Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:10 PM   #192 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
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Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

So here goes

Post 23

"Mr. Potter. Miss Weasley. What do you think you are doing?" Harry kept his arm around me. I was so embarassed.
"Hello Profesor Mc Gonagall" Harry replied.
"Must I ask agian why you both are...well....wrapped up together? This is not toleratible at Hogwarts, I'll have you know," She spotted Harry's trunk on the floor next to mines. "And I cannot allow you to stay in the same room together if thats what your thinking ,Potter! You do see Miss Weasleys name on the plaque above the door don't you? You must abide by these rules or I otherwise I must send you both back to the Gryiffindor dorm and also deduct points from the Gryffindor house!"
"Yes Proffesor." Harry said politly though he continued to sit on the bed with his arm around me.
"Potter, Dumbledore wishes to speak with you tomorrow after breakast. I do believe it is quite important. You are to bring along Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, and no doubt, Miss Weasley too. Now do you know where I can find Mr Weasley and Miss Granger?" She asked.
Harry shrugged. "Umm... Proffesor, have you tried Ron or Hermione's rooms." I said sweetly. She tutted and hurried quickly back out the door. I heared her gasp once more then Harry began to pack his trunk to move into his own room. I had a peek in the bathroom which was HUGE. The bath itself was probably the same size as a swimming pool. I returned to the bedroom. Harry pulled me into his arms. I lay between his legs and my back rested against his chest. His arms wrapped around my body. "I wonder what Dumbledore wants?" I said to him as I drummed my fingers on his knee
"I think I know and I'd rather you didn't come Gin." He replied.
"And why not?" I could feel the anger building up in my body and my hands grip his leg tighter.
"Because its about the Horuxes Ginny. And the task Dumbledore has set for me this year to try to defeat Voldemort." He said as his hands moved to my shoulders and began to give me a massage. I could feel myself calming down, my body relaxing into his. All the fustration and tense in my body that had been building up, faded away. He stopped and returned to having his arms around me tighter than before. "Harry, I should be there and I want to be with you when your away."
"Its far too dangerous Gin." He whispered in a hushed tone into my ear. "I made a promise to your dad that I'd look after you. Plus Ron and Hermione sometimes won't even come and I doubt that Ron will let you or Hermione go. You need to stay Ginny. You'll be what'll bring me back." He said to me as a tear scaped my eye.
"How can you look after me if your not here with me? I don't want to loose you Harry." I sobbed curling up against his chest.
"You won't Gin, I promise. But I need to go to my own room now."
"Don't go Harry, not tonight. We'll make it our last. It's wrong but I love you, Harry Potter." I told him.
"Love you too." He said pulling me closer against him and planting a kiss on my forehead. That night, I fell asleep in Harry's arms, comferted by the fact his arms were wrapped around me tighter than ever. This would be all over within a year, I could just feel it.

Ok.. This isn't my best post.. I know but I'd appreciate it if you told me what you thought. I'll be at a Wedding on Friday so I won't be able to post on Friday night like I wanted to but I might on Thursday, but I'm not promising so don't hate me if I don't.

S x
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