SPOILER!!: comments
Ok, so more than half of you have replyed, so I'll post as promised. Oh, Connie, I added your wee idea into it. I thought it fitted quite well
Originally Posted by
Miss Evi3e <3
Aw i feel sorry for Ginny

Good Chapter
Still hate Lavender...Dean, your mean!
I feel sorry for Ginny too. She doesn't have Harry, Ron or Hermione and had to contend with that Lavender....Grrrrrr
Originally Posted by
OMG :O Lavander is pure EVIL!!!!!!!! Great post

Loved it

pure evil is a good way to put it. Thanks Kerri
Originally Posted by
You are welcome honey bunch
Great post

Thank you Huney Bunch :xD:
Originally Posted by
Ginny's on a roll! Get her Ginny!
I agree. Get her Ginny !
Originally Posted by
Sophie, I really love how you present your story. Very nicely written. I'll be watching for your next post.
Aww, thanks Connie
Originally Posted by
What does he have to do with anything??
Originally Posted by
Bimbo say what??
Aw Emily, you crack me up
Originally Posted by
You disgust me, Dean!
Its like on Elf-
You don't smell like Santa, you smell of beef and cheese. You disgust me. You sit on a thrown of lies.
Originally Posted by
Great post, Sophie! PLEASE PAMS!

Thanks Emily, will do!
Originally Posted by
great post! Dean and Lavender disgust me! ugh!
Don't they! Grrrrr... theres more soon
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
Lavender Brown.. I'm ashamed of you! ASHAMED I SAY ASHAMED!
Aw Gabbeh! You are sooo funny- but ashamed is the only way to put it I think
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
Oookaay, Ginny you need some love! Go find Harry. HARRY!!! GET OVER HERE!
But Harry isn't there

he's trying to kill evil Voldemort
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
I feel bad for almost everyone in your story! Waaaaa!
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
I love the update Soph!

Thanks Gabbeh! :glomp
Originally Posted by
heya i read the posts now...after so long...sorry probs with net and havent been around much...nice to read the posts...pams when you can...
Aww I'm so glad your back!

I thought I'd lost you! And now heres the post
Post 28
I went straight to my room in total frustration. How dare she? I must remember to send my mum an owl in the morning explaining the events. Talking to myself was something I had started to do. It made me feel slightly more sociable, as I keep to myself most of the time. I pulled off my robes in frustration and slipped on my cosy pyjamas before jumping into bed. Although I felt tired, I couldn't sleep. It was times like these I wish I had Harry to snuggle up to. I missed his protective arms, his handsome face, his addictive smell and most of all his loving and caring nature. I tossed and turned for most of the night before getting out of bed and crossing the hall to Harry's room and climbing into his bed and curling up in his quilt and surrounding myself with his big fluffy pillows. I could smell him on the bed sheets and I breathed a sigh of relief. It reminded me that he was real and was coming back for me. It was only a few more days till the beginning of October. I would see him soon enough, that’s what kept me going.
I woke early the next morning. I made Harry's bed and trailed myself back through to my room. It was Saturday the 28th of September, three days until they come home. I had no classes today and felt like having an easy day. I decided to make my own breakfast in the small kitchen we have in the dorm and afterwards I cleaned the place from top to toe. I went to the library to return books and on my way back, I glanced at the door to the Gryffindor Common room. It had been so long since I had seen Luna and Neville so I took a step towards to door.
"Hello Miss Weasley, long time no see." The fat lady sang in her soprano voice.
"Crumple-Horned Snorkack."
"You may enter." She said and the door swung open.
I entered through the portrait hole and rounded the corner into the common room. I looked around to find Neville finishing homework and Luna with her nose in the latest edition of the Quibbler. Why was she in here? She's not a Gryffindor. She looked up and smiled. "Good morning Ginny. How nice to see you!" she beamed. Neville too looked up as I sat on the sofa across from them. "Ah, Ginny. It’s been too long, how are you?"
"Yeah, I'm good thanks. How are you guys?"
"Not bad, yeah I’m good.” Were their replies.
"So..Uh...When do Harry, Ron and Hermione get back?" Neville asked. His question startled me.
"How do you even...know about that?"
"McGonagall told all the Gryffindors. She said that we should all know."
"Oh, ok. They get back at the start of October."
"Ooo, that’s not long!" Luna said, stating the obvious. "We should have a party when they get back or something." I thought about that but I wanted them all to myself when they got back. Neville must have noticed my facial expression while thinking. "Maybe we should wait until they're settled in before we have a party."
Luna still wore a look of enthusiasm on her face. "I like parties with all the decorations and party food and pumpkin juice. We can have it whenever."
We sat and talked for a good while, catching up with each other. I had invited them around to the dorm for dinner tonight. Just as I was about to leave and start on dinner preparations someone shouted my name. "Ginny!" I turned around just as I was about to step out the portrait hole to see Dean with an apologetic smile on his face. "Ginny, I'm...I'm really, really sorry about everything. When we were together, I was a horrible idiot and about the whole Lavender thing. She made it out to be more than it was, honest." He said with great sorrow.
"Honest?" I quoted him. He nodded his head with great sincerity. "Because Dean you have never been remotely honest with me. You lied to me! Friends don't lie to each other! They just don't. And as for Lavender Brown, I don't want to hear another thing about that girl! She has caused havoc in my life, and I'm through with her."
"But Ginny, Lavender and I we didn't... you know have..." He said before I butted in. I closed my eyes and put my hands up in front of me.
"Ok Dean I get it. But really, too much information."
"I'm so sorry Ginny. Please forgive me. Can we please stay friends?"
"Dean... Don't you understand? Sure I forgive you because at the end of the day, what’s done is done. But we were never friends. It’s going to take a lot more than an apology and forgiveness for us to suddenly become friends." I walked away he shouted after me. "Well we can work at it then Ginny!" I kept me head down all the way back to our dorm. I had no time for Dean. I so desperately needed to clear my head and Dean being all in my face certainly was not helping. As I wandered back to the dorm I passed the Quidditch cabinet. On the middle of the shelf was the trophy with Gryffindor engraved into the metal several times - much more often than the other houses. There were many pictures surrounding the shiny silver trophy. I looked to last year’s team. Harry was standing in the middle. He looked so proud as he stood beside Ron and I. I looked back to a picture on the opposite side. It was 30 years earlier. But this time it was James Potter stood with his team surrounding him. It amazed me how much Harry was like him. I looked back at the other picture. I looked so happy in it. I seemed relaxed and at ease. I looked like I belonged as I celebrated with the rest of the team. Then I caught my reflection in the glass. I looked unhappy. Out of place. My face looked long and drawn. I looked tired but I wasn't, I felt perfectly awake. I hadn't been on my broom in such a long time. Maybe I had lost touch. I smiled to myself and headed back to the dorm, quickly grabbing my broom and heading for the Quidditch pitch.
It felt good to be back on my broom. I whizzed around the field twice at normal pace and once double speed and I kept going like that for a good while. I stopped to take in the view, up high you could see everything; the castle, the lake, the forest, Hagrid’s hut and the Whomping Willow whose leaves had changed from radiant greens to coppery oranges and reds. A cold wind felt comforting to me. I realised that I had been trapped inside for too long. It was like trying something for the first time. I had missed flying. At the sun began to set behind the mountains, I landed back on the ground. I had to get back for Neville and Luna coming around.
and of course
and a
feel free to request any other huggs! :xD: