Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
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| xxxx Chapter Fourteen Harry flopped on the bed as she put the last book in the box. Now just to move it all, Hermione had come back in a half hour ago and was sending them downstairs and through the fireplace to Ron waiting in the living room of Grimmald place.
“Get up lazy, I’ve done more then you and I’ve only got one arm and no wand” Ginny grinned,
“Yeah, yeah” he chuckled, and reached out for her waist pulling her in to him,
“Stop it” she grinned stepping forward to regain her balance,
“Harry behave” she giggled as he rolled to pull her in and land on top of him, she kissed him and then pushed her self up with her good hand on his chest to sit on his legs, knees either of his thighs,
“Love you” he smiled looking up at her,
“Love you too” she smiled and lent down to kiss him. The bedroom door closed, her lips didn’t reach his again, and she sighed and swore under her breath sitting up,
“I’ve messed up right?” He said with a sigh,
“No, Ron has” she replied, patting his chest and getting up “I’m gonna talk to him”
“He said to leave it”
He reached out for her hand “He said to leave it Gin, we shouldn’t interfere”
“Can’t we just give them a nudge?”
He swung round to stand up still with a hold on her hand, “If I talk to him he’ll listen, with you he’ll just get irritated and annoyed”
“You tend to make him angrier Gin”
“Don’t take it like that”
“How’d you want me to take it, happily?”
“No, it’s just you’re his sister, he doesn’t want to listen to you so he won’t – its genetics its not your fault, whereas if I have a go it could just be a talk between mates and he won’t get all nuts about it”
“Ok, but if he doesn’t listen you let me -”
“If he doesn’t listen I’ll let you at him” he cupped her cheeks with his hands and kissed her softly just as lunch was called,
“You think we’re allowed to eat here?” Ginny asked with a smirk,
“I never asked”
“What did you talk about?”
“I made my case” his arms rested on her shoulders “Asked her to think about something’s”
She looked at him “Specifically?”
“Just to consider that I’m not trying to steal you from her”
“Steal what!”
“You’re her daughter, her only daughter; consider what it feels like for her to let you go to a guy that’s sleeping with you”
“She needs to get over it”
“Gin don’t be so hard on her, she’s just not ready to lose you but you’re pushing her away”
“Lose – she’s not going to lose me, just because I’m with you doesn’t mean I don’t want to be her daughter”
“You should talk to her about it”
“She won’t listen”
“You try with her, I’ll speak to Ron”
She shook her head,
“You try with her or no more of me for you” he smirked letting go,
“No” she whined, “Don’t do that” her hand sliding down his chest, “I’ll try ok” she tiptoed up to kiss him but the door opened a few seconds into it,
“Oh – erm lunch” Ron said awkwardly,
“Didn’t think we were invited” Ginny said only letting go to replace her good arm around his lower back,
“She’s put out bowls for you guys and asked me to get you”
“We’ll be right down” Ginny smiled for a split second turning to Harry, “Let me just finish telling him off…’
“Gross sis” Ron moaned stepping back to the door,
“Get over it Ronald” she smiled pulling Harry’s head down at the neck to meet her face in a passionate kiss with the intent to annoy him,
“You guys are just way to – to”
“Conspicuous, yeah I know” Harry grinned breaking away “But she’s just so hot”
“Why thankyou sweetheart”
“Arghhh, no not about my little sister Harry”
“She’s not your little sister, she’s my fiancée” he smirked as Ron rolled his eyes, leaving the room, “Come on before he pukes everywhere”
“Shut up mate” Ron smiled jokingly leading the way down the stairs as they followed on hand in hand.
Lunch was silent and when it was finished Ginny yawned but Harry gave her a look. She rolled her eyes at him but he stuck out his tongue, ‘fine’ she mouthed ‘go on then’ and gestured her head to Ron.
“Ron will you give us a hand with the last of her stuff”
“Sure” they walked up the stairs and went inside her room. Ginny was sitting still at the table resisting the urge to run, but she had to keep her end of the bargain.
