SPOILER!!: comments
Originally Posted by
nice post...

Thanks Harita
Originally Posted by
Great post!! I'm so glad, I'm at an advantage so I know what's going to happen!!!! WOOHOO, HAHA!!!
Yeah, but don't tell people!
Originally Posted by
Neville and Luna, enjoy yourselves and cheer Ginny up!!!

I'm sure they will.
Originally Posted by
Great Sophie

I think Dean is really stupid too think Ginny will forgive him just like that. She shouldn't fogive him at all.
Well we'll wait and see what Ginny decides
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
OHMYWORD DEAN! SERIOUSLY! I feel like killing you and hanging out with Zacharias Smith! SHUT UP! YOUR A GIT AND A PRAT! She wants absolutely nothing to do with you, your soooo dumb!

Gabbeh your so funny
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
Ginny.. I feel bad for you!
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
(YAY! Draco hugs!)
I know you love them!
Originally Posted by
Great post, Sophie! Dean is an idiot and I don't think they're going to be friends anytime soon.
I'm sure we'll find out in the next post!
Originally Posted by
I'm glad the trio will be back soon. They will be back soon, right? Or is that what they just told Ginny?
Well... I wouldn't want to spoil the story now would I?
Originally Posted by
Can I have a George and Fred hug? I

the twins!

Sure you can!
[QUOTE=SarahLestrange;9587078]I agree with Katie the twins are almost as amazing as this new post! which is spectacular of course![.QUOTE]
Aww thank you
Originally Posted by
haha! anyways george and fred hugs are loved on this side of the screen too! xD much love!
Cool stuff. I'll see what I can do!
Originally Posted by
Lovely chapter!!
Thanks Syd
Originally Posted by
And I love the Harry hugs.

*squishes him*

I like Harry hugs too!
I'm going on Vacation/Holiday for two weeks and IF i can get internet connection then I'll be able to put up a post but its only and if.
Those of you who's amazingly awsome fan fics I read, please don't think I have abandoned your story. I promise I will catch up when I get back.

