Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
| New Chappies x Chapter Three The days passed, they moved from secluded forest to secluded forest gradually moving north enough that on Christmas Eve they apparated into the Honey Dukes cellar. They walked down the tunnel in silence, which was all that had been between the four of them unless they were deciding on there destinations. Harry put his cloak over Ginny giving her the only extra protection he could offer, she smiled at him remembering what he had said but he wouldn’t look at her face, scared that to look into her eyes would betray what he was doing. Hermione cast the disillusionment charm on the three of them as they made there way to the room of requirement.
“Are you going to remind me again why a school full of death eaters is the safest place for us, my little sister and the chosen one?”
“The last place they’ll expect to find us is right under there noses”
“Isn’t it easier to find us if were hiding in plain sight?”
“We’ll be fine” he muttered looking at his map and then pressing them all up against the wall as Head Master Severus Snape walked past briskly. “Trust me”
He didn’t even notice them, and they started walking again, “I told you” Harry smirked and walked in front of the wall three times to make the door appear they stepped inside to find a large room with three doors off it, with a main living room, kitchen and fully stocked library.
“Sweet” smirked Ginny walking inside and twirling around on the spot. Harry caught himself staring as Ron closed the door behind them and watched it vanish. He came out of his line of thought and walked past her into the kitchen, she followed him inside but Hermione held Ron’s arm as he tried to go in after them.
“He doesn’t want to be alone with her” he said, trying to pull away,
She refused to loosen her grip “He has to tell her, he has to be honest or this will never work out even after the war”
“Who say’s he’ll still be alive for anything to happen”
“I do Ron, I have faith in him and I’m going to help him” she let go of his arm and walked away into on of the rooms. He sat on the couch and tried not to listen to the crying from both rooms.
“Ginny” he replied looking through the empty cupboards, they’d have to get in touch with Dobby in the kitchens.
“Look at me will you, you didn’t have a problem with it a few days ago”
He paused and turned slowly to face her, his eyes burning her forehead and refusing to look at her eyes,
“Please” the tears came again “Just look”
“I – I can’t” he turned away again,
She took a step forward and watched his body tense up hearing her quiet footstep “Why not?”
“It’s too hard” he gripped the bench top,
“Try” she wiped her cheeks but they were still falling,
“I can’t do this”
She reached out to touch his arm,
“Don’t” he could feel it hovering hesitantly and she reeled it back,
“Why not, what’s so wrong with me that you won’t let me near you?”
“It’s not you, it’s me”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Why can’t you just leave it?” he asked “There’s things about me that no one will ever understand and I don’t want to have to explain”
“You can’t hide from me Harry”
“What makes you think you have any hold over me, that you of all people can do anything to change what I am?”
“What are you?”
“I’m the one thing that can get you killed despite everything you try to do to fight it” he slammed the cupboard door closed and walked out, leaving her crying. He joined Ron sitting on the couch, “Why can they only cry when you tell them something they don’t want to hear?” he put his head in his hands, feeling an ache in his skull and throbbing at the back of his head.
Ron shrugged “Natural response to pain” and got up knocking on the door Hermione had gone through,
“Can I come in?”
He looked at Harry, who hadn’t moved, and then stepped inside.
Harry got up hearing her footsteps,
She spoke before he could move any further “Don’t you dare walk away from, me not again”
He sat down and looked at the floor.
“We have to talk about this properly, because I need to know what it is exactly that you feel for me”
He didn’t reply, his fists clenched, he had to go before he did something he would regret.
“I know you don’t hate me, it’s not in you to hate anyone apart from three people on this planet – Snape, Bellatrix and him” She said carefully, “So tell me Harry, what do you see when you don’t look at me?”
“Nothing but darkness”
“And when you do look?”
“Everything I can’t have”
“Why not, why can’t you have what you want?”
“Because it will kill you and I can’t be responsible for that” he stood up “So I’m going to ask you one last time, will you just leave it, ok, just leave it alone - please” He got up and walked into the other room as Ron and Hermione came out.
“I don’t want to talk about it” she said before either of them could ask,
“Oh Gin” Hermione rushed to sit next to her and hug her, “I’m sorry”
“Why Hermione, why does he have to do it? Why can’t he just be happy?” she sobbed into her arms, “It’s just not fair”
“Nothing ever has been for Harry, we all know that”
“But he – he wants me, I want him so much too but he won’t let it happen”
“It’s Harry; he’s trying to protect you” she replied stroking her head and through her hair,
“And what if I don’t want to have to be protected”
“He’s doing what’s best for you” Ron said looking at her “And he’s trying not to fall apart himself”
Ginny looked up “You think I’m being selfish don’t you?”
He nodded “Can’t you see that yourself?”
“I only see him; I’m only alive for him to be with him”
“You have to forget that”
“I can’t give him up”
“You have too, he doesn’t want you”
“Don’t tell me that, I don’t want to hear it”
“Somebody has too, and you have to listen to it Ginerva, he doesn’t want you!”
She got up and ran into the empty room,
“Ron!” yelled Hermione, “Why would you do that?”
“She needed to hear it and he’s not going to tell her”
“You idiot” she said furiously and went to the door, “Gin, Gin open the door”
“Leave me alone!” She sat on the bed, she couldn't cry anymore; her eyes gave up, red, swollen and sore. She looked at her hands and then at the wall separated the rooms; he was right on the other side. She grabbed the first thing to hand and threw it at the wall. The lamp smashed violently, and Hermione’s urgent banging was apparent on the door again, she’d locked the door using a spell she knew Hermione didn’t, and knew they couldn’t trace her while she was using magic at school cause that was where she was supposed to be.
“I said leave me alone!” she shouted and threw the other lamp next to what would have been Hermione’s bed and watched it smash against the same wall.
“Ginny let me in!” she banged again,
She swore at her loudly and grabbed a large book throwing it at the wall. It hit it with a thud, but this time it was his voice speaking through the wall to her,
“I’m sorry” He was sitting next to it on the other side, his palm pressed against it, “I’m so sorry” his palm closed into a fist and he punched the wall furiously, yelling out in frustration as he did so over and over again. He looked at the dent in the wall, the blood on his knuckles and flexed his hand, the sharp pain dull behind everything else he felt at that moment. She kicked the stuff out of the way before sitting down beside the wall, running her fingers over the damaged surface where the lamps and book had hit, closing her eyes leaning her head against it,
“I know”
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |