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Old 07-29-2010, 11:57 PM   #210 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Morag: Hello Sophie. Hope you are having a great time. I sure miss you, and can't wait to read more of your FF, Love You Too-Sa16+.
Oh can't you give us a little spoiler. Just a wee one. I'm so excited. I can't wait !
Sorry, you'll have to wait.
Nooooooo! Then how will he defeat Voldemort???
You know, I honestly didn't think of that when I wrote this. Should I re-write you think?
Incredible it is. That is sooooo cool. I don't know how you come up with things like that. It's amazing. Your so clever!
Thank you
I actually had wrote this reply last night but then my internet died on me!
It happens to everyone I think. Thank you Sophie. Let me know when you get back.

EmilyBlack: Hello Emily, it's good to have you back.
I'm really liking this quote
I thought it was fitting.
Dumbledore is very wise. And I agree with everything he's saying. I hope the Ministry was put right after the final battle in the seventh book.
I know! Right?
The Muggle stuff was very clever of you by the way. It was all too long to quote, so I'll just tell you that it was brilliant
Great post! PLEASE PAMS
Thanks Emily

MissWeasley: Hey Katie girl!
The best part of the whole chapter? The Mirror of Erised, of course!!! I absolutely loved how you had it work. You were truly inspiational.
Thank you sweetie. I s'pose i should acknowledge that the Mirror of Erised, is the property of JK Rowling, and I'm just borrowing it for the sake of fixing Harry. I made a copy, and the original was returned.
(I'm a thinker!)
Thinking is the best thing for you to do. Keep that in mind while you read tonights chapter. Your questions will be answered.
So when Sirius finds out that Lissydove isn't going to show up, will he go crazy?
This is what Crookshanks was thinking when he gave that message to Dobby. Sirius won't know anything about Harry's peril till Crookshanks goes to him later. But, you was thinking correctly.
Thanks for reading and commenting Katie.

Harita: Thanks for reading and commentiing.
Quote: seemed to put in a lot of thought to bring real different characters in your post...pams when you can...
I love thinking. Sometimes it gives me a headache though.

Prongs.RJGirl: Hello Tina. Thanks for reading and letting me know how much you enjoy my story. Be good, and do your best in school.

To all my reader's: Thanks again for reading. I hope everyone is still enjoying it.
Four more chapters till the Reunion. Next week, Chapter 37, "Serius Shows His Rage"


A/N Please be advised that this chapter has a lot of medical MADE UP STUFF, and let it also be known that I haven’t got any notion as to what I am saying, as I am only taking terms that sound impressive from a medical book and putting things together to make it look good. This is all fiction. Please don’t take anything that is written here to be factual.

Lissydove tapped Harry and his body became rigid, then she levitated him off of the bed. “We need everyone to please give Harry some privacy while we get these dirty, bloody things off of him and clean up the area.

With a tap of the wand, Harry was cleaned up and pajama bottoms were put on him. Madam Pomfrey turned him so he was face down. A warmed blanket was fixed around him, and then they began to move their wands over Harry’s skull. The mirror showed exactly where their wands were pointing to.

As they worked on Harry, Ginny inconspicuously pulled Harry’s T-Shirt to her, with her foot. She stooped over to scratch the side of her leg. The others looked at her then looked back to Harry, as it was very interesting watching them work on him. Ginny picked up the T-shirt then and stuffed it quickly in the pocket of her robe.

“Okay,” Madame Pomfrey was saying. “The chip off of the skull is lodged into this area of the Corpus Calliosum, blocking off the Thalamus and the Hypo Thalamus.”

“This is why we can’t regulate his blood pressure and why we can’t warm him. He was already way too cold, and this didn’t allow the Hypo Thalamus to operate.” Lissydove continued on.

“And the swelling here,” interrupted Madame Pomfrey, “is due to the chip blocking the placement of the Cerebrospinal Fluid. So, what would the Muggles do for this? Just do it Dear, and I’ll learn from you.”

Lissydove looked up at the mirror, then back down at Harry’s head, and put her wand over a spot, then looked back up to the mirror. She shook her head. Then her face brightened. “Mirror Times Two Miniature Size for the Hand.” A small mirror appeared in her hand. She set it by Harry’s head and very efficiently explained everything as she operated on Harry, watching the small mirror the whole time. “I’m making a hole and now I’m inserting a shunt to allow the fluid to drain into the area it’s s’pose to be. Now the chip, ‘Reparo,’ is back where it’s s’pose to be.”

“Well done, dear. Vitals.” She looked at the mirror and wrote down this new information. “I’m going to go do some charting. Will you bandage his head please?”

“Ginny, would you like to help me?”

“I, er well, I don’t know what to do. I might hurt him,” she said, surprised that she would be asked to help with such an important thing.

“You’re perfectly qualified to help me with this. The operation is all done, and I’m going to wrap his head. We didn’t shave his head like the Muggles would have done, but I don’t want his hair against the wound. If you’ll hold his hair away from the wound till I get this pad, and several wraps around his head, then we can put his hair back and finish the wrap. I need to wrap it pretty tight to keep even pressure all around. Can you do that for me?” Lissydove smiled kindly at her young assistant when Ginny quietly nodded her head.

Lissydove waved her wand over Ginny, and said an inaudible “Just in case you may have gotten contaminated again by getting Harry’s shirt off of the floor,” she whispered with a knowing smile at Ginny.

When the bandage was applied, Lissydove turned Harry back over, then caught from mid air a free flow water pillow with the middle out of it. She put the pillow on the bed and lowered Harry back onto the bed, and lifted the spell off of him that kept him stiff. She pulled back the blanket and started rubbing a cream on his bruised ribs.

“Can I do that?” asked Ginny.

“Sure, it won’t heal them completely, but it will start the process.” While Ginny busied herself with the cream she spoke softly to Harry. “I’m so sorry I hurt you Harry. You never complained even once. Thanks for giving me the best day of my life. And, although you won’t remember, I’ll know that in your heart, you love and need me. I can’t wait for the day to come when you know this, and our hearts will dance together.”

She finished and put her hand on his chest. She spoke excitedly to anyone around. “I think he’s starting to get warm!”

Just then Madame Pomfrey returned from her office. She looked at the vitals and said it looked like everything was going in the right direction. “If things continue to go like this then Harry will be -”

“100% AOK!” said an over exuberant Ron. The twins did a high five, and a “yeah!” Ron and Hermione hugged each other and laughed. Hagrid beamed and said, “Awe, at’s a ticket!”

But, Dumbledore and Ginny looked somberly at Madame Pomfrey and Lissydove, who weren’t celebrating.

“Poppy, what is it?” Dumbledore inquired softly.

“He isn’t going to get better?” Ginny asked, disbelieving what she was afraid of hearing.

“Well, I was going to say that it looks like our Harry is going to live, but, as I said before, and this mirror shows my fears correctly, Harry has suffered significant brain damage. It will be a very slim chance the damage will heal.

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 10:54 PM. Reason: Forgot to put the, '+' on Sophie's story title
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