Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 07-26-2010, 12:12 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Eleven

Harry was recovering at Mungo’s where they could keep better watch on him since the school had been closed for a month so families could to return to each other and celebrate. Ginny sat opposite her parents in the living room of the burrow, they had just told him now since he hadn’t been home for while, he’d been sleeping in the office, and the anger between mother and daughter was spilling dangerously over the edge that he came home to sort it out.

“I’m going to have to agree with your mother Ginny”
“That’s so hypocritical; you ran off and got married at sixteen”
“That was different”
“No it’s not, we’re not in the middle of a war like you were; you guys only got married because you were scared”
“Your mother and I got married because we love each other”
“And what you don’t think I love Harry?”
“We do not doubt that you care for him” Molly started,
“But you don’t think I love him?”
“Mum let them do it” Ron said coming into the living and interrupting the shouting match,
“This has nothing to do with you Ron” Ginny shouted and then realised what he’d actually said “Hold on - what?”
He smiled “Let them get married” he shrugged,
“Why?” Arthur asked curiously,
“I’ve seen them together more then you guys have, there nuts about each other and when there not together all I get is ‘Ginny this, Ginny that or Harry this, Harry that’ – they’re in love, hey she fell to pieces when he told her they couldn’t be together so did he damn near broke his hand punching a wall, it’s got to be something when he was forced to give her up cause he thought it would protect her from Voldemort, you didn’t see her sit staring at a wall for two day’s when he left only to come back to life the minute he came back”
“Thank you Ron” Ginny grinned jumping up to hug him, “You’re my favourite brother now you know that right”
“Oi wasn’t I always” he hugged her
“Nope Charlie was”

“That hasn’t changed our minds Ginny” Molly said firmly “Your too young, wait a few years, get to know each other some more before you commit to it”
Ginny yelled out in anger and stormed up the stairs to her room. She grabbed her purse and cloak “I’m going to see Harry” she called out as she walked out the garden gate and onto the path, she stuck out her wand as her mother came out of the house “Get back inside now young lady”
She ignored her,
“Don’t get on that bus Ginerva”
“Your mum sounds angry maybe you shouldn’t-”
“- Let me on the bus Stan” she handed him the sickles and he stepped aside, the bus disappeared as Molly got to the gate.

She got off at Mungo’s and walked in to reception,
“I’m looking for Harry Potter” the woman stared at her “I do actually know him, I’m his girlfriend”
“Sure” she smiled,
“Merlin – you know what I’ll find him myself” She turned to go,
“Prove it sweetheart”
Ginny smiled leaning her elbow on the desk and spoke quietly, “Well his name is Harry James Potter, his birthday’s the 31st of July, his favourite colour is this shade of red” she twirled a strand of hair round her finger “he’s position on the school quidditch team was seeker”
“Tell me something I don’t already know”
“I was getting there sweetheart” she muttered in the same sickly sweet tone of voice the woman had used on her “He loves my mums roast potatoes, and he has this cute little birthmark just here” she pointed to just above her hip – she was actually telling the truth about that one “Underneath all the scars of course there’s the muscles and you know in bed there’s this noise he makes -”
“- down the hall, up the lift to the third floor, left until you reach double doors and he’s in private room number 340”
“Thankyou” she smirked, walking away.

She let out a sigh standing in the lift as it went up, she got out and walked down the hallway contemplating what to tell him, she just wanted to run and do it somewhere far away. Maybe that’s what she should just say.
He was asleep and she sat down in the unoccupied chair. She watched him for a while and then he woke up groggily.
“Hey Harry” she smiled,
“Gin” he yawned “How long you been here?”
“About an hour, I don’t want to go home”
“Did you come by yourself?”
She nodded, she’d been kept at home the two weeks while he was moved and mum wouldn’t let her out of her sight.
“Dad said no” she mumbled and then started to cry,
“It’s ok Gin, don’t cry” he got up thankful they provided him with him own pj’s and not the stupid gowns like in muggle hospitals,
“They said I’m not old enough”
“Then we wait” he said sitting on the arm of the chair, she buried her head in his chest,
“I don’t want to have to; if they have there way I’ll be thirty before I leave home”
“They just don’t want you to rush; I can understand that even if I don’t like it”
“Then let’s go somewhere then, I don’t want anything big, I just want to be yours”
“Your family would never forgive either of us Gin”
“I don’t care and Ron, Ron told them to let us do it can you believe it?”
“He did?”
“Yeah, he told them but they still don’t think I love you”
“I know you do, that’s all that matters to me”
“There talking about waiting years, I’ve waited years to be your girlfriend I’m not waiting that long to be your wife”
“But if they want us to wait – you’re of age in October after that you’re allowed to do what you want – let’s just announce our engagement for now, then everyone will know our intentions and it might make them move a bit faster”
“Hmm” she pulled away and shuffled over for him to sit next to her,
“We’ve got time now; we didn’t have any before” he kissed her forehead “And maybe while we’re waiting you could help me find a house – I’m not going back to Grimmald place – and maybe even move in with me”
She smiled “Really?”
“We want to prove to them we’re serious then let’s live with each other and show them it works”
“I still have seventh year after this”
“And you want to go back there a married woman – won’t that be strange?”
“Nope, I’m looking forward to seeing there faces” she smirked, “When teachers tell me off and they have to say Mrs Potter” she started to laugh, and he shook his head smiling
“You’re crazy”
“You love it” she replied leaning in to kiss him,
“I do” he smiled “I love everything about you”

