Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: uhhmm, that place?
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Raylee Storm Mosman Second Year | LiveLaughLoveDream
okay, here is a brand new chapter!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Chapter Eleven - She Likes....
Indie was in shock. Hermione...asking for help?
That rarely happened; usually it was Indie asking Hermione, with Ron and Harry not far behind.
"Wait, say that again," Indie said, "I swear I heard you wrong!"
Hermione rolled her eyes and gave Indie the stink-eye for the moment, before softening again. Indie laughed, not having seen this side of Hermione before. She wasn't going to let the moment pass too soon, that was for sure!
"Okay," she began, "I will help you. Under one condition..."
That made Hermione's eyes widen, almost in fear, just as Indie opened her mouth again.
"You do all my homework until Christmas!" she added, smiling widely and cheekily, her eyes twinkling.
Almost instantaneously, Hermione smirked, her features spelling out disbelief, causing Indie's face to fall.
"You'll help me with my homework?" she asked, looking hopeful.
Hermione laughed, shaking her head at her friend's antics.
"Okay," she said, nodding now as she spoke, and also looking extremely happy, thoguh dazed also.
Indie, meanwhile, was bouncing in her seat and clappin gently, but hysterically. Her long blonde hair was bobbing beside her shoulders, before she stopped, and blew it out of her face.
"Perfect," she said, thinking aloud, as she turned to face Anton again, who wasn't really paying attention to anything but his breakfast.
Hermione followed Indie's gaze, and sighed happily when she saw the boy, sinking her chin into her open hand and having her eyes glaze over.
Once again, Indie had to laugh, before she nudged her friend in the shoulder as she stood up.
"Come on," she said, pulling Hermione to her feet, "we have work to do!"
* * * * * *
An hour had gone quickly as the group of young witches and wizards, plus several undercover Aurors, had made their way through London to Diagon Alley. Indie was standing with her sisters, Melanie and Bella, as well as Dora. Fred and George were just in front, with Scott, Paul and Anton, while Harry, Ron and Hermione were further behind. Ginny had decided she'd stick with her mother this time, and so was accompanying Mrs Weasley, while Mad-Eye, Shacklebolt, Diggle and Lupin were dotted around the four corners of the group.
Their first stop was Gringotts, as they all needed to get money before they began to purchase their school things. The Weasleys branched of as one, follwed by Harry and Hermione, with Diggle and Shacklebolt following them to Madame Malkins; the boys had managed to grow again and needed new robes.
Indie meanwhile followed her siblings, except Scott, who had stayed behind at Grimmauld place, and her parents, Mikaela and Taylor, to Flourish and Blotts.
Anton and Paul were up ahead with their father, while Indie, Melanie and Bella hung back while their mother window-shopped.
"Hey, Bel," Indie began, nudging her other triplet on the arm, "guess what?"
"You're mad and I'm not?" she asked playfully, flicking her brown hair over her shoulder and smiling sweetly. Melanie, who was standing just to Bella's left shook her head in playful dismay at her two younger sisters.
"Bel, shut up," Melanie said jokingly, before looking to Indie, her black hair glinting in the sunlight as she turned, "what, Indie?"
Indie brushed off Bella's comment, and looked straight to Melanie, "Hermione has a little crush -"
"Duh!" Bella interrupted, "We all know she's been writing madly to that Krum boy from Durmstrang."
Melanie elbowed her brunette sister in the arm, and once again added, "Bel, shut up! Let Indie talk!"
Bella looked resentful towards Melanie, but remainned silent as Indie finished her story.
"No, it's not Viktor," she began, "someone much closer to home -" she lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned into her sisters before she spoke next. "She likes Anton!"
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