Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Florida
Posts: 1,415
Hogwarts RPG Name: Janet Lynn Gordon Fifth Year | Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions Thank you everyone for reading. I'm sorry I didn't get to post last night. We had massive thunderstorms move right over us, and we kept loosing internet, and electricity. The storms did move on, but, they put me wayyyyy behind on everything.
Emily Black: Hey Emily: Quote:
If only Draco had stayed...
I thought this was the perfect opportunity for Ron to make good his threat of getting back at Draco. Although he didn't afflict any pain on Draco, Draco obviously knew Ron would be able to carry out his warning if he didn't move on. I didn't have Ron just haul off and whip up on Draco, because Ron knew this wasn't the time to make it all about doing what he wanted to do, but, to resolve the situation with his sister, and Harry. Quote:
Haha, I love Ginny And her reactions Brilliant, Connie
Thank you Emily Quote:
I would be getting out of there if I was a Weasley twin.... Great post, Connie! PLEASE PAMS!
Right in front of Dumbledore too! Think maybe she's a little upset? ... Thank you Emily
Prongs.RJGirl: Hi Tina. I'm sure going to miss you. Best of luck with the new school term. As I promised, I'll send you this chapter as soon as I get done posting. Quote:
I hope Fred and George knock the sense out of Ron for doing that!!!!
I'm sure they won't. They're actually proud of him for what he did. They said he did the right thing. Quote:
There's this guy... and I really can't understand him! not even a bit! I can't deal with his mood swings, and I just long to know what he thinks about me because it's really confusing. But anyway, great posts, PAMS!
Tina, the best thing for you to do is just be yourself around him. Be patient and think about the way he is, and why he has the mood swings. I'm sure he is way more confused than you are. Give him a chance to find himself and let him sort out his problems. He'll come around. Pushing him will only ensure a bumpy relationship. Not much fun that way. So, like I said, just be your sweet self, and let him have his time and space. Thanks for reading, and loving my story.
MissWeasley: Hey Katie girl! Quote:
Another great chapter as usual. But first things first... a lemon!!?!?!?!? A lemon does not look like a snitch! How about a kiwi with two feather sticking out of it? Give it a think! I feel awful that the lemon was just a lemon. I really thought I was onto something!
Thank you sweetie! OK The lemon! I didn't use a kiwi with feathers because he just grabbed something quick that he knew he would be able to spot from high in the air. Kiwi's are greenish, brownish. It would blend in with the ground. But, ok....ummmm how about this? I used a lemon because thinking on the property values of a lemon, they are sour by thereself, but, added to say kool-aid, punch, fruit juice... they sharpen, and brings out the best taste and makes the combination a very satisfying beverage. If you add a few drops to fresh cut apples, it keeps them fresh longer, and keeps them from turning brown. A couple drops added to a bowl of fruit keeps them fresh tasting for a longer period of time. So, by being able to give Ginny a lemon to keep as a keepsake of the best day of his life, he actually gave her something that will brighten and bring out the best of the two of them for the future. Yeah, Katie you did stumble on the significance afterall. Feel better? Quote:
Lastly, I enjoyed the whole broom flying scenario. *sigh* Oh to be sitting on the back of a fast-flying broom, with only the man that you love to hold on to... one can only wish and pray for such an occasion...
Nicely put! Quote:
I loved the chapter and look forward to the next one!
Thank you sweetie. 
Morag: Hello Sophie! Quote:
Oh my goodness- I didn't even know there was such a thing! Thanks for the tip Connie
You're more than welcome. I try to watch out for my friends. Quote:
I loved this bit. You could tell that Ginny cares just as much for Harry as he care for her.
Yes, I could have had her get all dramatic and scream for help and exclude Ron from helping him, but, I don't think Ginny is that way. She doesn't loose her common sense. Deep down, she knows Ron to be her loving brother. It would be natural for her to in her moment of terror to reach out to him for help. Quote:
Oh I love Hagrid. Good Ol Hagrid to the rescue.
Hagrid is lovable isn't he. Quote:
Oh, they two better watch saying things like that. They could get Harry and Ginny into a lot of trouble
This is exactly how bad reputations get started. People hear things, and before they know the real story, they start telling their opinion of it, and there you go. At least one reputation tarnished and on the way to being ruined. Quote:
I agree with Ginny here. I do believe that a bat-bogey curse was acceptable.
I quite agree. And she shouldn't get in trouble for it either. We have only heard in the books rules saying there is to be no magic in the hallways of the castle. They are not in the hallways, they are in the ummm waiting room. Quote:
Great Post Connie. Looking forward to Thursday for your next post.
Thanks sweetie 
CreativeAllie18: Allison! Hey there, I'm thrilled to have you here. Welcome to my family of readers. Quote:
I do believe that it is going to take me a while to catch up on all that I have missed, but I love the story so far from what I have read. Keep up the great writing!
Thank you so very much! Take your time catching up. I do write long chapters quite a bit of the time. I'm glad you love my story. That really means a lot to me.
To all my readers: Thank you one and all. As there is only a short time left till the 20th everyone who hasn't voted for the stories you love, you need to get in your vote. All the nominations are very good, and deserve to win.
There are 6 more weeks after this chapter till The Reunion. Next Thursday evening or Friday morning will be the next chapter,35, :"The Mirror of Erised"
On Pins and Needles
“Excuse me,” Dumbledore put his hand on Ginny’s trembling shoulder. “Perhaps you should be a bit more considerate of your sister. She has been through a very traumatic experience.”
He turned back to Ginny and nodded his head for her to continue.
“I had seen Harry walking outside with his broom and a lemon. I told Luna Lovegood I was going to the Quidditch Pitch for some fresh air. She warned me of Blimppen Blobbers and told me to be careful.”
“Yes, of course,” interjected Dumbledore. “Did you detect any?” Everyone’s mouths dropped opened as they stared at the Professor.
Just then, Professor McGonagall came in and rushed over. Ron held up his hands to be hand cuffed and taken to Azkaban. He figured sense she is the Head of House that it was her responsibility to see that it was done. She just looked at him and rushed by saying, “Yes, have Madame Pomfrey fix that when she can.” without even slowing down. She went right up beside Harry’s bed and took his hand in hers.
Everyone was now watching her, wondering why Harry means so much to her. They turned back to Professor Dumbledore as he cleared his throat. “You were about to say whether or not you detected any Blimppen Blobbers,” Dumbledore reminded Ginny patiently.
“Umm, I don’t know what, err, I didn’t see anything unnatural sir,” she said slowly.
“Ah, well, you wouldn’t either more than likely. They’re very hard to spot. They enjoy playing havoc with our emotions. They make their victims act out their deepest emotions. Harmless really, unless something of this nature happens. Usually the most that happens is the victim gets very embarrassed before they move on to exploit someone else. It was worse for Harry, because they entered his blood stream when his head was busted open. When this happens, the victim usually bleeds to death.
“Oh,” Ginny said almost inaudibly. Then it was Blimppen Blobbers Harry had in him making him act that way?” she said, very disappointed.
“They weren’t in him at the time of your day of flying, only bitten. But yes, he had been infected by their bites before he entered the Quidditch Pith. Unless you think he was acting normally.”
She put her hand on her cheek, and shook her head no. “He kissed me, and he said this was the best day of his life, and that he’s never been so happy before. He told me things he said he’s never told anyone before. He was just so open and honest and unguarded about everything. He told me he needs me, and he loves me. He has nightmares, about his parents getting murdered, every time he closes his eyes.”
“Yes, poor Harry would be an easy target for them.”
Ginny wiped her eye with the back of her hand and looked at Dumbledore. “Sir, will he remember any of this?”
“I’m sorry, Miss Weasley, he won’t. If he had only been bitten, then yes, he would have remembered. But when they enter the blood stream, no, the victim never remembers.”
“At least that’s something good then,” said Ron sounding quite relieved.
“For you, yeah, not for me though. It’ll be back to him not knowing I exist,” Ginny said softly as she thought out loud.
“Well, anyway,” she continued in a very deflated way. “I followed Harry down to the pitch and was watching him fly without him knowing it. At least I thought he didn’t know I was there. He all of a sudden flew down to me and got off his broom. He talked for a bit. He told me such sad things about his childhood. Terrible wrong things happened to him, and there was never anyone to help him.” She stopped and couldn’t help but glare at Dumbledore, till she realized what she was doing. “He didn’t know what it felt like to be loved till he made friends with Ron, Hermione, and my family. He just kept telling me things that broke my heart so many times. Then he said the minute he turns seventeen he’s clearing out. That he’s going to figure out how to kill Voldemort, and anyone else who had a hand in his parents’ death. It startled me that he could be so blunt and casual about it. He thought he scared me and took my arm. I kind of stepped back away from him. He said he keeps making mistakes with me. Then suddenly he offered me a ride on his broom. I accepted his invitation and got on. All at once he told me to scrunch back a smidgen and he climbed on in front of me. He put my hands on his waist and told me to hang on. Well, I had to wrap my arms around him, and that’s where I was all the rest of the day. It was such a thrill being, er, riding with him. I just moved with his movements and we did spectacular things I’d never dreamed could be done. We laughed all day long, it was so much fun. My hair was a mess, even after he did what he could to straighten it. He thought I was cold and gave me his robe to get me warm. When we were near the corner of the castle, he was still talking how fun the day was for him, and he hoped I didn’t get sick from being cold. He laughed and said if I did and Ron found out it was his fault, that Ron would kill him. That’s when Ron went berserk, and—”
“probably killed him,” Ron finished her sentence. “Ginny, please, I don’t know why I lost my head and jumped to conclusions.”
