Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions To all my readres: Thank you so very much for reading. I hope you aren't growing weary of the story. Next week is, "The Reunion" then there will be five more chapters and the Epilogue. Then that's it! I really hope you enjoy tonight's chapter.
Emily Black: Hello Emily. Yeah, I love Dumbledore. He's the greatest. Quote:
Awe, I love how Dumbledore let her remember and everything and gave her the "love potion"
Now, I know I was very careful to make sure it is known that it isn't a love potion! Really though, it is only some of the ingredients that are the same. Quote:
Oooh, I wonder what object she chooses!
Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
I bet you can guess if you think on it. But, I won't tell you if you're right or wrong. You will find out later though.
Thank you Emily
Morag: Hello Sophie. Thanks for the sweet things you say. Quote:
Complete genius I don't know how you come up with things like it! I love it!
It's not genius, it's just part of the story. Fumbledore is the one who came up with it, what with his abundance of gray matter. But, thank you just the same. Quote:
Wish I had a little helper ! Only for certain boys like Harry Potters though!
You do sweetie. It's bottled up inside you and matures gradually till it is full strength. The ingredients are: salubrious (wholesome), personality, emotions, charm, impulsive, ardent(passionate), and love. Or for short all in one bottle, it is: SPECIAL. You have it, just as all of us do. Dumbledore got all Ginnys ingredients from her hair. The other ingredients was just the things that makes people who are interested aware of their emotions. Don't try to grow up to fast or these ingredients won't get to mature. Quote:
This was a great post, Connie! I love the relationship Dumbledore and Harry have. I was going to say he's like his grandfather but it's more like a friend now that I think about it. It's really sweet!
Thank you Sophie. And yes, I think you are correct. He has always been a friend to Harry, a loving friend who he says himself cares too much for him, for what he knows he has to do. He doesn't want Harry to have to go through it.
Obi-Wan K'Lari:Hello K'Lari! hehehe Quote:
...werecats are people too
Are you going to teach my Crookshanks Ninja moves? He'll still be a, 'Werecat Ninja' know that? I crack myself up with my jokes. Or wait, maybe I'm just delirious cause it's so late, and I have a headache. Quote:
haha, I'm getting good at this
What do you mean? You've always been good at it. Thanks K'Lari
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Thanks for commenting and saying those sweet things. Quote:
I love how you wrote the little scenario about Ginny's future love life. JK always went on and on about it, and it always frustrated me! Now, I know it was Dumbledore's special potion. One question then? What item of Harry's did Ginny finally put the potion on, to make him fall head-over-heels in love her?
Yes, I agree, it was always such a shy cute attraction on her part, then all the sudden it's wam bam, I love you man! To much too soon in my opinion So, I just played up her attraction and made it love to shy to come forward cause she is too young. The potion, as I already told the above readers, isn't a love potion, and and it doesn't cause Harry to fall in love with her. It just makes him think of things he associates with Ginny. For instance, he thinks of smells he thinks he remembers smelling at the Burrow. Soon these things he only associates with her to be all the things he loves. And he only thinks these things when he is around her. This causes him to constantly think of her, and his love for her grows. Now, I have given you a tremendous clue as to what she sprays it on. Please don't anyone say anything if you figure it out. Quote:
You made Ginny the Secret Keeper!!! That was sooo good! I mean who would/could do a better job. An excellent idea!
Thank you sweetie. Oh, and yes, I hope Ron does learn to control his anger. But, I don't know. Do you think he does? Cause he get's mighty hateful in the last book.
Ok so there you have it folks. I hope you enjoy tonights chapter. And like I said earlier; Next week is Chapter 40, "The Reunion"
The Explanation
“Now, Harry, I’ll tell you a shortened version of what happened, and if you have any questions, ask when I’m finished. This will allow you to start eating, as I know you must be hungry.”
“Okay, Yes, Sir, Thank you, Sir. I can’t understand why I’m so powerful hungry, tired, week, and sore,… and beat up.” he said looking at the Monitor again while picking up his fork.
Dumbledore smiled and proceeded to tell Harry what happened. That since he and Ginny couldn’t go to Hogsmeade, they had spent the day flying at the Quidditch Pitch.
“It got late and upon returning to the castle; Ron heard you say things you did with Ginny. He thought you dishonored her, and with rather an impressive mighty swing of his fist, hit you, breaking your jaw. You were knocked unconscious before you even hit the sidewalk. At which time your head did hit the sidewalk, your skull was broke open, and you nearly bled to death. You’ve been unconscious, and as Madame Pomfrey so stated, nearly dead since the time you hit your head till just moments ago.”