I'll give you two posts today cause I love you all!
Post 29
Neville and Luna came round for dinner around six thirty and didn't leave until late that night. I was so tired that when I woke up I couldn't remember much from the previous night. I had fallen asleep on top of Harry's quilt wearing my pyjama bottoms and my t-shirt from yesterday. I trudged into the bathroom like every other morning, washed and then went to breakfast. I pulled a piece of parchment, ink and quill out of my bag and started scribbling a letter to mum. Once I had finished writing and signed my name with a few kisses beneath, I walked briskly out of the great hall and to the Owlery. It was a blustery day outside and the leaves had turned the most brilliant shade of orange. The coppery tones matched the colour of my hair as the fallen leaves danced around my face in the wind. As I climbed the steps and made my way inside to all the tweeting Owls, I remembered that mum had not yet replied to my last letter. That meant that Errol was still at the Burrow. I stood desperate and frustrated. As I was about to leave, a small snow white owl swooped in carrying a rather large mouse. Hedwig. I approached her as she swallowed the remains of the animal. I petted her soft feathers. "So did you enjoy that mouse for breakfast?" I said as she looked at me, remembering the face. "Could you do me a favour? Take this to the Burrow?" At that she snatched the parchment out of my hand and took of flying at rapid speeds. I watched her until I could see her no more and decided it was time to go back to the dorm and study. As I went to leave for a second time Dean was blocking my exit from the door. "Excuse me." I said politely keeping my head down attempting not to engage in conversation. "Oh, hi Ginny." He seemed too happy to see me. "How are you? Look...I just wanted to say about yesterday, I really meant it when I said we could work on our friendship together."
"Ok Dean but sorry I'm really busy just now, can we talk later or something?
"Sure Ginny!" he beamed. "Do you want to come round to the common room or do you want me to come round to your dorm?" He asked.
"Umm... I...didn't..." I began but he butted in.
"I’m free anytime after dinner."
"Emmmm... I wasn't..." I couldn't think how to tell him no.
"I'll come over around seven and we can have some fun." he smiled.
"Fun?" I spat the word at him.
"Yeah some fun." He said cheery and excited. He punched my arm playfully. "Then we can go out patrolling afterwards." He must have seen the look of uncertainty on my face. "Come on Ginny. We can only try to help this sorry relationship. I'd rather be your friend than your boyfriend or nothing at all. I'll see you later." He moved around me and I continued down the steps.
They rest of the day passed by far too slowly for my liking. After my encounter with Dean, I felt completely helpless about tonight I was buzzing for Harry, Ron and Hermione to come home. It was only a few days. After dinner I walked miserably back to the dorm. I was surprised to see Hedwig perched on the window ledge in the living room. I put my wand along with my other belongings down on the coffee table and opened the window. I noticed the handwrighting on the envelopes as my mums. There were two letters enclosed. The first was the reply to the letter I sent her last week. The second however was shorter.
Oh Ginny Dear, Sorry I didn't reply sooner. But there's been a bit of bad news. Eroll died a few nights ago. He was delivering your reply to my letter from last week and once again he flew into the window. I'm so sorry love but it seems that this time it was one crash too many.
It’s so nice of Harry to let you use Hedwig. I made sure I fed her before replying. Tell him thank you. Are they back!? Send them all my love and Give Ron a big Hug from his Mummy.
I love you Ginny. Take care.
Mum x
Eroll died. Oh no. He was my hand-me-down Owl that has been with the family since Bill started at Hogwarts. Once all me brothers got fed up of him, I made it my job to look after and care for him. And mum brought the thoughts of Harry, Ron and Hermione back. Then there was three familiar loud knocks at the door. Thinking quickly I wrapped my duvet around my body and put a fake tired look on my face and went open the door. "Hey Ginny!" Dean smiled. "He took one look at me and asked "Oh Ginny are you ok? You don't look to well."
"Well Dean." I said in a quiet and hoarse voice. "I can't say I'm too good. I feel terrible. I think I may be coming down with something." He placed his palm to my forehead. I flinched at his touch. I hate people getting too close or touching me without permission. The only person aloud to do that is Harry. "But unfortunately he's not here" I thought to myself. He pushed me in the door and let himself in."Don't worry, I'll look after you. Now let’s get you to bed Ginny." He said and smiled and laughed to himself. I didn't get the joke and I didn't like the way he barged in.
Post 30
"Dean really I think you should leave." I said getting angry. There was something about his company that made me feel unsafe.
He walked into up the steps that led to Harry's and my room and barged into my room gripping my wrists tightly and pulling me along. He threw me onto the bed. "Well if you’re not well you should rest up Ginny." He spat at me.
"Umm I sleep in the other room across the hall." I told him just trying to hurt him. It didn't hurt him. It mad him mad. "Oh right with Perfect Potter. You must think I'm stupid! I know that you don't like me! But if I need to I'll make you like me. Ginny we were so good together. I want you and I will have you." He demanded.
"Don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do" I screamed as he whispered in my ear. I tried do hard to wriggle free of his grasp. He fiercely pressed his lips to mine. I turned my head but he continued to kiss fiercely down my neck and pull my blouse open. I began to cry. His lips were hard and cold. He was too strong. He wouldn't move.
"I miss you Ginny and isn't it so convenient that your Perfect Potter isn't here. He's out saving the rest of the world. Pity he's not here to save you. And you want to know something; I'm fed up trying to get your attention. Fed up being nice to you." He touched me roughly and I sobbed louder begging him to stop. He pulled back to look at me. I spat in his face and kicked him in the stomach winding him and causing him to roll over onto his side and freeing me from his strong grasp. I started screaming. I searched my pockets for my wand as I ran into the living room. "Accio Wand!" I shouted in a clear but frantic voice. It flew into my hand from the coffee table as I walked backwards to the door. "Get back here!" He shouted. I could here his footsteps and he come into the living room clutching his stomach. "Stupefy!" I shouted pointing my wand at him as the tears were streaming down my face. The door of the dorm opened. I gasped scared at everything that was happening. "Gin." His soft velvet voice said.
See you soon