“We did too, Ron, don’t beat yourself up about it,” said Fred.
“Sir,” Ron held his arms out to Dumbledore and said, “I know you have to expel me and send me to Azkaban. You can go ahead and cuff me, so I don’t lose my head again and hurt someone else. I’m a nutcase—it’s plain and simple. Just can I stay here till we find out if… if I’ve killed him?”
Hermione caught her breath and choked on her words, “Ron, no.” She put her hand on his arm to keep him from leaving her. Tears were streaming down her face. She felt like she just lost her two best friends all at once.
Dumbledore stepped over to Ron, who was gingerly holding his swollen and broken hand up for him to cuff. He took Ron’s hand and moved his wand over it, and the hand repaired itself.
“Thanks, thank you, sir. But I wasn’t worried about my hand. I’m worried about hurting anybody else I love.”
“Ron, obviously, you’ve been bitten with the same imps that infected Harry. This was not your doing, except for the fact that you need to learn to keep your temper in check. When Harry said you would kill him, that’s what the imps wanted to make you do. Yet, it wasn’t in your heart to kill him. You only struck him with the intention of teaching him a lesson. You are not going to be expelled or sent to Azkaban.”
“Now, I must go in and see to my young friend.” He smiled at them all gravely then went in the hospital wing where Harry was being tended.
He walked over to Harry’s bedside where Minerva was still holding Harry’s hand. He looked at Madame Pomfrey and asked if he would be in the way if he stood beside the bed.
“No, sir, you’re fine,” she said, and then she went on about her work on Harry.
Minerva sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye. She looked at Dumbledore and said sadly, “They can’t stop the bleeding, Albus. He’s bleeding from his brain, and they can’t stop it. His brain is swelling inside his skull, so they’re not going to fix that damage till they can stop the bleeding so too much pressure doesn’t build up. They said it’s already in the danger zone as it is.”
“I don’t understand,” said Madam Pomfrey, “I’ve mended his broken jaw, that wasn’t hard at all. His ribs are bruised, but will heal on their own. It’s the strangest thing; it’s as if he had a tourniquet on all day, from his sides on around to his front.”
Lissydove spoke then to tell them, “Ginny told me of a most wonderful day of flying she and Harry had. They were together on his broom. From the sound of what all they did, I think she had to hang on for dear life.”
“Okay, well then, that explains the bruises, but why can’t I stop this bleeding?”
“It’ll be the Imps, Poppy, Blimppen Blobbers to be exact.”
“But their only folklore,” Minerva and Poppy said at the same time.
“No, they’re quite real I assure you. I wish Miss Lovegood had come to me and told me she detected them here. All this could have been avoided. The Imps are in his head. They need to keep the damaged area open so they can survive. They work much the same way mosquitoes do. They are about the same size, and they bite any exposed area. They inject their venom, which causes an immediate reaction and causes the victim to start acting out the emotion that is most dominant at the time. If they can enter into the bloodstream, they can contaminate the body until it bleeds to death. Harry was probably bitten as he entered the Quidditch Pitch. Then when he met up with Ron and was hit, his skin was broken open at the back of his head where he hit the ground. They attacked Ron when they met at the corner of the castle. They could tell Ron was high on emotion as he was worried about Ginny being missing. They are having a feast with Harry.”
“But, he’s not having any emotion right now, how can they still be in him?”
“Miss Weasley said that whenever he closes his eyes he has nightmares. Those are what they are feasting on right now.” He drew his wand and put it to the temple of Harry’s head. “Poppy, a silver bowl, if you would be so kind.” Lissydove summoned one immediately for him. “Thank you dear,” he said.
