Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 07-11-2010, 08:18 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Chapter Nine

“You lied too me both of you”
“We had too”
“You planned his death, you knew I was next why wouldn’t you tell me, let me prepare for it”
“It would have been too much of a risk that you would run away from it”
“Instead I’ve had to come to terms with it by myself, thinking that there was no way out only to have been tricked into it”
“It was the only way we could be sure”
“Screw you two being sure, what about me, I’m the one that’s got to do this not you, he’s dead and buried safely away from the whole mess you’re the psychopaths right hand mad man, I’m the one that’s going to lose everything”

He stormed out of the office; Snape swept out after him “Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, conceited and pitiable just like your father before you”
“Don’t you dare bring my father into this mess, if it wasn’t for people like him you wouldn’t still be alive, you’d have been killed by a werewolf”
“Listen to your self whinging and whining, face him like a man, die like one, prove to him it can be done, death can be faced without fear”
“I’m not scared of dying Snape, I just want to have the chance to live after seventeen years of -” the swear word came out in an angry hiss, Snape looked taken a back,
Harry rolled his eyes “You’ve heard a creature speak parsel tongue bout time you heard it from a man”

He kept walking out of the castle until he got onto the grounds, this would be where he met him, the spot where it would come to an end. He stood looking around carefully taking in his surroundings; he could see Hagrid’s house and the pumpkin patches, Dumbledore’s white tomb in the distance and the Whopping Willow swishing enthusiastically in the wind.

He was coming and Harry was ready.
“Harry” the voice was clear and beautiful but she wasn’t supposed to be there,
“You’re supposed to be with Hermione and Ron”
“I’ve come to help you; I know what you’re doing” she took of the charm that hid her from view,
He watched her reappear and sighed “I’m the last Horcrux Gin, your not going to watch me die”
“Yes I am” she took the sword from his waist, “Then I’m going to kill that bloody snake and watch him suffer until his dying breath”
He looked at her, “You’re amazing you know that right”
“So are you Harry” she smiled “So are you” she hugged him tightly “I have you so what do I get as well?”
He smiled putting his father’s cloak around her shoulders “My heart, my soul and my cloak” he smiled, kissed her softly on the lips and lifted up the hood so she was completely hidden standing beside him.

The sky darkened and Snape came out of the front doors, “He’s nearly here Potter”
“Go and stand with him, he’s still your master”
“I was always Dumbledore’s man Harry – always” he stood the other side of Harry unknown to him that Ginny was there, and then they saw it. The black cloak flying, his followers with him on brooms, he saw Bellatrix and wanted to shoot her down from the sky and watch her smash against the ground but he couldn’t do it. Let her rot in Azkaban.

It landed gracefully for such a dark creature and became of a humanoid form, or as human as Voldemort could manage.
“Harry Potter”
“Tom Riddle” Harry replied as if greeting an old friend, it made him infuriated. Harry noted the protective bubble around the precious Nagini.
“You dare call me my wretched father’s name?”
“It’s just a name Tom, just like Lily and James, or Albus and Sirius – how many names can you remember of those you’ve murdered Tom”
“I have no need to remember boy they mean nothing to me”
“Oh that’s right, because they’re dead and you don’t like death do you Tom, it’s frightens you that’s why you evade it”
“Finish it master and kill the traitor that stands at his side” sneered Bellatrix angrily,
“Sh my dear” he hissed softly as if talking to a lover, “He will come to me to die when he’s finished explaining”
“That sure told her didn’t it” Harry smirked “And Snape, well he’s just about as ready to die as I am so take your best shot”
Bellatrix’s fingers twitched on her wand like she’d been given permission to strike at Snape, but the words had been said by Harry so she couldn’t follow them.
“You seem awfully calm for one facing death at my hands, not like others I’ve seen, shaking, pleading to live”
“I’m not scared, I’ve seen death before – could you at least make it quick I’m in a hurry to see my parents it’s been a long seventeen years”

Voldemort almost laughed at his words, if Voldemort was capable of laughter, it was more a sound as pleasant as nails on a black board. Then there was something else to interrupt, the gates opened and in strode McGonagall with a herd of Aurors, order members, Hagrid and Ron and Hermione.

“Do it Tom, do it now” he said angrily hoping that he could save them from attack, “Do it” he said and then to really get through “Kill me Tom” he hissed in parsel tongue. The snake in the bubble coiled viciously as it understood, snapping and hissing violently, Voldemort became furious and held his wand higher, Harry’s wand stayed pointing at the creatures heart as if he would fight back,
“Love you Gin” he said quietly feeling her hand in his,
“I’ll always love you Harry”

The green light took over everything, Ginny watched him fall to the ground, she heard the screams from the crowd and then Voldemort was on his knees clutching at his chest. She gripped the sword, the bubble fading and flickering around the snake, she struck out slicing it in half. Voldemort reached out with a hand, Bellatrix kneeling beside him and then drawing her wand to fight. She stabbed him with the sword to, right through the chest pinning him to the ground. Bellatrix yelled and screeched like a banshee but was silenced with a curse from McGonagall when she tried to attack the owner of the sword she couldn't see. There was no use in fighting they were surrounded but they tried anyway. In a matter of minutes they were captured, and Ginny was floating Harry’s body in front of her down to the tree by the lake. Hermione and Ron must have wondered what was going on seeing him floating, she took down the hood, letting her hair flow out behind her and then sat with him under the tree.

His head was resting on her lap, he was still warm and she stroked her hand through his hair gently.
“Ginny” said a voice cautiously approaching,
“Hmm” she replied looking out to the water,
“You have to let him go”
“I know, I will, just let me have this ok”
Hermione nodded worriedly, She stroked his hair and wondered where he was, if he was seeing his parents again and Sirius and being hugged and congratulated. The strange thing to her was that he wasn’t getting colder, in fact he felt almost feverish, and she felt for a pulse. She hadn’t had a reason to before, no one had ever survived that curse apart from – apart from him - there wasn’t anyway he could face it twice and live, her fingers searched and sure enough it was there.
“Oh my god, he’s alive” she shouted turned towards Hermione only now there was more then just her standing there, there was Ron, her mother and Professor McGonagall watching her. “You don’t believe me, feel his pulse” she held out his arm presenting a wrist “Hermione feel his pulse” she said urgently, Hermione complied expecting it to be some sort of delusion but it wasn’t, his heart was still beating, slowly and shallowly granted but it was still going.
“We need to get him to the hospital wing” she levitated him and Ginny got up with her,
“He’s really still alive?” Ron questioned,
“Would I lie Ron?” Ginny said her eyes looking at Harry as they walked,
“It’s been known to happen on occasion”
“I didn’t kill Percy”
“No one did” replied a voice, they turned to look,
Ginny stopped, stared and then slapped him round the face, “Where have you been?”
“The ministry told me they needed me for an important mission, they locked me in a cell, took a few hairs, I was naïve and stupid”
“Too right you were how did you get out?”
“The ministry’s collapsed I was let out in the crowds, their capturing death eaters and everyone that was under the imperious is coming back to normal” he rubbed his cheek, “You’ve got quite a slap there little sister”
“Just wait until she gets you with the bat bogie”
“I’m not in the mood for that” she muttered walking with Hermione as they took his body inside. The fever was getting worse, if it didn’t break soon he would be dead and there was nothing she could do.
RIP JD Salinger
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