The professor paused and the merriment in his twinkling blue eyes was joined by a playful smile. He was so enjoying his tale to Harry. He took several bites of his food and a drink of his chocolate milk while watching Harry. The boy had food on his fork, but it was stopped midway to his mouth, which was open, but not because of the food he was about to eat.
“I have an excellent idea. Let’s just enjoy our meal while it’s still hot, and then I’ll tell you about the Blimppen Blobbers and how they infected you and Ron.”
“Yeah, okay, I’d like to hear… th… the what, Sir?” They ate their meal with small talk, and Crookshanks quietly left them to it. He had Sirius to deal with now.
Crookshanks Apparated into the Shrieking Shack, catching Sirius in a powerfully agitated state of mind. He wheeled around on Crookshanks and yelled at him. “You have some explaining to do!”
“You need to stop now before things get unpleasant.” Crookshanks walked over to Sirius and told him to get his wand. “I’m going to explain things to you after you perform a bit of complex magic. I only know the spell from Dumbledore doing it earlier.”
Sirius grabbed up his wand, still very cross looking, but listened to the spell and the description of the wand movement. The wand movement was hard because Sirius couldn’t imitate Crookshanks’ movements correctly.
“Just change into Jim and show me!” Sirius said heatedly.
“I can’t take that chance. The spell you’re going to do is to encompass the entirety of this shack from an infestation of flying insect like Imps. They can be out in the open or within the cracks of the walls and floors.
“Let me try again. Just pay close attention, and do what I‘m doing.” Crookshanks tried standing on his back legs and clumsily moved his front paw the way Dumbledore had done it. “Now, you try it again.”
Sirius moved his arm around again trying his best to imitate Crookshanks.
“No, no, no! It’s all wrong! You’re not trying hard enough!” he accused impatiently.
Sirius raged and looked wildly about. “Well maybe if I change into a dog, I can mimic you better!”
“Don’t be a fool! It’s not me you need to mimic! And besides, even if you could get the movement right, which is doubtful, you can’t hold your wand in your paw! Get real!” Crookshanks was getting very distraught and getting nowhere quick with Sirius.
“Don’t call me a fool! Forget this,” he said pointing his wand at Crookshanks. “I’m going up to the castle now to see Lissydove! If you want to transform into your overgrown pussycat self, then go ahead. I’ll cut you down, before you have a chance to move!”
Instantly Crookshanks did transform, and he was upon Sirius before he could move his wand. “Lucky for you I wasn’t in the heat of trying to save my life. You forget I have magic. I altered your mind to forget what you were about to do with your wand for a fraction of a second. Enough time for me to get the upper hand.”
“Awe! Now that’s just not fair!” Sirius said with anger in his voice.
Crookshanks roared with laughter. But, that’s the way it had to be. Now, let’s try this again shall we?” Sirius nodded his head and Crookshanks looked into his mind and knew there wouldn’t be anymore tricks. He backed off of Sirius and lifted him off of the floor with great ease.
“OK. Now, Dumbledore waved his wand in a wide arc around his head and then said the spell, then snapped his wrist like a whip.”
Sirius thought a moment and swept his arm around exactly as Dumbledore had done.
“That’s it! Now say the spell with it.”
A grin formed on Sirius’s face, as he waved his arm in a wide arc over his head, and then snapped his wrist saying,
“Purge this shack and all it encompasses of all demon manifestation.” He performed the magic effortlessly. Instantly there was popping and zapping noises, as if pellets were ricocheting all around them, even in the upstairs and the tunnel.
“Wahoo!” he yelled as popping and cracking tingled all over him. “Well that was an experience I won’t soon forget!” Then looking at Crookshanks in the full fledged Werecat, he turned white and said, “Look, Crookshanks, … I don’t know what came over me. I know I was feeling murderous for not getting my date, but, I couldn’t ever…”
“Good.” Crookshanks became Jim and walked over to Sirius, looking him over. “Do you have any open wounds on you, even a pulled hang nail?”
Sirius looked over his hands and said he didn’t think so. “What’s this all about, Jim? And, what was the emergency that ruined my date?” A mischievous smile settled on his handsome face.
“Do you remember going up to the castle and ripping the Fat Lady’s picture?” Jim asked while watching Sirius hard.
“Well, yeah, seeing how it was just hours ago. Although, now I can’t, for the life of me, know why I did it. I know it’s been on my mind to hurry up and capture him, so we can clear everything up. I want to get on with my life.”
