Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 07-28-2010, 02:32 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Twelve
She handed him his wand and his back pack of clothes “Get out of here then” she grinned,
“Thanks Cara” he grinned “She’s not going to stop me leaving again is she”
“Nope, you’re checked off, sorted and free” she grinned,
He looked at his watch, they hadn’t come to see where she was yet which meant Bill had gone to Shell cottage and not back to the Burrow.
He grinned went to his room changing to normal clothes and apparated to Grimmald place as Molly and Arthur came round the corner. He opened the door immediately engulfed by a whiff of chicken pie and then Kreacher appeared in front of him.

“Master Potter welcome home”
“Erm hi Kreacher” he looked around as he disappeared “Ginny” he called out,
“Harry!” she grinned coming up the stairs from the basement kitchen, “Your out of there, what did you do fight the old bag”
“No, I got checked out” her arms snaked round his waist pulling him closer, “You’re not cooking down there are you?”
“God no, Kreacher is, I got hungry” she shrugged, tiptoeing up to kiss him.
“How about desert before dinner” Harry smirked,
“Hells getting closer” she giggled as his lips pressed against her neck, his hand in her hair and the other pulled her in as close as possible,
“I can feel the flames licking at my feet” he whispered in her ear smoothly and she pulled his head across to meet hers before he lifted her off the floor into his arms and carried her up the stairs.

Ginny woke up in his arms, but he was already looking down at her smiling,
“Didn’t you sleep at all after that?”
“A bit” he smiled running his hand through her hair “I was too busy thinking about how I wanna stay here, with you forever an ever and ever-”
“- Shut up” she grinned reaching up to kiss him, when there was a banging on the door.
Harry swore, Ginny called up Kreacher and sent him to the basement before he could open the door,
“Don’t move, stay here” Ginny said with a smile and another kiss “I’m going to sort it out, your not even here” She smirked wrapping the sheet around her and wandering to the bathroom to pull on clothes, he yanked on boxers standing in the doorway watching,
“How did you get in then?”
“I stole this from you” she waved the key and wandered down the stairs adjusting her hair as she went.

She opened the door, to Arthur and Molly standing there,
“So you’re not dead then”
“That’s an over reaction mother” Ginny started crossing her arms,
“We couldn’t get through by fireplace or apparition, you didn’t go to the burrow or shell cottage or the leaky cauldron so it was try this or the hospital again and since he’s no longer a patient we can only assume he’s here too”
“He’s here”
“He’s basically kidnapped you” Molly started accusingly following her into the house and through to the living room
Ginny rolled her eyes “He’s my fiancé and I’ve just come to stay here for a couple of days of my own free will” and flopped onto the couch, “He didn’t know I was here until he got checked out and realised I’d took the key”
“You should have asked our permission” Arthur said annoyed
“You wouldn’t have agreed to it”
“Too right” Molly added angrily,
“Yes, that is why I’m here now”
“And him, where is he?”
“He’s in bed” she muttered “He didn’t get much sleep in Mungo’s”
“He hasn’t had much sleep since he got back here though has he” Molly muttered,
“No he hasn’t” she replied
“Ginny” Arthur said and looked like he was ready to cover his ears and start humming,
“I’m sorry dad but it’s got to be said, he’s going to be my husband you can’t just see him as any other teenage boy”
“That’s exactly what he is, he’s a teenage boy who doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s only alive two weeks and he’s rushing himself and you into this”
“He’s not rushing me, technically he was still alive that week he was lying there and if this wasn’t what I wanted I would have said no, he’s told me that he doesn’t want to waste his second chance at life and I’m what he wants, when he proposed he said that, he said I’m what he’s always wanted and I’ve known since I first saw him he was what I wanted too”
“So why can’t you wait, neither of you are going anywhere, take your time”
“Because we’ve waited long enough to get what we want”
“I want to speak to him, go and get him from his hiding place”
“He’s not hiding, I told him to stay there so I could explain and you wouldn’t abuse him”
“Go and get him Ginerva” Arthur said and turned to Molly as if to talk to her once she left the room.

Ginny sighed and trudged up the stairs, Harry met her in the hallway from where he’d been listening via an extendable ear,
“They want to interrogate you”
“Once your seventeen we don’t need there permission, just think about that ok” he smiled and hugged her,
“Up until they die I’m still going to have to have it before I can do anything”
“Your being over dramatic again” he smirked kissing her forehead,
“Shut up and put some clothes on before you come downstairs” she pushed him away but he still had his arms round her waist and pulled her into him again,
“I could just come down like this” he murmured, nuzzling her neck with his nose and kissing it as she relaxed in his hold,
“I wouldn’t mind – mum might” her hand slid up and down his bare arm as the other held his head, gripping the mass of jet black hair and giggling girlishly.
“Go on then tell them I’ll be right down” he grinned kissing her and releasing her from his grip,
“Hmm” she sighed, turning to go and smiled looking back “Save me a spot in hell won’t you”
“Sure thing” he smirked going back into the room and dressing as she floated down the stairs in her own little world. He wandered down moments later when she’d been sitting in silence after hearing them discuss them and not liking what she heard in the slightest.

