Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 08-08-2010, 07:37 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Thirteen

Four day’s later and avoiding the Burrow as much as they could manage before the time limit was up. She wanted to stay away but she also didn’t want to keep living out a suitcase, he wanted to get the move over with but she wanted to make her mum nervous.
Ginny woke up, stretched out and then rolled over to fall out of the bed. “Owww”
Harry sat up with the sound of the thump and fumbled for his glasses, “Gin?” he looked around not seeing her anywhere,
“Down here”
He leapt over to her, “Are you ok?”
“I think – ouch – I think I’ve broken my arm”
“We’d better get you some skelegrow”
“Mum has some”
“Ok” he helped her up carefully as she held her arm across her chest,
“You have a scarf or something I never got the hang of conjuring bandages – wait a sec” he riffled through his backpack and pulled out his school scarf, securing it around her shoulder and arm,
“Thankyou” she kissed his cheek, “Mum can’t say you don’t look after me”
“She’ll say it’s my fault?”
“She’ll have to find a reason too; maybe we should just go to Mungo’s save the hassle”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah, we can check if it’s actually broken then”
“Ok” he pulled on jeans over his boxers and picked up a t-shirt off the floor,
“Tell me what you’ve got that we can get on that arm”
“Erm… my underwear and jeans first then we’ll figure out the arm”
“Alright” he held them for her to manoeuvre into trying to make it as easy for her arm as possible,
“And lets try my shirt” he put it on her good arm, she adjusted herself and her arm to put it inside the other one cringing before putting it comfortably back in the scarf,
“Can you?” she gestured to her pumps and he brought them over for her to slip her feet in with a smile and a kiss before he pulled on trainers and grabbed his wand taking her hand,
They arrived in the reception, went through all the fuss of sorting it out, and left with her arm in a proper sling and bandage with the taste of skelegrow on her lips. They got to the Burrow, and Molly didn’t pay any attention to them coming in the house until she saw the white sling,
“What happened to you?”
“I broke my arm; it’s not a big deal”
Molly glared at Harry “How?”
“I fell out of bed this morning” Ginny said staring at her to make her attention change direction, “Harry could you go and rope in Ron while I talk to mum?”
“Sure” he kissed the top of her head and wandered up the stairs,

