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Old 07-26-2010, 05:44 PM   #68 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
isabella Macmillan
Sixth Year

Hello, everybody...I had this idea for quite sometime in my i thought why not i put myself up to it.

As you may all know that the Friendship's day is just round the corner so i was thinking of posting one shots and song fictions this entire week leading the first sunday of August, the Friendship's Day...

J K Rowling through her famous book series has revived the true meaning of all kinds of relationships based on values, principles, morals and the sound sense of what is right and what is wrong. Each character isnt perfect be it the protganist or his sidekicks or his mentor everybody has their shades of grey but what sets them apart from the baddies of the series is the basis of these very relationships and morals, values and principles.

And of all the relationships the most famous, common, yet the most adored, valued and celebrated relationship of this series has been that of friendship...

So for this entire week...i have thought up of charcaters that i would write about and will be presenting them to you...

Hope you enjoy this read...


Friendship is like a perennial river which flows forever.

It may change it's path but will never ever dry up.
Pinaki Prasad Mohanty

It was last day of the term and the students were going back to their homes for their summer with a very heavy heart and nervous, scared and almost lost minds about their near future and its uncertainty.
Future; be it subjectively or figuratively has always been regarded as the most uncertain and the most unpredictable thing. But the future what the students of the Hogwarts were seeing was much different. The battle at the end of the term ruining almost their entire school was just a sign of what their future would be like. There was a kind of certainty in the terms of war between the Ministry and the Dark Lord followers or more between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort but what was uncertain was the degree and intensity of the battle and chaos. The death of their favorite twinkling eyed professor was just a sign that many more such wonderful people will be lost
“It was just a teaser before a movie” was what Dean spoke in his muggle terms and the doe eyed girl exactly understood what it meant.

Parvati, Lavender, Dean and Seamus were sitting in the compartment on their way back when Lavender spoke
“this was some year, wasn’t it?”
“yeah” Parvati breathed and the guys just nodded
“first the escape of the death eaters, then the tightening of school security, the new Minister, meeting Ron” she said softly and Parvati looked at Lavender and then sighed
“spending time with him, and then over something very stupid breaking up!” she said and sniffed
“did you see” she began but then she stopped as she saw Parvati glaring at her so she looked away. Parvati herself looked out of window and was remembering one of her school days of this year that involved her best friend and how they both had changed over the this entire school year…

It was the around Christmas time and the Great Hall was in complete din as usual during the dinner time.
Nothing was unusual about the dinner, instead it was getting boring somehow for the dusky, and doe eyed beauty of the Gryffindor seeing her blonde friend fawning over her current boyfriend leaving her and the boy friend’s best friend and her once a date for a ball completely awkward…
Parvati looked at Harry and gave an apologetic smile to which he responded just the same way.
Nodding Parvati looked at her friends and then looked down at her plate Parvati was getting fed up of Lavender’s ‘Ron talk’…
All she ever did was talk about Ron these days to her. In the beginning Parvati liked it, all the gossip about her friend and her boyfriend. How they spend their time and how funny Ron was.
It was during the vacation time when Parvati got to know that Lavender’s liking for Ron was growing quite a bit. When they were quite young Lavender had this small crush on him but then it wasn’t too serious. And as the 6th year started Parvati knew that Lavender would make everything possible to make Ron notice her. But Parvati did sense the tension between her best friend and her room mate Hermione Granger, the one who everybody thought was obvious partner for the Weasley guy.
Parvati was very happy for her friend when that night Lavender came and nearly shouted in the room that she was officially Ron’s girlfriend, as if she needed to know and which was almost obvious by the way the couple had been snogging almost all the time…

Sighing Parvati looked up just in time to see Hermione coming and sitting down. Parvati looked at Harry who was looking at Hermione nervously and then she saw Hermione herself. Just as Parvati was eating her dinner the topic of Sulghorn Party came up and she looked up and saw Hermione talking to fellow Gryffindor about it and what came next was even much more of a shocker
‘McLaggen!’ Parvati thought.
‘Merlin’s Beard, what’s gotten into this girl’s head?’ she thought.
“um…well…Hermione, you seemed to have a thing for Quidditch Players” she spoke with a sly grin and Hermione good naturedly replied
“yeah, that too the very good ones” and Parvati nodded
She looked at Lavender and then at Ron who seemed to have dropped his spoon out of a shock and was red as a beetroot and was furiously whispering to Hermione at her choice of the date for the party.
Parvati looked at her best friend who seemed to be grinning madly and Parvati couldn’t help but laugh at her madness… ‘Merlin! When will this girl be normal’

“then we winning the Cup” Lavender broke the chain of the event and the thoughts following up the event in Parvati’s mind.
“everything was fine and then that devastating battle” Parvati spoke up her mind now back on the horrifying end of their term
“this, is so unfair, I…I don’t know but I feel so suffocated and bad and miserable already” she cried and tears fell from her face. The guys just looked at her and the patted her hand gently

The train pulled into the Kings Cross Station and a regular throng of people were seen at the platform to receive the kids safely back home.
As the two best friends disembarked and were about to part ways Lavender spoke up
“Parvati, I am really sorry for the way I behaved today, I can’t believe I was so selfish” she said and Parvati knew what she was talking about
“don’t beat yourself up Lav, its just that you are having a bad time, you will get out of it. I know” she said in an encouraging tone.
“I don’t know, not just today, actually the entire year. All I just did was spend time with Ron and even with you all I did was talk of him and I could see it how you were putting up through my nonsense” she said sighing
“I know saying this also will make me sound stupid and as if all I care about is gossip but I could actually see your interest draining out of the even little of the gossip we ever had this year” she said and Parvati chuckled
This is her best friend, unique and mental but all the same a wonderful friend who is apologizing about some stupid gossip. Parvati shook her head
“Listen Lav, I might have got bored of gossiping for all you may know. I feel i have changed all through this year somehow. i feel different now not the same gossipy girl i have been and i know you have changed too but there is one thing you should know that is I am always there to listen to my best friend’s thoughts” she said squeezing her hand and Lavender nodded but still looking down
“Lavender, have you ever come across this quote?”
“which?” Lavdener asked
“Friendship is like a perennial river which flows forever. It may change it's path but will never ever dry up”
“you get what I mean?” Parvati asked and Lavender looked up and nodded and hugged her best friend teary eyed. From that time on it only confirmed that whatever be the thing though later they both may part ways but one thing that would always keep them coming back for each other would be their so many years of friendship…

Hope you liked it and do comment...
Have A Nice Day...

Last edited by harita; 07-27-2010 at 05:50 PM.
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