“Yes Ginny” Molly turned to the sink piling the bowls she had levitated off the table inside,
“Harry told me he talked to you”
“He did”
“Did you listen to him?”
“I did, but this is up to you”
“What’s up to me? Whether you come to my wedding or not? Whether you accept us as a couple – as part of the family again?”
“I can’t pretend everything’s alright, that you marrying him is a good idea”
“What’s wrong with him, he’s Harry, we’ve known him years, he’s responsible, he decent and polite and he loves me and he won’t hurt me”
“He has already, you’ve just skipped over the fact he broke you and left you staring at a wall for two days”
“He left to save me and to make sacrificing himself to a psychopath easier, I can understand that, I don’t count it because if I wasn’t so attached to him I would have been fine, I would have let go and then if he came back to life then and only then could you tell me that marrying him would not be a good idea because then I’d wouldn’t deserve him”
Molly turned round from staring out the window “Deserve him - Ginny he doesn’t deserve you”
“There is no one that loves me more then Harry does and no one ever will” Ginny said coldly standing up, Molly sighed, “He is everything to me and I know I’m everything to him”
“Just because-”
“Because what, because I’m sleeping with him, because we’re living together, because we’re getting married, because I’m wearing his mothers ring, because he tells me everyday that he loves me, doesn’t make us together true or right in your eyes”
“I’ve already given my permission”
“We’re waiting till I’m seventeen, we don’t need it and I don’t want it” she said storming off outside, not waiting to see what her mother did. ***
“Ron will you give us a hand with the last of her stuff”
“Sure” they walked up the stairs and went inside her room.
“So how have things been?”
“I’m adjusting to the idea of my best friend marrying my sister if that’s what you mean”
“It’s not that big a thing to get your head round is it?”
“I guess I could see it coming – just not so soon, thought you’d give us a couple more years notice”
“When summat is right” Harry said with a smile, piling up the last three boxes in the corner of the virtually empty room,
“What about you, I mean Lav- Lav hasn’t been hanging around so there’s gotta be someone else”
“Or there’s no one else, I’ve got you, Gin and Hermione I don’t really want a girlfriend to be attached at the hip with right now”
“What is going on with Hermione, you guys seem really tense around each other all of a sudden” he knew it wasn’t all of a sudden, everyone could see there relationship building over the years, the pain she’d gone through when he dated the human vacuum cleaner watching with disgust as she tried to suck Ron’s face off.
“There’s nothing, we’re still just friends”
“Don’t you like her more then that” Harry said nonchalantly reaching under the bed for a left behind shoe,
“What would make you think that?” Ron asked folding his arms,
“That face you’re pulling, the way you’re talking, the goo - goo look you get every time I see you stare at her – just because I seem busy with Gin doesn’t mean we don’t notice you too are in a deadlock”
“She’s the white queen, she makes the first move, we haven’t even started the game yet and we’re in stalemate over how to do it”
“It’s not chess Ron”
“Feels like it”
“You wanna say something to her before she gives up completely”
“What do I say – what did you say to Ginny?”
“With Gin I didn’t really have to say anything she already knew, Hermione likes you, she just doesn’t know if you like her back – with that picture and everything else I’d say it’s obvious you do, its just telling her that”
“What I just go up to her and say ‘I like you’ it sounds stupid”
“You say that an I can guarantee she’ll leap on you and tell you she likes you too”
“’Hermione’s not the leaping kind of girl”
“That’s how you knew she’d come back in then”
“She goes off to think about everything – she doesn’t have a library to escape to here so she sits in Percy’s old room”
“Go and talk to her will you”
“What, just like that?
