Chapter is dedicate to all those hardcore Cho Change fans! (er, meaning that they believe that Cho could have changed, for the better)
Chapter Six: Impossible*
“ Hey, you ready?” Miles looked down at the red headed girl who was at least two heads shorter then him.
“ As ready as I'll ever be?” Lily's words sounded more of a question then a statement.
“ Let's go now.” Miles scooped his younger cousin up in his arms, causing her to squeal as he led her to the car out front.
“ Let me go you giant git!” Lily giggled softly, hitting him.
“ Did you just giggle Lils?!” Miles speculated, his eyes going large.” The heavens are falling down, it's the end of the world!”
“ Oh be quite.” Lily rolled her eyes, and managed to squeeze out of Miles grip and slipped in to her seat. As she stared out of the car she realized that things had changed recently between her and Miles.. They were still best friends, but, he was older, stronger, and things had changed a lot. He was graduating Hogwarts, she realized she needed friends more then she thought she did. It was going to break her heart to see Miles leave, she knew what he wanted to be, what he wanted to do. He wanted to follow his father's footsteps and go to Romania. It was breaking Lily's heart as she slowly admitted to herself that he was leaving, for good.
“ You okay Lils, you've been kind of quite.” Miles glanced over at her, Lily had been quite indeed, quite for at least twenty minutes.
“ Yea. I'm fine.” Lily turned and gave Miles a fake smile, that showed she didn't want to talk about it. With a nearly inaudible sigh, Miles concentrated once again on the road.
After a few more minutes they arrived at Kings Cross. In total silence did they enter the building and proceeded in to platform 9 ¾, immediately Lily entered the train, shoving past a few of her family members which she kept bumping in to. But it wasn't hard to do that, and headed off in to a empty, or at least what she thought was empty, compartment and sat by the window.. Before she could stop herself she was crying hysterically.
And unfortunately, she had made a mistake. The one other person in the compartment who she hadn't seen, woke up, and was to say the least, shocked.” Lily?!”
*** Platform 9 ¾, again.
“ May I hold him, Mrs Lupin?” Fred pleaded, giving his cousin a simpering look.
“ If you call me that one more time Fred, I swear on-” Victoire was cut off by her husband.
“ Just ignore the git, here, Rose, do you want to hold Harry?” Teddy laughed and beckoned another one of Victoire's cousins over.
“ Yes! Thanks Teddy..” Rose smiled brightly at Teddy and accepted the baby from Teddy.” Miles! Come look at Harry, he's grown a lot hasn't he?”
“ Sure has.” Miles grinned at everyone, especially the baby.
“ I still think you should have named him Jacopo*!” James whined.
“ Yea, that's way more sensible then Harry.” Hugo snorted.
“ Shut up!” James rounded on Hugo who stepped back.
“ You two boys stop it now! Hugo, will you just stop having a go at James every other second? And James, if you ever have a son you can name it Jacopo.” Rose glowered at the two.
“ Yea, if you ever have a kid.” Hugo sniggered.
“ SHUT UP!” Rose and Ron yelled at the same time.
“ The trains starting to leave, hurry up, take care Hugo, Rose! Make sure that Malfoy boy doesn't break your heart or else your father will murder him!” Hermione hugged and kissed each of her children, Hugo still mad squirmed out of his mother's grip and ran off on to the train.” Some times I wonder what we will ever do with him.” Hermione shook her head smiling.
“ Bye mom, dad!” Rose laughed and hugged each in turn.
“ Be careful around Scorpius!” Ron yelled after her.
“ I will..” Rose quickly clambered on to the train, right in to Scorpius' arms.” Scorp!”
“ Hey Rose..” Scorpius kissed her quickly.
“ Ew, you two. Get a room, or else I'll tell dad.” Hugo snapped at his sister.
“ Ignore him, he's just annoyed.. With life.” Rose rolled her eyes, and the two of them headed off to find a empty compartment, and happened to stumble across a surprising one, Septimus Snape trying to sleep, and looking rather uncomfortable, and Lily Potter crying hysterically in the corner.
“ What the hell did he do now?!” Scorpius exclaimed and opened to door.” What did you do now Snape?”
“ Nothing, I swear! She just came in here and started bawling her eyes out for no reason.” Septimus glowered at Scorpius.
“ I did not start bawling my eyes out!” Lily turned and screamed at Septimus.
“ Yea you kind of did.” Septimus muttered, fortunately for him, only Rose heard him.
“ Lily, are you alright?” Rose threw Septimus a 'Shut up now if you want to live' look and walked over to her cousin..
[*] Impossible was written and sung by Shontelle, who inspired the chapter.. Somehow. Whatever, it's hers, not mine![*] Jacopo, I stoles dat name from the count of monte christo..

(I like Jacob names!)