Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions
Miss Weasley: Hey Katie girl! Quote:
I was, however, heart broken for Ginny when Dumbledore revealed that Harry would remember nothing of the day.
It does seem to be the way the ball always bounces for her. Quote:
She must've been scared witless to have caused such bruises... mind, it was nice to see that she trusted Harry enoght to keep quiet and enjoy the thrilling ride.
Remember they went down and started flying right at breakfast. They flew all day, up until evening meal time. And Ginny did need to hang on tightly because of the critical moves Harry was doing. Quote:
but Minerva has always had that special soft-spot for Harry thought, hasn't she...?
Yes, and we see more and we remember why in this upcoming post. Quote:
I can't imagine the grief and self-hatred he must be feeling... imagine doing something to your best friend, which in turn, may cause his ultimate death. I can't even imagine such a thought, but sadly it does happen to people. Quote:
Okay, I lhave some questions... When Sirius and Crookshanks were watching Harry fly, they were bothered by the "mosquitoes". Does that mean that he too was bitten? Is he going to get sick as well? What heart-felt feelings will he reveal? Perhaps we will learn more about him and Miss Lissydove...? Only six more chapters!!!!
Great writing! Keep it up!
Let's see... yes, Sirius was. Remember Sirius slapping his neck and commenting how the mosquittos were bad? Remember Crookshanks thinking hecouldn't believe Sirius thinking so recklace, just shrugging off the plan, and saing he was going to kill Scabbers... Yes, I think you can assume he was bitten. As far as heart felt feelings and revealing things of him and Lissydove... you'll have to wait and see.
Thank you sweetie.
Morag: Hello Sophie. Quote:
Aww. Does that mean that everything Harry told Ginny he didn't really mean to say?
Oh no. He did mean them. The insects cause you to reveal things that you would never speak of. Harry did mean every word of what he said. It's just that after he is cured, he won't remember any of it. Quote:
Noooooo!!! Somebody Help Harry!!! Please!!! Don't kill Harry
Awe sweetie, don't despare. Quote:
Thats so lovely Connie
I love coming up with charms! Thank you. I'm glad you loved it. Quote:
Can't wait for next weeks post!
Have tissues ready when you read it, but don't despare really. Thank you Sophie
Emily Black: Hey Emily. Hope you're having the time of your life! Quote:
Awe, Dumbledore to the rescue
Actually, I was going to keep him from interfering. But, I thought it would detract from what was going on. It wasn't time appropriate for it to happen. Quote:
I have to say, that you are a genius for coming up with such things. It's a brilliant idea.
That whole part about Harry's nightmare was sooo sad. It made me want to cry. You wrote it amazingly.
Wow! Thank you Emily. That means a lot to me.
Tina6080: Hey sweetie! Quote:
i cant wait to k now what happens next!
Well, here ya go then. Read on, cause here it is. 
To all my readers: Thank you so much for being faithful and reading. I do love sharing this with you all, and it gives me great gratification that you read it. Thank you so much.
Five more chapters till The Reunion.
Next Thursday or Friday will be Chapter 36, "Sometimes the War is Won, but the Battle is Lost.
The Mirror of Erised
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” -Nietsche
Dumbledore put the memory back in Harry. Quickly, Poppy, the Imps are gone, you can mend him now. He stepped back shaking his head in disgust. “When will I ever learn? Once again I have taken too much precious time gathering information for the greater good.”
Everyone had wet eyes with tear streaked faces as they all stood in distress watching Harry. He was whiter than the sheet he was lying on, except where it was soaked with his blood. Madam Pomfrey and Lissydove worked feverishly over Harry, till finally they stepped back and announced,
“We’ve done all that we can do. We’ve stopped the bleeding, albeit, he didn’t have hardly any left to loose, and the skull is still cracked open, but I’m afraid to mend it because his brain is still swelling. When, and, if it stops, then I can mend it. And there’s one other thing,” she said pausing, trying to continue without caving into a fit of crying. Lissydove was sobbing into her hands, covering her face.
“What is it, Poppy?” He looked at Harry and took Harry’s other hand that McGonagall wasn’t holding in his own.
“Poppy?” he said softly, urging her on.
Madame Pomfrey drew in a deep breath and shook her head, not able to speak at that very moment. She held up her finger as tears began to fall, asking for their patience while she collected herself.
“Poppy?” McGonagall asked through her own tears, her throat constricting, keeping her from saying anything else.
Madame Pomfrey proceeded cautiously. “If he pulls through, and I have to stress the ‘if’, he will have significant brain damage.”
“What does that mean for him?” McGonagall asked barely louder than a whisper.
“I’ll have to wait for a final assessment after his skull can be mended, but for now…” she took another breath and made herself more professional sounding.
“It means he will never be the same. He’ll be in a vegetable state.”
“NO! … NO!” McGonagall whispered within her throat. She was staring at Harry as she backed away from him. She started twisting her handkerchief tightly round and round her finger, then unwinding it, and then twisting it round and round again, over and over. Her mind went back to the wedding of Lily and James. Being given permission to be Mom to Lily, and then Grandma to their children. The blessed day of Harry’s birth came and he was such an adorable baby. Then the deaths of his parents. Having to be raised by those awful Muggles. She had wanted so badly to raise him herself, but was denied the request.
She looked at Dumbledore with imploring eyes. Her breasts rising and falling with each great sharp gasp of air. Her throat was constricted as she told him it was all her fault. The tears that sat threatening to fall in the wells of her eyes did at last fall over and ran down the creases of her wrinkled face.
“It’s all my fault,” she said again.
Without taking his eyes off of Minerva, Dumbledore reached around and got hold of the first hand behind him, which happened to belong to Ginny, and pulled her up to where he was standing, and put Harry’s hand that he had been holding into her hand. He walked around to her and said, “This you’ve already said, and I can’t figure even with my vast amount of gray matter, what you are talking about. Here you go now,” he said kindly as he took her handkerchief from her and wiped here tears and nose. “Let’s have another go at what you’re trying to say.” He smiled at her, but his brilliant blue eyes bored through her.
“Albus, Luna, Miss Lovegood, (she corrected herself) came to me early this morning in the Great Hall as breakfast was being served. She told me she was afraid she had detected a swarm of …blubber blinkers, or something of the sort. I was very upset with Severus for going on about how Malfoy was so much better at Quidditch than Potter, and how they were going to win the next match. It just unnerves me so that he is so unjust to Harry, Mr. Potter. I am afraid I quite lost my temper with him and berated Miss Lovegood in front of all her classmates. I told her to quit making up such silly things or I would take points away from her House. I should have taken her seriously, and instead, I was demeaning. I should resign my post immediately.”
Silence filled the room, but for Hagrid blowing his nose on his great handkerchief. Crookshanks tried to touch Harry’s mind, but couldn’t get passed the nightmare of his parents being murdered. Then he called out to Dobby with his mind. “Dobby, please go to Sirius and tell him that Miss Lissydove is involved with an emergency and will not be able to meet him tonight as planned, and that I will be down later to explain what has happened. And tell him it’ll be late, but I’ll wake him up. Thank you, Dobby.”
“Minerva, I will not hear another word of such nonsense,” Dumbledore told her. “We are commissioned to fill the heads of a great many students in this castle with the knowledge we believe to be factual. The reason we don’t teach the likes of Blimppen Blobbers is because the Ministry doesn’t except the evidence as factual. And the reason they don’t is because it is people like the Lovegoods, bless them, that make the discoveries. I’ve always said we do ourselves a great disservice by not giving credit to the, ‘odd’ for their acute ability of detecting the unnatural.”
“But the Ministry haven’t proven that these ridiculous things they come up with are true,” she said.
Dumbledore sighed heavily and offered these questions to ponder: “Why leave everything for the Ministry to prove or disprove? What makes their proof right, and what we know to be right, wrong? Why should we take their word when they say things like; people without the use of magic, although magic is in their family, are ‘Squibb’s’ and cannot ever do magic? They have no right saying what they think is right and making it right by law.”
Everyone stood looking at him, not knowing what to say.
Ginny spoke up then, and all eyes were on her. She looked at Harry, as if she was gathering courage from him. “Harry taught me today that when you have love in your heart, your soul starts singing, and your heart dances to the music. So, if I was dancing to the music in my soul and heart, and Fudge walked in and saw me dancing a waltz to no music, he would say I was insane, because he doesn’t hear the music. I’ve seen Luna dancing without music. I asked her how she can dance like that, and she said she loves who she is. The fact that other people don’t see what she sees doesn’t bother her. She said as long as she hears the music, she’s happy, and she’ll dance to celebrate it. I didn’t know what she meant and thought she was crazy, till Harry told me what I just told you, and about him wanting to have love in his heart more than anything.”