“We can’t agree to this madness”
“Molly it isn’t that bad, there is something-”
“She’s sixteen she can’t marry him”
“He’s Harry, he’s trustworthy”
“He’s taking her away from us, she’s still a child”
“She’s young but she’s got a good head on her shoulders, she’s as determined as you are”
“And as ruled by her heart as you are”
“And what’s wrong with that, we both saw her sitting there waiting for him, he’s come back to life for her”
“So you’re saying this is right that them making the biggest mistake of there life is ok”
“Granted I’m not happy about it, but I don’t see how we can stop them short of holding her hostage in the house”
She walked in and they went quiet, she sat down crossed her arms and curled her legs up on the couch opposite them. Harry came in “Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley”
“Harry” Arthur started but stopped when Harry plonked casually beside Ginny, and she twisted to curl up against him instead of the arm rest on the other side, her head leaning on his shoulder.
“Harry” he started again “We’re concerned you’re not taking this seriously”
“I’m completely serious, I want to marry Ginny, she has my mothers ring, and she’s the only woman I’ll ever love”
“That’s the issue, she’s not a woman”
“Mum!” Ginny protested angrily,
“She is” Harry said firmly “She’s made her choice, she thought about the decision before she accepted me, she’s not a child, she’s a woman and I know you want her to be your little girl forever but she will be to you, just not to everyone else”
Molly didn’t know how to reply and Arthur smiled at him as he spoke again,
“I love her, and I should have asked you first but I knew it was the right thing, the only thing to do to show her I wasn’t going anywhere again, that I was hers and I wasn’t and am not going to leave her, when your sure about something its easy to take your time, but we both know this is right and we don’t want to wait to show how committed we are to each other”

Ginny hugged his torso wrapping her arms around him tightly but gently as he held her back with a small smile,

“Alright” Molly caved in to the pressure, “You do this, but you don’t have my help”
“I don’t want your help I want your blessing” Ginny said,
“Then you have it” Molly stood up, “Lets go, you can collect your belongings from the Burrow by the end of the week Ginny”
Ginny looked at Harry, it looked like they were living here then, “Fine” she added as he nodded. Arthur looked between his wife and daughter worried,
“Molly what are you doing?”
“She’s grown up, she can move out, and get a job put herself through the last year at school and be with him” Molly said simply walking to the door,
“Is it ok?” Ginny asked Harry quietly,
“Course, if you want to that is”
“I’m set on marrying you, sure I wanna live with you” she grinned,
“See settled” Molly snapped and walked out the door apparating on the step, Arthur spared them a glance in the doorway and then apparated after her.

“We ok - I mean - this is -”
He leaned in and kissed her cutting off her words,
“We’re good” he let her go “I’m hungry – you think that pies still ok?”
“I really couldn’t care less” she grinned pulling him towards her with his collar, “I know what I want for dinner”
“Hmm” he smirked kissing her passionately, “This is never gonna get old”
She entangled herself with him as close as possible and he lifted her up, attempted to move backwards to balance but they hit the couch and she broke into giggles as they fell onto it, her lying on top of him. Harry laughed kissing her again but he lifted himself up at the torso “But I’m gonna need summat in my stomach if you don’t want me to burn out”
“Fine, eat” she sighed, getting up and perching on the arm, “I’ll wait right here” she smirked, taking off her t-shirt as he stood up, he looked torn for a second but then his stomach growled, she started to laugh and slid down to lie on the couch, bending her leg at the knee and untying her hair seductively,

“Gimme like a minute” he said staring and sprinted down the stairs.

