Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
Posts: 1,415
Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Emily Black: Hello Emily! Thanks for reading and commenting. Quote:
Hehe, adorable ...Awe, precious
Oh no! Not good! He has to heal!
Great chapter, Connie! PLEASE PAMS!
We shall see. Thanks Emily
Obi-Wan K'Lari: K'Lari! Hey there, good to see you again! Quote:
Ah, I've been lazy
Isn't that what summer is for? Quote:
You write Dumbledore brilliantly
Thank you very much! Quote:
Okay...so I'm nit-picking again...but the bit of magic Dumbledore does doesn't seem very plausible to me :/ Then again, it's old magic so how would I know?
Sorry, I was mainly wanting him to do something that used a lot of movement. It'll be revealed why in the next chapter. Quote:
I can't believe Dumbledore let them watch Harry's memory Bad move DD, bad move
I know right?! What's up with that? Has he gone off his rocker?Or maybe we should trust he has his reason not to be worried about it. Quote:
OH and Congrats for the Goblin win!
Thank you very much! Quote:
Caught up! I've got to say the Mirror's usage was GENIUS! but I forbid you to vegetablize Harry. Ron would never forgive himself
I am rather proud of the mirror idea. I think it was writing Dumbledore so much, I may've gleaned some of his gray matter he is so proud of having. LOL And we'll see how Ron does with taking the responsibility of Harry's Vegetable state. I recieved my siggy thing and stuff, but I don't know how to get it on my FF. Did you notice my tags?
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Quote:
I loved the medical mumbo-jumbo, but I think you know alot more than you're letting on. It was well done. I'm so glad that the chip was extracted successfully from Harry's brain and put where it was supposed to be, and the excess fliud removed! Random... Now we just need Peter Pan to help wish him into a full and complete recovery... Can we do that??? Right now??? Please???
OK, First off, I do know more than I let on. I know that you tape a broken toe to the adjoining toes to keep them straight, and unmoving. But, listen, don't take my word for it, always consult your Dr. when in doubt. And secondly, I think we would need Peter Pans fairy, Tinker Bell to do the wishing on. Right? Quote:
I'm also glad that Lissydove allowed Ginny to assist in Harry's recovery. I think it will help Ginny to heal after this tramatic event!
Yes, I believe you are correct.
Thanks for reading and commenting Katie.
OK Sorry everyone. We are having a huge thunderstorm, and i'm probably going to loose internet any time. I'm going to post quickly then after the storm come back and edit on the rest of the replys.
OK So, I'm back now. It was a big storm, and we got a massive amount of torrential rain. Our grass will be green tomorrow! Yea!!!! So where was I?
Morag: Hey Sophie. It seems like you've been gone forever. I'm glad you're having a great time. Quote:
She knows he loves her really.
Yes, I think that will be helpful to her. Thanks for reading an commenting. I know it's difficult the way you're doing it. I wouldn't be able to. 
OtterySt.Catchpole: ~Otts!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello! It's great to see you! Hehehe, The cat is fine. I could never kill him off. He, I'm sure is what won me my Golden Gobblin Award. Everyone incudind myself loves him, I couldn't kill him off. Quote:
You know about the kids Conners. I'm very happy you won your 1st Golden Goblin. Congratulations I'm sure if you keep writing fanfiction there will be more.
Yes, I do know. Kids are wonderful though. How are yours doing? I bet the baby is growing so fast! And thanks ~Otts. It's all to you I was even able to write this FF. Thank you. Quote:
As for me, you should be proud, I haven't touched fanfiction since I left last. I've only written my own stuff.
I am very proud of you! But, I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad you've come back and put up your new FF, 48 Hours: A Human Nature Side Story -Sa13+ in the Epic/Adventure section. And I know the story you're speaking of. I'll go finish it. I have been wondering about her. Good luck with your short stories. And I love your art work.
Yes, of course, I'll be happy for you to join in here! I'd love it! And I'll be happy to e-mail the whole story. You'll have to PM me your e-mail address. You've missed a lot! hehehe. I'm so glad you're back ~Otts! 
Harita: Hello! Quote:
hmmm...interesting...waiting for more...but whatever those small thingys did to Harry, Lissydove better get him right!!!*crossing hands against chest and pouting*...lol...pams when you can...
