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Old 06-26-2010, 05:33 PM   #36 (permalink)

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Join Date: Sep 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by Droo View Post
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing at this...

I didn't even think about that! YOU are Brilliant!

I want to seeeeeee it!!!!

What can I say.. you are amazing at this.
Aw, thank you, lovey . I'm glad that Ally is making you giggle, because her voice in my head makes me giggle ALL the time.

And I agree. I AM brilliant. Thank you for noticing.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Haha the whole thing made me chuckle!
His name must be Harry Potter!
Anyway, haha, wait, he's staying next door, hmm, interesting
Haha, the thought of Vernon being a patato farmer...Priceless!
Please post more soon!
I know, right? Vernon-as-farmer is quite humorous. Can you imagine him dirty? Overalls? hehe.

Glad you're enjoying it

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
So funny! I love it.
Hmm, Al...Harry's son's name is Albus, but they could call him all. Hehe.
Hmm. That is quite an interesting observation you've got there. Wonder if it'll pan out.

Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Hmmm, I've got no idea. For sure going to visit the sets where they filmed HP...

Bahaha, hilarious

OMG, you are hilarious. Potato Farmer? I was chuckling through the entire thing.

Haha, why is he embarassed? I say Harry.

I want to be friends with Harry Potter!

I have one thing to say. You. Are. A. Genius. Seriously, you're an incredible writer and this is my favorite story. PLEASE PAMS!
I want to be friends with Harry Potter TOO. We would hang out all the time. Clearly.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I hope you enjoy the update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
I absolutely agree with Emily, this is amazing!!! I hope you do well at the awards!!
Anyway, great post!!!
(would be longer but I have to go)
Aww. I need your feedback as a Brit, Katie! Thanks for the well wishes.

Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post's either harry or albus potter he he he

Hm. Interesting guess. Its only a matter of time before we SEE exactly who Ally's neighbor is.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
*makes room for you in the tent* It is quite nice in here, eh... not purple, but it works.

This stalker person approves of this update. Mhm. Yep I do.

I am now going to crawl back into my tent, make some s'mores and wait for more Ally. Her inner monologue is amazing BTW. Great work, Ern.
Yay, my stalker approves! You know, her inner monologue is crazy-making for me sometimes, but she is always good for a giggle. Share your s'mores and I'll post again.

Originally Posted by IluvvDracoMalfoy View Post
I've bookmarked this? goood. Subscribed to this? Yep. Okay now; I love this fanfic sooo much I'm trying so hard to not write this in caps. Best.Fanfic.Ever. Write moreee it's soo goood:]
A new reader! Hooray! I love that you're having a good time. Here's an update for you!

Bonus points if you recognize the spell she uses.


Day 1, Part 3

It starts to drizzle again, so I head back to Rose Cottage.

Mom is making lunch. Let me tell you something important about my mother: she funnels all of her creative and artistic instincts into minor culinary disasters in the kitchen. Some people paint, some people write poetry. My mom creates masterpieces with mint jam and bok choy. Sometimes they’re epic, like the ginger chicken or her alfredo pizza. Sometimes, I think she’s trying to poison me.

“You will not believe who I just met,” I announce. Dad and Brad share the tiny pink couch and stare at the fuzzy television screen. Fancy British static.

“The Queen of England?” Mom guesses. She’s attempting to saw slices off that towel bread, and I start to worry about lunch.

“What would she be doing here?” I scoff. “No, Mum. Listen. I saw HARRY POTTER.”

She sets down her knife as Brad looks over with interest. “Should have guessed that one, I guess,” she finally mutters. Brad snorts.

Maybe he has one of those disgusting summer colds, because surely he isn’t laughing at ME.

“It IS problematic,” I say as I pull myself up on the stool at the kitchen counter. “He wasn’t wearing glasses. Harry can’t see without his glasses.”

Brad opens his mouth.

“But,” I hurry up to add, “the bigger problem is that Harry Potter was born in 1980. He’s like 30 years old now. This kid was my age.”

“Really. That’s the part you’re having trouble with?” Brad turns completely around to regard me. “You’re worried that the fictional character you’ve spotted on the beach is too old? I’d worry more about the fact that he’s FICTIONAL, Ug. That means he doesn’t exist.”

“I’m aware of what fictional means, Arm Pit.”

“I’m not sure.”

Mom keeps us from arguing by setting a plate of food in front of me. WTH, MOM? It looks like a pile of mashed potatoes with sliced hot dogs on top, covered in some goopy gray sauce. I feel my stomach implode in protest.

“What is this?” Give me towel bread, because I will NOT eat that mess.

“Bangers and mash,” Mom says. Who knew they even SOLD hot dogs in England?

“Mom. No,” I shove the plate away, where it is snagged up by Brad. He has no issue with the toxic-waste-that-is-lunch, but Brad would eat rabbit poop if he was hungry enough. “That is a crime against humanity.”

“Then don’t eat it,” Mom sinks onto the other stool with a magazine and makes a big point out of ignoring me. As if that’s something new and different. I am CLEARLY neglected. Much like Harry Potter with the Dursleys.

As if he is reading my mind, Brad asks, “Remember the time you got into the storage room under the stairs because you wanted to see what it was like to be Harry Potter?” He abandons lunch as the mess it is and flops back down on the sofa, jarring Dad awake for a moment. With one foot, Brad reaches out and adjusts one of the bunny ears with a toe-nudge.

It still shows static.

“And you locked me in there?” Rude, Arm Pit. There were Hagrid-sized spider/wooly mammoth crossbreeds in there.

Brad nods. “Best five hours of my life.”

“What?” Mom glances up from her magazine. She is going to give Brad HECK for locking me up. Finally, a little retribution for all the abuse I suffer at his hands. “Is that how all my Christmas wrapping paper got flattened?”

Un-flipping-believable. I spend five hours in the dark, and she’s worried about out of season WRAPPING PAPER???

“Mother!” I say. “I am your only daughter. You only get 18 years to raise and love me before I enter the cruel real world. Do you really want me to spend years in therapy because of WRAPPING PAPER?” Not to mention the ginormous spiders.

She just looks at me over the top of her magazine before raising it again. “Brad. Try not to put your sister into therapy, kay? It’s expensive.”

“Not my fault. She always rises to the bait,” he grunts and kicks out at the TV again.

Wordlessly, I shake with rage. And then… “HEADICUS EXPLODICUS!”

Nothing happens, so I stomp out of the room.

“Awww. Wait,” Brad calls after me. See? Sometimes a really excellent temper tantrum gets good results. Brad is going to apologize and offer to take me across the lake for ice cream.

He points at a spot beside the TV. “Stand right there. Yup.” With yet another of his eloquent grunts, Brad flops back on the small pink sofa. “Dad! Look! Ally is finally good for something – an antenna. Soccer on the TV.”

“Football on the telly,” I mutter.

“Shh, Ally. Let’s have quiet time.”
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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