Professor Dumbledore put the wisp of silvery smoke in the silver bowel. He tapped the side of the bowel, and Harry’s nightmare was brought into view. It was very mottled and hard to make out anything. “There, you see, it’s as I thought. They are contaminating his blood. If this memory becomes completely unable to be seen, then our Harry will die.” He let the memory fall back into the bowel. He pointed his wand at the doors and opened them.
“Please come in quickly” is all he said. Hagrid, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and the twins ran in with a worried expression on their faces.
Dumbledore made a great circle like he was using a whip over his head and said, “Purge this image and room of all demon manifestation!” Then he snapped it suddenly and then again around the circumference of the room, and then straight at the silver bowl. A brilliant golden light emblazoned the room and everyone in it. A steady stream went into the silvery wisp of memories.
The bowl of Harry’s memories began to sizzle and pop, then all over the room the same could be heard and seen.
The golden glow finally ebbed till the room was normal once again. Once again, Dumbledore tapped the side of the silver bowel, and Harry’s memories came into perfect view.
“This is what the imps were feasting on,” he stated painfully. They all watched in horror as they watched what Harry lived through as a baby the night his parents were murdered. Harry was watching his daddy pushing his mommy, as she held him close to her in her arms, up the steps. Sheer terror was on his face and in his voice. He told her to get help, that it wasn’t Remus, it was Peter!
“Go! I’ll hold him off as long as I can!” Harry looked up at his mommy. She was crying and kissing him. “Daddy and Mommy love you, Harry.” They’re in his room, and he watched his mommy move her wand in an arc over him. A golden light shimmered over Harry as she quickly but steadily said:
From this evil about to spew;
Your Daddy’s blood will spill for you;
Our lives we so lovingly give;
So you can continue to live;
Mommy gives to you what is shared by another;
None other than the sister of your mother;
No death shall come to you, my son;
From the wand of this evil one;
Be protected from him in her home;
As long as you can call it your own;
In your heart beats as pure as a dove;
The greatest power of all is love.
Then she flipped her wand, and a bright white light shone and Lily’s Doe Patronus appeared. She sent it with the message to Sirius for help; that Voldemort was here and it wasn’t Remus, but Peter.
Harry looked to the door, where he saw red and green flashes of light, and heard his daddy screaming because somebody was hurting him very, very badly. More flashes of light and screaming, and a man was laughing very scarily. Harry started to cry. His mommy started to cry.
“James,” she said over and over. Then there was silence except for the sound of someone coming upstairs. Harry stopped crying. His mommy put him in his crib and dropped her wand beside him. He looked around her to see if it was his daddy coming. Harry and his mommy were both watching the door. It opened and a very ugly, scary looking man came in the room laughing. The man told his mommy to give him the boy; that she didn’t need to die. Something huge jumped at the scary man.
“Tom?” The ugly, scary man used his wand, as someone warned, “Master!” just inches before it got to him. “Sectumsempra!” and, (yes, it was Tom) fell to the floor with his side cut open.
Harry looked at his beloved friend, Tom. Then, the ugly, scary man kicked Tom away from him. Once again the man told her to give him the boy. She begged him for Harry’s life. He pointed his wand at her and said, “Avada Kedavra,” and Harry watched his mommy fall to the floor, not moving.
Harry picked up his mommy’s wand from where she put it in his crib. He cried out for his daddy, his mommy, and Tom. But he didn’t take his eyes off of the scary man that was just in front of him now. Harry pointed at Voldemort and said, “Bad man! No! No! You vey, vey bad man!”
Voldemort laughed heartlessly. “It’s a shame I have to kill you. You would make a great disciple for me.” He pointed his wand at Harry, and the same time he said, “Avada Kedavra,” Harry pointed his mommy’s wand, and said, “Bad Man Go!” A golden light came between Harry and Voldemort. Harry’s wand emitted a green flash of light the same instant Voldemort’s wand emitted a green flash of light. The streams of light collided and Harry’s went under Voldemort’s and hit him in the heart. Voldemort’s beam glanced over top of Harry’s and hit him on the forehead. Harry screamed as his head snapped backwards. Everything was blowing up around him as the forces of the wands blasted within the room. Voldemort also cried out in pain as Harry’s beam blasted him backwards and he crumpled to the floor. Then a big black wisp of smoke rose from where Voldemort was and vanished out the door.
Lissydove’s frantic voice broke the silence in the room, as all were watching Harry’s memory in utter repulsion.
“Madam Pomfrey! Harry is dying!”
Last edited by Connie; 07-16-2010 at 04:30 PM.