Hermione put her head on Ron’s shoulder and cried softly. His face turned red, but he didn’t move her off. The twins were about to tease Ron, but just didn’t have the heart to be happy. Hagrid blew his nose again and mumbled about something being beautiful. Minerva smiled adoringly at Harry.
“I guess we’re lucky you knew what the Blipping … things are and knew how to get rid of them. But how are we to know if things are real and not made up? How do we teach about Blip… oh blast it all! Why can’t these things they find have decent names? Honestly! Snorkacks, Nargles, Flaming Flappers, Whack Spurts! How can we take them seriously?”
“You’re getting yourself worked up over this, and you don’t need to. I made myself recall a book on these such oddities. I performed the spell to get rid of them in the chance that there really was such a thing as Blimppen Blobbers, and as it worked, then I will document the facts that we have found to be true and present it to the Ministry. These will be taught to our students at the very next term. And they, of course, will be renamed something more decent.” He smiled kindly at her at the last thing said.
“Now, Minerva, as I can’t leave here, would you please in my stead, go to the Great Hall and excuse my absence then inform the other professors of this occurrence. Also, tell them we’ll have an emergency meeting at ten o’clock tonight in my office. I must clean up the castle and the grounds of this nuisance. After I’m done I’ll be back here till we know whether Harry… Please Minerva, if you would dear.”
“Lissydove, I will be back in twenty minutes time. If you could think of anything the Muggles have that would help Harry, maybe we could come up with something.”
Dumbledore left in haste and immediately started waving his wand in wide arcs, chanting spells throughout the rest of the castle and all that the grounds encompassed.
Lissydove went to the office and rummaged through some books she brought with her. She came back out just moments before the Headmaster returned.
“Sir, I’ve been thinking and the idea I’ve come up with is this: The Muggles have machines that show vital statistics of the patient it is hooked up to. Things like blood pressure, temperature, heart beats, pulse… Then there’s an x-ray machine that shows things inside the body. Other machines that, well sir, all these machines shows the different functions inside the body. If you could come up with something that could show us what these machines do, then we could see what was causing the swelling in his brain and fix the damage.”
“Are all the machines and functionalities in these books?” he asked her.
“Yes sir, and how to read them.”
“May I have them for a moment?”
She handed him the books and he stood there holding them as he thought with his eyes closed. “Please stand back everyone. Except you Ginny, you may continue to hold his hand.”
Everybody stepped back and watched with wonder etched in their faces.
Dumbledore pointed his wand at the foot of Harry’s bed and the Mirror of Erised appeared. He flicked his wrist and another one appeared at the head of his bed. Then he took each of the books and with a stirring motion over them said:
From these books, permeate, this Mirror of Erised,
As they pass, though show not pictures but, the life instead;
What’s wrong and, what needs to be,
This is my, desire to see.
As Dumbledore finished he put the books to the mirror, and they went into the mirror and the pages turned as if they were being read. Afterwards, the books came back out. Next, he tapped the Mirror of Erised, and then, the other mirror at the head of the bed. “Another from the mirror’s image.” Then he sent away the Mirror of Erised. “The original mirror is one, this one is Mirror Times One, another mirror would be Mirror Times Two, and so forth. If you ever need more of these made, simply with your wand, touch this mirror, and say, ‘Mirror Times Two,’ and then on from there for whatever the need calls for.”
He turned and spoke to the mirror. “Harry Potter” and the image of Harry lying on the bed came into view. He turned to Lissydove and told her to tell it what she wanted to see, according to how it would be in the books.
“Vital Statistics” was all she said and a menu showed Harry’s blood pressure, temperature, heart rate…
“Oh my!” Madame Pomfrey exclaimed in awe. “Make it show his skeletal system -” but before Lissydove said anything, Harry’s skeletal system showed up. She moved up to his head. “Can it show me an enlargement of his skull?” And at that, an enlarged view of Harry’s skull was on view. She caught on quickly. “I want to see the back of his skull.” That image came into view, and she clapped her hands in wonder. “There it is child, do you see it?”
“Yes I do!” said Lissydove. “Brain,” she commanded the mirror. “Look, it’s lodged here, and this is causing the swelling.” The two studied the view before them, and talked amongst themselves. “This is an incredible instrument you’ve made us, Albus! Thank you so much!” Lissydove tried to smile while she acknowledged Professor Dumbledore. For some reason, she wasn’t as happy as she was trying to seem. Madame Pomfrey added her thanks as well and then said, “It’s a shame we won’t be able to…” She stopped mid sentence and shook her head. “Why does everything have to happen to this child?” |