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Old 07-18-2010, 05:41 AM   #46 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Cassirin's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Posts: 43,197

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
First off--Hilarious

Haha, I would not last long in that family. I'm the pickiest eater ever.

Bahaha, that sounds like something I would do. Try to get everyone to believe that he's real and what not. Priceless.

Hehe, yeah, I definitely wouldn't be eating that.

Ugh, I am terrified of spiders. I would have been screaming or something, probably hyperventialting.

Hahahaha, that's hilarious. I it

I love her response, it's priceless.

Brad is so funny, that sounds like something my brothers would do.

Fantastic post! PLEASE PAMS!
First off... yeah, the hot dogs and mashed potatoes would be pretty gross... and is definitely NOT bangers and mash. Poor Ally. Second, I think she probably WAS screaming about the spiders. Terrifying.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
*SQUEEEEEEE* I will indeed share my s'mores with you because you posted more *shares the ooey gooey goodness*

Again, I approve. That wrapping paper bit was HILARIOUS. And the wording here. Teehee. Good stuff.

*pokes at the fire and waits patiently for more*

Stalker Approved

Mmm, s'mores. THANK YOU. Glad you like the wrapping paper in the closet stuff. Ally is... creative. Yeah. That.

Hope you approve this update too.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Arm Pit is soo Mean! I really don't like him grrr
Haha, Wrapping Paper!
Great chapter! PAMS! i wanna read more
*glares at Brad* Leave your sister ALONE!

You know, I doubt Ally is always kind to Arm Pit. We should probably cut him some slack. It can't be easy to be related to a nut like Ally.

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Every time you say Cope, I think Copernicus.

Hehe. Me too, actually

Originally Posted by Maxie
LOL! Just... LOL. xD I've always thought the HP characters look too jazzed up, in the movies. Emma = hot + no unruly curls = not Hermione.
Right? And Ally is a purist, so she will have NONE OF THAT creativity when it comes to how the movie cast portray characters. Harry having blue eyes is NOT OKAY.

Wait. Deranged goldfishes stare? O_O xD
You know... kinda bulging??

.... I ish still catching up. *hides*
But I wub this story. <3
Catch up, Maxie. Do it!

Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post
pretificus totalus!!!!

omg this was amaziongg!
Aww, thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying this story. Hope you enjoy the update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
This was so totally awesome!!! You are absolutely hilarious.. She can't be totally crazy, it has to be someone to do with the Potter universe.
You think? Hehe.

I must be doing okay with my Britishisms, 'cause you haven't had to correct me yet.

Originally Posted by IluvvDracoMalfoy View Post
HEADICUS EXPLODICUS! LOL I'm so saying that when I get mad. Pams pams pams? ^__^ So funny:]
It is from a very awesome movie that I will someday post here so you all know what I"m talking about. Glad you're enjoying it.

Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 View Post
Insert me dying.

lmfao. Just the fact that she did that... hahaha.

I... had nothing of importance to say to any of these. Just that they made me laugh a whole lot.

You're a genius, bud. The whole world loves you and craves more.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, but don't DIE, JULIA. DON'T DIE.

Keep laughing and enjoy this update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
The last time you posted was the 26th of June. It's the 16th of July!!!!

Please, I love this FF.

Love Katie
I KNOW. I'm so sorry. School RPG stuff came up and distracted me, and then Ally abandoned me. We're only starting to be friends again now. Forgive me?


Day 1, Part 4

Mom must have informed Brad that his immortal soul is in danger of permanent grounding, because he finds me later. I’ve discovered an enclosed back porch and spent the rain shower making up a Harry Potter checklist using my books.

Black hair – check
Green eyes – check
Weedy build – check
To be continued

“So look…” Brad shoves his hands into his pockets, pushing his swim shorts perilously low on his hips. I cover my eyes with my journal. “I’m taking a boat across the lake. There’s a store thing. You can come if you want.”

Believe it or not, this is an apology. Sort of. Definitely as good as I'm going to get.

It’s stopped raining, so of course I want to go. We could run into Harry!Al again, and this time, I wouldn’t be a total loser. I toss my book on the table and follow Brad.

Outside, the other vacationers seem to have gotten over the brief storm in a hurry, and they are once again crowding the dock and paths. The air is sticky hot, almost as if it never rained at all. You would think that if we had to put up with intermittent showers, the weather would have the decency to be comfortable in between. I pull my t-shirt away from my body where it sticks to me and realize that, once again, I’ve forgotten to wear my bathing suit.

Part of me is delusional, because when Brad said he was taking a boat, I imagined how cool we’d look puttering across the lake in one of those motor boats the other families have. He stops beside a pile of shabby canoes, and while he attempts to pull one into the water, I try to avoid being crushed by the falling pile of molding lumber.

“Is this a joke?” I ask as I climb into the front end of the canoe. The boat slides away while one foot is still on shore, and my flip flops get wet in the process. It really isn’t a big deal, though, because there’s a puddle of green water in the bottom of the canoe.

I’m going to need new flip flops.

“Just paddle,” Brad grunts. He shoves the boat away from the shore, hops into it, and the whole thing bobs like it can’t decide whether to float or not. Finally, the canoe settles, and we start to glide across the lake. If it isn’t bad enough that the muggy heat makes my clothes stick to me in a really unattractive way, I’m now sweating because of the paddling.

“I saw you talking to those girls,” I say, trying to strike up a conversation. We’re actually doing pretty well at this paddling thing, which is probably due to the authentic rustic camping trip the family took two summers ago. We spent half the time in a canoe, paddling in circles, until we figured out that you have to paddle on OPPOSITE sides to get anywhere.

“Which girls?”

“The girls I saw you talking to,” I clarify. Honestly, we’ve been here less than a day. How many girls has he managed to meet? “On the dock.”

He grunts. There’s the Brad we know and love. Why use words when affirmative noises will suffice.

We paddle in silence for a bit. The canoe doesn’t seem to be taking on water, although it smells like basement and there is green slime on the toe of my flip flop. Still, there’s a breeze out here on the lake, and the quiet is unbroken except for occasional grunts from Brad. The line of flower-cabins disappear behind us, and ahead appears another shoreline containing an additional sprinkling of cabins and a long low building that must be the store.

“They’re French or something,” Brad breaks the silence. Cryptic. The store is French? It barely looks like a store.

“What’s French?”

“The girls. They have accents. I think they’re French.”

“How can you tell?” I lift my paddle from the water and we immediately swing into a slow circle away from the opposite shore. Oops! I drag my paddle in the water again, forcing the canoe back the way we want to go.

“They have accents,” Brad repeats. Twisted logic, but I let it go.

French girls for Brad. Harry Potter for me. Could this vacation be any more idyllic?

There’s a dock on the opposite shoreline, but we glide past it to head for the shallow water and pebbled beach. Climbing out of an unwieldy canoe onto a dock generally only leads to trouble, especially when the dock is higher than the canoe sits in the water. Much easier to splash through the shallows.

Being in the front means I have to hop out first and drag the canoe up the beach, which I attempt to do. My flip flops are slick with pond scum, and as the point of the canoe hits the beach, it snags there. I slip and sit down hard on the packed earth. Clumsy oaf girl.

“Are you hurt?” Brad splashes out of the canoe and drags it past me to rest completely out of the water, to the approval of girls hanging up the beach a bit. They watch him with interest, and I wonder how long until he loses his shirt again.

“I broke my bum.”

“And your pride.”

“And my sense of humor,” I agree, letting him help me to my feet. He lets go of my hand really quickly, eyes on the girls down the beach.

“Try not to find a hobbit or something hiding in the general store,” he heads toward the girls and the store.

Stupid idea, really. Hobbits clearly live in Middle Earth and wouldn’t be hanging out on a beach in England. I hurry to follow in his footsteps, wishing it was socially acceptable to rub my sore backside. Just then, a thought occurs to me.

French girls? What if Brad has been flirting with Veelas? I should stick close to him, just in case.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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