Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 06-28-2010, 09:28 AM   #11 (permalink)
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heart xxx

Ok Ginny's sick is her reaction to Harry's going it's not what you think lol thanks for reading and enjoying, there are more chappies on the way x

Chapter Five

Harry walked down the tunnel, Hufflepuff’s cup, Ravenclaw’s diadem, Nagini and the unknown. He pushed thoughts of Ginny to the back of his mind but ended up swearing under his breath in parsel tongue. It came out in a low hiss and he hid in an alcove when he eventually arrived in the cellar. The footsteps came and left going back up the stairs and he took his chance going up them quietly and leaving silently through the front door. He got out on the main street taking one last look at the castle before apparating. The street was packed, bursting at the seams with the last minute Christmas Eve shoppers. He headed for the leaky cauldron and went inside. There faces were everywhere, it had been set up as a base for the ministry and Tom was loyally serving them all drinks and food. He panicked and stood in a corner out of the way.

“What we need to know is how he got her out of there without anyone noticing - I mean with a past like his and his history of fainting around dementors how could he have gotten through them all?”
Ginny was the only reason he made it, why didn’t they see that? She was the reason he set foot in there but now he’d proved to everyone just how much he was willing to sacrifice for her and put a target on her forehead only Voldemort and the death eaters had picked up on. It was thinking of her that made him strong enough to let her go, to do this.

He walked through the mass of people carefully and got to the bar, “Tom” he whispered, the man froze, Harry smirked “Tom I need your help” this would be easier if he though he was a ghost “I need you to talk to me somewhere private please” Tom nodded and opened the door to the back room, he walked in and Harry followed and Tom closed the door.
He started “You in here?”
“I’m here”
“Show yourself”
“Don’t shout, scream or made any other noise that will give me away please”
“I won’t sir, just show yourself and tell me what business you have here”
Harry lowered the hood of his cloak only showing Tom a floating head,
“Bless my soul”
“Now you understand” Harry smiled “How are you Tom?” he reached out a hand to shake his, Tom took it hesitantly, watching it floating,
“You must be a damn fool to come strolling in here when there all looking for you and that girl”
“I’ll be fine unless you plan to tell them I’m here”
“No sir”
“And she’s hiding somewhere until I can prove her innocence”
“What – but there were witnesses”
“The order has reason to believe Scrimgeour is not under his own control anymore, he’s being used as a puppet by much darker forces then his own twisted mind”
“You’re not saying that you know who has people in the ministry?”
“I am, you really think any Weasley could kill a member of there own family in cold blood Tom, let alone the youngest?”
“There going after both of you like there’s no tomorrow”
“They can’t be doing that much if I’m able to walk into their head quarters and they not have the faintest idea I’m here”
He nodded his head “And the girl?”
“She’s my best friends little sister, I stayed at there house every summer for the past how many years, there going to go after some one I care for to lure me out of hiding” He more then cared, he – he loved her but he couldn’t think about that now could he -
“How did you get out of Azkaban?”
“A lot of happy memories” he smiled, allowing himself to remember every moment he’d spent with Ginny all over again, sitting under the tree by the lake talking, her face, her scent, her eyes, her lips… “I got her, we got out, what do they know?”
“There talking about you having some kind of power over the dementors, they all acted strangely when you took the Weasley”
“What do you mean?”
“They started attacking each other in stead of guarding the prisoners; they’re all being replaced by Aurors and ministry workers”
“And death eaters” Harry sighed “Which means there’s going to be a more then a few criminals wandering the streets very soon and no one will know there among us”
“You have to tell them”
“I can’t, they’ll arrest me on sight” there was a knock on the door and Harry threw his hood up covering himself.
“Come in” Tom called out,
“What you doing in here Tom, my men are thirsty”
“I’ll be right out, just you get back to the other side of my bar where your supposed to be” Tom grunted as the man closed the door, Harry took out his wand and cast muffilato around the room,
“I’d better make this quick then – I need the help of a goblin where can I go”
“I can talk to one that works at Gringotts if that’s any help, he’s a regular in here”
“Thanks that would be perfect”
“I’ll get you a room for now, stay here for a bit no one will bother you and I’ll come back with a key once they’ve settled down”

He sat there looking at the four bare walls and checking his watch. Christmas Day would be here shortly, given there were about four hours till midnight. This would be his first Christmas with out her or any of the Weasley’s in a few years, guilt flooded his system, he knew now he’d ruined her Christmas and now any of those coming after where she wouldn’t forget what he said. She would forget given time, she had to forget him it wasn’t healthy for either of them to dwell on it and when he was dead and buried she would have to say goodbye and find someone who loved her more then he could. No one would love her more then he did, then it dawned on him, he wouldn’t want her with anyone else, he’d want her with him. If she died, he’d kill himself before Voldemort could lay a hand on him, he was lost without her.

He dragged himself away from morbid thoughts as the door opened again; Tom put a key on a box in the corner and turned off the light but left the door open. Harry grabbed the key and left the room, “Thanks” he whispered walking past and up the stairs. He got to the room and sat on the bed. He had to stop himself from thinking about her; he had to stay in control. The urge to get angry and blow things up with his wand was one he had to control for his own mental state and to continue being inconspicuous with a bar full of Aurors down stairs. He looked over his fist undoing the bandages, and examining the damages. It was purple and swollen but he was thankful that he’d had the sense to use his left hand and not his right when releasing his frustration on the wall because he’d be useless without his wand hand this time round. He would have to ask Tom for ice and Skelegrow before he left. He wrapped it up a little tighter then before to support the bones a little better and wishing he hadn’t hit the wall with so much force when he went nuts.

There was a knock on the door, “Its Tom, with your guest”
He opened the door, and they came inside, “Thanks Tom – before you go can I ask are you able to get hold of some skelegrow and ice?” he held his swollen and purple bruised hand up,
“I’ll see what I can do” he nodded and closed the door.
“I believe you are in need of my assistance”
“I recognise you” Harry gestured to the two chairs by the fireplace and sat down in one,
“My kind all looks fairly similar”
“You, I recognise you, because you were the very first goblin I spoke to with Rubeus Hagrid six years ago”
“Griphook’s my name sir”
“Happy Christmas Griphook, I’m Harry Potter”
“Happy Christmas Mr Potter”
“So let’s get straight to the point -”
Griphook interrupted before Harry could finish “Directness is a quality we admire in goblins and wizards”
“- I need to break into a vault at Gringotts”
“It cannot be done”
“You can open this vault for me, I can get an item which will inadvertently help bring down the reign of a evil Wizard both mine and your kind fear”
“You’re a criminal”
“I’m no more a criminal then you are”
“I am if I aid your crime”
“What would be the price of your assistance?”
“I do not want for gold”
“I wasn’t talking about gold, I was asking for what you would want in return for your help”
Griphook paused; Harry watched the strange creature carefully examining every expression that crossed his face as he debated over what to say next.
“I will help you for no fee”
“You’re sure?” Harry was taken aback in surprise, “There’s nothing you want?”
“I’m quite certain; I will help you to stop him that is all”
“Thankyou Griphook – now are you free boxing day?” Harry said with a smile, but his eyes planning there way into the bank.
RIP JD Salinger
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