face missing at the Gryffindor table - Dean Thomas. Harry and Ron joined us. They cheered for Harry who acted terribly modest at the appeased Gryffindors and told them it was a joint effort which it may well have been but after all Harry is the chosen one. I was munching on my toast when someone coughed behind me to get my attention. "Oh hi Proffessor." I said
"Ah yes Miss Weasley. Could you could come to my office second period today? I believe you are off then." Professor McGonagall asked.
"Yeah sure Professor." I said bye to everyone and made my way to first period Herbology - not the best way to start the day. After class I made my way to Professor McGonagall's office. I climbed the deserted steps and along the corridor to the teachers office's. Two arms snaked they're way around my waist and hugged and soft lips kissed my cheek the strong arms picking me up slightly and squeezing me tight. I jumped and struggled free of the tight grasp. I turned around to face the stranger pointing my wand at them. "Gin, it's only me." Harry said moving slowly closer to me.
"Well Harry, don't sneak up on me like that!" My heart was beating terribly fast, bringing back bad memories I wished to forget.
"Ginny I'm sorry if I scared you." He apologised, snaking his arm around my waist for a second time. I tried to manoeuvre myself out of his arms. He obliged and let me go. "I went to get you after class but you had already left and I thought you might want me to come with you?"
I smiled at him. "Yeah that would be good." At the door of Professor McGonagall's office, He turned to me and said "Everything will be fine Ginny, I'm here now. Nothing bad will ever happen to you." He cupped my cheek in his big soft hand. Again, I just smiled. He leaned down for a full on kiss, but I turned my head and instead he kissed my cheek. I didn't feel like being kissed. I realised I had offended him and I gently placed a kiss on his forehead. He smiled and looked deep into my eyes. "You know I love you, Ginny?"
" Yeah I know. I love you too, Harry"

Post 32
Dean Thomas had been expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That was what Professor McGonagall wanted to tell me. Aparrently, Dean had confessed it all to her and she just wanted to reassure me that everything would be ok.
Halloween was approaching and I felt terribly distant from Harry. I knew this was a hard time for him so at breakfast on Saturday morning, as we were just about to leave, I held my hand out for him and said "Come take a walk with me, Harry." He smiled and took my hand, our fingers intertwined. I lead him straight out of the school grounds. The cold autumn winds scratched my face in the huge gusts. Harry had his scarf hung casually over his neck and once we reached the lake he took it off and put it around my neck, and pulled me towards him. I fell into his warm embrace and smiled into the crook of his neck inhaling his scent. I smiled at Harry who bent down to kiss me. I went back to burying my face in his neck. "Ginny, what's up?" He asked smoothing out my hair.
"Nothing. Is something supposed to be up?"
"Actually, yes. You won't let me kiss you. I'm beginning to think you've gone off me. I think since I've come back, I've kissed you...once on the lips, and that was the night I first came back.".
"Harry, if I'd gone off you, I wouldn't have asked you to come a walk with me now would I. In fact I wouldn't be here. I would have got shot of you long ago."
"That doesn't answer my question, Gin."
"You really want to know?" He nodded for me to continue "Harry, I've only told Hermione this and it’s too late to get angry but when I said Dean attacked me that night, I don't mean as in hitting or punching me, I mean an indecent attack. Do you know what I mean by that?" His face drained of colour. He cupped my face in his soft hands. I hated remembering that night, yet it should have been a happy time, one where Harry and I could rejoice as it had been so long since we had been close together, too long since we felt our arms around each other and too long since we had felt loved by one another. He nodded his head as I could feel my eyes well up with tears. "But you know what? I managed to escape. It never got any further. I feel so much better that I've told you this. We can go back to the way we were before."
"Ginny, why didn't you tell me sooner? He'll never hurt you again. I'll be here for you, don't worry." He hugged me close.
"But that’s the thing; you'll be leaving again soon. And I'll be left behind-again." I sobbed into his coat
"Maybe not this time." He whispered into my hair. I looked up to meet his gaze. He leaned forwards and closed the space between our faces. Our lips brushed against each other and moved in together. It was the first proper kiss I've had from him in a long time. I didn't feel scared anymore. I was safe in Harry's arms and totally, blissfully in love.
We walked around the lake once and started the ascent to the castle. "Harry?" I said swinging our arms.
"Yes Ginny?" He smiled.
"I don't know but isn't your parents anniversary at the end of the month?" I asked him softly. He looked at me and without saying anything he nodded his head.
"Well I thought you might want to visit they're grave. If you like I could come with you, but only if you want me there and only if you want to go?" He stopped in his tracks and hugged me. I felt something damp against my cheek. Maybe he was crying? I never looked up. I hugged him back hoping that he was alright. I could only try to understand how he was feeling and support him as much as I could at this hard time. We must have stood there for hours, but I didn't mind. It was the weekend anyway, and it wasn't as if Ron and Hermione were expecting us. They had the Halloween Ball to plan.

So there you go! Tell me what you think. I'm sorry again. It won't happen again either!
and I've been forgeting hugs to so here you all go!


Last edited by Morag; 12-09-2010 at 06:49 PM.
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