Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Harita: Hello Harita, and thanks! I'm glad you liked it. And I also am glad Harry is ok. 
Emily Black: Hello Emily. Ginny is sort of low on her sensitivity isn't she. Poor thing has been dealing with a lot lately. I don't blame her. Siblings often say things to each other just expecting things said not to be taken literally. But, it was cruel of her to say that, even if she didn't mean it. Quote:
This part kind of made me laugh. With Ron knowing how Harry sleeps and all.
Well, he has been a room mate for nigh on three years.
Thanks Emily.
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hello K'Lari. Quote:
Ohhhhh you should upload them to Photobucket and then use the image link things (the ones with [IMG])
Thanks K'Lari! Between you and Katie, I think I'll get it done. Quote:
Wait...did I miss something?
They saw Harry's memory. Remember when Lily sent her Patronus, and said it wasn't Sirius, but Peter who betrayed them? So, they are just all excited, they forgot about the Charm Lily put over Harry about him being safe as long as he stayed with her sister till 17. Quote:
HARRY!! Ohhh, but it looks like he's angry!!
Looks are deceiving! But, hey! How could you see into my next chapter?! Are you hiding in the shadows with Crookshanks?
Morag: Hello Sophie. I hope you're home safely and resting up from your vacation. I'm sure you had a great time. Quote:
Ginny was a little cold towards Ron and Hermione.
Yes, she was. The thing you need to remember is that she is still a child in many ways. Although she is very mature, she still has a mind set of a young person who just had the best day of her life, and it appeared that the boy she was wild about had the same feelings towards her. Now, not only will he not remember this day, but it looks to be her only chance of happiness is not going to recover to his normal self. She is just devistated. Quote:
I hope ginny apologises to Ron and Hermione soon.
I appreciate your sense of right and wrong. She really does need to appologize doesn't she. But, I don't know why she would need to appologize to Hermione. Ginny didn't say anything hurtful to her. Hermione was just hurt because of the hurtful things she said to Ron. Quote:
Your doing a fantastic job!
Thanks Sophie!
Tina 6080: Hello Tina! I'm thrilled you loved it so much.
Miss Weasley: Hello Katie girl! Quote:
She pretty near knocked Ginny for a loop in her attempt to get to Harry... and then. she has the nerve to bark at Ginny! I love how she was so self-absorbed.
Yes, I had originally had her say, "Goodness child! Watch where I'm going!" Just cause it would be funny, and to lighten the scene some. I decided that it would have been uncharacteristic of her to say something so self important. She isn't that way. But also in fairness to her, Ginny was walking not watching where she was going. Quote:
I knew my boy Harry was stronger than any old insect!
Yeah, but you have to admit, they did nearly get the best of him. Quote:
Great work, Connie... I can't wait until Sirius and Lissydove meet up again... Hey? What happened to my count down?
They are quite anxious themselves! The count down is at the end of the responses. Thanks sweetie.
Thanks to everybody for reading. I'm sorry for being late for this posting. I helped my daughter move, and was bushed when I got home. Next Thursday hopefully, will be Chapter 39, "The Explanation" In two weeks posting, will be, "The Reunion" Hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Hope to Be Forgotten
Madame Pomfrey put the lights on as Dumbledore came in.
“Ah, so it seems Harry is back. I must say, I’m delighted.” He winked at Harry and cupped Harry’s head in his hands. He looked at Harry’s bright eyes and pulled him to his chest and said, “Thank God.”
“Harry!” everyone yelled. Immediately Harry was surrounded by anxious laughter. Everyone gathered around him and greeted him with hugs and gentle pats on the shoulders. Hermione and Ginny, both on either side, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. They jumped back when Harry winced and subconsciously put a hand on his ribs. He turned red in the face, smiled, and thanked them both.
“You scared us, mate! Why didn’t you answer us when we called you?” Ron was pumping Harry’s hand still.
“Er, well, I don’t know. I woke up really hungry. I got up to find I didn’t know where I was at or how I got here. My clothes are gone and I was looking for a shirt or a robe. I couldn’t see, because I couldn’t find my glasses. I was going to get a light from my wand and couldn’t find that either. I didn’t know you lot were here, and when I heard somebody scream my name, I thought it was,… well anyway, I must have turned too quickly. I suddenly got very dizzy, the room was spinning crazy fast.” He answered as he backed into the bed, and sat on it.
“Er, Could somebody tell me what’s going on?” Did Voldemort attack me?” A collective gasp went around the bed from everyone present, with the exception of Dumbledore and Lissydove. Harry was getting embarrassed with all the attention, and he was hardly dressed for company.
“Wait till we tell you about Sirius Black!”
“And the Fat Lady!”
“And you’ll be able—”
“Let’s first let him be checked over by our Nurses with the, “LED Monitor,” Dumbledore interjected quickly.
“Hogwarts has a computer?” asked Harry, looking around squinting.
“Here, Harry,” Ginny handed him his glasses.
He took them and put them on. He smiled warmly at her as if it was just him and her there, and said, “Thanks Gin, that’s loads better.”
Ginny blushed at his smile and the shortened name as an endearment from him. She only smiled and nodded back to him.
“Computer?” nearly everyone asked with a quizzical look on their faces.
Lissydove and Hermione laughed. They understood the confusion. Lissydove pointed to the mirror.
“LED Monitor?” they both asked Dumbledore
“Yes—Lissydove’s Enlightenment Details Monitor.”
Harry looked at the mirror and his mouth dropped open. A white turban bandage was on his head. He was very white; a massive bruise was on his jaw and around his ribs. “What happened to me?”
Dumbledore smiled and told the twins, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny to join him in the hallway, while the nursing staff looked over Harry. “I’ll fill you in when I come back in,” he told Harry.
They stepped out, and Dumbledore looked at the group of young people. “I’m afraid Harry can’t be told of Sirius Black being innocent yet. We don’t know what effect the memories will have on such a young mind. You see, if he was to remember, it would be the very memory that we witnessed a few hours earlier. I saw the horror and terror on your faces as you saw it. It was nearly unbearable for you to watch. Think of what it will be for him. We need to protect him from that for the moment. So, what I’m going to have to do is modify your memories, so you don’t accidentally tell him. Dumbledore swiped his wand over the twins, Ron, and Hermione. They froze in the position of just starting to object.
Ginny looked at herself then at Dumbledore. “Sir?”
“Yes, Ginny. I didn’t include you in on the spell. I want to speak to you. “You are very young for what I am about to ask of you. But I think you are up for the challenge.”
Ginny swallowed hard and nodded her head yes.
“You are all very close to Harry, but I’m afraid the rest of them wouldn’t be able to keep from telling him of his nightmare. You, on the other hand, it seems have been keeping a secret from him for who knows how long. And truly, I haven’t singled you out, Harry himself did that. He chose you to tell his secrets to. Even if he hadn’t been bitten by the Imps, he had the feelings for you that the Imps brought out. So, what I intend on doing is making you Harry’s Secret Keeper. When Harry finds out about that night, then you will lift the spell off of Ron and Hermione, so they’ll remember Harry’s memory. Now, one more thing.” He held out his hand and caught a small bottle with some bright purple liquid in it. “This is very similar to a love potion, but it will not make anyone fall in love with you, and it is odorless. It has some of the same ingredients, but not the ones that cause love to be aroused.”
He reached over and pulled a couple of Ginny’s hairs, and uncorked the bottle. He put the hair in and, as they disintegrated, the fluid turned clear. “Excellent, now, this will not fully mature for a couple years. Harry will be in his fifth year when it starts to mature. You will wear it as you would wear perfume, sparingly though. In his sixth year it will be fully matured, and you will wear it the same way, but only on times that you know you’ll have close contact with him. There is enough here only for wearing it sparingly at that time. You will wear it even if you are dating another boy. Although Harry will not remember the events of this unfortunate event, it is embedded in his mind of Ron’s violent reaction against him being with you, in any way other than a friend or sister. That is why you need this little helper. I’m sure we agree that one of Harry’s many attributes is his extreme loyalty. Even with this little helper, he will struggle to give in to the feelings he has for you. And it will be you, who at the correct moment, will decide when to force the issue, and he will surely comply. Just make sure it is the right time and not a moment sooner. I must tell you this also; this is not only effective on Harry. Other young gentlemen will be affected also, which is fine. It is not good to confine your growth into maturity to just one young man until you have a commitment to him.” Sadness came over his face as he continued. “There will be a time, unfortunately, in a few years, that he will be separated from you. At that time, find something that he will surely have with him at all times and mist this on the object some time when he’s not around. That way he will think of you and have strength to continue on. He has a very difficult life full of hardship and turmoil ahead of him.” He looked at her and asked her if she would be able to handle things. “You are extremely strong, but if you would rather not have this accountability, I will surely understand, and I will wipe your mind of everything I just told you and that of which I ask of you.”
Ginny stared earnestly at him. She was quiet, and then said she wants to do it more than anything in her life. “Our hearts will dance together yet. I’ll take care of this, my little helper, and Harry’s secrets.”
“And, Ginny, take care you don’t give up your life waiting on Harry. Enjoy your other suitors, but be careful not to let them fall deeply in love with you, unless you fall for someone other than Harry, which is fine, just please do not ever wear this around Harry ever again.”
