Homework Details Atypical Ravenclaw Bookworm // Hair Flipper Pro / / the edgy starbuckian // Hot Messie Homework Information All homework should be sent by owl (PM’d) to Professor Welton (DH Vixen) by the deadline of the set assignment and must include in the title of said assignment in the subject. The following should also be included in the body of the message: Student Name
User Name
Member ID #
Assignment Name Your Member ID# can be found at the very end of your Profile URL. To locate it, simply go to your own Profile and look at the URL. The number at the very end (after your User Name) is what you are looking for. For example, mine is 100774. Notes:◘ Cheating and plagiarize will not be tolerated. Points will not be award for assignments if plagiarize or cheating is found. You can use the internet and any other sources for inspiration, but all work should be your own.
◘ Spelling and Grammar will be taken in to consideration when grading assignments. Do make it readable at least. I have to be able to understand it, if I’m to grade it. So please use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.
◘ The set deadline for each assignment will be two weeks after the assignment is posted. Any assignment turned in after the deadline will be considered for partial credit, but it is not guaranteed. Two weeks should be more than enough time to do any assignment, but I understand things happen. |