“Yeah or Gin’s going to get mad at you”
“She wants to shout at you, I persuaded her otherwise for now”
“Hmm, thanks” he muttered,
“Ron” Harry held out a hand to him, he shook it hesitantly and then pulled him into a hug,
“You’re gonna be my brother in law is that weird?” Ron asked,
“Not in the slightest, we’ve been brothers for a while” Harry said stepping back from it,
“Didn’t think of it like that, but you have basically lived with us”
“Thanks for letting me in”
“Couldn’t leave you with the Dursley’s could I” Ron said with a smirk heading to the door, “I’ll see you guys later, hopefully with some good news”
“Good luck” Harry said and levitated the last load out the door and down the stairs as Ron walked up to knock at Percy’s door. Harry looked around the kitchen in one glance and saw that things weren’t right, it was empty for one thing and there was a plate broken in the sink. He left the boxes on the table and saw that the living room door was closed. He heard a rhythmic thump every few seconds saw Ginny sitting on the step outside the back door kicking a gnome each time it attempted to tackle and bite her foot relentlessly. He walked out side and reached down picking the creature up by its feet swinging it; around releasing it and watching it land the other side of the fence.
“Nice throw, not enough to beat my record though” Ginny smirked,
“Oh well, as long as you’ve got all your toes”
She chuckled half-heartedly as he sat down beside her an arm round her waist as she placed her head along side his collar bone. She shuffled in closer putting her legs on his; he smiled and lifted her gently off the ground so she sat on his lap curled around him,
“What happened?” he asked watching her good left fist clench around a handful of his t-shirt at his chest and his hand stroked her hair softly,
“She’s not going to stop me marrying you”
“She said she would?”
“She said you didn’t deserve me”
“I don’t” he said simply, “No guy ever deserves the girl they love because their perfect to them, we just hope we’re enough”
“Of course your enough, your more then enough, you’re my everything don’t ever forget that” she gripped him in a hug,
“I won’t” he kissed the top of her head,
“What happened to Ron?”
“He’s talking to her now, he said he’d come round later”
“Ok – can we sit here for a bit though?”
“Sure, take as long as you need”
“Thanks” She smiled looking out, “I have a question though”
“Are we going to stay at Grimmald place and clean it up to first home quality or find somewhere else?”
“I was considering selling it, but being there with you is a lot different to being there alone”
“Do you want to stay there?”
“Do you?” he asked,
“It’s your house it’s up to you what you do with it”
“It’s our house, but I think we need to find our home”
“Makes sense, so we clean it up and sell it and find our home”
“Yeah – but do you want to keep Kreacher”
“Kreacher wouldn’t be parted from the house plus he knows a lot of things he shouldn’t”
“He has to go where his master goes though – what about Hogwarts then, he could keep Dobby company” Harry suggested “Or we let the new owners decide if they want him or not”
“Harry potters house elf of course they will, they’ll want him to tell them everything he knows”
“Sure they will, what my favourite meal is, what time I get up in the morning, what I eat for breakfast and how picky I am when he dusts the fireplace” He said with a raised eyebrow,
She stuck her tongue out, “You just don’t know how famous you are, the thing is now no one knows what I am to you, when I came to see you in hospital the woman at the desk didn’t believe I was your girlfriend, I had to tell her about your birthmark to convince her” she poked his hip,
“Hmm, we’ll have to sort that out, how about a party?” he grinned “Celebrate are engagement properly?”
“Thought we’d done that”
“Ok then – officially and publically” he smirked “Invite everyone we know, spread the word that your gonna be stuck with me for life soon”
“I rather be stuck with you then anyone else”
“And that’s why I call you honey” he smiled; she stroked his cheek with her fingertips, smiled and kissed him.
“Ok a party it is; let’s go then before she comes out to stop me”
She got up and he did following her inside, he shrunk the boxes and put them in his pocket,
“Why didn’t we do that before? Why didn’t Hermione suggest it?”
“I’m guessing she just wanted to spend some more time with you Gin and I agreed so we could at least try with your mum”
“You guys tricked me”
“Just a little bit” he smiled,
She frowned, “Fine”
“Knew you’d say that” he laughed to himself, and she shoved him with her good shoulder,
“A week” she said menacingly and he understood his eyes staring at her,
“A week” she grinned,
“Come on”
“What are you doing to him for a week that’s got him so anxious?”