“Yes sir, but I’m sure that won’t ever be an issue.”
“Thank you, Ginny, and now, my young friends need to forget what they were just about to object to.” He was smiling and his bright blue eyes twinkled at his own wit.
“Sir,” she interjected quickly before Dumbledore had time to continue on with the others.
“Yes, Miss Weasley?” He wasn’t at all angry at being interrupted and looked at his questioner patiently.
“Sir, I wanted to tell Ron I’m sorry for treating him the way I did. I need him to forgive me for saying what I did about why did I have to be his sister. So, I was wondering if they’ll remember anything that’s happened.”
“That is an excellent thing to ponder. What are your sentiments on the subject?”
“Well, Sir, I think they should only have to forget Harry’s memory. Especially Ron. He needs to learn to think before he acts.”
“And you don’t think that this was too cruel of a lesson for Ron to remember the rest of his life, that his act in haste nearly cost his best friend his life.”
“Sir, we were brought up to be responsible for our every action. I hate that Ron has to remember this, but maybe it will help him in the future. I know he would think the same way if he were given the choice to forget or remember. Also, Sir, thank you for, “my little helper”, but I was wondering if you could make a pocket small and secure for me to keep it safe in until I get to my trunk.” She held open her robe, looking at the inside expecting to see a small pocket appear. And sure enough one did with a zipper to hold it secure.
“Thank you, Sir.”
“You are surely welcome, dear, and your concealment pocket is just large enough to put your lemon in also. But first,” he touched the lemon and it became petrified and shiny.
“This will keep your keepsake through the ages, without it turning into a smelly piece of rotten fruit, and it will also conceal the secrets you keep.” He noted the smile she gave him for her thanks. “I’m glad you want them all to remember everything but the memory. It’s good we are both of the same mind.” And with that, he waved his wand over the twins, Ron, and Hermione.
“But, Sir!” they all said at once. “Please, sir, I don’t want to forget what I did to Harry. I mean, I wish I hadn’t done it and wouldn’t have it to remember…”
“Yeah, Sir, we don’t want to forget either. We jumped the gun judging Ginny and Harry, just as much as Ron.” Dumbledore smiled and looked at Hermione with an expectant look.
“Umm, well, I don’t want to forget either. I’m always too quick to judge that Ravenclaw girl, although, they are strange and everything they claim just isn’t true!”
“As you wish then.” He turned and winked at Ginny, who smiled back at him. He had made them forget what he wanted to without them even knowing it.
Crookshanks was happy with Dumbledore’s choices and ran back in beside Harry’s bed, then jumped up and nibbled his chin. Madame Pomfrey was about to object most stringently, but Crookshanks made her change her mind.
Harry put his hand on him and stroked his fur. “’Lo, Shanks. I’m okay,” he said, laughing lightly. “Thanks for asking.” Harry looked at Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove.
“Please, if I could leave the Hospital Wing to go down to the Great Hall, Professor Dumbledore could tell me what happened to me, and I could get something to eat.”
“No, you most certainly cannot! You were nearly dead for hours, and you’ve just wakened from a comatose state. You will stay in this bed, and you’re visitors need to leave, but for the Headmaster, if he has to stay.”
Crookshanks winked at Lissy and told her in her mind that he would go to Sirius and set up a meeting with him tonight at 1:00 A.M. “Meet Dobby the same as you were to meet him a few hours ago.” She nodded her head and smiled widely, showing her beautiful dazzling white teeth. She covered up for her sudden happiness by going to Harry and telling him she was so glad he was going to be alright.
“Do you know what happened to me? Are you going to stay with me also?”
“Yes, I do know what happened, but I‘m going to leave and let Professor Dumbledore talk to you. Here you go—something for you to eat. Please, Sir, when you’re done, have Harry drink this and allow him to get back to bed.” She flicked her wand and a pajama shirt appeared in Harry’s hands. She and Madame Pomfrey left and retired for the rest of what remained of the long night.
Harry slipped into his shirt as quickly as he could, eyeing his food that was waiting for him. Then he sat on the side of his bed and adjusted the tray to him so he could begin eating.
“Er,” he looked awkwardly at Dumbledore, who smiled at him bemusedly. “Professor, Sir, would you like to join me?” He turned his tray to make it easy for Dumbledore to take what he wanted.
“Thank you, Harry, I believe I will. I will get my own tray instead of ravaging yours though.”
The Headmaster conjured up two straight chairs and a small table complete with his meal and a pitcher of hot chocolate for both of them. “One can never have enough chocolate, no matter what form it’s in. Come, Harry, let’s eat here where we’ll be more comfortable.”
“Yes Sir.” Harry got up slowly and reached for his tray, but it disappeared then reappeared on the table opposite of Professor Dumbledore. |