A cough came from the door way and they broke away, Harry looking up to see a familiar face.
“Oh erm hey”
“Yeah – I might come back when you’re not attached to my baby sister”
“Hey! I’m not a baby”
“Ginny you’re still gonna be my baby sister when you’re ninety” Bill laughed,
“Seriously are you trying to put him off marrying me by suggesting I’m an infant?”
Harry rolled his eyes “Gin death didn’t want me to leave you, him calling you a name isn’t gonna take back a marriage proposal – your very over dramatic since -”
“Since when?” she asked looking at him first with a smile and then in irritation,
“Since I woke up”
“You don’t think that may just be the reason why?!”
“Well yeah but-”
“Bill, give us a minute will you” she said staring at Harry,
“Sure, just don’t end your engagement before it’s even begun” He said walking to the door, Harry was staring back at her and Bill left closing the door looking worried.

She got up and sat facing him on the bed “Dramatic what’s dramatic?”
“Not dramatic, that was the wrong word, just more touchy about stuff”
She crossed her arms “Like?”
“Your parents saying no, Bill calling you his baby sister, thirty seconds after I woke up you looked like you were going to vow never to speak to me again, I just want to know what’s wrong”
“Nothings wrong” she snapped,
“Now that’s the understatement of the century right there Gin”
“You haven’t been there ok, I’m at the burrow putting up with my mum trying to persuade her to let me marry you and your not there to help me”
“That’s not my fault, if I could get out of here and away from the bickering healers I would, but there still insisting I need to stay here under observation because I was under a fever for a week and should be dead”
“You woke up and it was like nothing happened to you, like you’d just gone on a trip, I was preparing for your death too”
“You had a week of waiting I told you not to do, to come to terms with it – more then I had to wake up suddenly and not be dead anymore”
“Anything else that’s wrong with me you want to get out in the open while our engagement in up in the air?”
“There’s nothing wrong with you honey” he reached out to cup her cheek in his hand,
She frowned a little “Honey?”
“You don’t like it fine; I’ll call you Gin over and over again”
“It’s nice it’s just strange coming from you”
“I think your sweet – sometimes” he smiled and she blushed faintly,
“What the hell were we arguing for? I want to kiss you now!”
“Ha – my evil plan of distraction worked” he smiled a bit wider and she leant forward, getting up to perch on his knees sideways her arms snaking round his neck,
“We’re going to have to do a lot more then kiss soon” she whispered softly in his ear, giggling as he kissed her neck,
“When your brother leaves I’ll lock the door”
She kissed his lips, “What ever he wants he better make it quick” she kissed him again lingering slightly to break away but it was like she couldn’t give him up and went in for another, both there breathing picking up to pace that when he finally pulled away they were out of breath.
She grinned as Harry spoke “Hmm, you just taste too good” he smiled “We’d better let him in before he thinks you’ve killed me”
She smirked getting up to open the door, “What a way to die, your gonna go to hell for that kiss”
“I don’t mind” he smirked back, and Bill came in,
“Everything’s good right?”
“Perfect” Gin smiled sitting on the chair beside Harry and Bill sat on the bed,
“Alright – well I’m here for a reason you guys might not be so happy about”
Gin turned her face to a frown but Harry just looked at him as if to ask him to elaborate,
“I’m here for Gin”
“She sent you to get me instead of just waiting patiently for me to come home – I haven’t been gone that long, I told her where I was, what’s her problem?”
“You’ve been here two hours”
“So why didn’t she come?”
“She doesn’t think you’ll listen to her”
“Too right I wouldn’t, I haven’t seen him for two weeks, why would I listen to her through you?”
“Merlin knows, I just thought I’d come to see since non of your other brothers wanted to be the one you hate”
“I don’t hate you guys, I hate her”
“Gin – you don’t” Harry said “You’re just angry and we’ve talked about it, we said we’d wait to keep them happy”
“You said we’ll wait, I never said that and I never agreed, if I want to marry you I’m going to”
“Gin, go home”
“So that’s it, go home?” she said crossing her arms and staring at him,
He rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean, and you’re only going to make things worse with her if you avoid it”
“Can I stay at Grimmald place?” she said, and his eyes stared,
“Why would you want to go back there?”
“I don’t want to go back to the burrow”
“Then come and stay with me and Fleur” Bill suggested,