LOL Those little Imps have proven to be such a big problem haven't they!? I'm sure Miss Lissydove has done everything in her power to put Harry right. I think she's pretty amazing. We'll have to see how he comes along. 
Thank you everyone for reading. After tonight's post you'll be reading, "The Reunion" in 3 weeks. Next weeks Chapter 38, "Hope, to be Forgotten"
Sirius Shows His Rage
“I can try to repair it, but I’m not confident that it will work. If it doesn’t work, then what we can expect is… well, Harry will more than likely be blind, deaf, mute, and have very little motor skills. Although, we may be able to teach him to walk, he will never run, or… fly again.”
She stood shaking her head, as Professor Dumbledore told her to “do whatever you can for him.” She and Lissydove went to her office to discuss options they had, and everyone else remained frozen in shock by Harry’s bed.
Ginny was the first to say anything. She simply looked at Ron, and said, “Why did I have to be your sister?” She turned and walked slowly towards the door. She knew what she said hurt Ron, but didn’t care. His pain couldn’t come close to the pain she felt at the moment.
Ron looked at the Headmaster and asked, “Sir, what kind of job can I get that will make top dollar? I know I’m not worth anything, but I’ll work every minute of every day. Then, when I turn seventeen, I’ll go to Romania and ask Charlie to train me to work with him to handle dragons.”
Hermione’s breath caught in her throat. “Ron, no!” she cried in a whisper. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she clasped her hands around his arm.
He shook her off and rounded on her.
He raised his voice and with a red face and his voice shaky said, “What! You think the Dursley’s are going to be okay with this? Are they going to take him back with open arms and take care of him the rest of his miserable life? Hermione, they HATE him! The only thing they’ve ever given him is a single worthless Christmas present each year. Last Christmas his present they gave him was a toothpick! They’ll put him in some sort of institution!” With each sentence, he lost control of his voice and ended up crying out with his fists doubled, “He’s got nobody in his life to take care of him. He’s alone!” He put both hands over his face and rubbed it hard. Regaining some composure he turned back to the Headmaster. “I need a job, Sir, until I can leave for Romania. I’m responsible for Harry, and I’ll pay for the best care he can have.”
Dumbledore looked admirably at Ron. “I believe we’ve already established it’s not your fault, Ron, and furthermore…” But he was unable to finish, for, at that moment, Professor McGonagall barged in, thrusting the doors open and knocked Ginny off of her feet. Without missing a step, she reached down and pulled Ginny to her feet. “Goodness child! Watch where you’re going!”
Minerva half ran over to Dumbledore, then noticing the somber looks on everyone’s faces, she looked at Harry. “He’s not…”
“No, Minerva, there is no change in him, except to say he’ll most likely live. But tell me what has you in such a state!”
“It’s Sirius Black, sir, he’s in the castle! We need you at Gryffindor Tower. The Fat Lady’s picture has been assaulted and she’s abandoned her post. I’ve got all the students confined to the Great Hall with the Head Boy and Girl watching them. The staff is searching the castle, Filch is searching the secret tunnels and sealing them. Hagrid,” she turned to direct an order to him, “you’ll need to search the grounds.” She turned back to the Headmaster, “I think this lot can stay here if we seal the doors. Don’t you?”
“Thank you, Minerva for handling my job superbly. Yes, they can stay here. No doubt Peeves has seen something. We’ll send for Peeves and talk to him. Well, come then, let’s go find him.”
Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove had stepped out of the office when McGonagall came in with her news. Lissydove put her hands to her chest and drew in her breath sharply. Madame Pomfrey put her arm around her and took her back in the office.
Ginny went back to Harry’s bedside. “He’s so white still, when will he start getting his color back?”
“Maybe when his mind tells his body he’s going to live.” It was in a dazed state of mind Hermione said this.
Ron and Hermione gathered around Harry’s bed with Ginny. Ron looked up at the vitals and said with determination, “This mirror says that he hasn’t warmed up very much at all. How can a guy’s mind tell his body to warm up if he’s lay’n in a freez’n bed, uncovered, and half naked? I’m going to cover him. I know how he sleeps. He’s most comfortable on his right side, with blankets pulled up around his neck and his left foot uncovered.” He started to pull up the blanket, but Hermione took his arm and told him to stop.
