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Old 07-09-2010, 12:54 AM   #194 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,415

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Janet Lynn Gordon
Fifth Year
Werecats are people too! Reader of Fan Fictions

Emily Black: Hello Emily, thanks for reading and commenting.
This was soooo precious! I <3 Harry and Ginny together! Great post, Connie! Please PAMS!
Thanks so much Emily!

Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hey K'Lari! Things going good for you? Hope so.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Ginny's so CUTE in this chapter *snuggles her*. I haven't read much about Ginny-even in the actual series -before she started being normal around Harry I <3 it!
Thank you so much. I love Ginny. I've always thought her mysterious, and I think Bonnie plays her beautifully! We can't hold her liable though for the bad story writing in the movies. It seems she had this adorable crush on Harry all throught the books, then all at once she's this mature girl who's boy crazy, and knows how to be coy and so confident, then she wins over Harry. As my friend Senorita Maxie said to me once...It just seems so rushed, and ewww to me. (not a direct quote)and I agree whole heartily! Now, maybe if we'd been able to see more of Ginny during her period of maturing, it would have been ok. but, anyway thank you. And I do love Ginny and Harry. And is it wrong of me to say, I love them better in my story than the writing of the movies? I just do.

Miss Weasley: Hi there Katie Girl! I'm wondering what you do up there in the heat to keep cool. It's hotter up there than it is here in Florida!
First and foremost, thank you for sharing your first kiss with us.
I kinda got carried away there. I didn't plan on that at all, but you're welcome.
Now, a question... what is with the lemon? I mean lemons are sour and it's been included in a chapter full of young love. Is it symbolic? How is a sour, little yellow lemon symbolic though? I guess I will have to think more on it. To me, it's pure irony?
Gee Katie, maybe I should think of something real quick that would be real impressive, but, alas there isn't anything allusive here. I needed for Harry to be able to get something easily, and I needed it to be something small and kinda round with kinda pointed ends, to resemble a snitch, so it could be easily grabbed. It needed to be a bright yellow or gold, so he could see it from a distance on the Quidditch field. And so, I thought of a lemon. That's the truth of it.
I like that Surius is willig to give-up his freedom, due to his love for Harry. Mind you, isn't it also stupid? I mean isn't Sirius the only love Harry will ever receive from a father-figure? Isn't Sirius biting his nose off to spite his face?
Yes, yes, and yes. There has to be some reason to his maddness, yes? You'll have to see. :They are a bloody nuisance, aren't they. And they're in tonight's chapter as well!
You know I'm not a patient person right? and I'm not getting any younger...
Keep up the great writing, and great work on your many Goblin nominations. You deserve them!
Thank you sweetie. That means so much to me. Thank you. There are many, many FF's that didn't get nominated that are just as worthy.

Morag: Hello Sophie! Welcome to my story here, and I hope you make yourself at home.
I personally love the Beetles.
I do too. And the controversy that smears the group is sad. But, one has to agree that they made wonderful music.
Did you know that I have Red hair. Thought I'd just say while we were on the topic of Gingerism! Usually I would quote everything I like but I really enjoyed this whole chapter. Especially Harry and Ginny's conversaton but it's awfully long to quote.
I love red hair! I always wished I had red hair. Then I met Steve and found out, he doesn't. Then I was thrilled with the color hair I was born with.
We'll after all the compliments he payed Ginny I think he just might be!
You know, you might just be right about that! He just doesn't know that part of himelf yet.
Hey Connie I clicked on the link to OtteryStCatchple's fan fics and it wouldn't work.
Sooooo sorry about that! I fixed it, so there shouldn't be anymore problems.
Thank you for reading Sophie, and your comments are wonderful! Oh! And just so you don't get in trouble by the double posting police; Anytime you have anything else to say after you post, just edit it into your one post, then tell me, and I promise I'll read it right away. Plus, I always look through all the posts again just before posting the next chapter. I remember when I was new and I double posted, the moderator fixed it into one post and told me not to double post again. I was scared out of my mind I would get kicked off SS.

Harita:Hello! Hi there! I been missing you!
and so so sorry i wasnt around much...but here i am!!!tada...and loved reading your posts...really nice...very much eager to read about Lissy/Sirius meeting...hehehe....
I'm so glad you're back! Thank you so much! I'm glad you loved my chapter!

Ok, so to all my readers, thank you for sharing your time with my story, and I'm thrilled each and everyone is reading. I'm so afraid you all are so excited to see Sirius and Lissydove get together, that it will be a letdown when you get to read it. But, for everyone who is curious, I said we'd have a countdown. Yes, after tonight there are six more posts till, "The Reunion" Next weeks chapter, 34 "On Pins and Needles" will be posted Thursday as always, if all goes well. Enjoy tonights chapter.


