X-treme Horcrux Slayer! Puffskein
Join Date: Mar 2010 Location: Killing Rob!
Posts: 1,159
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sophie Potter First Year | Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Post 25
"I love you Ginny, so much." He had his arms tight around my waist.
"I love you too Harry. Come back as quickly as you can." I told him. I was trying to disguse me fear with sarcasim. "And make sure you kick Voldemorts butt. Keep safe. Oh I love you Harry." I told him kissing him passionatly in front of proffessor Dumbledore and McGonagll. Harry was overwhelmed at the surprise passion but kissed me back with just as much enthouisiasim. "Can I send her Owls Proffessor?" Harry asked Dumbledore as he broke away. I looked up at the headmaster hopefull.
"I'm afraid you'll be unable to do so, Harry. Sorry. But time is of the essance and you must be on your way". I said my final goodbyes to them and kissed Harry and hugged him tighter that ever. "I'm going to miss you so much Ginny." He told me.
"How will I sleep at night without you to cuddle. A pillow won't be the same." Proffessor McGonagll gave us a stern look.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She said smiling but serious at the same time. "But seriously, it must stop!"
"Love you Ginny."
"Love you too Harry" Then he disappeared along with Hermione and Ron. I broke down into tears screaming his name. "HARRY! HARRY! COME BACK HARRY! DON'T LEAVE ME! HARRY!" but he was gone. There was nothing I could do but wait untill he came back.
"Oh come, dear child." I heared professor McGonagll in the background. I felt myself being lifted, but then as I put on my feet on the ground, my legs colapsed, everything went black and I fell to the soft green grass.
************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** ****************
"Ginny, Honey, wake up." my eyelids fluttered "Mum! She's awake! Mum."
"Ginny!" I heard my mother but I was being hugged so tightly, I couldn't breathe.
"I... can't breathe..." My voice was hoarse. Mum was hugging me tightly though her arms wern't comferting like Harry's
"Oh sorry dear. Go get Madame Promfrey Charlie."
"Yes, Dear, Charlie is here. He missed is flight back to Romania"
"Poppy! We've got oursel's a fainter. Oh 'iya Mrs.Weasley an' theres yer' Charlie. How you gettin' on wif them dragons? And hows you gettin' on Ginny? Feelin' bett'r" Hagrid came in carrying Lavender in his big chunky arms and placed her gently on a bed. Madame Pomfrey gave her a once over and a spoonfull of a glowing pink potion. Her eyes fluttered open as she came around. She began to monover herself off the bed. She spotted me with my mother and Charlie then smirked and began to yell, "The baby, Someone help! The baby!" She looked up at Madame Promfrey.
"Miss.Brown, please sit down. There are other sick patients besides yourself, and I will have to give you my diagnosis first, as I have nothing on your record to say there is a baby, though I must ask, if you are with child, how much longer do you plan to stay on at school?" She asked Lavender.
"Well I'm showing but I think people just think I'm getting fat. I'm four months. I've not really had morning sickness, but I've had plenty of cravings! It seems to be the chocolate fudge cake. I've been eating three to four pieces every night! Its so delightful" She gazed around the hospital wing at the small audiance and spotted my mum. "Mrs.Weasley, I assume Ron told you the news? Where is he? Someone should go and find him?"
My poor mother looked as puzzled as ever. "Tell me what?"
"About our baby ofcourse." She said as she pulled her school shirt up slightly to reveal a tiny bump. It was barely a bump. It was tiny. Minescule. She could easily just tell people she's put on a bit of weight instead of telling the whole school about the pitter patter of little feet because personally, I was affronted.
"May," I said aloud. "June, July, August, September" I counted the months aloud. "Wait, you split up with Ron in May and thats when you concieved. It can't be Ron."
My mum was still in shock. "Actually, I split with Ronikins at the end of May so practically the start of June, and I was four months exactly the day we came back to school so there you go work that out Weasley."
"Hold on now, don't diss a Weasley and you especsially can't since you slept with one and if the baby your carrying is our niece or nephew." Charlie stood up for me
"He didn't Charlie, He told me he didn't."
"So you knew?" My mum asked.
"Yes, but Ron swore me to secrecy. And hold on but why am I in here?"
"You passed out Ginny," Charlie told me. "Just after...just...after they left. The school were worrided so they sent an owl to the burrow." He said in a hushed tone so only himself, mum and I could hear.
"And your here already?" I asked looking down, fighting my tears as I remembered the tearful farewell.
"Actually, Ginny, It's been three days." Charlie told me
"And thats another thing! I told that boy not to do anything stupid or recless, but allready a week into the new term he's taken of to do whatever it is he's doing and at the same time, concieved my first grandchild! When that boy gets back, he's in big trouble!" Mum said to herself.
"Mum, I told you Lavender is a bit wild, so its not true. Where's dad?" I asked
"He was here, but he had to get back for work." Charlie said to me. He waited a few seconds before speaking again. "When will they be back?" He asked. I shrugged. but gave up the fight with my already watering eyes.
"Don't know. Soon I hope." Then I burst into tears silently, letting the salty water escape from my eyes like a waterfall. Charlie craddled me in his arms.
"They told me they wern't going to go!" Mum barked.
"Mum," I moaned. "They've been planning this all summer. Dumbledore specifically asked Harry if he would do the task. He's the only one that can... He's, The Chosen One" I smiled with complete adoration. "That is why Hermione's face was stuck in books all summer. She was researching what they need.... Do you know what? I've said too much." Charlie winked at me. He knew what I was on about. Anyone who needs someone to talk to, confinds in Charlie and I knew that is exactly what Ron had did. We were all about to crack with all the secrets at some point.
"Ginny, when will they be back? They are going to miss out on so much school work." Mum was overreacting
"Mum stop worrying about silly little things. You should only be concerned about their safety. Dumbledore said they could stay on next year 'cause they will fall behind. Mum its important they do this. I don't know when they'll be back but trust them, please." I tried to reason with her.
Madame Pomfrey came over to my bedside. "Miss Weasley," she said to me "You will be free to go tomorrow morning then its straight back to class." She put some green potion in a cup. "Drink." She said handing me the cup. I downed it quick, alowing the liquid to run sraight down my throat so I didn't need to taste the foul medicine. I suddenly felt tired and so I closed my eyes. I murmered to mum and Charlie. "Send Daddy my love. Love you guys."
"Love you too, Ginny." They said in unison before giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I didn't wake up that night or have any dreams or nightmares. All I felt was the worry I had for my best friend, my brother, and the love of my life.
So...sorry there was no Harry or Ron or Hermione, but still, leave a comment!
And the whole Lavender bit about the pregnancy- I know nothing about pregnant ladies and babied and thinks. So if any of its wrong then I'm sorry. Feel free to corect me and I can see what I can do to change it. Thank you.
S x
Last edited by Morag; 07-14-2010 at 01:40 PM.
Reason: Because, I can... :)