Originally Posted by
Can you kill her off? It would make me happy

Hmmm...now there's an idea!
Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
We do? *backs away* BLAISE SAVE ME!

Ok, if you don't want a Harry Huggle, I'll see what I can do...
New Post
Ok this is a shortish post but, I'll post sooner this time 
Post 26
The next week followed in the same routine Wake up, go to class, go to dinner, study, shower, sleep. I was a bit of a recluse, though Madame Pompfry had suggested that I take it easy and was only to work in classes periods three and four. My days were full of long emptiness I continued to stay in the heads dorm and only ever came out to go to class or in the evening when she went patrolling. Luna and Nevile would occasionally drop by. They were always welcome.
The clock above the fire in the sitting room of the empty dorm chimmed. I looked up noticing it was nine o'clock. It was time for me to start patrolling. As I grabbed my robe and wand from the coffee table. There were three loud long knocks at the door. I jumped out of my skin rather startled at the noise as I had grow acustom to complete silence. I hestaintly walked over to the door and cautiously opened it.
"Hi Ginny. How are you feeling?" Said a figure whos face was covered by a large bouquet of colourful flowers. A head peeped around the bright bunch of greenery.
"Oh, Hi Dean. You gave me a fright. I'm fine, thanks. Yourself?"
"Not to bad Ginny. These are for you, They're from all the Gryffindors. We're all very worried about you staying here all on your own. Your always welcome to come back."
"Aww, thanks. They're lovely. Tell everyone thank you for me but I think I might just stay here. I enjoy the peace a quiet too much, though I'll be sure to pop in soon."
"Are you ready to go?" He asked.
"Sorry?" I was puzzled. I thought he thought we were going on a date or something!
"Patrolling!" He looked back at me wondering what I thought. He had never come around to get me before going patrolling
"Oh Yeah, that." Its always so ackward with Dean. "Well lets go then." I told him after putting the flowers in the sink in the small kitchen in our dorm.
"So how've you been Ginny. I'm so glad things aren't awkward between us or anything. I was worried if you though they would be." He said as we rounded a corner, passing the Great Hall.
"No, not at all Dean. I'm glad we stayed friends. Things just didn't work for us when we were together. I've been fine thanks. How are you? Did you have a nice summer?" I asked him making polite conversation.
"Yeah it was good. Spend most of it Seamus. We just hung about doing nothing. The days seemed to merge into one another." We turned another corner.
"DEAN!" she yelled. I sooo could not be bothered with her.
Please tell me what you think... Things are about to get interesting 
S x
except you Gabbeh you can get a