Thread: Harry Potter: Love You, Too - Sa16+
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Old 06-28-2010, 08:51 AM   #167 (permalink)
X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sophie Potter
First Year
Default New Post!
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

Hi Girls, Well I'm back after four weeks. Its been a good break and now its the summer holidays so I have plenty time to write and post and stuff so I've decided to give you an extra long post that contains two chapters.

This is also a COMPETITION POST! Again same rules apply-whoever is first to post gets to decide a wee thing for the story and this time its the Gryffindor House Password...Its up to you!

Post 20

The next morning was a mad rush. Mum woke me up at six am! Six, and we don't need to be at the station untill 11:30! The woman is insane. She made this HUGE brekfast. I kid you not, but it could easily feed 100 people. At about nine o'clock there was nothing left for us to do but wait. I was soooo bored and to be honest, a little tired so Harry suggested that we start looking at interior plans for Grimrauld place, "Ok. I want to stick with the green colour for the living room and the Family tree room, I thought we could turn it into a study sort of thing. I want my room to be a peacock colour and I'm only guessing but is your room by any chance going to be red and gold?" I asked him. We both laughed. He said I was in charge of the project and that money was know concern so I could do what I liked. I got out my doodle pad and we snuggled up on the loveseat and drew out the plan for the house. I wanted to keep some of the original house features, plus I liked the green colour on the walls, so I wanted to keep it 'cause it was diffferent- not boring white or cream plus its my favourite colour. It also reminded me of Harrys eyes...but I'll never tell anyone that. I was sooo excited! It's my first house ever, though I must admitt, I'm not saying anything to mum and dad untill Christmas. I can't imagin their disgust at the fact they're only daughter is moving out already. Plus it gives me time to think about how I'm going to tell them. And anyways, next summer I'll be sixteen and Harry will be seventeen so we'll old enough...I think.
"Is everyone ready?" Mum called from the kitchen.
"Yeah!" I shouted. gathered my trunk and my bag for the train and haulled it into the kitchen. We were joined by Ron and Hermione. Mum could tell something was up. She kept on analysing Ron's every move and kept on asking Hermione, "Are you ok?" Of course Hermione smiled and nodded pretending nothing was up. I was sure she could feel the tention in the room. At one point she asked Harry and I what was up with them but keeping my promise I made to Ron and I just said I didn't know, but I was sure it was nothing to worry about. Daddy helped us out to the car with our luggage. We all squashed into the back. I was practically sitting on Harry's knee which, to be honest I don't think my dad enjoyed watching. Every so often, I would see him glance at us through the mirror and frown when he thought I wasn't looking. Theres absolutly no way he'll agree to Harry and I living together.

We arrived at the station at 11:15 and briskly made our way to platform 9 3/4. Busy buissness people and rail staff would glance at us and we clearly stood out. I felt like a fleminco in a flock of pigeons. One by one we stormed through the wall between platform nine and ten. It was busy on the other side. I could see all my friends. Luna was waving to her dad as she boarded the train and Nevil was hugging his grandmother. As I turned to hug my mum and dad, a tall blonde figure with curly hair skipped towards us. As it came closer, my eyes foucused on the face and then I recognised Lavender Brown. She came over to our group, smilled widely and greeted us all "Good morning Weasley Family! It's so lovely to meet you." She gushed then curtsied in front of my parents. What was she doing? "Mr, Mrs. Weasley. I'm sure Ronikins has told you all about me." My jaw dropped. I could not believe this. Hermione shed a silent tear and Ron proceeded to the train pulling her along with him. He had an angry, fustrated expression on his face. My poor brother. Mum and Dad nodded politly and smiled. They glanced at me. "She's crazy." I mouthed at them. They looked back at her with an apologetic smile. Mum took her hand and patted it. "Well its wonderfull to meet you Lavender. But you better board the train quickly. I'm sure you don't want to miss it."
"Sure Mrs Weasley. We'll talk soon, Ok?" She said as she turned to walk away.
"Mum that girl has this huge thing for Ron. I wouldn't worry. He finds her a bit embarassing. I think she's deluded herself into thinking she's his girlfriend."
Mum smiled and nodded. She then let a tear roll down her cheek "Ok dears." Mum said hugging Harry and I tightly. "Be safe. I'll keep in touch and the four of you look out for each other. Tell Ron to stay out of trouble." She let us go and I hugged my daddy and Harry shook his hand. "Look after her for me Harry." He told him.
"I promise Mr.Weasley." He told my dad.
"Looking forward to Christmas now." He laughed. To be honest with the news I'll be breaking, it can wait!
"Harry, you'll stay with us at Christmas?" Mum asked him
"Of course. Where else would I go." He smiled.
"Love you guys." I said to them as I walked away and waved.
"Love you too" They called back.