She stretched out hearing the cutlery draws open, the silence as he ate and then grinned hearing the tap go as he grabbed a drink before his footsteps came up the stairs.
“You good?” she asked,
Ginny yawned and slipped her arms into his t-shirt hearing the knocking on the door, Kreacher was greeting them before it was to late to stop them from coming in the house so she woke him up urgently,

“Harry – Harry we’ve got company”
“Tell them to get lost” he yawned,
“I think it’s Hermione and Ron” she shook him “Put some clothes on before he comes in and kills you”

“Ginny?” Ron’s voice sounded, but his footsteps went up the stairs,
“Harry!” she hissed,
“Yeah, yeah” he grabbed his jeans, forgetting boxers which she then threw at him,
“Hold on” she called out and peeked round the door,
“Gin what’s – oh” Hermione smirked looking her up and down, “We’ll come back later”
“No, wait there, I’ll sort out sleepy head and we’ll be right out” she smiled closing the door, and tugging on her jeans,
“T-shirt” he smirked holding out a hand,
“Oh yeah” she chuckled taking it off and handing it to him and then reaching to yank on her own,
“Come here quick” he grinned,
“Your hair” he smirked smoothing it out with his fingers,
“I spoke to Hermione!”
“She’ll understand, Ron won’t” he kissed her quickly and then opened the door as she threw the cushions back on the couch.
“Let’s go down to the kitchen” Ginny suggested abandoning the mess and closing the door to stand beside him blushing,
“Sure” Hermione said and then called up the stairs “Ron!”
“What?” he apparated to her side and then saw them standing there “Oh where were you guys?”
“Come on” Harry said and led the way down the stairs ignoring the question, they sat round the table Ron launching into it,
“Mums mad, what’s going on exactly?”
“I’m living here now” she shrugged,
“Say that again”
“I’m living here now”
“Nope you’re going to have to try again”
“Ron” Ginny sighed “I’m living here, mum is kicking me out as of tomorrow and I’m moving in with Harry” she smiled and he kissed her cheek affectionately,
“Ron” Harry started “We’re getting married you know that, so its only natural for us to live together – it’s not like we were going to get married and live at the Burrow”
“We weren’t – huh” Ginny said with the pretence of looking surprised and then laughed along with Hermione and Harry,
“But getting married, I mean we’re going back to school I thought you’d be engaged for a while, Gin you don’t want to go back to school as a married girl, it would be weird”
“Married woman, and it wouldn’t be weird, I’m not suddenly going to stop being Ginny because I’m getting hitched”
“But – but”
“Ron take a deep breath and think about it” Hermione said
“You’re my little sister, getting married is a big enough thing, and I thought if I said it was ok you’d at least be waiting to do it, and moving in together – you’re only sixteen”
She ignored the pressing rage from him telling her how young she was and the jab in her chest at being called his ‘little sister’ and spoke “We’d wait if we wanted to; mind you we actually haven’t set a date so-”
Ron cutting in with “- Then give it at least till Harry’s finished school”
“You’ll need time to plan” Hermione said “I mean I can’t help you organise the wedding of the century in less then a month”
Ginny’s face broke into a huge grin “Your gonna help”
“Course, I’m a bridesmaid aren’t I?”
“Maid of honour – I mean if you want to be”
Hermione squealed happily, Ginny jumped up to hug her, and Harry laughed as Ron just scowled,
“So after I’ve finished school ok, the summer holidays sound good?” Harry started as she sat beside him again,
“Yeah, keeps mum from going completely nuts give her some time to decide if she wants to come or not”
“What do you mean if she’s going to come?”
“She’s kicking me out, she’s given her permission but by what’s she’s saying it doesn’t look like she’ll actually want to come to the wedding – she’s the only one against it, Bill’s happy, the twins said the same at dinner the other night, Charlie sent a card and Percy, well Percy’s Percy, he hasn’t said anything”
“And Dad, he was all against it”
“I think he’s coming round to it” Harry said “He wasn’t so pleased with Molly when they left”
“Great” Ron muttered,
“Haven’t you been home?”
“For about five minutes… we spent the day in Diagon alley, we got back to the Burrow and got the news you were released from angry mum, went to see Hermione’s parents and then came here”
“Hmm” Ginny yawned and leant against Harry, they kept talking but when he looked down feeling his arm growing heavier he laughed and rolled his eyes, she’d fallen asleep.
“Be right back” he adjusted her to lift her up and carried her up to bed.
“Harry” she mumbled,
“Shhh go back to sleep” He smiled and kissed her forehead,
“Kay” she smiled and then fell back into her slumber, he shook his head and then wandered down the stairs and back to the kitchen,
“So…” Ron said, looking at the table,
Harry looked at him guiltily “Yeah, yeah, go ahead and ask”
“Are you guys...”
“Right - and – I mean …”
“Ron, please don’t ask him anything else” Hermione said, “You’re making him nervous and your ears scarlet”
“Thanks” Harry mumbled to her,
“You need a hand to move her stuff?”
“Yeah, that would be great thanks”
“Ok, we’ll see you then” Ron said, getting up quickly like he was ready to escape,
“Sure” Harry waved them goodbye and then sighed before wandering upstairs to fall asleep noticing she’d woken up to put pj’s on and then fell back into her coma. He changed, kissed her cheek and fell asleep beside her.
RIP JD Salinger
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