“I woke up, I rolled over and I landed on it when I hit the floor, complete accident, Harry was asleep, he heard the thump secured my arm, dressed me and took me to the hospital – he’s took care of me and it, and I’m fine”
“Accidents happen, I’m not a kid anymore you don’t have to go nuts and wrap me up in bandages, and it’ll be healed completely by tomorrow”
Ginny rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs to see Harry talking to Ron and Hermione,
“What happened to you?”
“Broke it, fell out of bed, don’t ask” She said firmly, Ron held his hands up and backed off as she rammed the door with her good hand and went into her room, Harry followed her in nervously but looked to Hermione “Give us a minute” he smiled and closed the door behind him,
“What did she say?”
“She doesn’t trust you”
“Did she say that outright or are you assuming?”
“She didn’t have to say it outright; it was the way she looked”
“Did you actually give her a chance to talk?”
“Well… no, but”
“Gin, she’s not suddenly going to change her mind”
“She doesn’t think you’re going to look after me, that this is your fault” she lifted up the arm and then cringed in pain,
“Don’t move it” he held her arm gently and tightened the loosened sling at her neck, “She just trying to find a reason and that’s ok, because when she realises that we’re meant to be together she’ll stop”
“How can you be so sure about that?”
“Because I’m sure about you, and you are like her – don’t get mad – but you are, you’re stubborn, fiery, passionate but I love you and she’ll know that eventually”
He said and stepped back but she stepped towards him, “Stubborn, fiery and passionate?”
“What else?”
“Well sexy but that only applies to you”
“I’d be worried otherwise”
“Hmm” Harry smirked, wrapping an arm round her waist, “We’d better let them in”
“Do we have too?”
“No but I’m guessing if your mum walks in she’s not going to be happy either”
“Ruin the moment” she muttered, and let go of him trying to pull away, he kept a hold
“Ginny” he pulled her in at the waist but only close enough that her arm didn’t hit his chest,
She looked down; she felt her eyes watering,
“Don’t cry, something’s wrong if you’re crying”
“I’m fine”
“No your not” gently his finger lifted up her chin so her face, her eyes looked up at him and he wiped her cheeks with his thumb, “So I’m gonna make it better, I’m gonna talk to her” he kissed her lips softly “Don’t interfere, start packing I’ll be back in a minute”
“You don’t want to do that”
“I do” he kissed her again “For you” and again “So get over it” he smiled and let go walking away
“Fine” she muttered watching him go,
He stepped out to see them waiting “Help Gin will you guys, I’ve got to talk to Molly”
“Why?” Ron asked as Hermione went inside,
“Just to explain something’s – don’t worry about it mate”
“Good luck” he smiled and wandered over to the room,
Harry walked down the stairs and stood for a moment watching Molly, she had her back to him her wand out chopping vegetables and boiling a pan of water.
“It’s vegetable soup for lunch Ron”
“It’s not Ron”
He sat at the table and she turned around, she looked surprised and then quickly turned back to the vegetables,
“Mrs Weasley?”
“I’m sorry”
“For what?” she said turning around again
“For loving Ginny”
“What’s there to apologise for?”
“She needs you but because I love her you won’t have anything to do with her”
“It’s not like that”
“Then what is it that you don’t trust in me”
“She’s my baby” Molly said moving to pull out a chair and sitting down across from him, “My only girl, my youngest child, you don’t know what its like to give a child away, to trust someone else to look after her”
“But you can see she’s happy with me can’t you, isn’t that she trusts me and loves me back enough?” She didn’t reply, “You’ve known me since I was eleven, I’ve spent summers here, you’ve become my family, you and Arthur are like the parents I never got to know, you’ve looked after me when no one else wanted to, there’s no reason for you not to trust me with her”
“That only makes it harder, you never showed her any attention to her, she was crazy about you and you were oblivious”
“She was Ron’s little sister, she was out of bounds”
“She still is Ron’s little sister and my daughter, just because it’s legal -”
“- it’s not like that, me and Gin have been together since last year, I kept telling myself that it wasn’t right to feel so much for her because it would put her in danger from Voldemort and that Ron would kill me if he found out, that you and Arthur wouldn’t approve of me liking her just as much as she liked me”
“Last year was not so long ago”
“When you walked in on us talking in the hospital wing it was – it was about the first and only time we’d - me coming back to her before I went to Voldemort, that was me saying goodbye, she understood that, she instigated it and I haven’t forced her to do anything since our first kiss in the middle of a packed common room, I said it before and I know its not easy for a parent to hear but she’s not a little girl anymore and it’s not just because of me”
“Just hear me out please”
She paused to let him continue,
“We’re holding off the wedding until I’ve finished school and she turns seventeen, but I know she wants you there no matter what you say even though its looking more and more likely that you won’t come, we’re not stupid we just know that getting married, it’s the most powerful way to show that we’re meant to be together-”
“- I’m not going to say I approve of it”
“I don’t expect you too; I’m just asking you, for Ginny’s sake to think about it, please”
Molly stood up and turned her attention back to the vegetables; Harry took it as his cue to leave wandering up the stairs, one hand rubbing his tired face the other guiding him up with the banister. He opened the door to her room to see them surrounded by boxes and Hermione and Ron wands out levitating stuff into them and Ginny sitting on the bed cross legged looking through a photo album.

“What you got?” he said looking over her shoulder at the pictures,
She flicked to the last page and it was a photo of them locked in a kiss under the big oak tree beside the lake.
“When – how did you get that without me even realising?” he grinned,
“Colin” she smirked “He gave it too me first week back, he said I looked upset, that I must be missing you - he was right by the way - so he gave me this, said he’d taken it and was going to use it for his exhibition because he thought it was a perfect picture”
“He actually looks like he was stalking us”
“You didn’t notice him at all then?”
Harry looked between the three of them “When?”
“All the time” Hermione said laughing, “Before you and Gin it was just you then it was ‘Harry and Ginny are perfect’, he wanted as many pictures as he could of the couples in the school for his big show, but you two were his greatest obsession”
“How could you not realise?” Ginny said,
“Well by the nature of the pictures I’d say I was distracted” he said with a grin,
“I was pretty distracted too but I noticed” Ginny said with a laugh, “He got Hermione and Ron too though” she smirked,
Hermione stared at her “What? When? I mean me and Ron we’re friends why would he take a picture?”
“I bought it, his first sold work” Ginny smiled waving a photo at her,
“Let me see that” Harry said and reached for it before Hermione could, Ginny handed it over,
“Pretty perfect too if I might say so” Ginny grinned, Ron flushed red as did Hermione,
“Colin’s really good, maybe we should hire him” Harry suggested staring at the photo, it was Hermione and Ron staring off in different directions sitting on a bench, but there hands were just touching and both were smiling in the black and white colouring.
“Definitely” Ginny said taking the photo back and handing it to Hermione, She took one look, blushed and left the room. “Ron”
“Yeah” he had his face in the wardrobe,
“You might want to go after her” Harry added,
“Erm…” Ginny started and handed him the picture,
“She’ll come back in a minute” he said and shrugged handing the picture back,
“Ron” Gin said “I don’t think -”
“She’ll be back, don’t bring it up again ok”
“Ok” Harry muttered, he and Ginny exchanged glances and kept quiet.
RIP JD Salinger
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