“Let Ron cover him!” Ginny said scowling at Hermione.
“But, I mean we should record his vitals for the record before we cover him. That way they’ll be able to see if his recovery is coming along as it should be.” She looked at Ginny, abashed at the tone Ginny had used on her. “But I don’t think we should move him though. Ginny?” Hermione wanted to make sure she wasn’t going to get her head bit off by Ginny for the suggestion she made.
“You’re correct, Hermione, we need to record his vitals, then we’re going to try and repair the brain damage. After that; we’re going to make more of his blood circulate in him. He lost too much, that’s why he’s so white. With the repairs made to his brain, (and you see the fluid has stopped making his brain swell, due to the shunt in there) he should be able to get his color back, and his temperature should start to come back to normal.”
Lissydove was kind and her explanation was spot on, but her mind was on Sirius and if he was safe. Of course she couldn’t blame the kids, but she was so looking forward to her meeting with her beloved Sirius later into the night. The years had been long and hard to endure, but it seemed she was going to get to be with him at long last. She prayed they wouldn’t find him and that he was okay.
Madame Pomfrey set to work with magic charms, and Lissydove put a catheter in Harry’s arm. Next, she drew a syringe of blood. The blood she put in a sealed container and said a spell, and the amount of blood he needed appeared in the sealed container. Then she connected a tube from the container to the catheter in his arm. Lissydove picked up the container and held it about four feet over Harry. She said something and tapped it. When she let go of it, the container stayed where she left it.
They finished with their respective jobs at the same time. Stepping back, they looked at each other and smiled. Lissydove said that the intravenous transfusion would take only a short time. They checked the mirror, and satisfied with what it was showing, they went back to the office and sat down.
The three decided to sit down with the twins. They all sat in silence till Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove came back out and took the catheter out of Harry’s arm.
“This will be enough for him to live on, and we’ll see if he can start making up the rest he needs.” They recorded his vitals and gave Ron some blankets, motioning for them to cover Harry.
They spread the blankets over him and Hermione pulled them around Harry’s neck. Ron uncovered his left foot and Ginny covered it back again. “He can shake it loose after he gets warm.” They sat back down and they all snuggled close and got comfortable.
Hermione looked at Ginny then back to Ron. Her feelings were injured at what Ginny had told Ron. Ron sat with his head hung in shame and loneliness. Hermione looked back at Ginny, knitting her eyebrows together and pursing her lips. She wasn’t going to be able to stay silent much longer. She gave a huff then looked straight ahead. Then she turned and looked at Ginny about to say something, but Ginny rolled her eyes, along with a big huff of her own, and spoke.
“Ron,” she paused to think carefully what to say. He looked at her with such sad eyes. “You are such a prat and I’ll not have you smothering me the way you do. I can take care of myself.”
“Hear, hear,” joined in the twins. She snapped back at them hotly, “You’re just as bad, so watch yourself, both of you!” Her eyes darted to Hermione’s and it looked as if Hermione was about ready to step in for the kill.
“Anyway,” she continued quickly “it’s not your fault, not all of it. If you hadn’t been thinking the things you were, those Imps wouldn’t have gotten you. And if you hadn’t heard the little bit of conversation Harry and I were having, then you wouldn’t have gotten those thoughts in your head. Also, I guess I’m glad you’re my brother.” She looked at Harry and said, “I wonder what his life would have been like if he had family who loved him. I guess we should all be thankful for all we have.”
“Ginny, I am really sorry, but if only you hadn’t—”
“Don’t push it, Ronald!” Ginny glared at him.
“I wonder if they caught Sirius Black yet,” Hermione said quickly, wanting to change the subject. “Do you realize that we now need to assume Sirius is innocent, and Harry should be able to live with him now?” They talked till early in the morning, around three o’clock, and fell asleep huddled together under the blankets.
“Harry!” Everyone jumped at Ginny screaming. “Harry’s gone! Harry!” Madam Pomfrey and Lissydove came running out of the office.
“What is happening here? You can’t be disrupting—” She stopped when she saw the empty bed. “What’s going on here?”
“That’s what I’d like to know,” said Harry in a quiet, shaky voice as he stepped from behind the curtain.
Last edited by Connie; 08-06-2010 at 03:32 PM.
Reason: To finish the replys after the storm.