“No offense brother but I’d rather be in a old haunted house with Kreacher then spend more then an hour with your wife”
“And you said no offense” he chuckled
“Where will you go when you get out of here, Mums not going to let you come and stay with us after what she heard the other day – knowing what happened she’s not going to want us left alone” She started turning her attention back to Harry,
“Too much information sis” Bill muttered,
“Come on it’s not like it’s a crime” She sighed, “You’re a grown up, you’ve got Fleur around twenty four seven, I want the same with Harry, it’s only fair”
“I’ll camp in the woods near your house if will make you feel better” he grinned “I’ll go and stay at the leaky cauldron until the start of term again, and you know that once we’re back at school for that half a year we’ll be together”
“McGonagall said you guys could come back?!”
“Yeah – your mum didn’t tell you? – she told her before she came to see me”
“No she didn’t” Ginny muttered furiously,
“Don’t get mad” Bill started warningly,
“Gin its fine; she was probably waiting for this to get sorted out first”
“There’s nothing to sort out, I’m going to Grimmald place, and you can tell her if she wants me to come home she has to get me”
“Gin!” she walked out Harry calling after her, “Stay there” he said to Bill, grabbing something from a draw and going after her. “Gin, come here”
She turned around in tears,
“Come here” he said holding out his arms and she ran into them, “You’ll need the key” he whispered softly in her ear, sliding it into her pocket “And McGonagall gave me this from my mother, she left it too me if anything happened to her” He stepped back and knelt down in front of her opening a small box in his hand, he smiled “So I’m gonna do this properly, officially and you can show your mum and dad I’m completely serious in going though with this”
“So ask” she smiled running her fingertips along his cheek,
“Ginny Weasley will you agree to marry me again?” he smiled and she laughed leaping on him forcing them to the floor in a kiss.
“Course I will” she giggled kissing him again, as soon as he slid the ring on her finger,
Ginny bit her lip looking up in front of her to see a healer tapping her foot and looking furious,
“Gin – this is the Healer in charge of the ward” Harry tried not to smile as he sat up turning his head to look at her as Ginny adjusted herself to sit half kneeling on his legs,
“Erm – sorry, I just got really excited” she held up her hand “He asked me to marry him – again” she giggled and wiggled her fingers, - She made a noise that sounded like she wasn’t the least bit impressed
“We’ll just get up now” She shuffled getting up and held out her hand to help him up,
“You’re supposed to be in bed”
“Yeah… look when can I go home, I feel fine and short of escaping – which I would do if you gave me my wand back – I don’t know what else you want with me”
“We’re still running tests”
“Tests on what, I’m alive isn’t that proof enough I’m ok?” he hugged Ginny to his side, she smiled happily as her brother came out and the healer walked away ignoring them,
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing” Ginny said quickly, “See you later” she tiptoed up and kissed his cheek and then sighed grabbing his cheek to kiss him properly. “Hell” she mumbled against his lips kissing him quickly again and wandering off down the hall nearly skipping along.
“Again – what’s going on?” Bill said looking between them as she left,
“Nothing” Harry said “She’s going home” he walked back into the room, “You should too, she’ll be fine”
“You too are ridiculous, the arguing and the making out it’s like watching Shakespeare including the deaths, the fake deaths and the crazy relationships”
“You know Shakespeare?”
“Muggle studies”
“Ahh – well we’re not quite Romeo and Juliet”
“Thankfully – you did verge on it slightly but I’m happy it’s more a comedy now” he smirked,
“Yeah” Harry mumbled guiltily “I’m gonna see if they’ll let me out of here soon” he grabbed a dressing gown from the door wrapping it around himself and leaving before he could let anything slip.
“Ok, see you later” Bill said in reply glancing at him worriedly before drawing his wand and apparating away.
He walked down to the healer’s station “Can I go home yet?”
“Erm…” the woman looked down a list of parchment, “She hasn’t checked your name off”
“Merlin let me out of here, I’m fine – I’ve told the ministry everything, I’m not sick, I’m not tired, I just want to go home”
He sighed “Tell you what Harry I’ll see what I can do”
“Please Cara, I’ve got a fiancée I want to go home to now” he grinned,
“You gave her the ring – Congrats – I hope I’m invited to the wedding though” she grinned,
“Course, you’re my only friend in this place – oh yeah can I have my wand back”
RIP JD Salinger
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