“Okay, since you remember, then, there aren’t any in your bloodstream. I understand how you feel. Do you remember on the Quidditch Pitch watching Harry and Ginny, you commented about the mosquitoes being bad?”
“Yeah, I’m getting a little put off with all the questions, Jim. Can’t you just tell me what’s going on?”
Jim sat on a chair and motioned Sirius to do the same. “Those weren’t mosquitoes. They are known as Blimppen Blobbers.”
Sirius smirked. “Sounds like something that Lovegood fool would think up.”
“Yes, well, I don’t know who discovered them, and I’ll thank you to not speak indignantly about the Lovegoods. I have a special fondness for the Lovegood child.”
Sirius smiled wryly. “You have a love interest for her?”
“Don’t be ignorant, Sirius! Werecats can’t have that kind of relationship with humans.
The Lovegood child is the master of my love, Moondrop.”
“Oh, of course, excuse me. I didn’t know, I mean, Moondrop, yeah, I forgot. So these Imps, they’re bad things? What happened… Was it Harry… Did something happen to Harry?” Suddenly Sirius was overly anxious with worry.
“Settle down, everything is okay now. The Imps attacked Harry when he went to fly yesterday morning. The last thing he remembers is entering the pitch to fly. He is awake now, but very confused. Dumbledore is explaining what happened and why he woke up in the hospital wing all busted up.”
At this, Sirius jumped up, the chair falling over behind him. “How did he get busted up?” he roared.
Jim looked at Sirius, allowing him to see how annoyed he was with him. “You need to calm down and let me talk,” he remarked as he sat there until Sirius yanked up his chair and let himself drop into the seat. The angry man huffed indignantly, and scowling under his furrowed eyebrows, told him to, “Go on then!” while still very angry.
“When Harry and Ginny got up to the Castle, Harry was telling Ginny what a good time he had with her.” He continued on telling him all Harry had said to Ginny, and meanwhile, Ron and Hermione had been looking for them. When they came around the corner and heard the things Harry was saying, Ron, who by this time had been bitten by the Imps also, misunderstood, thinking Harry had dishonored his sister. “Ron then threw a mighty right hook and knocked Harry unconscious. The worst part was that Harry’s skull was broke open, and the Imps entered his bloodstream. They kept the Nurse from healing him, and he nearly bled to death. He is all fixed up now, and mending just fine.”
They talked for quite a while and soon Sirius settled down. He felt bad about Ron having to remember the ordeal the rest of his life.
“And Harry doesn’t remember flying and spending the day with Ginny?”
“No, sadly he won’t remember. He did have a wonderful time, and he was able to talk of everything he had heavy on his mind.
“This must be especially tough on Ginny. I don’t know her, but, I can tell by special observations that she cares dearly for Harry. At her age, you would think it was a sweetheart crush, but I can tell it’s the real thing. Very young she is for that to happen. And Harry not being able to remember the things he told her makes it worse.” He shook his head sadly.
“Now, young man, speaking of great disappointments, you must be very saddened yourself that your date didn’t come to pass with Miss Lissydove.” Jim smiled humorously at Sirius.
“You better know I was!” Sirius said convivially, with his eyes laughing merrily.” He got solemn for a moment. “I’ll tell you what though, I was seriously afraid I ruined everything with the foolish thing I’d done. I nearly ruined everything. It would have devastated me to the point of death if I’d been caught and sent back to Azkaban.”
“Well, don’t dwell on it. I’ve set it up with her for the same time tonight. Dobby will take her to the forest, a little further in this night though. Hagrid won’t be delirious with intoxication tonight. We must be more careful.”
“What of the Imps? Will we be in danger of them?”
“No, Dumbledore and you have eradicated them within the boundaries and within this shack and tunnel. We are all safe from them. So, get some sleep and be prepared to meet your Miss Lissydove.” Jim started to leave but turned back to Sirius. “By the way, I’m curious. What did you do when you got in the Gryffindor tower? And how did you get away without being spotted?”
Sirius shook his head and blew out his breath. “That was a very close call! I got in there, and I must make up with the Fat Lady. She was quite terrified. I got in there and went straight up to Peter, when I heard a great commotion. I knew I had been discovered, and there was no way out the way I got in. I scrambled out the window and clung to the Turret. I called for Dobby, and bless him, he came and Disapparated us back down here. He wasn’t at all happy with me and I received the biggest lecture, and he made me promise not to lose my head anymore.” He laughed and asked Jim if it was necessary to make Dobby his Nanny.
With that bit of humor, Jim winked at him and told him to be ready at 12:55 in the morning, and he’d see him then.
Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 11:07 PM.