Post 21

"Lavender!" I called to her as I saw her walk up the corridor of the train as she looked for a compartment.
"Ginny!" She hugged me invoulantry. I shrugged her off.
"What the hell are you playing at." She looked at me puzzled "Your little stunt at my parents expense."
"Don't you think they have a right to know about their unborn grandchild." She told me rubbing her stomanch.
Lavender kept her cool. "Well," She shrugged "Who else's son got me pregnant?" I glared violently at her. I so wanted to hit her. It took all I had not to , but if she really was pregnant, I could never do that. She began to walk away and Harry pulled me in the opposite diection.
"Oh, Ginny." I turned around to meet her fake angelic smile. "You will be the baby's godmother? Right?" I ignored her question and continued down the train to join Ron and Hermione.
When I entered the compartment, Hermione was curled up against Ron again with a tear stained face. Her eyes were closed, but I could tell she was not asleep. Her breathing was uneven and tears continued to pour out her eyes like a waterfall. She knew Harry and I had entered the compartment but she did not move. Ron seemed to be comferting her silently. He had one arm around her and the other stroked her cheek. I couldn't think how they felt. That girl is such a... a... never mind. The rest of the journey was excrusiatingly ackward. Ron and Hermione didn't speak a word. Whenever Harry or I wanted to say something to each other we endend up whispering. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife and we didn't want to interupt Ron and Hermione's silence. Once of the train, Ron and Hermione were greeted by profesor McGonagll who told them they must hurry, as head boy and girl must make a special apperance on the first night of the new term. Up at the castle gates, I was introduced to all the new first years as one of the Griffindor Prefects. It was weird. I felt grown up, powerful and athoritive. In the darkness I couldn't make out the faces of the other prefects but the others and myself, were called into the Great Hall to take our seats. Ron and Hermionie followed, the two obviously not on speaking terms. Why didn't she believe him? Lavender blew him a kiss as he walked to the Gryffindor Table. As he walked down to join Harry and I, Lavender tugged at Ron's hand. He shrugged away disgusted at her for trying to make cotact with her. Hermione walked ahead, and sat opposite Harry and beside me. She didn't say hello, but kept her head down. Only when the first years were summonded into the Great Hall for the first time did she lift her head. Ron just stared at her as if they were having some sort of telepathic conversation, even when her head was down. Harry and I stole quick glances at each other. I craved comfert in his protective arms. It had seemed so long since we had been together just the two of us. The suspense was killing me softly inside. I caught his eye again. He winked at me and I blushed and smiled. He glanced side-ways at Ron who was gazing at Hermione with hope and longing that everything would be ok. He smiled for them appologeticlly, but I rolled my eyes. I had given all the sympathy I could and Hermione's constant crying was really agonising to sit through. I couldn't say anything to Harry or have a conversation with anyone. She was making me really uncomfertable. How does she think Ron feels? Poor boy accused of something he has never even done. She obviously doesn't believe him, otherwise, she would get on with her life and she and Ron could be happy. I stole another glance at Harry, he was looking away but turned around and this time, I winked at him. He grinned and reached across the table and traced patterns on my hands. I closed my eyes. I could feel a sore head comming on. I concentrated on Harry's fingers and the pattern he was tracing on my hand...... G....I...N....N.....Y. I worked it out! Wait, there's more.....P....O....T.....T....E.....R. Ginny Potter? That does have a nice ring to it. A smile spread across my face. I opened my eyes and Harry was smiling to. Hermione let out a sob and a tear dripped off her cheek and onto the table. Ron had finaly cracked. "Hermione, what is wrong?" Ron hissed from across the table.
"Only the fact that you knocked up Lavender Brown...." And at that everyone turned around and gasped. Well done Hermione. So now anyone who didn't know, did know.
"Could you both keep your voice's down. And I'm really dissapointed in your lack of trust for my brother, Hermione!" I whispered to them in total fury.
"It easy for you to say Ginny, with you all wrapped up in your perfect life, with your perfect boyfriend."
"As if enough people didn't know about Lavenders little roum...!" I whispered back but interupted by Ron.
"What are you trying to say Hermione?" Ron asked her. "That I'm not perfect?"
"Thats not what I meant." She sobbed.
"Look, both of you need to get your act together." Harry told them.
"Again, Harry easy for you to say all wrapped up in your perfect life." She barked at him
"Look Hermione, what ever is going on, don't take it out on us. All we have did is stand up for you and try to help you get over this but I'm getting sick of you crying all the time. I can understand you were a little upset but rise above Lavender. Your better than her. Just don't fall to her level and stay away from her!" I told her. She took in everything I said as she wipped the tears from her eyes. And held her head higher than I seen all day. "Sorry guys. I should no better than to get myself worked up over that... "
"And now!" Dumbledore proclaimed. "Let the Feast Begin." The tables turned over to produce hundreds of plates of food. Ron, of course dug straight in- the pig. As like every other mealtime at Hogwarts, the food was most enjoyable. Hermione made light conversation with everyone, unusual after the few days previous. Ron managed to wolf down three whole pieces of chocolate fudge cake. I was full after a slice of apple pie and it was great, but I like sweet things and I'm very greedy! Magiclly, once everyone was full, the plates vanished. "I would like to welcome you all to this years head boy, Ron Weasley." Dumbledore anounced at the podeum "And this years head girl, Hermione Granger." Everyone in the great hall clapped and and the Gryffiondor table errupted. "Now Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger, could you please come up here so eveyone knows whom you are." Hermione blushed but Ron blushed an even darked shade of red. I thouht his head was about to explode with total embarrasment as he almost fell up the deceving steps to the podeum and he looked up rather dazed. "Now Mr.Weasley and Miss Granger are here to help you if you are in any trouble. They have just as much power and athority as myself so please treat them with respect. Insolence will not be tolirated! And now if you would follow your house prefects to your common rooms, and Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts."

Professor Dumbledore turned to Ron and Hermione and Professor McGonagll walked over to join the small gathering. I planned to wait on Hermione but as she was lead away with Ron, she came running back towards Harry and I. "You two go ahead and I'll meet you in the commomn room soon. Ron and I have to go somewhere. Don't know where but anyway, I'll catch you later." And she rushed over to join Ron who smiled and took her hand disgreetly. I'm glad things are working out for them.

Someone coughed behind me to get my attention. I turned around. No way. I squeezed Harry's hand tightly. Anyone but him to be the Gryffindor boy prefect!

Its so good to be back. Tell me what you think!
S x
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