Judgment Falls On the Innocent

Crookshanks ran till he caught up with Harry and Ginny. “I hope you don’t get sick with a cold or pneumonia or something. It’s so cold since the sun set. I’ve kept you in the cold too long. I can’t believe I did this to you, Gin. Can you forgive me? We still friends? Gin, please don’t leave me, I need you. I…I think I… I do, Ginny, I love you, Gin!”

She couldn‘t believe how upset he was. This was starting to concern her. He was acting very much out of character. She looked at him and smiled gently at his worried face.

“Harry, it’s okay. We just got caught unexpectedly. We let time get away from us. We were having such a good time, just the two of us. It was bound to happen, what with no one around to remind us of the time.”

“I hope nothing comes of this. It’s all my fault. I just climbed on and took off before you had a chance to change your mind. If anything comes of this and Ron finds out, it was me who did it to you, he’ll kill me.” He laughed, easing up on himself after what Ginny told him. “If he does kill me, it’ll have been worth it. The most fun I’ve ever had in my life! Did you enjoy the day?” he asked her.

“Are you kidding? I’ve only dreamed of days like this. It was wonderful!”

Harry and Ginny hadn’t been paying attention as they were caught up in their own little world. They rounded the corner of the castle talking and laughing, when Harry was fore armed in the chest by Ron. Harry caught his breath and had his hand on his chest.


“What did you do to Ginny?”

“Ron, what’s…Ron?” He was alarmed at the look on Ron’s face. Harry put up his other hand to show Ron he wasn’t retaliating. He glanced over at Hermione, and she had her hand over her mouth in shock. Harry’s hand being up didn’t stop Ron though. His blood was raging through his body, and he hit down Harry’s hand with his left hand, and threw a haymaker with all the power he had in him with his right. His fist caught Harry under his jaw and knocked him unconscious before he fell to the ground.

“Ron! You great oaf! Look what you’ve done!” Ginny screamed.

“Yeah, Weaslebee, if we’re lucky, maybe you’ve killed him.” Draco smirked and his body guards laughed with him.

Ron rounded on him with his fist rocking back for another haymaker and shouted, “Move on, or you’re next!” Draco didn’t take this as an idle threat and ran off quickly, tripping over Crabbe and Goyle.

Ron was livid. He turned back to Ginny. “What’s he done to you, Ginny? Look at the state of you. Your hair’s a mess, you’re wearing his robe, and you’ve been off by yourselves! Nobody’s been able to find you all day, and the things you were saying!”

Ginny dropped to her knees at Harry’s head. He was so still. “Harry,” she said her voice shaky. “Harry!” She lifted his head and rested it on her lap; his jaw fell unhinged to the side. “Ron!” she screamed and lifted her hand that was dripping with Harry’s blood. “Help him, he’s dying!”

Hagrid pushed his way through the crowd and said, “Who’s dy’n? What’s go’n on? Move aside. Harry! Wha’s hap’nd?”

“He…” Ron was looking at his best mate in the entire world, terrified at what he’d done. “I only meant to let him know he couldn’t dishonor Ginny and ever hope to get away with it. I didn’t mean to hurt him, just teach’m a lesson.”

“Dishonor Ginny, teach ’em a lesson, wha’ ye go’n on ’bout, Ron? They been fly’n, down te Quidditch Pitch all day. Spent me whole day watch’n em, ‘aven a blast, they were. Ginny ‘ere was get’n cold an Harry give er is robe to warm er up. They talked fer qui’ a long time. Not of’n enough Harry gets te do ‘at, then you go off an knock em inta te ‘ere after. Look at em, he’s near froze.”

Crookshanks went to him and nibbled Harry’s ear and tried to touch his mind. “Harry, can you hear me son?” All he could get was his mom screaming and Voldemort’s evil laugh. “Hagrid, he’s not going to waken. Get him to the Hospital Wing!” Hagrid looked at Crookshanks, and realization hit him. “Hurry!”

“Righ,’ ‘ere we go, le’s ge’m up te Ospi’al Wing. Move away.” He scooped Harry up effortlessly and cradled him to his chest.

Ginny, Hermione, and Ron followed Hagrid as he carried Harry, leaving a trail of blood all the way.

Fred and George ran to them, alarmed at seeing Harry lifeless and being carried away. “What’s up?” they asked.

Ginny glared at Ron and said with malice and contempt, “This despicable vermin decided he was God and passed a guilty judgment on Harry for him not doing a thing wrong, and his punishment nearly killed him when he handed out his wrath!”

“What?” they both, at the same time, enquired. “Say again,” started George, “without all the nice things you said about Ron,” finished Fred.

“I can’t,” she said squinting her eyes at Ron with the look that is usually accompanied by a Bat-Bogey curse.

“You’uns stay ou’ ‘ere now. I’ll be back in a bit. Ginny, err, maybe you better come in ‘ere… an’ umm wash your han’s, n get tha’ blood off ya.”

