Post 30
"Harry!" I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around me. "You’re here! You’re really here. Never ever, ever, ever leave me again. I've missed you so much." I said feeling every inch of him. Ron and Hermione stumbled in behind him also accompanied by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Dean made a run for it out the room, pushing past the Headmaster who muttered a spell so fast I couldn't begin to comprehend what he had said. Dean froze on the spot unable to move "You, Mr Thomas will come with me. This situation I have walked in on does not look good." spoke McGonagall. "You will come with me to my office. Now!" Professor Dumbledore followed Harry, Ron and Hermione inside. Ron knew something bad had happened. My shirt was tore and my face was tear stained. He went to go after Dean, but Profesor McGonagll seemed to have used a spell on Dean making him unable to run for it. Hermione pulled Ron back and whispered "Ginny needs you Ron."
Harry pulled me closer against him. I looked up to his beautiful face. It was covered in scars and brouses. I softly traced along the delicate cuts. "Don't you recognise me?" He asked.
"You’re still just as beautiful as ever." I smiled as he kissed me on the tip of my nose. "Ginny" he said more seriously. "Are you ok? Why was Dean here? Did he hurt you?"
I placed my hand against his soft cheek "Harry. I've missed you so much." He kissed me softly spinning me around. Once he was quite finished he pulled me ontop of him as he lay on the sofa. I snuggled close against him wrapping my arms tightly around his kneck. "Do we not get a cuddle?" Ron asked.
"Oh Ron" I said jumping into his arms. "I'm so glad your home safely. You too Hermione" I said hugging her.
"Ginny, why was he here?" Harry asked.
"I don't know. A few nights ago he came round with a bunch of flowers before I went patrolling. He said they were from all the Gryffindors and when we went out we bumped into Lavender, who by the way Ron, was cheating on you with Dean, with means he was cheating on me. But then she said she and Dean got drunk and one thing lead to another. Then she thought she was pregnant and said that Ron was a better father figure than Dean. Dean kept harassing me. He kept on saying oh I'm so sorry 'Please forgive me' and crap like that. I told him he was forgiven but then he thought we were best friends but it was so false. I was so scared tonight when he barged in. He was so violent and I don't know why." Harry hugged my tightly.
"Well Miss Weasley. This is a terrible situation. I'll speak to Mr.Thomas myself and see what he has to say. But for the mean time I'll leave you to it. I'll see myself out." I smiled at Professor Dumbledore and he nodded his head and proceeded to the door. "Goodbye Everyone."
ok it's just a wee short one but Ive only just managed how to copy and paste from my iTouch.
Today I visited a town called Salem, MA. It's famous for the witch trials in the late 1600's. I learned something about how witches came about having there broomsticks... People who grew crops believed that the higher they could jump with their broom, the higher their crops would grow! When the witch trials came about and people started blaming one and other, neignours of the farmers would say that they could fly on their brooms and therefore these people were accused as witches! I thought it was quite interesting and thought maybe you would find it too...So that's where the Nimbus 2000 and the Firebolt originated from. Just thought you might like to know