“It’s what I’m not” and pushed him backwards into the grate with a grin before throwing the floo powder at his feet. He said the destination and disappeared in the green flames with a smile, while Percy looked horrified still standing in the doorway,
“Don’t make that face brother” She wandered over and gave him a one armed hug “See you later” before throwing in her own handful of dust and jumping into emerald flames.
“Were you serious?”
“Aww” he took the boxes out and put them on the floor with the rest “Now to unpack” he pointed to the boxes with his wand and they went back to there original size, she came up behind him one arm around his middle,
“You know it all depends on whether I can hold off”
“And we know you’re not stubborn or wilful”
“Not at all” she took off the sling and put the other arm round him,
“All healed are we?” he turned in her arms,
“Hmm” she smiled, “Better then ever”
He grinned “Brilliant” And she tiptoed up to meet him in a kiss.
“Not for you” she grinned, letting go “And you’re still not getting any – not tonight anyway”
“Aww come on” he reached for her but she put a box in his hand,
“Bedroom” she smirked,
I sighed at her “Any others?”
“All I guess, unless…”
“Unless what?”
“Well some of my stuff is pretty useless so we could just leave it in boxes in a spare room”
“So I just really need clothes and school stuff”
“We can set up a spare room as a study” he suggested,
“Sweet, so I really just need my suitcase in our room – is there room in the wardrobe for me?”
“I’m gonna throw my clothes out and invest in some that aren’t Dudley’s throwbacks and scraps I’ve collected”
“Good, let’s start on that tomorrow”
He stared “So soon?”
“You want me to find you more attractive then I do already?”
“We go early tomorrow” he smirked and apparated up the stairs with the box.
She ran up dragging the suitcase,
“Ginny?!” he called out hearing the noise and then thumps, “What happened – are you ok?”
“Hurting myself again”
“Why didn’t you leave it for me to get” he said looking down over the banister to her on the stairs,
“I wanted to get up to you before you went down again”
“Do I dare ask why?” he said walking down to meet her, she was sitting on the step holding her stomach,
“I wanted to kiss you”
“Silly, you can kiss me anytime you want” he lifted her up, “Where are you hurt?”
“I just landed funny, I’m ok” she stood up and he held her too him,
“Are you sure?”
“I’m fine, I promise”
“Alright” he let go, “Let me take it” And grabbed it “You were running with this – it’s the contents of your wardrobe” he lifted it up with one arm easily, but he had muscles from a longer Quiditch career and a lifetime of fighting evil so he guessed it was heavy.
“I know, I know”
He took her hand and fiddled with his wand so he was holding it and apparated them into the bedroom, she gripped her lower belly and side,
“Gin” he said urgently as she heaved,
“Don’t apparate me again”
“We’re going to Mungo’s”
“I’m fine, just the bump knocked the wind out of me” He sat her on the bed,
“Seriously Harry, I’m fine, don’t worry about it”
“If you say so”
“I do, so give me what I hurt myself for” He sat down beside her a hand on her cheek; he leaned in “Love you” She smiled,
“Love you too” He kissed her softly, “Don’t do anything at all now please”
“Alright” He gently put his hands on her shoulders and made her lie back, she rolled on to her good side to be more comfortable and smiled at him, “I’ll just tell you what to do then?”
“Sure” He grinned, getting up and opened her suitcase,
“So we have -” he paused holding up a silky nightdress “-what is this?”
“A present from Fleur… she thought we’d appreciate it, it was for Christmas”
“I was kind of absent then wasn’t I?”
“Yes, I didn’t get to give you my present”
“We’ve had a few days and I think you’ve pretty much got it covered”
“Nope, look under the jeans”
He did as he was told and lifted out a small black box, “What’s this?”
“Open it” She smiled but clutched her stomach when he looked down to do as he was told,
“Thanks Gin” he grinned, coming to her as she composed herself with a smile, he kissed her and slid the silver watch on, “You didn’t have to get me anything”
“But I did so suck it up” she grinned adjusting herself,
“Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Uh huh” she smiled as if to reassure him and herself “Just bruising up nicely”
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |