History of Magic Classroom Rules  Firstly, do familiar yourselves with all the rules of this classroom and all the others within the school. Rules are meant for a reason and should be followed to a T. We are all to be held responsible for ourselves now. With this said, All general classroom rules and SS board rules apply here. Rules:♦ RESPECT everyone as you would want them to respect you. Professor Welton will not think twice about deducting points from those that cannot follow this simple rule. Continued bouts of rudeness or offensive behaviour, will result in detention and/or other official actions fitting to the offense.
♦ Please refrain from excessive chatting during the lesson. For one, it is rather rude and whilst in lesson, you should at least be making the attempt to learn. Chatting before lessons is acceptable, but once the lesson had begun, please keep it to a minimum. There will be the opportunity for class discussion, I promise you.
♦ Punctuality is a great thing. DO NOT announce your tardiness. Doing so will result in loss of house points. I realise it is hard to be everywhere at once, but if you are running late, do just pretend that you have been present the whole time. Professor Welton is rather nice and doesn’t want to have to deduct house points for something that is rather avoidable.
♦ Cheating will not be tolerated. There is something to be said about having pride in your own work and it is rude to take the work of another and attempt to pass it as yours. It is also wrong and no credit will be given for it. Again, RESPECT yourself and others, do your own work.
♦ Participation is your friend and is highly encouraged. There will be discussions and everyone should be able to take part. If a question is asked and an answer is given, it is okay to add your own thoughts to the discussion as well. Please do not repeat the same answer over and over. Participation points will be given for actually attempting to contribute. You do not have to be the first to answer, there will be points available for everyone, so don’t be shy. Creativity is also welcomed and highly encouraged as well.
♦ Homework will be due two weeks from the point it is given. Any homework turned in 24 hours after the due date will be considered for partial credit. We are all busy people and some leeway can be expected, but two weeks should be a reasonable amount of time to get any assignment done.
♦ Remember to have fun and enjoy. If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask for help or contact me. |