Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 07-02-2010, 03:20 AM   #18 (permalink)
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heart xxx don't forget chappie six lol ^

Chapter Seven

Ginny lay there staring at the wall, Hermione had tried to reach out it wasn’t going to work. She didn’t want to be touched, moved; watched or talked to she just wanted to be left alone. She said he was going to come back, that he didn’t want her to punish herself that’s why he walked away. You couldn’t just stop loving somebody, it was impossible, she loved him, he loved her it was so simple yet so complicated it messed everything they’d ever had up.

He walked away to save her getting hurt, this was hurting her more, just to see him held her together it didn’t matter if they were a couple just as long as she could she his smile, look into his eyes, talk about anything , hug him when he needed it and when she needed one. No one hugged like Harry, the moment his arms went round her she felt safe, protected and loved, nothing would ever replace a Harry hug. She smiled to herself but it never appeared on her face, her eyes were looking at the wall seeing an imaginary him sitting there just like he was last night. He was sitting talking to her, telling her everything was going to be ok, that when this was over they could sit under the big old tree by the lake and he’d hug her, and kiss her and tell her that he loved her. She knew that wouldn’t happen though, because Harry was going to end it all, he was going straight to his death and trying to fight him without her help.

There was no clean break, there were only jagged edges around tiny pieces of her heart scattered in her chest and refusing to fit back together.


“You ready” Harry said under his cloak, he only held his wand the sword would come later.
“Ready” Griphook replied.
They walked inside the small goblin taking the lead inside the busy bank. The busiest day of the year had come just at the right time, no one would notice anything odd about a single lonely goblin going down to the vaults because everyone would be to busy to see.
Harry got in the cart, Griphook whispered if he was in and he kicked the wood to say yes. They were off speeding down to the very bottom of the bank. They stopped; Griphook had explained why when Harry had told him whose vault they would be accessing. There were dragons protecting the oldest family’s gold and the Black family were one of the oldest, with Bellatrix Lestrange of the last surviving members she’d want quality protection for a Horcrux.

He returned with a bag – “Clankers for the beast”
They were on there way again going further they he’d ever been hurtling down the tunnels and then he heard it. The roar of a dragon was not unfamiliar to Harry but this one, this was full of pain and aguish, he could relate to that.

“What do you do to the Dragons down here Griphook?”
“There blinded and chained and subdued with spells Mr Potter” he replied simply.

Dragons, though terrifying were beautiful, mystical creatures they should be free to live in the mountains they generally kept to not locked and shackled to walls in the bottom of a wizarding bank, Harry thought to himself but there was nothing he could do. He heard it and then he saw the poor creature, its eyes glazed over white, and the small puff of smoke floating from its nostrils; all dignity robbed from the mighty animal to serve a purpose. Hagrid would be furious.

“We’re here” he took out the instrument and swang it around, the noise made the dragon shy against the wall and howl like it was expecting to be struck out at with magic. Harry looked away and turned to the task at hand, Griphook opened the vault sliding his long nailed finger down the front of the door. It creaked anciently and opened, the air escaped Harry as he gasped in shock. The place was filled to the brim with heirlooms, priceless pieces and stacks of gold. His eyes searched
“Find it quickly, we don’t have much time” reminded Griphook as he stepped inside and took off the cloak, he saw it, perched precariously on a shelf far beyond his reach.
“Magic won’t work in here will it” he thought he’d better ask first rather then make a fool of himself in front of the Goblin who’d know the answer,
“No, call the item by name”
“ahh – Cup of Helga Hufflepuff’ he held out his hand and it floated towards him, he gripped it but it was burning hot, he fought to keep a hold on it and then switched to his bandaged hands taking the burn away slightly. He moved to stand outside the vault to cast a spell hoping it would work, to his relief it did, Gemino he muttered making two of the burning object and putting the second one inside on the floor it floated back up to the shelf and the vault closed behind him as he stepped out fully, “Griphook, my bag there’s a sword”
Griphook went to take it out; he stood staring at rather then handing it over,
“I need the sword Griphook”
“It is not yours to possess, it belongs to my kind”
“It’s the only thing that will destroy this” He reached out and grabbed it with his freed hand while Griphook was distracted, he threw the cup on the floor and plunged the sword into the metal. There was a loud pitched scream for a split second and Harry pulled the sword out. He put it back in his bag and threw in the destroyed cup,
“Let’s go”
“That sword is not yours to possess” Griphook repeated,
“I will kill him, and then I will give the sword to your kind”
“How can I trust you?”
“Take my word Griphook, I swear once I’ve finished killing all that’s left of that evil creatures soul the sword will be returned to it’s rightful owners – from whom I was lent it too by Albus Dumbledore”
He got in the cart and put on the cloak “We need to go before we get caught”
Griphook nodded and came back to life jumping in the cart and started it, they sped up to the surface. Harry leaped out followed by the little goblin and then keeping to the edge of the crowds left the building through the front doors. Griphook led him inside the Leaky Cauldron and up the backstairs to the rooms.
“Thankyou Griphook” Harry said taking down his hood once they were in the room,
“I’m glad to be able to help”
He put his hood back up, now for the diadem. He needed more information and headed out into the muggle world, he needed a place to go that wasn’t surrounded by aurors hunting him, that wasn’t Grimmald place he didn’t need those memories or Kreacher, and he couldn’t go back to Hogwarts not yet. He’d go to Sirius’s cave. He went down into the subway, scaring a passenger half to death when the turnstile clicked and went round when they couldn’t see anyone there. He got in an empty compartment where no one would hear the loud pop and apparated to the bottom of the rocky mountain side. It would be to difficult to try and keep the cloak on as well as climb so he cast the disillusionment charm and took it off. He began the climb, more time to think because only his hands were focused on the task, his brain was thinking about how close he was to her.

“We could call Dobby, there’s no reason the death eaters would go near the house elves they think there subservient”
“Go ahead, I’m going to check on Ginny” Ron replied, he stuck his head through the door way, the covers moved and she stood up, “Gin” he started but she walked right past him expressionless. He grabbed her wrist to try and stop her; she looked up into his eyes, her face still blank. He let go reluctantly and she went into the bathroom.

“Forget food I’m not that hungry”
“Don’t say that, now I know I’ve got to worry about you as well” Hermione sighed and called out the small elf appearing in front of her.
“Mistress Granger this is such a surprise”
“Hello Dobby” she smiled a little as he looked around,
“Mr Weasley – but where is Mr Harry Potter” Ginny stepped out of the toilet just in time to hear it and although her stomach lurched hearing his name she kept walking and went back to bed.
“Miss Weasley too, but you called Dobby so Dobby must ask, how can he be of service?”
“We would like some food while we hide here please, this room can make everything but that and we’re a little hungry”
“It is not safe for you to be in the school, evil roams the corridors” Dobby started,
“They don’t know we’re here, no one knows about this room we’re safe for now”
“I’ll get some from the kitchens it won’t take long”
“Please try your very best not to say anything about us to anyone”
“You need to tell him exactly or it could let it slip Hermione, forget being nice for the moment he’ll understand”
“Dobby we’re asking you not to say anything to anyone about us being here or why the food is being prepared”
“It’s done, they do not venture into the kitchens but Dobby will take care of your food himself and bring it back and no one will ever know” he grinned and clicked his fingers disappearing back to the kitchens.
“Why do you do that Ron?”
“Do what?” he was looking into the room at Ginny’s curled up form under the covers again,
“Act like they and I don’t have feelings” She replied and walked into the room to sit with Ginny closing the door on his irritated face.
RIP JD Salinger
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