She looked down at her hands and Harry’s robe where his head had been on her lap and fainted.

Ron caught her, but the twins tried to take her from him. “I got her, this is my fault, and I’m taking her in.”

Hermione, the twins, and Crookshanks looked on as Harry and Ginny were both being laid carefully on beds. Madame Pomfrey came to Harry’s side immediately, and Miss Lissydove tended Ginny gently.

Hagrid and Ron came out and sat down in a very solemn mood, with Hermione and the twins.

“Could somebody please tell us what’s going on now?”

“A question I’d like answers to myself.” Everyone jumped up and turned around to see Professor Dumbledore standing quietly in their midst. He wasn’t yelling and was actually quite calm, but, everyone, especially Ron, felt the fire burning in his eyes.

So, Ron and Hermione told how they had gotten back from Hogsmeade and couldn’t find Harry or Ginny anywhere. “We brought stuff back for them since neither one could go. Nobody had seen them since way before lunch.” Hermione started the explanation.

“Then, Neville said he remembered seeing Harry going to the Quidditch Pitch with his broom and a lemon. A little bit later, some weird girl from Ravenclaw said Ginny told her she was going for a walk down to the Quidditch Pitch, that maybe she wanted to see the Blimpen…thingies or something she had told Ginny about.

We asked her when that was and she said just a short while after breakfast.” Put in Hermione.

“So, Hermione and I started down that way, thinking it’s so late, maybe they stopped off to see Hagrid and lost track of time. But just as we got to the corner of the castle, they came around the corner talking. Harry was saying he didn’t know how he could have done that to her and something about him just jumping on without giving her time to change her mind. And then he said something about how he’d just had the best day of his life. Then he asked her to please forgive him, and that if anything happened and I found out, it was his fault, and then I would kill him. Her hair was a mess and she’s wearing Harry’s robe.” he said defensively.

“So, I fore armed him in the chest to stop them from going any further. I asked him what he did to Ginny. Harry had his hand up and had a look on his face, and now that I think of it, it wasn’t a guilty look, he was confused. He said my name and asked, ‘What?’ then he looked over to Hermione to find out. Then, without thinking, I hit him with my fist as hard as I could. I asked Ginny again what he did to her. He didn’t even see that I was going to hit him. He wasn’t expecting me to. But, I did.”

The twins were sitting there listening without saying a word, but took a glance at Ginny. They didn’t know she had come back out and was listening to Ron. “Sounds like you did the right thing to us, Ron. You’ve got some explaining to do, little sister,” they said as she walked past them, still very white in the face, and sat down beside Hermione.

“When I hit him, I think I knocked him out. I heard a horrible sound, and he just dropped to the ground. His head hit the sidewalk so hard it bounced and made a thud sound, like when you drop a melon on the floor and it breaks open.” Ron dropped his head in his left hand and cried. “I’ve killed my best mate, and my little sister hates me.”
Hermione was in tears and tried to console him. She looked at Ginny with a pleading look on her face.

“It’s not your fault Ron,” said George.

“You did the right thing,” said Fred.

“I just can’t believe Potter would do that,” said both the twins at the same time.

Ginny scowled at them but spoke to Ron. “I don’t hate you, Ron. I thought I did, but, I don’t, because I can see how you came up with what you thought happened. I’m glad you love me enough to stand up for my honor. But, Ron, you know that we don’t believe in sex before marriage, and that I wouldn’t do it. Look at how old I am, I don’t even think about that stuff! Right now, I’m just thrilled when he looks at me! And you should have complete faith in your best friend. You didn’t show any loyalty by jumping the gun like you did.”

“I’m sorry, Ginny.” He continued to cry, “Please forgive me.”

“Okay, I forgive you, but I’m still really mad at you, so give me some space for awhile.”

Professor Dumbledore stood quietly. “Was there anything strange or abnormal happening?”

“No,” Ron said, but Hermione said there was one strange thing.

“And what was that Miss Granger?”

“Well, there were a bunch of mosquitoes, and some of them got on Ron. I started killing them, and they left.”

“Mosquitoes aren’t strange, just annoying,” Ron added impatiently.

“It just seemed strange this time of year,” Hermione offered.

“Now, Miss Weasley, while we all commend you for your virtues, would you care to please explain you and Harry’s side of what happened?”

“Well, if you please, sir, I’d rather not… but… yeah, okay,” she said as she saw his face darken.

George broke in glaring at Ginny. “I don’t think we need to hear anymore, sir. Everyone knows Ginny’s been madly in love with Potter ever since she saw him for the first time. Potter saw he was alone with her,”

“and took advantage of her vulnerability,” Fred finished with a dark look on his face, looking at them working on Harry.

“Urrg,” she squealed as she rounded on her twin brothers and reached for her wand. A Bat-Bogey curse was about to fly.

Last edited by Connie; 11-23-2010 at 10:52 PM.
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